
Friendship Dynamics Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Most friendships begin by necessity, and a lot of the best friendships are based on common mutual necessity, at least for men anyways."
"What these Americans are talking about here and they can't find friends are two of the three kinds of friendship."
"Every friendship has four variables: proximity, frequency, duration, intensity."
"One of the core dramatic things: you don't believe their friendship then nothing else is really gonna work."
"Behind every emotionally wrecked white person in the MCU, there is their black bestie."
"Tangle is a wonderful friendship between two completely different personalities; instead of butting heads, these two help balance the other out."
"They want all the perks of friendship without providing anything back."
"The only reason it would change our friendship over anyone else's is because we work a lot together."
"If you're like each other's best friends I'm not hanging out with like someone every day that's too much for me."
"Like the Yugi and Kaiba relationship, they hate each other on the surface but are besties behind the scenes."
"Friendship breakups are arguably harder than relationship breakups, you know what I mean? It's not as easy to break up with a friend. It's almost like they're your family, and it's very hard. You put up with a lot, you know what I'm saying?"
"Death is as little of a deal as slapping your best friend."
"The best friendships come from those ups and downs, those fights are necessary."
"If those male friends said no I wouldn't smash you genuine friendship on both ends nobody wants the other one."
"A friendship based on hate, it's a tale as old as time."
"Me and Justin have actually really been through things together... we're really best friends."
"In friendship you are there to give; in passion, you want to take something out of it."
"Be the guy in your friend group that makes the extra effort to get everyone together."
"I like a good oppositional pair that learned to be friends story."
"People try to insult me, they don't know me. They would say, 'Haha, you're bald.' But true friends cut deep with, 'You work so much because you're worried that one day people are gonna discover the fact that you're actually not that talented.'"
"He recognized that I like to make a lot of dirty jokes... he would always dial it up to 500%."
"Friendships change, but just because Spike made a new friend doesn't mean he stops being yours."
"At one point we're like very good friends with Ryan and I don't recognize this person."
"If you lose friends because of this conservative movement, they weren't your friends."
"Even before all this went down bro he still wasn't really down to be chilling with you."
"Communication is key. Like, if you don't hang out, are y'all really best friends?"
"That's a really fun friendship again that like dances the light of romance sometimes which I also really love."
"Friendships come and go... it almost feels like a breakup."
"If you're my friend, you can't get mad at me when all my answers to your problems are aggressive. Oh no, he broke my heart? What should I do? Break his kneecaps."
"You'll be bringing equilibrium or balance to your friend groups, to your social networks."
"When you introduce a large amount of money and a business partnership into a friendship, small things tend to blow up."
"Ed is kind of chill, I'm kind of a social butterfly."
"Prepare for that. Your friends you have now are probably not gonna be the same friends you have 10 years down the road."
"It's very cool to see friendships where you can perform and have a blast together."
"Some of the best friendships don't talk every day y'all so good say they pray y'all so good."
"I can't imagine being mad about something like... like if my friend texted me..."
"Creating friendships similarly to starting a romantic relationship requires vulnerability right it requires us to be like so um trying to be your friend like what does that mean are you down like what are you know."
"When you're 30, you usually have your set group of friends. I'm all set. I don't need anymore. You don't need more friends, yeah. Actually, everybody, yeah. Get less friends as a matter of fact."
"I can't mute him because, yeah, he's your boy, like he's your boy."
"They really like getting together with friends, I feel like this person has a group of very loyal friends who they spend time with."
"No, I mean, you're a cool friend man but I really value our friendship. Well, yeah, I also want to know if we were dating who would be the big spoon."
"You guys want your girlfriend to be like, close to your friends. Want it's not a want, it's beneficial."
"If you're having issues with people address it to them. If they don't take your feedback then it's okay to end a friendship."
"It's wild, but just bring over fries and we just... We're not gonna talk about that part."
"It's okay to make and lose friends. People are changing in high school."
"You really think that the Royal descendants of Sh L would be friends with young ANS rulers?"
"You need a friend whom you can grapple with."
"I cannot be convinced anymore that it's just a coincidence that it's Frodo and his three buddies that sign up for this great adventure and that it was Tolkien and his three best friends who signed up for World War one."
"It just kind of goes to show...some parts of friendships are seasonal."
"Life isn't fair, the only thing you have ultimate control over is your attitude."
"If she starts having a guy best friend she complains to about you, that's a sign you better run."
"What do you think about Miras as a character? Do you think the Goku friendship was earned?"
"Anyone who has real friends or ghost outside knows what I'm talking about you make jokes you get joked on it's that simple"
"Love it, Monét is so dumb, I love that Bob always checks the crazy stuff she says."
"Friendship is easy to see when someone considers your win their win."
"There's always going to be a level of attraction if that's ever on the table. That's not a real friendship."
"Friendship isn't just static. Even if you have really good friends, that relationship expires after enough time because you both change too much."
"I know but that's her best friend, so pretty much, let me tell y'all what the whatever for him was."
"Although it's generally best not to mix work with friendship, there are times when a friend can be used to greater effect than an enemy."
"That's the best kind of hater because it's your friend who has like a license to do it."
"If this is your close friend can't you sit them down and have a conversation and say Adriana I know that this is very near and dear to you?"
"Reboot is a tearjerker, telling the story of three friends who accidentally result in the death of one of them."
