
Literary Enjoyment Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"Loveless is an ironic title 'cause I fell in love with this book."
"If you enjoyed the Night Circus, I think you'll enjoy Book of Speculation."
"I really enjoyed it and I think it's one of those things which could introduce you to a whole new world of ideas in quite an enjoyable way."
"I finished the book. I can take out my little bookmark."
"Sometimes I feel like the anticipation and discussion about what might happen is part of the joy of the books themselves."
"In the greatest turn of events, this book has been the most fun for me. Does that mean it's good or that I really like it? No, but it is kind of like trashy fun."
"This is a fantastic trilogy I wrapped up reading it this year and I honestly could not speak for highly of it."
"This is a hard hard smash I loved this book."
"It's probably one of the best books I've read this year."
"This book met and so far has exceeded all of my expectations which going in were very very high."
"I loved this book. I loved all the different perspectives."
"Honestly, I had a lot of good times reading the book. I just genuinely felt like, holy [expletive], I didn't expect to learn this much from the book, but this is a god, this is like, this is a bible, this is a lingerie bible right here."
"I couldn't stop reading it it's a great book."
"If you've ever wanted to read anything that reminds you of Evelyn Hugo I highly recommend reading this it's so so good."
"The narrative devolves into madness, and I loved it."
"I think this is going to be kind of similar to 'Luster,' which is another book I really, really enjoyed."
"If you have a really great time with the book, that makes it a good book."
"It was whimsical, magical, and everything I wanted... it was just so nice to be back in Wonderland."
"Walk through the words, don't gallop. We'll wait for you."
"Poppy War... I actually enjoy it more than Forgotten Realms."
"I've never in my life enjoyed a book so much... I can't even tell you how much I love it."
"I will read from all of these authors again."
"This was so, so good, so entertaining, the writing is so good."
"From beginning to end, it was a delight. I really enjoyed this book, it was so imaginative and just really gosh darn entertaining."
"I love the idea that somewhere some person is going to pick up one of these books and it could be their favorite book instead of it just sitting on my shelf."
"I do like those sort of histories that kind of take you through different time periods and I like that theme that's sort of like weaves together all those little details."
"It's brutal, it's bloody, I loved the first one so much."
"I love Sylvia Morano Garcia's writing so much."
"I'm really hoping to love this, and I love books kind of set in that time period, they can be oh so vibey."
"It's like opening a good book man. It's just like opening a good book that."
"He's funny, he's clever... I love reading his footnotes."
"Probably the best end of series I've ever read."
"Short story collections aren't usually my jam, but this one was as close to marmalade as we've ever gotten."
"This book is just stunning, I love it, one of my favorite books of the month."
"I feel like this book is one of the biggest surprises of the year for me, I wasn't really expecting to like fully love a Penelope Douglas book this year again because their last couple of releases haven't been my favorite."
"Just like a sugar cookie in a book and sometimes you need that especially when I'm also planning to read The Dragon Republic very soon."
"It's a special feeling when you find a story where not only are you able to enjoy what is on the page but there's this additional understanding that you hope is real of what the author is trying to accomplish."
"Absolutely wonderful, highly recommend if you like Gothic stories."
"I found a new favorite book in February... 'Amari and the Night Brothers' by Bibi Alston."
"I gave 'Sadie' a 4.5... one of the best audiobooks I've ever heard."
"It's such a fun journey novel and it really centers two characters you can't help but fall in love with."
"But yeah this is definitely one I would highly recommend."
"Just finished another book. Reading is addictive; I can't put them down!"
"Ask yourself what do you really love about reading."
"So far, like I really enjoy the writing, I really like the characters, it's taking me on a little journey so I really like it."
"It is so good it is one of the most fast-paced books I have ever read in my entire life."
"From the start to the finish I thought solid book I'm enjoying myself it's creepy it's odd it's enough to keep me going I'm having a good time and then that ending hit me and I gave it five stars."
"These books are like cozy armchair literature, offering bite sized brilliance, quick thoughts, and captivating narratives that can be like a gift in those stolen moments of tranquility."
"Overall, I feel like this was kind of my perfect science fiction novel."
"This is probably one of my most productive reading weekends."
"I really hope that's okay because I feel like you just need something to like sink into and be like almost almost be glad when you're like oh the Deutsche bond is 30 minutes late I can now whip out Dune you know so"
"This one so far has been a lot of fun I have missed Alexander Bracken's writing so much."
"I had a really, really good reading year, probably one of the best reading years I've ever had in terms of quality."
"I wish I could read it for the first time again. It's just magical."
"Seeing the phenomenal duo of Johnny and Gyro again makes this chapter for me."
"It is a love triangle; it is absolutely amazing, I love pirate romances, I love books at sea."
"This will never cease to be one of my favorite books."
"Wrath's banter with Amelia is so good. I'm obsessed with wrath."
"Fantasy has always been one of my favorite genres. I just love being transported into another world, to see characters deal with problems much larger than my own."
"The book is a blast. The audiobooks, what we listened to by the way, um, it's voiced by Sylvanas herself, Patty Mattson. She's got a great range."
"A testament to how much I enjoy the fantasy genre."
"I love that childhood quality of just that gleeful greedy reading, can't get enough of it."
"I just genuinely love talking about books before I read them."
"I'm having so much fun reading through One Piece for the first time."
"I loved it so much and I also cannot wait to read the next two books in this trilogy."
"This was so so so good and I can't wait to read more books by this author."
"Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens is priority numero uno. I am having the best time ever honestly so just so excited to be reading Dickens like I missed Dickens."
"Just through and through, I loved this book so much, there's really not anything that I don't like about it."
"The romance in this was fantastic. The family dynamics in this was fantastic. Just through and through, I loved this book so much, there's really not anything that I don't like about it."
