
Metaphysical Concepts Quotes

There are 210 quotes

"The akashic field is not just a repository of information; it's the very essence of all Universal memory, encoding the story of existence itself."
"It's almost like the universe is trying to actually ascend us into higher value systems."
"Consciousness exists beyond the physical body."
"Everything starts at what we would call the 5D or higher dimensional level. It starts off as an etheric thought form."
"In the third dimension, everything is about Consciousness."
"When this presence decides to... morph into form, the universe is born."
"Starseeds are definitely advanced spiritual beings, they are here to inspire."
"The cosmic force transcends the neural boundaries of space and time."
"I think the veil... is getting very, very thin."
"I am an entity of untapped Cosmic potential."
"The truth about this world: a place where Gods experiment with human beings."
"SCP-2998... represents the potential heights a civilization may reach and even then they are nothing to even stronger ideas and fundamentals that hold power over most if not all gods in the SCP multiverse."
"But if we don't want to be found naked that would be without the body but further clothe their re-clothed."
"There are alternate states of reality and other dimensions that exist outside our physical world and outside of time itself."
"The only way to break death's cycle is to create new life."
"It's not a darkness to be scary of... it's a thinner veil that's still covering the god state."
"The power of love is the highest frequency in the universe. It is the currency we take with us when we leave this planet."
"Each one of us is a brain cell inside the Universal Mind experiencing different thoughts, different ideas, different ways of doing things."
"The universe doesn't know the word never... there's an influence here that we are experiencing this week with strong Sagittarius and strong Pisces energies."
"The devil is simply a lower frequency lovers card."
"Reality, even a small pocket reality like this one, takes the form of a delicate crystal."
"Time is not linear, okay? So when we say 2020 to 2024, let's not get caught up in our ego consciousness and really track those years."
"A love so powerful that it's truly the engine behind the planets moving around each other."
"Every dimension you go up as a being you become kind of more powerful until you become like a god."
"You know that someone is part of your soul star family when you feel like you know and remember them from the moment you meet."
"Our soul is an essence of God. We're a spark of God."
"Consciousness once it is not attached to a body can travel... space doesn't really exist."
"The dead don't experience time in a linear way, and so neither do we as the viewers."
"The true reality is outside of space and time."
"Imaginative love lifts the invisible into sight and gives us water in the desert."
"Remembering who we are is the key to unlocking the fifth dimension."
"Your thoughts mold your reality—it's heaven. So they gave it the name of heaven. What else would you call this?"
"What does living in the fourth dimension mean to you? It means being in a state of constant conscious awareness of the fact that we are infinite and eternal."
"This level is immortal, before space and time come into existence."
"Shiva means that which is not. When we say that which is not, we are talking about a dimension which is not physical in nature."
"You are part of an illusion and learning experience that allows you to become aware of the love and light of the creator in your illusion."
"So much freedom in the fifth dimension frequency."
"Energy is information moving through the universe."
"All evil will be revealed, light will ground darkness."
"Everything within the quantum fabric of the Multiverse is actually sacred geometry."
"The will is the single measure of the rate and fastidiousness of the activation and balancing of the various energy centers... from the simple utilization of catalyst for evolution to the opening of the gateway to intelligent Infinity."
"Light language is embedded with key codes, triggers, and information."
"We're literally creating spheres of existence with our thoughts, feelings, and emotions."
"Christianity defines love based on metaphysics, not measurable actions."
"Without Venus' energy, Earth would have no upwards Evolution."
"The Akashic Records is a higher dimensional storehouse of cosmic information about us, about everything that happens in the universe."
"Purging is happening right now on the planet in many different ways."
"Let there be light! That light descends down into the third eye, into our material existence, and goes onwards making us conscious of our reality."
"Everything in the universe is connected to everything else."
"This person gained wings, they're going to have access to the kingdom after this awakening."
"Spiritual evolution is about lessening the difference between your vibration and the one infinite creator."
"Release from the heavy burden of a physical body permits great increase in the rate of vibrations."
"Wow, extract sentience from the universe, that's what's up."
"There is a body that will finally and fully give us freedom, but it's not our own."
"Your astral body is immortal; its energy can go through things, composed and comprised of consciousness."
"I'm just going to have these two spiritually emerging."
"Star Wars was a cultural juggernaut... everyone went to see Star Wars."
"In the physical realm, there's a distance between us, but in the spirit realm, there's no distance."
"What if you could change your mind, your thoughts, your feelings, and your way of being outside the bounds of time and space?"
"We are literally a living geometric field animating a human form."
"The speed of thought... faster than the speed of light."
"We are all... not limited by time space body or individual."
"We're literally on this grid like a node, part of the holographic matrix."
"If it were an angelic language, it might very well be proof of something much vaster than just atoms and void."
"The universe speaks geometry, and if you can harmonize with it, more becomes available."
"Everything is based on the frequency of unconditional love."
"Evil exists as a force in this world, whether we describe it in terms of witchcraft or psychiatry."
"Every word, every thought, is vibratory energy."
