
Workflow Optimization Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The stream is really an overview of how this system allows for efficient and flexible project setup, emphasizing the use of SAS, custom utilities, and a streamlined workflow."
"Create templates, frameworks, and matrixes for yourself; it allows you to streamline your workflow over time."
"Always save your project first thing and always save while you go."
"Streamline everything you can possibly streamline."
"One of the things I like about discovering new apps and new workflows is that when you find the right one that works for you... it becomes almost a tool for thought."
"Multi-pass rendering is essentially the process of taking your render and splitting it into a couple different passes."
"Preserving a non-destructive workflow with the crop tool, we are just promoting a layer-based workflow."
"I'll be sharing a lot of practical tips for editing, not just showing you how to edit, but to have a streamlined workflow."
"Find flow in everything you do. You won't need willpower if you find flow."
"Minimize your workflow to optimize growth. Focus on what's worth your time and streamline processes."
"Gemini turns it into a searchable format. How cool is this? It found the checkered shirt I'm looking for right and some other great options in no time."
"Working with sessions creates a folder on your hard drive, puts all images there, and it's portable."
"It's all about streamlining your workflow as a creator which saves you a ton of time and effort."
"But be honest with yourself about your workflow because not everyone needs the best of the best."
"Save a set! Instead of going to every single different chart you set up and having to add these in, you have your set."
"Make presets very rationally, very specifically, and think while you're making them. It'll take you a long time to make a preset because then you never have to do it again and you do it quickly."
"So it's working, let's see if control-a, I guess I should um bounce out of there and go back Pier number three."
"Auto layout and components: the secrets to effortless design revisions. No more tedious individual changes!"
"So that's a gift I give to you and your audience is make sure you never use 'new' never use 'final' and try and have a very clear titling system that you can track your files from all the way back to the raw files, the editing files."
"Blender is a very powerful cg package and can really be used if you have a correct pipeline with it."
"Streamlining your process, when it comes to color grading, is everything."
"I actually have a shortcut menu that I created for my own in order to be faster, more productive, more efficient."
"I literally am using these quick access links daily at work."
"We're going to create an automated cloud flow that every time someone responds to our Power Automate survey, it will send an email containing information to us."
"...setup will keep splicing the simple and quick process it should be following good setup steps will allow you to adapt the splicer to your ideal workflow."
"I'm going to then have an option for either directly putting data to this but even better yet to be able to chain these solutions together."
"One of the last things I want to leave you with are some of the things that I do to really speed up my use of Jupyter notebooks and that's by using keyboard commands that can really speed up your day-to-day workflow."
"That's saving you a whole lot of time."
"Saved Windows layouts... I'm doing this with a single keyboard shortcut to move between all these."
"Once I've completed a flow and I like it and it's going to work out for me, I like to go in and kind of straighten everything up and make it kind of linear, left to right."
"You can even use trigger conditions and some of the side effects of those to help to report out on what your process is doing."
"Look at your setup, look at your workflow, and figure out what you can automate."
"Kanban is a strategy or a method used to optimize the flow of value through a process that uses visual and pull-based systems."
"Think about your workflow, what apps you use primarily, what is your creative task, and how are you utilizing the system."
"Our goal is to replace all these ad hoc workflows which developers do every day using queues and databases."
"This enables you to control how your content is displayed and streamline your web building workflow."
"The key to this is not faster, better hardware; it's creating proxies."
"Don't optimize your workflow so much that you end up making the same thing over and over again."
"Dynamo is great at replacing boring tasks with automatic workflows."
"The seamless workflow from training to inference enabled by Nvidia unified architecture is extremely critical to the success of AI products."
"If you're someone who's printing smaller 8x12 even up to 12x18, sharing on the web, and you really kind of implement the right workflow, you can get some pretty nice looking results."
"Digital materials can enable new workflows and perhaps even optimize the way we design and build fabrics and fashion items moving forward."
"The most important tool in my workflow is tmux."
"We just automated a lot of our workflow, we improved the performance of our website or webpage."
"The ability to lift and move galvanized steel safely and efficiently helps optimize workflows in the metal industry."
"...instead of having to detect when a thread has completed, we can now just pass additional tasks in there to be completed work, additional operations to be completed on another task once the first one is complete."