
Religious Authority Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"Until we allow God to be God and stop playing God, we will end up with the same mess that was made at Eden."
"The temporal power is subject to the spiritual power, and that spiritual power resides in Rome."
"What I see is people have forgotten who their authority is... I mean Christians, I'm talking about the way that God set this Bible up for us."
"God has appointed authorities in the earth... those that exist have been instituted by God."
"Jesus Christ authenticated it for us. He quotes from it, quotes from each of the books."
"No preacher by virtue of his calling has any authority." - JOHN
"It’s strange, but when you think about it, there really is no agency or organization with the authority to decide who is and isn’t a religion."
"The church was never ordained to take over the political system."
"That's how you control people you tell them I have the line to God and I can tell you what he means in this Bible."
"As head of the English Church, Henry could grant himself a divorce from Catherine."
"We're not interested in fear-mongering, false claims, or extremism."
"The Roman papal power claims the authority to change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday."
"Yeshua Jesus, our Messiah, as the ultimate wisdom and authority of God."
"No one will argue the global power and influence of the Catholic Church."
"The papacy claims that Sunday is our mark of authority."
"Our authority as believers can be fully exercised when we engage in fasting and prayer."
"He exercises all authority of the first beast, the Antichrist, in his presence and causes the whole earth to worship Him as God."
"Religion is not a democracy. It's not about who gets to vote, but what scripture says."
"Under the authority of Christ Jesus, I command you to loose your hold."
"You have the power and the authority, as a child of God, to rebuke and reject anything that does not come from God."
"Acts 15 reveals the existence of a magisterium."
"Jesus says, 'Don't put me in a room with anybody else. I'm not just a good person. I'm not just a great prophet. I am holy.'"
"Perspective is everything. Jesus says, 'I have the master key.' That must be your perspective."
"It's about rejecting the commandments that mock God's Authority and accepting the law of the king of kings."
"We're not negotiating with terrorists, we're commanding you up and out in Jesus' name."
"These are simply the opinions of a man, but they have nothing to do with the Magisterium of the Church."
"For his naughty behavior, the other bishops stripped Nicholas of his bishop clothes and tossed him in the clink."
"Your bishop is a liar! Go back and tell your bishop!"
"I believe that God's model is that the pastor is ruled over by the Lord and recognized by the congregation as God's anointed instrument to lead the church."
"The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith exists to address questions authoritatively."
"They know too much, and they're like, Jesus Christ, I mean, I know that that Pharisee and Sadducee ain't got nothing."
"Enter Nathan the prophet, always at a pivotal time when the kingdom is at stake."
"The Lord reserved unto himself the right of nomination."
"Authority belongs to us. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places at the right hand of the Father."
"He claimed to be equal with God in nature, works, power, authority, and honor."
"They're simply just trying to position the church as the winner/Authority final say in what anyone is able to do with their body, their mind, their food, their private property, their own family, their own children."
"Fitna comes from the ulama and the ummah." - Unknown speaker
"Even Sheikh al-Albani, who's one of the greatest scholars of hadith of our times, passed away five, six, eight, nine years ago."
"It goes back to the authority of God's word. Who are we going to trust to define these things for us?"
"If we believe that God is the authority over all of it, then we have no other choice but to submit to him, submit to his definitions, and to submit to his standards."
"Either we have the inspired preserved authoritative word of God, or we don't."
"But if he was God himself as he claimed to be in so many different ways then we need to listen to him because he is authoritative for our lives."
"The Bible is the ultimate authority on how we should live our lives."
"It's not whether we will live in a theocracy but rather which theos we are willing to acknowledge as the supreme authority."
"And now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of Yahweh in your mouth is truth."
"No man has the authority to shut the doors of the church that Jesus bought with his blood."
"The church changed the Sabbath into Sunday by its own authority."
"No person is beyond the suspicion of the Inquisition, not even the great Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes."
"Ellen White's writings speak with prophetic authority and provide comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction to the church."
"Why should they trust you when their imams don't agree with what you're saying?"
"Thou couldest have no power at all against me except it were given thee from above." - Jesus
"These things saith he that holdeth the Seven Stars in his right hand now hold the messengers of God."
"In the physical realm, there's a distance between us, but in the spirit realm, there's no distance."
"He bears both titles, that's right, Moses said, 'God shall raise up a prophet like me.'"
"Only priests designated by their bishop should be giving commands to demons."
"If he's saying that, it's kind of hard to say like 'Oh, this Pope got it totally wrong.'"
"Diminish it over time then long term yes it will diminish the power of religions over us."
"Stop asking him what do you think what does God say if that's what you say God is in that Bible that you have read from to your congregation."
"Obey the Prophet when he speaks and you'll be blessed; disobey him and it is death."