"Life, the intelligence of it, oh! It's alive."
"Synchronicity literally propels you faster than the speed of light."
"The splitting of worlds: Some are ready to vibrate at a higher level, creating different versions of reality."
"We are capable, we are an interdimensional species."
"The system is over, this iteration, The Matrix is ending."
"Believers claim that reflections are an easy way for spirits and higher beings to access our reality."
"Once this would have been the realm of the spiritual and perhaps our time will be somehow metastasized then actualized when the language of science and the language of spirituality coalesce."
"3D to 5D is like transitioning from a frequency-controlled prison to liberation."
"When we surrender our three-dimensional notions of contact... we're much less likely to be alone."
"Veronica witnessed the savagery of a sorcerer beyond evil."
"The arcturians specialize; they are the adepts when it comes to multi-dimensionality."
"The negative entities are afraid of positive entities that are aware of the law of one because you can bathe them in love and light and they cannot resist."
"She wraps you in waves of love, light, and consciousness."
"Know thyself, because only when we know thyself will we be a frequency match to beings who are giving us beneficial and clear information."
"Everything here is dead and we are the animating power."
"Coming across Twin Flame information, almost everybody, okay."
"To be with God is to be absent from the body, be absent from the mind, and be at pure peace."
"Welcome to that kind of stuff with the process of transmutation already encoded."
"It's all fractal concepts of the same exact thing."
"Gods are beings of power, and the dead god husks are things of thought, which in the astral is also power."
"The third eye is not just a metaphor for intuition, it is a direct gateway to profound wisdom, to perception beyond the visible, to that which transcends our physical reality."
"Past, present, and future is not actually reality. It's actually an illusion."
"Understanding gravity as a conscious field of love."
"In the beginning, there was nothing but us in that pure state of unity."
"We become gods, we become like creator gods."
"A lot of star seeds are here just to exist, to bring the love vibration, to raise the vibration for the rest of the mass consciousness."
"Miracles reawaken the awareness that the spirit, not the body, is the altar of truth."
"Trust energy is a vibration of undiluted love that works like fairy glue between your ego and your soul."
"You don't become the Christ, the Christ becomes you. It's not about divinization of a small self."
"The advanced civilization seeks to help humanity remember who they are."
"You're unlocking your prosperity, that abundance is moving towards you; there's alchemy here, it's like magic."
"Quantum leaping in and out: pop into different realities to protect yourself."
"There's an opening with the Neptune and Pisces now as all of these energetics and themes square the galactic center at 27 degrees of Sagittarius."
"As with the living, spirits can attach themselves to us."
"He's getting this information from the universe... it's like these tumblers are moving."
"We are light beams dreaming and going through this life experience."
"You have literally been given so much spiritual power that you're not even aware of."
"In certain states, even when we're alive in this world, we slip into that inner self or into that state where we're sort of more in the spiritual world than we are in this world."
"The stars and the planets are not doing anything to us, it's about synchronicities and as above so below."
"The spirits are traveling or crossing over, hence the term traveler."
"People are hungry for the reality of the metaphysical."
"The Ouroboros symbolizes the cyclic nature of the universe."
"His life-force cannot be destroyed and can persist even without a body to contain it."
"We are becoming more light beings as we move forwards."
"The supernatural is as close as the air between your fingertips."
"The supernatural life is above the natural life!"
"Love is the one thing our capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space."
"Energy can't be seen with the naked eye, but it's real. Energy is all around us."
"He was in the third dimension, he walked the third-dimensional plane, but he was holding a fifth-dimensional vibration and frequency."
"The universe is sending downloads individually to everyone and collectively as humans. It's like a portal, a portal of opening."
"Kabbalah is a wisdom, a science that enables man, a person to feel and know an upper reality."
"If you're a pure-hearted divine being... you will be elevated into the fifth dimension."
"Each and every one of you... have been participating in every facet of this unfolding divine plan since we began it eons ago."
"We are in a psychic battle, a spiritual battle, but the starseeds are creating a higher polarity than war or battle."
"Increased psychic sensitivity, dissolution of linear time, 3D reality."
"Whatever your intent, that is what an entity will latch on to."
"Things are unlocking for you, doorways, portals are unlocking."
"Words have power and when you speak them you are actually spelling out majestic magic in that process."
"As we breathe in the new, we exhale the old, shedding layers of doubt and fear."
"Did you know you are surrounded by an invisible reality?"
"Love forever reigns on earth as it is in heaven. All atoms who deny this message will be recycled into right action."
"Now that you're in a slower dimensional plane, you're free from the suppression of heavenly rules."
"A doom imprint carries the memory within it of both our past lives, our ancestral lineage, and the entire collective unconscious."
"Life, Death, Resurrection. Life, Death, Rebirth."
"Everything vibrates, everything is alive, even if we don't see it moving."
"Synchronicity seems to involve archetypes and a causal orderedness defying simple causal explanations."
"When you're vibrating high, they almost cannot attach to you."
