
Gaming Prowess Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"No one can touch me in this game, I am the best Tekken player going."
"Nice shot, oh my gosh dude, this man's building is nuts!"
"You essentially want you and that champion to have such a connection that the enemy team actually ends up banning that champion in the following lobby."
"I've proven myself as undoubtedly the best blocky droppy player in the world. Now, I'm going to just play to punch people off."
"He's good at apparently every game he touches which I guess is no shock for someone who's won TI twice."
"This is incredible. I know, and you didn't think I was good at this game."
"Solid awareness, great coverage, awesome angles, and the pressure there from Evo's."
"Primate was consistently one of the most ferocious Pokémon in the tier."
"Thank you, sneaky, for the donation. All right, I killed two entire teams single-handedly and my entire chat's like 'L, you suck, get good Technoblade!'"
"He absolutely shreds people. He shreds objectives. He destroys entire teams."
"Cyril cannot be stopped, he's a Sith Lord of Starcraft 2."
"Taliyah just looks like an absolute powerhouse right now."
"He does have no plus number as he continues to stake his claim for number one in the world of 1v1."
"His level of consistently high level near-perfect mechanical play is unparalleled in League of Legends history."
"Teen Gohan is a friggin blender to say the least."
"Gentlemen, we have the new champion in the hands of no other than world best AD."
"How did Kirito get so powerful? This dude was able to take on the floor 74 boss basically by himself and win."
"This is one of the most ridiculous sprees your boy had, he's real hard to kill, that's for damn sure."
"Taking down these teams single-handedly. Whoa!"
"He's extremely intimidating, maintaining over 85% win rate."
"You're a tank, Cyrux! You're just blasting through these domains!"
"Always a pleasure to watch you demolish games."
"I am the best Fall Guys player ever, bro. Now I know some of y'all watching that and y'all are mad that I clutched it."
"Broken with the clutch, how does he keep doing it?"
"He is unstoppable! This man is on a machine of gaming prowess, I don't believe it."
"If they played Dust2, they can actually beat anyone in the world. It's mental."
"Karyan slicer can single-handedly carry you on its back for the whole game and even bicep curl you a few times for style points."
"Both of them really, like we've been talking about how incredible Sarah's plays in the late game."
"This was probably my favorite of the lot from tens... That's why he's considered one of, if not the best player in the world."
"Screw you, I'm doing it anyway because I'm literally the greatest portal player you've ever seen in your entire life."
"This Dodo Rax is the strongest on the server, in sanity I tell you."
"Cloud can go toe-to-toe with Sephiroth... he's really good."
"This is damn near a god Squad, I don't care if it's not 92 overall."
"That's Hanz's third air-to-air kill. He's in a bomber. He's shot down half of the enemy team."
"The b2 super battle droid is pretty unstoppable in the right hands."
"That absolutely beautiful poison spell that single-handedly might have got BTR this MVP."
"Simple with the 4k on the deagle that's why he buys the deagle this guy is something special."
"Mega Heracross was pretty much as automatic a one Pokémon stall killing machine."
"He managed to win a late game epic cbz against somebody like rogue I think that means he can do anything"
"XP you were literally a god at this game you were you were the fastest player out here."
"It's fine. Easy. How does he do it? How does he do it? Answer me that, chat. How does he do it?"
"I mean, he's literally the greatest Call of Duty player of all time."
"Who doesn't want to take down goons in a style that can sometimes make Devil May Cry shed a tear?"
"If that is not damn good jungling then I don't know what is."
"I have taken out two entire Pokemon and I haven't even taken a hit yet."
"You just have to sit back and appreciate the absolute like peak of mechanical skill that robs has."
"She's the best PvE nuker in the game, it's not even close."
"You can absolutely carry and destroy the enemy team."
"Style oozing out of every pour, double entry, 1v3 clutch - his name is Simple."
"This run just makes a mockery of all of them."
"Sometimes I just gotta remind you who I am, the king of games."
"I cannot believe someone could be this good at item rain with a vehicle like that, major props."
"He was like a 1v9 Zoe performance, yeah, he was so sick that game."
"Honestly, we're like super powerful as it is. Like, there's nothing in this game really that can stand a chance against us."
"Best Cuphead player alive getting ready for that delicious last course."
"Abaddon just has it all: a good design, great stats, and overall just a very interesting and underrated demon."
"A profit-hungry corporation did something shitty, the sky is blue, and I'm [__] epic at arcade games."
"Meister is Mr. Consistency. I don't know who Meister loses to except his fellow Mexican brethren in Spargo and Chag."
"I'm such a goddamn beast in this goddamn game!"
"Double seven millions, super effective against all types, I'll take that."
"Finishing a game without taking a single hit or without incurring a single sliver of damage is an obvious way to demonstrate your complete dominance."
"First killer still king of the throne. He's number one, he's the top dog in North America for 1v1."
"What a clutch that is unbelievable, that's 100 level clutching right there."
"When it comes to Pokemon honestly I'm no different than anyone except I'm just better at Pokemon."
"Saryn mains are the heroes of onslaught, owning that place and bragging about damage done in the end screen."
"Nisqy is fantastic, that guy is smurfing so hard."
"Skywrath has so many kills, it's pretty amazing."
"Alpha yi is having himself a game, he has progressed from AlphaG to Sigma."
"He's just staying alive, all comes out, how has he done it on the glock of all weapons?"
"Legendary fucking status using this team, true."
"I'm the best at video games, nobody can ever deny it, I'm 100 video games every day forever."
"How often are you ever going to get a 30 kill streak, dude?"
"Rose is up there he's probably within the top five."
"S-tier players are capable of beating three raid bosses consistently in the early game."
"Sado massive shatter after massive shatter showing why we've been praising this player."
"However, the legendary White Snow is in this raid party, and she instantly takes care of the monster."
"Bro, tell me not, I'm not a god Minecrafter, two-hour speed run, six damage."
"What a God, all their timings are right."