
Philosophical Approach Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"The real task then before us is somehow to treat a sick culture rather than its sick individuals."
"Martial art is not about fighting against others, it's a battle within yourself."
"Science is a process of understanding the physical world, not a declaration or verdict."
"Humanism is an invitation to approach living in a genuinely constructive way."
"Stop fearing death to free up other fears and live with love instead of fear."
"Isabella is an outstanding and philosophical young woman, an intellectual princess."
"Methodology is really a philosophical stance on research."
"Analytic idealism is based on careful theorizing."
"You're not sent here to save this world, you're sent here to assist in saving this world."
"Curiosity and humility over belief... that's so incredible."
"We need to remain as diplomatic as possible."
"Anybody who claims to have a way to minimize unnecessary suffering, I'm gonna give them the time of day."
"We neither believe nor disbelieve, we hold it."
"Skepticism itself can never be wrong... necessary."
"We need to go back to treating people as individuals."
"Politics has a point, it has a Telos. Trump so far has served that Telos." - Andrew Clavin
"Absolute guarantees is something we avoid because that kind of thinking invites disaster."
"The idea of focusing and aiming to achieve unity versus division."
"It's okay to just say I don't know and let's just let it sit there."
"Truth cannot be approached directly. You have to do it through negation."
"The Buddha can make errors, self-correct like great, can we keep doing that?"
"Consistency in opinion over time can mean that you originally investigated it from first principles and continue to feel that your original position was correct."
"Knew I'd have to know with full confidence that's the team we carry on and that all the philosophical stuff was imbued and other people and I don't."
"Truth beauty and wisdom will come to you that way. Assume nothing question everything and start thinking."
"Our heart takes a philosophical belief structure position... and that's what I'm going to move forward with."
"When we change our attitude to all these traumatic events, we grasp the world in a more philosophical way."
"Happiness and fulfillment is an art, not an event."
"I wouldn't change nothing that happened. That's the other cliche saying, but I just wouldn't change [__]."
"It's been incredible to see you all think like a monk."
"It's not a building and it's not the physicality of a studio, it's the philosophy."
"They have a togetherness, they have a philosophy, they have a way, they have some damn pride in how they want to play."
"The only way out is through, and the obstacle really is the way."
"The essence is more important than the form."
"It seems self-evident that we should take actions most likely to make the future good."
"The best we can do is hope to make our individual world as close to the real world as possible."
"Prudence is like the efficient cause right, prudence is actually what pushes you to make a decision."
"I'm trying to create a better Collective Consciousness that can think more clearly and reach more accurate conclusions."
"Divestment does not mean you follow a binary type of philosophy where there is only black and white and there are no shades of gray."
"The obstacle is the way. It's a chance to practice virtue, to practice excellence. But more importantly, it's a chance for me to prove myself, if only to myself."
"We can embrace abundance rather than scarcity."
"Imagine living a life where Good Fortune seems to follow you at every turn."
"In order to believe in it, something doesn't have to have a special thing."
"What you want if you have any sense in your society... is that you want everyone's logos to have the opportunity to clarify the unknown and reconstitute the world."
"The path to the truth is a journey, not a race, so we can take as long as we need in our conversations to get there."
"It's a toolbox, a philosophy, and a new musical vocabulary."
"Let's not be against each other, let's be on a joint journey of exploring truth."
"If you're starting metaphysically and you're kind of carving reality at its joints."
"We need to view freedom as the founding fathers did, as having a point."
"Strong convictions loosely held." - Unattributed speaker
"If less is more and it is, then maybe the least is the most."
"We don't change the world by attacking it from the world. We change ourselves and we build together."
"You must be a samurai when it's time to cut, you need to draw and cut in one motion psychologically spiritually."
"It's gonna happen naturally though, that's the bottom line."
"You don't have to understand anything for life to work out."
"Better to be on the side of being optimistic and wrong than pessimistic and right."
"Humility before truth leads to human flourishing."
"What is involved... is the reorganization of the structure and real relations between men and the world of the economy."
"I operate under the assumption that we will, is you not why not? Sometimes you've gotta be an optimist."
"Colorblindness is a philosophy of how to fight racism."
"James Turner's philosophy: you use whatever access you have to resources to enable other people."
"Isn't it better to be a moderate pessimist? Because then you know from time to time, as you pointed out, small hopeful things happen."
"Your target shouldn't be a particular thing happening, it should be a particular Dharma."
"I think we can all agree that we should not force our religion on other people. We shouldn't impose it but propose our religion."
"It's the process not the product that is the goal."
"Accepting and surrendering to what is, so that you can make it something that you want."
"Loving your body isn't believing it looks good. It's knowing your body is good regardless of how."
"We would do well as scientists to remember that our goal is not to paint the world as we see it, but to see it as it truly is."
"The Socratic method is the greatest tool there is for critical thinking and for testing people's views."
"The Socratic method, in any event, is founded on humility."
"Joanna Macy has courageously, and with caring curiosity, shown ways to reconcile these false oppositions between inner and outer, mind and heart, outrage and centeredness, despair and ecstasy, and humanity and nature."
"Aaron Rodgers has a lot more confidence. You could tell... I loved the interviews that Pat does with Aaron because he's such a deep thinker and a very philosophical person, and it comes out in the way that he's played this season."
"Sometimes you just gotta live with a mystery."
"To know the secret of prosperity, know that there is no way to prosperity; prosperity is the way."
"He earned the reputation among his friends as, and the nickname of, the philosopher."
"To treat both triumph and disaster as neither good nor bad in themselves."