
Game Performance Quotes

There are 216 quotes

"It is an embarrassing loss for the Clippers... but this isn't so much about them collapsing as much it is about LeBron just being fabulous."
"I mean, what people don't realize is these two teams have both been involved in the two highest scoring games of the competition so far."
"We're making these early waves look stupidly easy."
"Gibraltar is honestly one of the best legends in Apex."
"I definitely thought that Paul clearly did more in the game."
"They look happy. That's one of the best games we've seen them put together in a long time."
"We're standing behind, we're looking at these FPS from one month to the next, it can go from 22 up to 90."
"It's [expletive] incredible, it's ambitious and I think they nailed it."
"The precision and the pace of the pass has been absolutely exceptional."
"93 percent of participants were dissatisfied or very satisfied... game either delivered on their expectations or had exceeded them."
"Finally got this right. In fact, this might be the best Halo has ever played."
"Smurf is actually popping off for the team here we go who won first map team Philippines one."
"It was a pretty good year for Magic: The Gathering... especially when you compare it to the tumultuous 2020 and 2019."
"Pumpkin Trail just ends up doing nothing most of the time."
"Rondo of Blood is from a technical standpoint one of the tightest and most robust early Castlevania games."
"I feel like everything was executed so goddamn well it's it's impressive that this game even works like it's beautiful."
"The player of the game was Ryan, while he may not have won, he provided answers to the table consistently."
"I watched mahar's video and he really kind of destroyed the performance on a highend PC I kind of waiting for them to optimize it a bit but I may I may grab it check it out and then return it if I'm not getting a good experience with it."
"He pretty much dominated in the games that he played in."
"Spurs just not evenly they're back there but there we go."
"What a first half that was, this was the score last season at halftime and Arsenal still won 4-2."
"Cyberpunk 2077, for a lot of players, is just unplayable."
"Our level ones were a lot better we were able to catch him out multiple times in that period and then I also felt like our team fights were very successful we were stronger than them in those team fights."
"What is the secret sauce of London? If they just decided to go 'okay, whatever, we're just gonna go out and play the game' and that's what they've done."
"In general, performance is pretty good here."
"It's not their strategy, their mid-round adjustments are just terrible."
"Make the game feel way more snappy, more responsive, and reduce micro stuttering."
"A noticeable improvement even on triple-A titles."
"Fnatic could surprise Elements... Fnatic are gonna have very high expectations for the rest of their games because this is phenomenal coordination."
"Kerbal Space Program one with mods looks better, runs better, and has more features right now."
"It plays really well, I would consider myself a decent Defender fan."
"Garchomp... amazing stats... really, really solid Pokemon..."
"Armors... very, very good... a nice consistent Pokemon..."
"How nice does it feel to catch the TD, catch a touchdown in-game?"
"I mean, I should have won that game, which is clearly better."
"You're conceding less, you're winning more games."
"Sometimes in these big games he's the best player and the best player by a mile."
"Absolutely dominant in that game, it was glorious to see."
"Consistency in game comes from consistency outside."
"He's up to a 75 overall already, he'll probably be real close to an 80 by the end of the year, especially if he plays well."
"Runs like a dream and offers some incredible Doom gameplay."
"Red Dead 2... it was firing on every cylinder."
"Miami beat A&M 48-33. They did not run the ball for half a mile."
"Miami's hanging 48 - you would have said wow!"
"Overall, performance in 30 fps mode on both titles here as shown in the stressful section of Uncharted 4 and even some basic combat and exploration and jeep driving in the Lost Legacy, it doesn't appear to drop or skip a beat."
"It's joyous, and I can't believe they've got it to run on Quest 2."
"Man gotta be winning both these games, both these games fam."
"Corey Bahrquiz Bojo controlling field position. I mean, it was a great game for the Packers."
"Oh, look at the teamwork. Oh, we made it, we made it."
"Escape artist plays so well, it's so fast dude."
"Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage... finally proves that not only is PlayStation capable of supporting such a game, it can do it very well."
"The assurance that a game is operating exactly as it should, warts and all."
"We love to see what we did at the end of the game, how many shots we had, how much possession we had."
"It's now actually completely playable and recommendable."
"It's a lot better running and looking game due to the fixes."
"Great shooters! What a pickup! Nice job there by Lopez."
"That's awesome! Wow, Davis in the first half eight-point second half he's had ten just this third quarter."
"Far Cry 5 could be said to have a near-perfect PC port."
"Confidence is key especially when it comes to winning a game."
"He has this Obsession and you know he wants to win every game there is never a game where it's like you know he wants to win every game."
"What a fantastic point he terrorized us all game today."
"I had 23 points, a decent stat line, very efficient game."
"Probably one of the best comebacks I've ever witnessed."
"That is three nil, what a domination in this game!"
"I've encountered some bugs, but significantly less. Most bugs seem to be centered around character navigation and collision."
"The level of play we're seeing right now is absolutely insane."
"Congrats on your first game, and you passed that first test with flying colors."
