
Christian Duty Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"We cannot stand as witnesses of Jesus Christ until we can bear witness of Him."
"Jesus is telling us by means of this riddle how he wants his servants to act during the end times."
"Jesus said all believers are supposed to go into all the world."
"You're the keepers of the flame. That's what we are as believers, we're given that fire, we're given that presence, and we are to cherish that presence."
"How can Christians get involved? Number one registering and voting."
"We are called to be holy because God is holy."
"As Christians, we should be leading the fight against things like racism."
"Preach the gospel and the lost will be saved, but you have to preach the gospel."
"As Christians, we must pray, stay informed, and be an influence for Christ."
"The hope of Jesus' return motivates you to live for Jesus, but it also motivates you to share your faith."
"The Bible gives us just one assignment as last days Christians and that is to occupy until he comes."
"Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual."
"Your first job as a Christian is to receive."
"The basic principle of the social gospel movement was that Christians had a responsibility to deal with urban poverty."
"How can you possibly consider yourself a soldier of christ if you don't go out and be a light to all who are in darkness how can you grow in faith without the healing power of confession."
"If there's something I'm called to do as a Christian, and the government tells me not to, I'm gonna do it anyways."
"This is not a sermon about helping Christians be squeaky clean people. This is about significance and the globe."
"The most important thing I think a Christian can do is right there: win souls."
"There is no more valuable thing that Christians can do than bring the gospel to people."
"All he's asking of you is to tell them, share with them."
"To love your neighbor is to evangelize them. That is how you love your neighbor."
"Represent the King of Kings and the Lord of lords. That's what he's called us to do."
"First and foremost, we are called to care for our brothers and sisters in Christ."
"Our duty before God is to lay our lives down, to live godly risky lives for the sake of the kingdom of God."
"Our mission as a Christian is not to forsake or renounce the world but to renew it." - "Our mission as a Christian is not to forsake or renounce the world but to renew it."
"Enough is enough. We as Christians must discern these spirits around us and deal with them."
"Sisters, Jesus Christ not only asks you to serve, he asks you to be served."
"What is a Christian's duty? To truly know God as Creator and Jesus Christ as Savior and Redeemer through the revealed word of God. A Christian must learn how to earnestly call upon God, to believe, love, and trust him, and also to serve, glorify, and praise Him."
"What is your Christian duty? Love the Lord your God with all your heart, love your neighbor as yourself."
"In order for you to be Salt and Light, in order for you to have an impact, in order for you to be an instrument in advancing the kingdom, here's what you must do. In the first place, you must be nourished constantly on the words of Faith."
"You are among a minority of Christians who are really responding to what the Bible says you're supposed to do. You are supposed to be theologians and you were supposed to be scientists so that you can always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is within you."
"We Christians individually have a responsibility to see how our money is spent by our church."
"You have to shine. Christians must shine because there's a God of light."
"We still need to baptize the evangelized, but now we also have to evangelize the baptized."
"There is no debate among Christians that we are obligated among all people to help widows and orphans in their distress."
"We are called to live daily, moment by moment, in everything you do, to do it unto the Lord."
"Until the Great Commission becomes the great go mission, we have committed the great omission."
"Anyone who truly has an understanding of what God has done for them in Christ will be motivated to evangelize."
"We are forever and ever, every generation, to do for others what God, through Christ, has done for us."
"My friend Helmut thought that was his Christian obligation to warn the people and tell him what happens."
"The highest calling any Christian can have is not to be a prophet, an apostle; it's to be an intercessor, is to pray."
"Charge those that are rich... to do good, that they be rich in good works, liberal to distribute, willing to communicate."
"We're called to inspect fruit, not to pass sentence."
"Each one of us is highly needed for this work that Jesus laid out for us and instructed us to do as he did: 'Follow me,' he said."
"Grace teaches us our Christian duty."
"Christians should look after the poor and the weak, but first they had to believe in wealth creation; otherwise, where did the money come from?"
"A true Christian is a soul seeker and a soul winner."
"It is the duty of all Christians to remain always in prayer."
"The task of the Christian is to remember that God loved the world and sent Christ into it to save man out of it."
"Christians everywhere are called to be lampstands, to hold up and show off the light of Jesus to all those around us."
"The job of the believer is to become like Christ, which is the intercessor."
"Your responsibility to shine and to smear for Jesus Christ is the reason why you are here."
"Every Christian has this role of acting as a Watchman; we are to observe, evaluate, and examine our lives against the word of God."
"You're here today because people kept on sharing the gospel."
"Whatever you do, do heartily as to the Lord."