"God initiates the conversation in your life. Listen to Him when He speaks. He's the authority."
"The priest also would be no God's server but a God himself."
"Jesus has given us his authority and power to cast out demons. It's a promise you must know."
"The first Christians recognized the authority of the words of Jesus and the apostles."
"Ali is more knowledgeable than me and you." - Abdullah ibn Hababam
"Jesus has given us the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions."
"No one on earth can change, add to, or take away from the word of God."
"Hello, there's no coincidence there. The name of Jesus Christ, I command you to reveal your identity."
"Jesus is the ruler of the kings of the Earth."
"There's a new sheriff in town, his name is Jesus."
"Your final authority is not a man, woman, church, congregation, denomination, YouTube channel, a vision you saw, a dream you dreamed, your mother, or your father. Your final authority, if you are a believer, is the Holy Bible."
"Nothing by the magisterium ever outweighs scripture."
"Jesus is not only the creator of all things, he is going to stand in judgment of all things."
"He sits in the seat that only God can occupy."
"The Antichrist according to Revelation 13 will have global authority."
"There's only one power that we all should submit to, and that's the power of God Himself."
"Jesus has the keys to death and hell." - Revelation 1:18
"The information age has taken gurus and priests off their pedestals."
"Winn is eventually elected to the office of Kai, the leader of the Bajoran church."
"Power is so important that the Bible is not silent."
"Prophets declare Heaven's will, the church declares Heaven's outcome."
"Prophet Muhammad, when he was alive, a woman came to him, she said, 'Oh Messenger of Allah, my father got me married to someone without asking me.' So the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad, said, 'You have a right to live.'"
"Don't tell me I enjoy standing against the Pope like some kind of a psycho."
"The Bible is the unique inspired accurate Word of God that tells people who God is, what he's into, and what he's up to."
"Rabbi Shaim Kavanesque, a leading Authority in mainstream Auto Ultra Orthodox Judaism, says the coming of the Messiah is imminent."
"Who interprets the papal decrees properly? Ultimately it's the Bishop of Rome."
"Satan you have no power, you have no Authority, you have no strength, you have lost this battle."
"The authority of the Bible in Christianity has grown with literacy and the printing press, but it was not always the sole source of authority."
"The church's moral authority is on the line."
"We do not have apostles today. The apostles have the authority to give us the scriptures."
"The Bible must be our supreme authority. Truth is not determined by majority vote."
"His claims are astonishing, please. He claimed not just to have or bring truth but to be the truth."
"The main arguments presented by Luther in the 95 thesis were that the Bible is the ultimate Christian religious Authority and that humans can only get to heaven through faith in God."
"A real valid Pope with the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven can be judged by no one."
"How do you disagree with a man who says he is the channel by which God is communicating to the world?"
"So, by the power invested in me, by my Lord and savior Jesus Christ by the city of New York, I now pronounce you, husband and wife."
"Mary alone has the authority from God to crush the head of the serpent."
"the church is the only Power that is authorized to Prevail against the gates of hell"
"Jesus is just ministering with authority and this man blurts out in the congregation..."
"The Quran's authority over hearts is a miracle."
"He has set himself in the place of God, he has set himself in the place of Christ."
"It's important to the faith because going back to the very beginning Christ and the apostles underscored the importance of having a teaching Authority for believers."
"Nobody has a right to make something haram that Allah has made halal."
"The Vatican Exorcist... and the dean of Exorcists."
"For all the signs and wonders that the Lord sent him to do in the land of Egypt, so the two criteria to be like Moses: speak to God face to face and do miracles like Moses, right?"
"Marriage belongs to God. He gets to define it, not us."
"The Bible is God's plain word to you; you don't need a priest, a pastor, or anybody to interpret it for you."
"Jesus reigns peerless in time, he's the king of an endless Empire."
"The priest, in an official capacity, is affirming these individuals in habitual moral sin, in a transgression against the natural law."
"We have a responsibility as the church to tell you what God is saying."
"The priest, in Persona Christi, speaks the words of Christ himself."
"If you speak out against the man of God, that's God's anointed."
"The first attack was on the authority of the word of God."
"If they say the ministry of God is not from God, it's from men, then they've got a problem because all the people knew that John was a real prophet."
"Through the authority that's been invested in me, and by the power of the name of Jesus, I declare that healing comes."
"Just because someone was quoted in the Bible does not mean they qualify to write a book and it be automatically included in the closed canon."
"The church gave us the Bible; the Bible did not give us the church."
"The power that for so many centuries maintained despotic sway over the monarchs of Christendom is Rome."
"...the Roman Church could not long tolerate this free preaching of the gospel by peasants."
"Do not trust what a bishop tells you, trust what the word of God tells you, trust what Jesus told you."
