
Personal Frustration Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"When someone tells me, 'Do you know your potential?' It's so frustrating because I love greatness so much."
"I'm fed up. I am so done with this. We all have daughters, and if our daughters want to compete, they shouldn't have to compete against some dude who has an advantage over them."
"I'm so tired of losing. I've been losing the last two years."
"It will be set to start in September of this year and now once again my head hurts."
"I was tired of people never thinking about their words before they say them."
"It's fucking unreal that I'm having to say that."
"I used to get so pissed off at coach Shanahan"
"I guess I'm more angry than I am thinking about myself... What right do you have to complain?"
"Complaining that online dating sucks is kind of like complaining that the gym is not helping you lose weight."
"Y'all could do it, he gotta work. Yes, he has to work, and I'm shooting tomorrow. You know I'll just be the red-headed stepchild this weekend. You know, I hate it here. I hate it. I hate it. I'm having extreme FOMO right now."
"I have no choice because Pureology hasn't emailed me back in over a year, and I'm getting desperate."
"The last two years have been horribly unproductive... I'm tired of it."
"It's a shame that we as black women even have to go underground to do that. That is ridiculous to me; I'm honestly sick of it."
"Even talking about it now-- Especially the dog. Is makin' it worse. Yeah."
"I want to make sure people have to vote. The importance of voting cannot be underestimated."
"Astrology is ruining my life, hate me instead." - Opie
"Honestly, I'm glad we're kicking you out of the house because you are fully doing my head in."
"I've spent so many years arguing with people who have told me that I said something that I never said."
"Either speak up or you shut the [__] up forever. Hold your peace, stop coming to me about how much your life sucks."
"I'm tired of negative people saying they're down but so quick to give up on someone who never gave up on them."
"It's the least of my concerns with this thing... it's just annoyance, really."
"I don't really know where to put it... but it's really going to bother me."
"I was finally tired of looking at the car with mismatched panels."
"Do you ever get frustrated looking at the agendas of the world? I know I do."
"That's not the problem, it's just really frustrating."
"Due to personal reasons, I'm suing the entire human race."
"You're not helping me, you're not helping anybody."
"Usually I get jealous of people who are more successful than me. But that's when I turn off social media. It's like, okay, time to get back to work because I'm so angry at my lack of progress here."
"Some guys get it all, I can't even get a text back."
"Harry's whole backtracking on the whole racism narrative was very annoying."
"Logic, logic, logic, that's all I want. Do I get it? No, I don't."
"I hate it okay it drives me insane yeah like I've been wanting to basketball to me is made to play like this game."
"It pisses me off, how good at cooking you are."
"Why does this always happen to me? Am I so unlucky?"
"It's okay to be frustrated about small things."
"I was ready to quit, but then the interest rates went up and screwed everything up for me."
"You can't go anywhere without getting judged for something stupid."
"You try to do everything you can, but they still push you away. They still don't want to listen, and it's frustrating. I know, trust me, I know."
"No one appreciates you and no one does this and that like actually my kid right now I'm teaching and I'm still paying your stupid salary."
"Martha does that [ __ ] take 400 and you wanted to go home!"
"There's no spot where I can plant down a flag and say, 'Well now that that's over, let's look back and survey what's happened.'"
"I'm like so now it's just it's just sitting there. It's just sitting there right."
"For me, it was frustrating on so many levels, except for the twirly part."
"Now I get why people don't want to grow up. You don't want to pay taxes, you don't want to pay your rent. I'm like, I hate this."
"I think I got railroaded, and it pisses me off."
"Quit [ __ ]... lots of people... that's how I know right now."
"I feel very scammed... I feel very scammed for what this would have been called as an art box."
"It was actually worse than that. You were playing planeswalkers versus enchantments and so they didn't even affect you. You just blew up all my enchantments every game."
"Lately I've just felt like I'm tired of doing things over and over again I just want to do it one time the right way and just end it I'd be done and that's why I'm doing it this way."
"He's also sick of all of this, and he's sick of the entire situation."
"I'm at the point where I don't know what the hell else to do with my time."
"She calls herself a frustrated loser in society."
"I'm tired of people asking me for jump shots man like in my opinion you should probably have a jump shot by now."
"Oh no, I'm cold, I can't do any work. Oh well, day's ruined."
"If you can't have a truth... that would drive me kind of batty."
"I noticed everything to the point where I wouldn't even give her face...I would just sit there and just be mad as hell."
"I was like I'm doing this cool beautiful thing... and then I was [ __ ]."
"Just fuck all those people who have never been exposed to your god concept."
"That's my hell, like I'm going to the comic book store—'This one's written by Tom King.'"
"Well, it doesn't give me any extra information to function in whatever I'm still stuck in this reality."
"I'm not an emotional ninja. This isn't Ocean's Eleven. You're not dating Brad Pitt. I shouldn't have to dodge lasers to connect with you."
"Why bother? No matter what I do, people are gonna bitch."
"You son of a [ __ ]. Gonna [ __ ] turn me into a deaf robot."
"I am tired of the same old faces, the same old things."
"I have a lot of love inside me, and what's frustrating to me is I'm not giving all that I can."
"Beautiful California man, people say what they want, I get frustrated at times, but it's beautiful."