
Television Analysis Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Rick and Morty deals with a lot of kind of cosmic pessimism and absurdity, and so it's an easy way for us to talk about philosophy, existential philosophy, through Rick and Morty."
"The attempt to shift back to an earlier format and not being able to get there reflects a major theme through the season."
"The feminism of the first season is also in sharp display."
"Frasier was a show about connecting through unlikely circumstances." - David Hyde Pierce
"He's the mystery the characters the atmosphere this show had to give us more of that while making it not feel like a repeat."
"To really understand where Arrow went wrong, we've got to start all the way back at the beginning when development started in August of 2018."
"One Division did such a good job understanding who they always kept Wanda's character journey as a priority and that's why I think on that end they stuck the landing."
"Even in a show as fatal as Game of Thrones, it's almost less about if they will survive and more about how they will survive."
"Velma's primary outfit in the show resembles the one worn by the character in the first live-action movie."
"The finale is less of a conclusion to a series and more of a pilot for the next show."
"The X-Men series was unique in its adult stories."
"Lumity is the aspect of the show that gets the most attention, but there's lots of other great stuff to talk about as well."
"Seven had great relationships: Captain Janeway, her parental figure; Harry Kim, lost in his perpetual crush; Tuvok, her ally against the emotionals; The Doctor, her mentor."
"Game of Thrones is about intrigue, Game of Thrones is about tough choices, no-win scenarios."
"Well, there you have it. That's definitively how the show expects people to work."
"Star Trek's future humanity is perfect because these shows are showing what happens when humanity doesn't live up to those ideals."
"I believe that when those people are in the road and they were fused together all reacting to the light hitting them they were in fact connected which is suggested in the show so that's not just an original thought."
"The OC is literally a show about escaping the OC before it can destroy you."
"It's worth it to kill off the night king in this battle and still to me that moment of Arya killing the night king, like I said it's a red wedding moment."
"Rick Prime's influence on the events of the entire series cannot be understated."
"One realm that I think shows promise in the show and is on a great trajectory for the future is Numenor."
"The great thing about making hour-long videos about an amazing and complicated TV show is that the nature of this work makes it sort of perpetuate itself."
"This actually feels like Game of Thrones, Classic Game of Thrones."
"Kaylee's line is the most important of the show because I think it sums up the show's central conflict: nature vs nurture."
"It's very cool I think it lets people like digest like yeah like how yeah yeah you gonna grow with the characters exactly yeah."
"PK might be the reason that Dorit gets another season." - Emily D. Baker
"Zuko's redemption arc was handled brilliantly."
"Colors in Breaking Bad: each representing different themes and emotions."
"Game of Thrones is at its best as a political drama."
"You've got to admit in that final season, there's this shot..."
"The show's embrace of its emotional core and more cartoonish aspects created the Golden Age Simpsons."
"House of the Dragon isn't stupid, it isn't dumb, and it doesn't think we are."
"One of my favorite shows, the good place, is a great example of how to do the twist thing properly."
"The show is intricate as this one and as brilliantly constructed as this, it's basically going to rewrite the book on story construction."
"To understand Emily's descent from wide-eyed joyful girlfriend to jealous fearful wife, let's look at Friends from her perspective."
"Emily is the polar opposite of all-American Rachel Greene."
"Succession is really about bad parenting...become victims of their own Arrested Development and undying family conflicts."
"Succession leaned a lot into Illuminating how top corporate world screws over its women."
"Greg throughout the show has had an aspect of embodying the banality of evil."
"That group to me is just an example of what Game of Thrones does better than most other shows out there."
"Nihilism is probably the biggest, most recurrent theme in Rick and Morty."
"For a show like South Park to become so widely considered some of the best TV created is truly special."
"Mikey was the heart of recess, and so was Jason."
"From a writing point of view, I think Oberyn is the best example you can pull on, as to how to expertly set up and literally execute a new character."
"The Fairly OddParents has always been known for its distinct edgy brand of humor since its inception."
"You just really don't see this kind of masterful complexity in most other series."
"Ultimately, I think it's going to be Ryan. I don't think Victoria Newman is going to even try to talk with Homelander anymore. I think the boys and Victoria Newman are what we're looking for towards the fourth season."
"It's like the more you think about the show, the craziest impact and the scenes are, this shot is beautiful, yeah, yeah, yeah."
"It's remarkably balanced in its depictions of both its titular geeks and the rougher-edged burnouts."
"Lindsay Weir really ties the show together as an all-time great TV character."
"Overall in season 1, there is practically no filler."
"I think we found the show's big secret and that is that there are actually two Wandas."
"The saddest part of all of this is no matter how long it goes on for how great the show gets... The Mandalorian is all about the formation of the First Order and their rise to power."
"Dragon Booster creators aimed for psychological, social, and cultural significance."
"The big question will be how does the audience of Superman and Lois grow? Because the numbers have been going up for it, because the show's fantastic."
"Is it the greatest work of fiction? No, but it's magnetizing." - Reflecting on the appeal of Squid Game.
"The character work in this series is some of the most flawless character work I've ever seen."
"Luckily, the show has figured out how to critique the outside world while letting the gang stay the same."
"That is us watching this season trying to keep pulling up the alliance charts like, 'Oh my, how many circles can the same group of people be?'"
"Succession became the little show that could ascending to a level of Pop Culture relevance that impressively Rivals even its Prestige HBO contemporaries."
"Yo, Marie has been such an interesting character throughout the entirety of Breaking Bad."
"It's almost as if Game of Thrones was the spoonful of Yorkshire accented sugar to help the Midlands medicine go down."
"Squid Game's purpose is not to condemn its characters' moral values; rather, the show is a condemnation of the system they belong to."
"Is it a weakness that my favorite thing about the show is seeing these other characters?"
"I think it was really well done they left Hanks throughout the season so the reveal felt earned."
"The Umbrella Academy nails the fallout of childhood trauma and dysfunctional family dynamics."
"The show exposes some hard truths about privacy, masculinity, and social media all while remaining ridiculously compelling."
"It's almost like a battle of the bastard situation where the majority of the focus was on Jon but then we got those scenes with Daenerys."
"American Horror Story was extremely transgressive for its time."
"Rick and Morty contains 5.4 jokes per minute."
"Steven Universe Future has a number of problems that really weigh it down."
"Better Call Saul breaks the prequel mold in multiple ways."
"It's hard to pin down just 25 weird moments for a show as truly bizarre as SpongeBob SquarePants..."
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer uses vampires, demons, and old magic as a tool to reflect contemporary horrors."
"Ironic with the two bucks s-sarah and super-ego main characters of the show."
"There's a lot to unpack in this episode, any episode involving Arnold's parents really just hits hard in my opinion."
"Every character on this show contains multitudes and is not just one-note."
"I absolutely love the parallels between that scene and the scene that was at the bowling alley in season one."
"If you want to understand what an antagonistic emotionally abusive parent does to their kids, this show makes Logan Roy look like he's a little league Dad."
"This is my favorite analysis of the season next to Homelander."
"I'm here to quench your thirst for in-depth Better Call Saul analysis."
"The thing I absolutely love and kind of draws me so close to this show is the way that this show basically draws a line in the sand for characters."
"This is my expertise, and I love watching the show because I like to look at it through the lens of attachment styles."