"This one was a big surprise for me, it's a pretty thick book and I remember reading it and it's like kind of binging the second half of it and just loving it."
"If only I could read this again for the first time."
"It's an exceptional book... one of the best books I've read in a long time."
"It's one of my favorite romances. It had everything that I loved: the tropes, the banter, the history—everything was just exactly what I love in a contemporary romance book."
"The chemistry it was it was just fantastic okay like this book had everything that I want from a romance."
"This was a great chapter for two reasons: first of all we got... a classic One Piece fight."
"I loved every moment of it and I can imagine myself going back to read this again and again and again and still finding more to fall in love with."
"I really do think we're entering the most exciting phase of one piece that we will ever have in the story."
"I read over 400 pages which was basically my goal and I completed a book and I got a good way through another part of a book both of which I really enjoyed."
"I hope you all enjoyed this book and I see you guys getting very racing by."
"I love audio books as much as I love physical books."
"I feel like the main reason why I'm loving this book so much so far is because it really speaks to like 17-year-old me who is just obsessed with England."
"I'm really enjoying it at the moment purely because of the plot and the different elements."
"It just seems like every single new chapter is the best chapter we've had in recent memory."
"This has put me in a massive reading mood which is exactly what I needed."
"I am anxiously awaiting the second book, I loved this book so, so much."
"It's an absolute pleasure, and can I just say that I really enjoyed those books you wrote about, you know, sticking your hand up a cow? Brilliant, brilliant literature at its most litera!"
"I loved the vibe and like the setting was so fun and just like different from anything I've ever read before."
"I love cozy mysteries generally but there's something special about reading them at this time of year."
"I'm really enjoying it. It's reminding me a lot of 'Fire and Thorns' but in an adult version."
"I did really enjoy how the series of Scythe began."
"I enjoyed everything from this first book; I enjoyed the characters, the world of the magic."
"I could read about these characters forever."
"This book was incredible, absolutely phenomenal."
"I genuinely fell in love with that bookstore."
"I was hooked from the very first page."
"It's just the sort of book I love to pick up and just dive into and maybe read one or two short stories before I go to sleep."
"This book did all those things and I was in love with it."
"I have finished Rebecca. Wow, wow, wow, wow, it was so good."
"Such a good book; I can't wait to read the next two in the series."
"I love it so much. They're so quick-witted and funny characters to read from."
"I love the game of cat and mouse, it's something that I very much enjoy reading about."
"I'm absolutely obsessed. I can't stop reading them."
"I had a great time with Anne and her pals."
"It's actually a pleasure to read, and King's writing grows as the series goes on."
"It felt very similar to those two books which I absolutely loved."
"It is the best piece of fiction I have ever had the pleasure of reading."
"You could have the greatest most amazing story in the world, but if there's nowhere then to read it, then what kind of fun is that?"
"Everyone's going to have a secret, and I really love that in a book."
"I'm still really enjoying the atmosphere, the writing, like the plot of this."
"It's just a really good wholesome manga."
"I finished the book, and I mean to be exact, it was just really good, I really, really enjoyed this."
"I do like him, honestly, the book is great."
"I'm happy to report I've read 75 pages and to be back in a Juliet Marillier book is truly a gift."
"I adored the passages in this book."
"I still have hope for Chuya's character and I thoroughly enjoyed this light novel."
"If you've never read it, I would highly recommend reading it and enjoying it."
"It was honestly the perfect novella to me; it was just so, so, so good and it was exactly what I needed."
"It was just everything that I ever wanted in a book, and I really, really, really loved this book."
"I mean, one chapter in and I'm smiling, so I'll take it."
"The pleasure of reading is living out other people's lives."
"It's just wonderful, overall just everything I really love in a book."
"I can’t be upset about someone taking joy from a book."
"The first two books are really, really good."
"I love this book; the end of it was absolutely perfect."
"I really did love most of the short stories in this collection."
"Every book that John Gwyn's ever written has been a top book for me."
"I'm still reading my book 'Rules of Civility,' which I'm really enjoying."
"Am I ever gonna read a book from this author again? Yes."
"If you have an unoriginal plot but really super interesting characters, I can still like the book."
"I freaking loved it, I love Emily Henry."
"I'm loving the way that this book is written."
"A good book makes you forget that you're reading words on paper."
"I just finished 'An Ember in the Ashes' and it was so good."
"This book was god tier to me for a few different reasons."
"I have absolutely no regrets by reading all of her books."
"I have a good feeling she has quickly become one of my favorite authors."
"I just love the characters in this world so much, and I feel like everything is culminating so well within this final installment."
"I just have such good memories with this book."
"I've really been getting into reading a lot more and I love it."
"These last chapters have been 10 out of 10 every time. I love them."
"My goal is to not miss out on stories."
"It's so interesting to me. I just love it."
"I loved Master of Iron. It was more of what I was hoping for."
"Autumn charm by Teresa Goodridge, I love the new book she came out with."
"It ends off on a very happy and hopeful message which makes it a very good read."
"I really enjoyed reading Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake."
"I liked the world, and I did like the overall tone of this book."
"This book reinvigorated, rekindled, and reignited my love for reading again."
"I'm more than halfway through the book and it is so good."
"I've always really enjoyed Paul's writing."
"I still haven't seen it but I did read the book and I loved it."
"It's like the same feeling as eating a really delicious meal; it genuinely nourishes you as a reader."
"She sees it as quite comforting, and I feel like if you are an appreciator of a gloomy day, this book's gonna get you."
"I think anybody can enjoy young adult books."
"Sometimes we just have to acknowledge that not all books need to be these literary masterpieces to be really enjoyable."