"Still, of course, an incredible start for IG six and a half thousand gold up."
"The controls themselves feel really fluid already. The game is awesome."
"Guild Wars 2 needs better frame rates. We agree." - JT
"How do y'all feel the first half? They used to close games for the last two weeks, so how do y'all feel about that?"
"David De Gea won us the game in the first half and Ronaldo won us the game in the second half."
"It's hard for me to find anything about that match that I played that didn't feel well polished and ready for player consumption."
"Nahida is one of the strongest five stars we've ever gotten."
"Rosa is strong in Siege as well, she can deal huge amounts of damage and has decent range for her tankiness."
"The perfect start to this game, exactly what we wanted." - "It's muller full fat, it's lovely lovely play."
"It's almost instant ... the game loads 23 to 38 times faster on the new series consoles versus the xbox one."
"If you don't do anything eye-catching in a game, that doesn't mean you had a bad game."
"Now if they go out there with the painter as the floor general they don't give a [__] we'll see if they win one game they don't care and they got picks and their own picks."
"Can we acknowledge that it's a mistake? Yes, we can acknowledge that it's a mistake."
"Destiny 2 is surviving, but it's definitely not thriving."
"Silky smooth football... beautifully done from them."
"It's recognizably DKC and it plays better than the previous black-and-white games."
"Rare did a good job bringing ki to the n64 and it plays pretty well."
"It's just unbelievable because we played well for 20 minutes and we concede a bad goal."
"That's one of the best you'll see, turned on to that so quick."
"It could end up being the best-selling non-packing Nintendo first-party game of all time."
"Nice to start with a win and what a way to win it as well."
"Dragonflight is actually a silent win for a huge number of specs."
"This has to be one of the greatest comebacks."
"His is, you know, probably the most dominant game ever pitched."
"The Dolphins have pulled off the improbable and won down by a ton at the half."
"That reflections got off to such a weird start, I thought we were in big trouble."
"Every time the ball lands in with Athena or Esther there is that bit of quality."
"I'm so happy... he's passing is brilliant leash on long shots and shot power are very good as well."
"Higher levels of precision are rewarded with higher levels of movement efficiency."
"They just don't have that same type of feel, I've seen them actually blow more games than I feel like actually close them out."
"He just makes quick work of this rack and look how quick he gets in line on this rack to just really make it simple."
"He's built his stacks, boys! He is at 25 off the back of that fight, level 16 on the re."
"We've made the map adjustments to increase the performance in Siege, including new foliage and trees."
"It controls well, it looks great, and it runs smooth enough."
"It's three-nil, and we didn't even see what happens. It's a smash, it's going bad for Liverpool."
"He's gonna score from any place, any time he touches the ball." - Unidentified speaker
"He's honestly off to a storming start, which lends credence to the fact that the first couple years of my Twitch save with Oriental Dragon, we played a 4-4-2 and extremely direct and like broke goal scoring records and we're absolutely storming."
"High precision event timer can cause stuttering and latency issues in games."
"What happens if they lose hard points moving forward?"
"I'm just so impressed with Beyond... putting out some top quality play."
"Look at that, continues to push for that landed, that Viking doing so so much for him so far."
"Ganacho has to start next game, he did really well."
"How did Animal Crossing: New Horizons do? Did it make up for the failure of Amiibo Festival?"
"We won every single series in seven games! Wow, we beat them by 16 in game seven. RJ Barrett, you're a stud dude, you're a stud."
"Just because you have one bad game, there's no use in getting too stressed about it..."
"It's important to note they don't imply that AKC's getting bad roads or driving badly. All it is testament to is just how much you can get out of this game's engine and the mechanics."
"Our damage is just incredible right now, it's up there on the list of like best runs ever."
"It never feels like they're five thousand eight thousand gold behind despite there being highlight movements for the enemy team."
"That was big, clutched up, going up by 11 points."
"You need to sort yourselves out because you lose in every game."
"Mesa has a lot going for her and remains as an A+."
"Kobe was relentless and uncompromisingly him."
"He's the best shooter ever, emphatically as we saw in Game 4."
"Nice mega Charizard Y having uh having a great first game."
"Eagles Old Line miles Sanders after the game dominate dominate dominate pure dominance."
"It's just such a fun game, so I'm thrilled to see how well this game is doing."
"Rogues are pumping here, dominating leveling and speeds alike."
"The offense was a beautiful harmony really last Saturday."
"The game is still in this situation where its stability and performance is in a far better state."
"Pain rain with the second three-star today it's gonna be taken at home for one hive."
"Chris Jones had tremendous impact on that game."
"Things like combat actually hold up surprisingly well."
"Game running very smooth, game running very stable, graphics again solid rating on this."
"The grading system offers replayability, scoring you on time, damage, parries, and super usage, rewarding mastery of encounters."
"He just couldn't keep his issues outside the game from influencing his decisions in-game."
"Rarely does a game like this live up to its height. Rarely do you have the two superstars play like Superstars."
