
Spiritual Service Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Any time you do anything that helps anyone on either side of the veil take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel. It is as simple as that."
"A greater opportunity for the dimension that is so sweet and so powerful and so transforming in sadhana and that is guru seva, Service to the Guru."
"If you haven't been in one of these services, get to one of these services."
"Our goal is to minister to you and to love you."
"God, here I am, use me, possess me. I want to see this world come to Jesus and the only way I'm going to do it is being clothed with you, filled with you, and possessed by you."
"God does not elevate you based on who you're with; he elevates you based on the heart that you have in serving."
"I've come to understand that God is love and light that's where purpose comes in in our lives and we learn Purpose By serving others and understanding how we're all connected in this web."
"We have the humble privilege of being vessels of your power."
"Now we can stand up like men, stand up like women, and serve the true and living God!"
"The highest worship of God is service to mankind."
"God loves us equally but uses us differently."
"Scripture indicates that you and I as redeemed Believers will be engaged in meaningful service throughout eternity."
"We are vessels of His good will, of His perfection, of His glory, not for yours but for His glory."
"The best way to serve the creator... is to share the love of the creator."
"I will administer grace to some people through you. You will be the means."
"It is clear the revelation is the angels are to serve us."
"Each Dimension... may offer The Wanderer as a means by which to enhance the planetary vibrations and be of service in that regard."
"I choose to do what is good, right, and faithful before the Lord in everything that I do. In my service to the church, in obedience to God's ways, I work wholeheartedly seeking the advancement of his kingdom and in doing so I prosper."
"I don't believe there's anything you can't do."
"God healed him and 6 months later he was able to get insurance. He's in the ministry today."
"God wants to flow through you. God wants to use you. And he's fighting for me."
"I'm doing this because I want to serve God well."
"We're all called to do this and God will use what we have to give."
"God wanted us to serve a god who knew what it actually felt like."
"Thanks for joining us this week on our services and live the story behind the universe."
"Every door that God has opened for me has come through serving somebody else."
"Ministry is a gift, something that belongs to God that he is giving to us to operate in."
"Let us serve Yah in spirit and in truth and do our best to serve His purpose."
"You're never too young or too old to be used by God to glorify Him and to bring souls to His kingdom."
"The major secret to unlocking these gifts, unwrapping these gifts, is service."
"It's not about me, it's about serving His kingdom."
"It's all about him at the end of the night, when my head gets on that pillar I know he's pleased with me because he's got the glory. I'm just his servant."
"The more you learn about God, the better you serve Him."
"You are closest to the heart of God when you're ministering to people in deepest need."
"The way we make disciples is through our vocations, daily doing what God has called us to do in our vocation, loving and serving our neighbor."
"You're making a difference in the kingdom of God."
"I need your gift to be deployed for the kingdom of God. I could do it by myself but I choose to use you and your particular gifts."
"Don't serve the king out of fear, serve out of love."
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."
"You're not a follower, you're serving God's purpose, you're serving God's purpose. God put you down here as an Earth Angel."
"We wanted one we felt best exemplified in the now what we believe to be The Healing Ministry of Our Lord."
"You're never really alone either... you have Yeshua."
"Hearken my servant, you are both servants of the same master."
"The greatest service is to recognize one's true nature."
"No man can serve two masters. Who's your master? The God of Israel, Ahaya is His name. Only Him should we serve."
"Many will come to you, and you will pray for them. I will answer your prayers directly. I will raise the sick, solve problems, and heal wounds."
"Anytime we assist another person in moving toward the exaltation and eternal life, we are involved in the Gathering of Israel."
"Seize the opportunity while you're young and experience the blessing that Jehovah gives those who serve Him from youths onward."
"No person is small in the kingdom of God. We all have our appointed tasks to do, whether you're doing videos, editing, or just cleaning. We're all important."
"How to serve with honor in the work of God: be reliable."
"The gifts of the spirit are to edify and to build up the body of Christ."
"The only way to properly serve the most high is to show up as who they created you as."
"I'm truly a servant of the most high."
"We are ministers of reconciliation."
"If you're a priestess, then you should be a servant; you should serve the people, and the highest service to me is the healings."
"Those five teens are the hearts and souls that the Lord has put in front of you to share with."
"Work as if you're working for the Lord because that's what it's all about; we're serving Him."
"If he's let me know that I'm on the Lord's errand, then of course I will couple them with love."
"For all are one, and we would suggest to you that you give praise and thanksgiving to the one infinite Creator within each being that you serve."
"Present your body a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."
"They exceeded our expectations by dedicating themselves fully to the Lord and then to us, according to God's pleasure."
"Therefore, surrendering our finite self by abiding as our essential non-dual self-conscious being, which is both the thought-free state of supreme happiness and the absolute reality that we call God, is truly abiding in His service."
"Lord, let me shine for them; Lord, let me sing."
"Live, die, all I do is unto the Lord."
"They that wait on the Lord... wait in that text means serve."
"The only limiter on our ability to serve God is simply our level of connection with Him."
"I testify that each one of us can feel the Lord's inspiration as we live worthily and strive to serve Him."
"I remember saying to the Lord, 'God, I would love to be able to write songs and be a part of Your kingdom in a way of helping broken people.'"
"A successful service is when there's a sense of the Lord and people are pointed to Jesus."
"By your mercies, we are living sacrifices, wholly acceptable unto God."
"When God uses you to heal the sick, all the heavy lifting is done by Him."
"You serve God by serving other people."
"Let's fill this place up, and when they come, everybody's a minister in Jesus' name."
"God is looking for people to use."
"By dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit."
"Thank you for allowing me to do readings for y'all."
"It's about being a tool for God and helping other people."
"We should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter."
"The priests came, beloved, not first to be blessed, not first to receive, not to see what Yahweh could do for them. The priests and the worshippers came, beloved, to bless Yahweh."
"Don't worry too much, just do your Seva, Serve the Guru. You will get blessed."
"As a little part of God, you are meant to serve Him in your own way with your own talents."
"What doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul?"
"He has sent angels to minister to those who are heirs of salvation."
"Now I have broken loose from those hopes we had, and I am determined to serve God."
"God never calls lazy people to His service."
"Your spiritual power brings blessings in loving service to the Divine."
"Whatever you want to say, Lord, you can say through me. Whatever you want to do, Lord, you can do through me. Whoever you want to reach, Lord, you can reach through me."