
Game Commentary Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"This is winning for FlyQuest... the ask is lower on FlyQuest's draft. Everything that they have to do is much more streamlined and straightforward."
"He's here there abouts it was a big Nathan tonight for Barcelona you're messy outside - in the esta Omri and shabby inside"
"It's a very nice fight for New York, blizzard's such a good ultimate right there."
"Juicy forces game five thank you and keeps France Toe to Toe with Saudi Arabia."
"Big 12 officiating crew fitting in to this sunday nighter for the kind of college football opening weekend it has been."
"Messi looked great, Suarez looked incredible."
"This is what power does. It intimidates people."
"They have next to no damage going up towards him, that's not enough."
"The best humor comes out of James's commentary and witty clever things that he says about the games."
"Lovely tackle by the center back there, don't know his name but it was a lovely lovely tackle."
"It's as good as it gets! Derrick Henry, a couple of great runs in this first half."
"Oh, look at the teamwork. Oh, we made it, we made it."
"I'm wondering how he's actually going to win this game." - Commentator
"This is the ace match, the king of the hill!" - Commentator
"Anybody can be the hero in any moment." - Commentator
"This match has had it all so far, and it's just map one."
"It's kind of crazy and it's fun and it's something we haven't seen."
"Nice and early, know who get in the pin millet ow god damn it you're equalized oh there we go advantage is out the window everything is tied up to to."
"What a goal that is, magnificent goal!" - "Back of the net, one-nil! Change the score, what a start!"
"Eight max level accelerators on round 32, this is uh, I mean what do you even say to this?"
"Unbelievable game. I don't think we're ever going to see a series game like that again."
"It wasn't the best match for Barça, and we're winning 2-nil."
"Loving the Minish Cap commentary and the lively events."
"Untap, combat, attack, and Niv is officially insane! It is so good! Alright, uh, yeah, impressive, impressive Niv-ing!"
"Loop on G taking game number one for a LG loop on G again as tower here in the 1v1 competition."
"If you make 20 threes or 40, trust me, you're in a real good spot."
"I can't believe you're having such a good game already, this is unbelievable!"
"I think this was a game. This was a heck of a game."
"Every time he goes for this B site, it's a bloodbath." - Exile's impact.
"That could be a video in itself, that was an outrageous game."
"Land Nomad is a ridiculous game, a ridiculous map, which is a fan favorite."
"That's the end of that game for sure, Porto versus Juve, it's a crazy old game, isn't it?"
"Scrub Killer, 3-1! Fairy Peak looking a little bit sluggish in game 5."
"Look at this fight as Doublelift is full health, and he is a Felius. You've got to respect that one!"
"That was a very hectic first round to say the least."
"Fantastic stuff from Suktee, and of course, I managed to catch a word with the man himself."
"That's the touchdown, alright, boom slant could have worked out well."
"The upset of upsets! Classic Pro winning the first game and just stomping Velez."
"Shoty makes a play... He just delays Toronto Ultra. Toronto Ultra can't get to that next Hill because Shot's making plays here."
"Taking care of two giant skeletons with that mini Pekka was absolutely huge."
"Nick Chubb had 20 touches for 143 yards, no surprise. 22 of those were rushing. But man, is it sweet to watch Nick Chubb run the ball, he's so good."
"Call God because they had no chance of guarding him."
"Lovely turn from the 15 there to get beyond Ainsley." - "Lovely turn from the 15."
"High Fly ball to deep right field... Goodbye! It is the route in game four. It's a three-run shot, and the Rangers are in double figures at 10 to nothing."
"...black's position is suddenly really trashy."
"A nice draw over to the left rail, yeah you could call that pretty much perfect."
"So Auburn exercising opportunity, the Trojans getting careless, making mistakes, the Tigers counted, and it's 14-14."
"That was a giant-sized splat, a beauty from Ada!"