"Let's just go for it, dude. Alright, Brayden?"
"Acting pretty happy with you, mostly trying to be a friend right now."
"How angry is he? Oh my God, we're friends again."
"I wanted to tell a story of friendship and how best friends come in and out of each other's lives, and how you have to hold up your end of the bargain, and how it's never too late to start over."
"This should weed out some Facebook friends." - Rashad Richie
"It's easy to see it as like oh that's great for content I always look at it as homiemates."
"A war is coming, I'm afraid. Your friends at Hawkins are very much in the eye of the storm."
"Kind of like me and ya me, like we hate each other but we've been friends for so long that it's just, it's working. Wow."
"Let's be friends, except for catnap. Catnap is the evil one."
"We're friends that laugh, we're friends that shout. Sometimes we don't know what we're talking about, but that won't stop us. Nothing can stop us."
"Because the exploitation of age between adult teenage friendships is when it is abusive."
"A real competitor, knowing I'm gonna [ __ ] you up on the court or your friends off the court. There's no buddy buddy on the court. That's not a real friendship."
"Genuine friendships survive when they are public... most issues in real relationships... tend to fall apart because it was made public."
"Remember boundaries because some of these people who really like you may not just want to accept just a friendship."
"I dare you. I challenge you to a duel of dares, a double doozy paloozy dare!"
"You consider me your friend from internet first of all, you didn't even say the internet."
"Look man, it's a trip but I'm also like that's how it should be. I had some friends go like who would have thunk I go like me."
"If you took a look at the last 90 days of your four or five best friends when you're around them when you talk with them how much of the conversations are about the past."
"These two friends, these best friends broke up from being best friends and then switched boyfriends and then continued dating."
"If you see something like creeping up like this, you gotta let me know, man. You gotta let me know. Alright, I'm gonna freak out, bro."
"Real friendships go through ups and downs. Hank and I are gonna be fine, we're best buds for life."
"Some of the guy friends that I got, I feel like are out of my league."
"You can't force friends to happen, no, no. Even if you stick four girls in one room and just go ahead live together, it's just not."
"You shouldn't have to choose your friendships based on which games those friendships will mess up for you."
"I love when my friends do stupid stuff like accidentally backing into a telephone pole."
"You never wake up one day expecting that someone you thought was your friend is going to get exposed for something like this, bro."
"Let's start over dude, let's start over and chill."
"Go for the guy you want. Forget friendships, friendships come and go."
"Paul is the greatest rival that Ash has ever had."
"The most heartbreaking [ __ ] bro, I didn't lost real friends over all of this [ __ ] bro."
"For friendship to blossom, there's got to be some give and take."
"Friendship is a two-way street... shouldn't be the one putting in all the effort."
"They lost a friendship with y'all, this person has been changed."
"He knew that I did something wrong, being his friend and being his roommate."
"If somebody says I don't want to be your friend no more, let it be."
"Besties can't live with them, can't live without them."
"Friendship shouldn't be constantly butting heads with somebody."
"Friendship is a loving name for seducing away your partner from you."
"It wasn't about helping her, it was about helping himself."
"Friends groups are a myth perpetuated... just form your own communities with friends."
"Friendships aren't perfect because we aren't perfect and having problems in our relationships helped us grow as both friends and people."
"Jonathan becomes Damien's first real friend and Damien sort of becomes Jonathan's mini Mentor."
"Friends are supposed to lift each other up, it's supposed to be a good time."
"Friendships are built on trust and you didn't admit to cheating at cards, so yeah, we're 'give out the money' friends."
"Being ignored got to be the most disrespectful thing that you could ever do in life especially to somebody you call your friend."
"The moral is simple, sometimes you can't cut bad friends out of your life, and when that happens you can always pick them up as your kaiju self and throw them as far as the eye can see."
"It's a very well-known law of physics: The hotness of one girl is directly proportional to the ugliness of her best friend."
"Friendships are supposed to be a push and pull, like give and receive. Supposed to be that. It's supposed to be that."
"I don't rely on my friends. Yeah, well, I don't mean like they're unreliable but you don't typically... I don't know actually lean on your friends, do you?"
"You obtain nothing from a female friendship, you obtain nothing but responsibility without Authority."
"Everything is normal then I stopped being friends with her due to something that happened. It was a toxic friendship."
"...it might come down to needing to have hard and potentially anxiety inducing conversations with the people you're stuck in an unfulfilling or catchup friendship with."
"Do I believe Salt Lake City that these women are real friends? Well, take a look at this season and how they've all sort of dragged each other at some point during the season."
"We can check each other and still go laugh and go hang out or call each other and say what's up after we check each other."
"The complexity of a friendship when it's real is that there's so many ups and downs, so many arguments."
"Most friendships are friendships by proximity."
"Friendship is an equal power situation, it's mutually empowering."
"If you have the same friend group for 5-10 years, you are not growing."
"Everybody is not meant to be a bridesmaid, and you have different friends for different reasons and different seasons of your life."
"Part of a friendship is accepting the good, the bad, and the ugly."
"I want to be friends with people who do not mind challenging me in the ways that I think, in the ways that I act."
"Be sure the door is swinging both ways, and ask for updates and show concern for your friends' lives too."
"You are allowed to outgrow friends."
"People come and go, and you get closer and more distant with your friends at different times."
"Be patient in allowing your friend to respond in due time after you've given them a meaningful apology."