
High Demand Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Toyota Australia offered the Yaris at 40 grand drive-away pricing for the first 1000 online orders, which were snapped up inside of a week."
"The demand for this is through the roof, and as a result, we're getting lots of development occurring."
"The reservations are full, they sold out the first 24 hours."
"London After Midnight is by far the most sought after of lost films for one reason."
"Every decade has films that are timeless, it's just the amazing technical achievements."
"Virtually we almost went down on his first stream. We went to like 100% capacity and we were ready to shut off countries one by one just to keep the stream up in the United States."
"Cariuma's original sneaker has won celebrity fans racked up wait lists over sixty one thousand people."
"People want graphics cards, they have never been in more demand than now."
"Probably the hardest breakfast reservation to get these days."
"Nvidia will happily sell you 3090s all day as many as they can."
"With a sales record of 600 million sales per second, the delivery from Amazon's warehouses needs to be streamlined."
"Here's what takes it to the next level...no one could buy them."
"The birken bag has become a collector's item driving increased demand."
"It's gonna be sold out. Hopefully nothing can stop this fight from taking place."
"Lead generation is one skill that is at a very high premium."
"Last year around this time we completely sold out of inventory in less than three days."
"The best stuff gets picked over very, very quick."
"My friends, Matt and Anuarbek, that are realtors down here, have told me that they've listed houses for $1.1 million that within two days received a hundred offers and ended up closing for over $2 million."
"The entire reservation got scooped up in less than like seconds. It was like a Taylor Swift concert."
"Everyone wants him, and he could walk into any team in the Premier League."
"Demand for this car is absolutely crazy, it is bonkers."
"It's a hot ticket to be one-on-one with the Universal Champ right now."
"This is an amazing product, run they will sell out."
"The Air Jordan 1 Shadow 2.0 will definitely sell out."
"The appetite has been huge. There's 12.5x more demand for Bitcoin than what's being produced on a daily basis."
"Kylie Cosmetics sold out within less than 60 seconds but they only stocked 15,000 units."
"The only thing is the other sets from this product aren't in crazy high demand."
"Another way to make money is being a high skilled Workforce such as a pilot."
"They sold out instantly at the Paris auto show."
"It's an extremely sought-after skill which means you can work in almost any industry out there."
"Tradies are high in demand at the moment."
"Religions that carry these features are considered high demand religions."
"Distributed antenna systems are deployed in high demand venues such as a stadium, hospital, shopping mall, casino, race track, convention center, airport, subway station, and tunnel."
"This is the highest demand Tesla has received in its history, and that orders were double that of production."
"It's gonna sell out quickly, people are gonna scoop it up very fast."
"It's flying off the shelf like hotcakes."
"For the past ten years, we've been actually booked out about a year and a half to two years ahead of time."
"These are definitely a must-have in every collection so the demand is high."
"Tickets go on sale in 10 minutes, they sold out under an hour last time for Boston."
"Rush out and buy one immediately, if not sooner."
"Accounting careers are always in high demand; you will likely always be able to be employed with accounting."
"With waitlists longer than a typical Kardashian marriage."
"Pre-orders of this toy sold out the moment they were listed."
"This has been selling like hot cakes as one of YSL's best sellers."
"Demand for their AI platform is off the charts."
"Demand is so far off the hook you can't even see the hook."
"This card is very very hot right now."