"This is the power of the Pope who is moving from Avignon in France to Rome. This is one of the dark sides of these mercenary bands."
"Can you imagine that, 6,000 men, women and children? The horrors that were committed at that time are disgraceful, but what gets me, it was in the name of the Pope."
"The very next verse: 'Then the high priest tore his robes and said, 'He has uttered blasphemy.'''"
"The abduction of Edgardo Mortara not only shatters a family, it will help trigger the collapse of church powers and bring more than 600 years of brutal inquisitions to a halt."
"The Twelve are equal in authority to the First Presidency."
"So yes the Catholic Church did decide this and that's why many Protestants don't like to talk about they don't even like to deal with it because they have to admit Authority and that's a big problem especially when talking about scripture."
"The Word of God is my authority. Jesus said, 'You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free,'" he emphasized.
"I said formerly that the Pope was Christ's vicar. Now I assert that he is our Lord's adversary and the devil's apostle."
"There is no greater authority than God and by extension His word, the Bible."
"He answered them, 'Why do you break the Commandments of God for the sake of your tradition?'"
"The Divine Comedy has been interpreted by some readers as a text that is anti-religious but this is not so. Dante's grievance is directed at the papacy alone."
"It went from obeying the prophet or the apostle to, 'Well, obey the apostle unless you get special permission from the mission president...'"
"The APS to me seemed like the big bad guys... because they're just gonna say 'baptize them anyway.'"
"The Bible is the ultimate Authority, not the pope or the church or anyone else."
"The Bible is true. Even Catholics, they say we are the only ones that can interpret it. That's when they actually put themselves up to be a higher authority than Scripture."
"Scripture alone is our ultimate and final and highest authority."
"Satan, I get great pleasure in telling you, get under these people's feet."
"God's Word is supreme; what Jesus said is the final authority."
"The supreme judge by whom all controversies of religion are to be determined... can be no other but the Holy Spirit speaking in Scripture."
"...the Word of God the Bible is the final authority, it is the more sure word of prophecy."
"To know what that is, we turn to the highest authority, Jesus Christ Himself and His word."
"Councils have authority because they reflect a consensus of the church."
"For some of us, the Scriptures are God-breathed, inspired, and authoritative."
"Jesus claimed to speak on the authority of God; he claimed to be the very incarnation of Truth."
"The son of man is the Lord of the Sabbath."
"They are in charge of all religious practices, they are judges, they are teachers, they are natural scientists, they study the cosmos."
"The understandings of the companions and the consensus of the scholars of the community are strong indicators of what the Sunnah comprises."
"It's good to allow for growth, it's good to allow for mistakes, for human error in each other, in our religious authority figures, and in our sacred text."
"The moral authority of Jesus of Nazareth is a force to be reckoned with."
"The Lord is King for ever and ever: the heathen are perished out of his land."
"Scripture holds more authority than our stories."
"The authority of Scripture is important to them and how they're working that out."
"If unity and agreement are to ever occur, and the absolute truth about what to believe and how to live and how to worship are to ever be realized, then we must begin by determining who has the right to make the rules and where those rules are written down."
"So 'I Will' is for the King of Kings; it is his prerogative to will, it is his sovereign right to say 'I Will'."
"He gave us power and authority over all sickness and disease, and He told us to heal the sick."
"We call upon a gathering of all the Somali religious scholars... and they came to Somalia, sat for almost a week, and issued a fatwa where they collectively, unanimously, and categorically rejected and nullified Al Shabab's claim to Islamic ideals as part of their war."
"For the Son of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath."
"The Bible is authoritative... when God speaks everybody needs to listen."
"We put our total confidence in the Scriptures as the final authority for our life."
"The leadership of the entire Muslim community."
"...the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath day."
"The fact that he's identified as Jehovah means that the Father's authority is his authority."
"Just because someone's a religious leader doesn't mean they have the authority to speak on God's behalf and lead in truth."
"It will show us the authority of the name of Jesus and how to use it."
"It is important for the Mufti to be a part of the culture that he's giving the fatwa in."
"For us, it is the authority of God and ultimately a meaningful, purposeful universe."
"We think today of the Vatican and its rule of the Pope as having above all a spiritual influence around the world."
"Christianity has an authority; it has a catechism which you can read and then know what the Catholic Church teaches."
"Behold, I give you authority... to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease."
"The Pharisees and sages sit upon the seat of Moses; therefore, all that he says to you, diligently do, but according to their reforms and their precedents do not do, because they talk but they do not do."
"The key ideas of the Reformation were a call to purify the church and a belief that the Bible, and not tradition, should be the sole source of spiritual authority."
"The church has an authority to preach from Christ himself the truth."