
Historical Construction Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"It's a remarkable process. The Inca chose each stone for each position and having carved the one underneath, they would lower the one on top down and up onto the stone below until eventually, it all slotted together like this perfect jigsaw."
"Great builders thrived in North America from the earliest times."
"It is an awe-inspiring sight to see and just the amount of dedication that they had to build this wall to protect them from the Mongols you know they're worried about the Mongols and whatnot over there."
"Can you imagine human beings 30 feet tall? Maybe that explains how the pyramids were built."
"The wooden structures were surprisingly fireproof as a result of the plaster used on the walls, which was a mixture of lime, seaweed, and other natural ingredients."
"The construction sites of the pyramids might have resembled something more like a bustling city."
"One theory suggests that the stones were dug up from quarries on the island decorated at the Quarry site and then walked over to the different spots throughout the island."
"The ancient Egyptians became aware that an abundance of caution was necessary when building with corbels."
"Saxony was meant to be built on slave labor."
"Some people mad do understand the building techniques that were used to build the great pyramid thousands of years ago."
"It's not just the pyramids. For some strange reason, all the builders of the megastructures of antiquity work this way. They're just selfless people who started jobs that could never be seen to completion in their natural lifetime."
"Building in semitropical environments with rudimentary materials was a unique challenge, especially when the goal was to build vertically, using Stone Age technology."
"It's estimated that 60,000 to 100,000 slaves were employed to complete the Coliseum."
"The new line of fortifications rested one and a half miles west of Constantine’s older walls."
"The architect of the Great Pyramid could choose a location that provides a high level of security, preservation, accessibility, and concealment for the machine parts."
"The sheer ingenuity of humans in that era is evident in the construction of Siguria."
"What seems laborious, even with the aid of modern technology, would have taken months in Pericles' time."
"Building a pyramid was a smart move, a sense of national pride and achievement."
"A monument was built on a tiny island that could rival anything in the ancient world."
"What boggles the mind about the tomb of morseless is not only how beautiful the finished structure was but also the pure number of man-hours that were necessary to make it so beautiful."
"One of the interesting things a lot of people ask why they continued to build 30 force to the end of the wall yeah you know why tell them it's because they had built a whole bunch armored vehicles for the 34."
"When the Quebec Bridge was being built in 1907, it was supposed to be the longest bridge in the world and the largest structure of its kind. It was going to be an engineering wonder of the world. Except that it wasn't."
"The zigzagging ram Theory as it pertains to the construction of Egyptian Pyramids is a hypothesis suggesting that these remarkable structures were built using a zigzagging or spiraling ramp to move the massive Limestone blocks into place."
"The Titanic was built in Belfast, Northern Ireland."
"For the next nine years, Ar-Pharazon and the evil Numenoreans construct the Great Armament - the mightiest naval force ever assembled."
"That is interesting to think about. They proposed that it only took 25 years to build the Great Pyramids, they've been looted for thousands of years and they're still there."
"Some of the stones are of such magnitude, modern machinery is incapable of putting them there." - Philip Coppens
"Every single one of these blocks had to be brought here, by someone, hacked out of a piece of rock, transported, and then stuck one on top of the other."
"This is a fantastic find, actual evidence of the craftsmen who would have toiled for decades in workshops like this one to build the grand monument that still stands today."
"Our where it leads may not be that... you can't explain the evidence we see in the stonework and the architecture with the tools and techniques that we're attributing to these guys."
"The Golden Gate Bridge: finally finished in 1937, spanning 4,200 feet."
"These structures contained hundreds of rooms and were completely pre-planned, as opposed to added onto 'as needed,' which was a common practice of the time."
"Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge, 1936."
"Now most of the construction that we're going to be looking at here is from the middle kingdom and the new kingdom such as these statues of sphinxes with ram's heads and all of this sandstone and limestone construction."
"Just to think about the massive stones, the construction and then the details of both the grand scale plus the small details."
"The math can't be denied... there was great architectural planning done into building these monuments."
"Analyzing the original casing Stone layout could reveal clues about how the pyramid was originally constructed."
"...all of this was built in 1023. A lot of it, I'm sure."
"The Suez Canal started Construction in April 1859 and officially opened 10 years later in November 1869."
"The chemites were builders of an incredible magnitude; they are known for the creation of the pyramids, grand burial structures for their pharaohs, and the Sphinx."
"The Kaaba that we see today is not exactly the same Kaaba as was constructed by the prophets Ibrahim and Ismail."
"Giza was the perfect place, plenty of limestone blocks to work with, and a solid base upon which to begin building one of the wonders of the world, the Great Pyramid."
"The Great Wall of China is held together by a secret ingredient: a unique blend of limestone, water, and sticky rice."
"The advanced precision techniques involved in its original build are fortunately still clear for all to see."
"By the beginning of the 11th century, they began to construct large masonry structures, many of them on hilltops and more than likely defensive locations."
"It's awe-inspiring, right? We don't seem to do stuff quite like this anymore."
"The pyramids are arguably the greatest structures ever built by human hands."
"If you can build something from 200 years ago, you can build anything today."
"The Roman concrete what they built in Rome was a different blend."
"Construction marks left on a Roman tunnel in Bologna show that the rate of advance through solid rock was 30 meters per day."