
Vivid Description Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"I found myself in a very real place of pure, impeccable bright whiteness."
"That was incredible, okay, the fish right out the oil, sizzling still, like, on fire."
"It's like a big slice of cake... sliced right out of the planet."
"You write with such vivid language that I could imagine myself there."
"The only way to describe it is an utter assault on the senses, in the best way possible."
"You can almost see the soul leaving their body."
"Specificity punches up your writing without feeling too fanciful."
"Specificity makes your writing come alive with detail and depth."
"Smells so freakin' good, you can practically taste it through the screen."
"It's like lightning, like you feel like you're on fire when it's happening to you."
"It's action, action, action all the time, almost like a comic book or old cartoon."
"I saw the blood and then I saw the doctors. I'm like, oh [expletive]."
"She clings to her chest, her face burning brighter than a thousand splendid suns."
"I'm on the bus when it crashes and I'm probably at the front of the bus which meant I go straight through the bloody windshield and land on the bloody dirt."
"The shadows were alive, distorting his features. It was a scene from a nightmare, but I was awake."
"A symphony of leather here at the fight sphere."
"You win, yeah, when you described it we're all there with you brother you describe it as good as being at the fight was insane."
"That is a fucking rainbow. That is the gayest shit I've ever seen."
"Everyone went 'yeah, that really looked like it hurt.'"
"It's one of the strangest train wrecks I think I've seen."
"No dude, nope, no man, that's good bro. It's like if you burned a Band-Aid."
"The Vimana flashed away into heaven beyond the stars like a thought leaving a golden Trail in the sky."
"Greg Smart was basically right in front of the front door lying on the ground."
"There was this massive dog-like thing in front of him his exact description is as follows about 12-foot tall dog-like figure made of living blackness silver sharp teeth and its eyes were an evil red."
"She blew into my life like a category 5 hurricane full of bluster and with one eye."
"The spawn big press thing dude that's like actually the most accurate description I could have given you."
"Other times it feels like a train wreck... this is like a train wreck and then went off the rails and then it caught on fire and then it blew up."
"That room was dirty. It looked like an animal was killed and dragged out of the room. I mean, the stain goes down the hall."
"Keeley is definitely a bottle of the most chaotic energy I've ever witnessed."
"I feel like I'm seeing it in real life so I can see it sloshing around in there."
"That color is like super beautiful, it is like very very shiny, yeah it's kind of like a goldeny yellow just like metallic-y, really beautiful color, I feel like that worked so well."
"Vivid colors are used to describe the throne room and the one who sits on the throne."
"The inside of the truck smelled like sweat, and to this day, I remember it."
"Space bloomed about him, the ground was hard under his hooves, the light stark as it spilled from the countless star speckling the dark void."
"The imagery was vivid and so descriptive that made me feel I was watching it unfold."
"It's a scorching hot Sunday in Winter Park, Florida."
"You're a wet dog, the wettest dog I can smell it on you."
"I drank the water with my hand and it tasted like bright yellow wine and it sparkled and bubbled as it ran down over beautiful red and yellow and green stones."
"It was like if somebody got choke slammed from the top of the ladder in the ring onto the mat."
"Liston hit the floor like a guy slipping on a cake of soap in the bathtub."
"The stench of death filled the nostrils of the last two men fighting."
"So she was sent there to kill and she couldn't kill the kid cuz and so because she didn't loot ripped off her her wings took her eye and they took her Halo too wow wow what a [ __ ] up."
"A loathsome night-spawned flood of organic corruption, more devastatingly hideous than the blackest conjurations of mortal madness and morbidity."
"The second he grabbed the bucket, the shit stopped and then rotted because it had been fermenting, so it smelled like shit and salami and, oh, it was bad."
"They are like jellyfish helplessly grinding each other in the middle of the ocean brainless, and that is such a good description."
"Nothing like it, sir," he said, shaking his head ruthlessly like a hanging judge.
"It's almost like 'Game of Thrones'... just an army of the dead... very visceral."
"After the war a reporter asked him to describe what happened here and he said it was as if one had a handful of chafe and tossed it into the air on a windy day they were just Swept Away."
"She said it was like looking across pavement on a really hot day and seeing that mirage except this one looked like it was alive."
"The choke should be like holding someone's head and putting it underwater."
"She strides out of the sea like Aphrodite on a half shell fully nude like we get all the pieces and whoops those people's asses and I thought that was so funny."
"Grandpa always tells me that he's never heard someone pitch the degree of fit she had that day."
"Yeah, it felt like I was in Niagara Falls in my head I knew I was pissing I'd lost control of my bladder and I knew I was pissing but I could like feel the piss splashing everywhere it was like heavy rain like which it wasn't like it was just a full pace in my pants but."
"He swiveled his neck, expanding in every direction like a dragon who hadn't been able to turn or stretch or move in 2,000 years."
"The air was thick with the foul powder smoke, rank with the stench of blood, and alive with the noise of screaming horses and men."
"Tyler put her whole entire foot in cooch and left tit in this goddamn album."
"It was a gory mess of an eruption: putrid blood, bile, and liquefied organs blasted all over the beach."
"She lay in a pool of light under a column of swarming neon-lit mosquitos, naked, her skin was blue-black sleek as a baby seal."
"Mane bristling, ears laid back, lips withering and snarling, jaws clipping together as fast as he could snap, and eyes diabolically gleaming."
"It literally smells exactly like warm buttered bread."