"Absolutely insane what the lower bounds of this game are."
"The turn times have been vastly improved... it's about five times faster than it was before."
"David De Gea, Marcus Rashford, and Anthony Martial were superb."
"I'm beyond blown away so far by how well the game is running."
"It's lightning fast, especially if you play right after Now or Never."
"Good win for Liverpool, and probably should have put the game to bed."
"I'd bring Party on there's a massive hole in midfield, not just from us. I don't think their midfield's playing that well. I believe their back four's a bit shaky today, and we're not taking our chances."
"It actually looks and runs surprisingly well."
"I feel like R9 was really the difference in this one."
"I also tested Super Smash Bros. Melee. This again ran great which is to be expected because you don't need that much horsepower to run GameCube games."
"He scores and he's fouled, turnaround jump and that brings it back to within two."
"On Stadia, Cyberpunk 2077 was pretty much flawless... day one patches are done dusted and pre-installed."
"The gameplay was really buggy when it first came out, but all of the clothing and the furniture in this is like, game changing."
"Every single input you put in happens; it's just so snappy."
"Slippery finisher: helps you finish a whole lot more."
"Three-nil in the first game of the series! That is a promising start."
"I got myself to max, man. Two triple doubles to close them out in Orlando."
"The board got every damn question correct, and that's when I started to feel a bit uneasy."
"What I want to see from Arsenal is maturity in the game."
"That was an insane game, but that's like an easy 95% accuracy plus. That was gorgeous, incredible."
"It's important to start on the positive. Their first half was ridiculously bad, the second half was very, very good."
"The performance was perfect there was absolutely no dips in frame rate no matter how big I got my city up or how the lighting looked the game all seemed to run pretty well."
"Hog is struggling a bit even though there are still situations he can be successful."
"It's a high-profile third-party game developed exclusively for the Switch, and its performance might just end up having an impact on future development for the system."
"This Vegeta is gonna perform very well in the red zone for sure."
"Halo looks amazing, and all the games are running at like 60 fps."
"This game is not even remotely bugged. This is fine."
"Skyrim is by far the best performing game in the series."
"Training is everything, ends up happening, of course, in the 90 minutes, but all the work that is put in there..."
"There's no reason you should pay 60 70 bucks for this game and have it run like ass."
"Nade has to get huge value. Even if you miss most of your shots on Ana, if you land that grenade you're gonna do really well on Ana."
"after russell had 30 points 40 boards a game 7 record four assists on 44 shooting and he played 53 total minutes that includes overtime"
"Dark zero getting in their face nice and early and again, but this time shut down."
"Open nets could be very challenging, especially with all you beans watching."
"This ass whooping that they getting, it's like I know where it came from."
"I need more than five games to say, 'Give him the keys.'"
"It's honestly comical how strong he was on this character."
"The game runs incredibly smoothly with no performance issues."
"It's like they didn't, I regret it. I understand like they had the starters out there like the whole second half I get the tired butt bro where where is the intensity even from the beginning of the game from Julius Randle."
"I mean between at the 12-minute mark both teams had four kills at the 26-minute mark Fnatic had six kills in total and G2 had 16 kills in total after that early game."
"Every Minecraft update needs to fix bugs and improve performance."
"I can't believe that one goal, didn't think it was gonna be that incredible."
"De Bruyne: a fantastic player who can make magic happen in any game."
"Always top of my game straight away, easy way of Hunger Games."
"I definitely think Skies performs pretty well in both of these aspects."
"I think it'd be hard for you to say that Khalil Herbert has not been... he won us a game."
"Are they seriously going to give me a shutout in a game 7?"
"My terminators were probably my MVPs, they kind of went up the middle and were able to hold and kill stuff."
"Luca just giving us almost 20 20 games, and we just say that's a normal day at the office for him."
"They are complete freaks in every aspect of this game."
"Cyberpunk 2077 is finally stable and works as intended."
"The fact that this game holds up in terms of performance is also appreciated."
"Cola absolutely slang through Ken. Is that gonna be enough? It is, wow." - Commentator
"You gotta hand it to them, they played an amazing game."
"I have not had more fun and like reliable scaling and being able to take on basically all content in the game with any other league starter."
"They're not the worst in the game either, they're a solid choice."
"I try to go for the perfect 100, but it's so precise."
"Tim Watson: 'It was, and looked, I just, you know, wonderful ball on, so we get me our best to win the football.'"
"He came back much faster than expected have not been vintage brian brown one touchdown two interceptions in those games against Cincinnati here and up at Syracuse."
"Does that qualify as a touchdown drive or a quarter?"
"This has been an outstanding game today, absolutely phenomenal."
"Remember, no team has scored 60 plus points in five consecutive games."
"Miami game two, they showed that they are a real threat."
"This has been an unbelievable second half."
"Joshua had an unbelievable game against Minnesota."
"They have certainly dominated the game."
"The clarity and the accuracy that your game has on the floor... is going to be directly determined by how clear, how stable, and how accurate your mind is."