
Financial Humor Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"It's funny, I actually make money from saving money."
"If I was a hedge fund... I'd be wetting my pants."
"can it be money because, uh, sure, why not hashtag rich lives matter."
"If they paid you what you're worth, they go broke."
"Do we need to file for space bankruptcy yet? But it might be close."
"Gold bugs - the only asset in the world where when you are bullish you are referred to as an insect."
"Why are The Rock and Oprah asking me to send money to Maui? Ain't y'all a millionaire and a billionaire? Rent is due tomorrow, y'all got [__] up."
"If I knew that I was getting paid from the Lord or from him, I would want my money."
"We need another trip already, right, we need another trip, I can't, I need to financially recover from a big snack, honestly, same."
"Buy the dip guys, buy the dip. That is financial advice you can live by, no I'm kidding, that's satire. SCC please leave me alone."
"Parents when you spill or use too much vanilla extract: I'm never going to financially recover from this."
"The best way to make a million dollars in the stock market is to start with 2 million."
"Money doesn't grow on trees... it grows on balls."
"And again, don't give them any money. If you want to, you can send it to me instead. I accept cash, checks, PayPal."
"I absolutely love it and what I love about it is it's instant gratification."
"This is not financial advice, I just hope you brought your oven mitt."
"I'm never gonna financially recover from Halloween again."
"If every time she walks you get up and answer the door, you mean she's making sign money as a kickstand?"
"The game is to win... get the money printer out."
"Crypto goes down but it gets up again, are you ever gonna keep it down?"
"Those tips better be going to that dog's 401K. I guess it's tough being unemployed, tired, and hungry all the time."
"There's no tightening like FED tightening, right?"
"Then I would log into schlatt's bank account and then I would buy the $400,000 monkey." - Tucker
"That’s like giving all your money to your ex-wife, not because the courts are forcing you to, but because you think it’s a sound financial decision."
"That's a little bit of change 4.025 billion there it is that's that's a little bit of change."
"It does feel like a sport. So let's watch all these five thousand dollar toilets, goodbye, goodbye money."
"Good point, good point. But you will have to pay taxes on that settlement of one whole dollar. Oh, so probably I have about 30 cents left. Probably yes, exactly. Do what you want but that's where you can go if you want in on that."
"It's either a gift that you've been given three years to go shop for this freaking stock and buy the dip or we're all idiots."
"Welcome back to Crown's magical, sexy, and seductive internet money land!"
"My credit card company is gonna have so many questions..."
"Big money, big money, bigger money. Oh Lord, big giant money everybody, oh bigger, please."
"Do I look like I'm made out of money? Because that would get expensive super fast."
"Five million dollars in the 80s, that's like five million dollars today!"
"Just how much is it going to cost you to take care of 101 Dalmatians?"
"I would laugh that [ __ ] all the way to the bank."
"This place is so bougie, I wanna stay here for like a week, but then I would go bankrupt, so you know, it's do it for a weekend and not go bankrupt."
"Appreciate this money ain't funny, you know what I'm saying."
"Mickey Mouse wants an arm and a leg; you might as well get a bit back."
"Oh yeah, now we're grooving, how am I gonna pay for this food, I don't know but I'm in a good mood."
"Now we're grooving, how am I gonna pay for this food? I don't know but I'm in a good mood."
"How can I spend more, can I make the last check bounce?"
"Money doesn't grow on trees, it grows in the magic money chest."
"Paper money doesn't jingle, it folds."
"The way to make a small fortune from motor racing is to start with a big fortune."
"I've got a champagne taste but a beer budget."
"Bitcoin is making a lot of money right now... oh wait, it's not."
"Infinite money glitch found, the cheat code to life."
"It is the best time of the year not for my wallet obviously, but for my heart and that's what matters."