"Life consists of parallel realities. Every timeline consists of billions of parallel realities per second."
"Everything in this world is a direct manifestation of the exact same thing that exists above us in a Consciousness space and in a qualitative energetic space."
"Sacrificial energy where souls are not victims but teaching us unity consciousness."
"We are stardust, you know what this is? This is physical spiritual technology. Yes, it bridges the two worlds."
"The unification of opposites creates the synthesis, the chemical wedding."
"Humans transform into Celestial beings or angels... I'm going to use those terms interchangeably."
"The universe speaks in signs, symbols, and synchronicity."
"Critical mass for ascension has been reached."
"One of the most interesting things about the law of one... would be the concept and understanding of the higher self."
"You can understand all of my most advanced teachings. You can understand where reality came from, why it exists, who created it, what is god, what is love, what is truth, what is consciousness, what is existence."
"It really is like downloading some intelligence from a higher Dimension."
"You're a spiritual Alchemist that's who you are."
"For all events and thoughts and things exist first on higher planes."
"The vanishing point seems to be where heroes go when they die."
"You are now on that in-between point between us being able to see angels, see the plasma beans, and begin to get into the flow and of the remembrance of who we really are."
"It's almost like a window into the spirit realm or whatever, it doesn't make sense but it does at the same time."
"Marriage between matter and earth, spirit and the four corners."
"They are here to interact with human consciousness... they are portals, they are bridges."
"God hides you in an open place so that when the darts and the arrows are coming... God is all the more present."
"Golden consciousness moves along this new earth trajectory carried contained and radiated by ever more individuals."
"The movement of these subtle energies is called the Kundalini."
"When all of our vibrations come into one space at one time and channel our focus to one dimension, one powerful portal opens up."
"Sacred geometry patterns are in reality thought forms in the mind of God, which become the Divine blueprints for all of creation."
"Belief is an energy within the matrix, what we choose to believe in our power of choice is something we experience."
"If you touch something beyond physical nature that means you touch something which is boundless in nature."
"There's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist just like there's an infinite amount of frames."
"Everything that exists is either contingent or necessary."
"This person's like, 'This is your twin flame, this is your true twin flame.'"
"We are actually spirit beings having a human experience."
"We are part of a web that is so much bigger than this physical world."
"The death realms are incredible because even though we tend to think of death in human terms as an ending, it's actually this incredibly transformative and potent energy that you get to walk into when you're with someone who's transitioning."
"5D is a world that we get to live in that is completely re-engineered and reinvented itself... we are still creators but we are creators at a higher energetic state."
"The world we are living in is a spiritual world, 24 hours there is a spiritual movement."
"I am is shining, and not only existing, but shining."
"The most important thing is the energy that wants to flow in."
"There is literally a ladder of lights or an ascension process."
"In fourth density, you can pretty much instantly create what it is that you think."
"There is a life principle in the world, a universal agent. There are two natures and a double current of love and wrath."
"The dark energy is going to gravitate and pull individuals based upon your pain."
"Most of you are not from a fifth dimensional race or consciousness, you're from much higher dimensional races or consciousnesses."
"Home is where the heart is, it's not a planetary system, it's not a planet, it's not a place, it's not a planetary system, it's you take you with you wherever you go."
"The construct is not based on morals and ethics; it is a neutral field that understands kic buildup and energy attachment."
"We're all divine energy, just expressions of divine energy in physical form."
"Your consciousness leaves your actual incarnated body and transfers into the older one."
"My central focus is human transformation... can humans transform into angels... and the activation of the light body."
"The cosmic energies at this time activate and support light body activation for the simultaneous movement of human DNA and cosmic galactic light codes."
"Star seeds play an integral role in facilitating this transition."
"We're talking about the fourth density Earth, okay? We're talking about the higher Earth, the higher world."
"Their hearts are covered and sealed, their hearts have been sealed."
"Time, space, distance do not exist at that level of energy, so we are all connected here."
"Each man creates his own God for himself, his own Heaven and his own Hell."
"Remember the full moon actually illuminates the areas that hold you back from shining right shining your light in the fullest and most joyful way."
"It's basically creating this kind of veil around the earth and it's like an amplifier and it pushes the earth up it moves her much more into a luminous veil right moving it much more into the light into the higher dimensions."
"Here we have Earth in two different dimensions with two different types of humans, same human form but holding different vibrations in different fields of consciousness."
"...that there are other dimensions that are a part of us, are part of our body that will help us shift a lot more dramatically, specially when times are a little bit difficult."
"The seven sublime lords, the creative spirits, had ceased to be, and the universe was immersed in the absolute."
"The appearance and disappearance of the universe are pictured as an out breathing and inbreeding of the great breath."
"Twin flames create their own dimension, a harmonic sphere of energy, a hermetic seal that no other being can penetrate."
"Consciousness is because of the body but it has no body."
"We cannot get any further until we come to see how we must absorb impulses that flow from the world of spirit into our physical world."
"A walk-in is essentially when a spirit from someone on the other side inhabits the body of another person."