
Personal Presence Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"There is nothing more powerful than presence, however that presence is configured."
"Show up every day as yourself. Show up and be a hard worker."
"There is no work-life balance, you do the best you can, be present where you are."
"Trust yourself, have confidence in your own path."
"Pay attention to your body language. Keep your shoulders back and take up space."
"The man you fear isn't the man that tells you how tough they are, the man you fear is the one that doesn't say anything."
"My presence is captivating and draws others towards me."
"Your presence alone can alter the atmosphere of a room."
"Like, I'm pretty sure he's been in probably like I think three of the videos so far and like that's the aisle he's always in."
"How I now understand that when you're on instagram you're not somewhere else you're still in that same room you know I also value connection a lot more."
"A man's presence, his depth of awareness, is his most valuable asset."
"He dominates the hallway, and you sense all of the strength and resilience and energy for which he was famous."
"The metaverse is first-person; you feel like you're in it."
"They exude confidence, standing straight with good posture, gliding along with a confident flow."
"I want to challenge you to start being visible to yourself again, to start being present in your life again."
"He was feeling his way towards... there was something about him that was not to be denied."
"Lance Reddick for me had what you would call a singular presence, an authority as an actor that not a whole lot of actors have."
"That's a little bit of a bold statement that's do you think like the way that that was worded makes it seem like every fight I have low presence."
"You need to be the best version of me in every moment."
"People that are confident people that are influential command their the space around them they have they take space they um act confidently they walk with purpose."
"Anywhere you go, make sure you step out and slay."
"What is it all worth if you can't feel gratitude? Be present in your own life."
"Anytime I go into a room, I simply state that I mean no harm or disturbance."
"Hit that like button right now for Maddie being back in the house!"
"There's nothing more attractive than presence and purpose."
"You have to be there. It's one of those 'you had to be there' moments."
"Confidence does not lie in a man. It doesn't lie. It speaks loud and clear without you even having to say anything."
"It's crazy to see the space when you're watching all the content and you get here and you see it in person. Honestly, congratulations on all your success."
"Actually, the opposite... I'm the one who's not there." - Korey
"Talent will take you into the room but your energy will keep you there."
"I'm not going to kill your dog. I'm here, don't worry."
"It's not like riding a bike, I've been on like campia's live streams more often than I have been live on this channel lately."
"You walk into a room and people can feel your energy, honey."
"Stay the king of wands, don't disappear into the activity."
"I'm assuming that's you with the boots sticking out staring right at me."
"Posture is one of the first things that people notice."
"Cedric was showing up today, you know what I mean? How much how good could you feel about yourself?"
"Him being there is cause for celebration and optimism"
"Just you being here is shifting the course of history is shifting destiny family so please take this time seriously."
"Literally, your posture. It's very upright and you have a certain amount of dignity associated with you."
"I can feel bad about... have I really been there every single day?"
"There is no stopping him. He is here to stay."
"Once you start that inner work of self-love and accepting all of who you are, that's when you can really show up and be present anywhere."
"That's the only reason that I need to be here. Leon's here blowing [ __ ] up but I'm here just being a badass."
"Wherever you are, always be the soul of that place."
"You looked as if you were juggling, as if you were multitasking, being present with others while focusing on something within yourself."
"Sometimes we have to be there even when other people are not there for us."
"Could you imagine if I like walked down it's like you know screaming my name."
"You're fine, you're one of those people that like... when you walked into the classroom it was like 'all right we're about to have fun.'"
"I do want to be around here with my wife and my children. I do want my children to know who their father is."
"It's pure talent on that stage ten feet away from your face, plus I'm gonna be there."
"Trust me, you'll smell me, this is a monster at every level."
"You can be a powerful masculine presence and you don't have to dominate others at all."
"I'm not just happy to be here, I'm meant to be here."
"Holding frame is extremely important for being a man who wants to be seen as very desirable for women."
"You just being there is helping to inspire people."
"Looking girls in the eye when talking to them allows you not only to convey your message effectively but also to project presence, dominance, and power."
"I'm just happy to be here, and you know some really exciting things."
"He wasn't the best, but at least he was there."
"You don't raise your voice but you raise the vibration in a room and people know not to play with you at all."
"Queens project themselves... it's the presence you know what I mean it's the presence that you have as a queen when you know who you are and you walk in it and you own it."
"They motivate me to be a better husband, a better father, and to be present."
"The most important thing to have with you is yourself right."
"NVIDIA is able to use their graphics cards to power AI and it's just going to make Nvidia incredibly wealthy."
"Connection to us means presence. It means being present with an individual, but mainly being present with ourselves and what is coming up within."
"As you can tell, I am here in the flesh. I live and I love. But oh, I did have some stories for y'all."
"Presence matters. Virtual presence is actual absence. Presence matters."
"If you showed up, you are successful, so be where you are today."
"It looks so much better in person than pictures or even video will do."
"I never left, 15 years already, so I'm still here, I'm not going anywhere."
"I am only choosing work over being present in my own personal life and if I was told that I had stage four cancer who the [__] would be by the side of my bed."
"Hello, this is me, I'm not just an emoji."
"I'm glad I was there to support my brother."
"Nothing is more precious than your presence."
"It's like you're constantly ghost hunting for yourself."
"I really do want to go in person. I think I could make a much bigger impact in person."
"This is a powerful lady and usually the most radiant lady in the room."
"You know who you are, and that's the presence from where you sing."
"You have to show up in your life for yourself for you to be okay."
"What matters now is how we show up; it's always been the only thing that matters."
"I did it, ladies and gentlemen, I was here."
"Some things you can see from pictures and videos, but some things are just simply best seen in person."
"Find me in front of your homes like Katie, Katie Holmes."