
Intense Emotions Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"I love you, I hate you, I can't live without you."
"Love can be all-consuming... and sometimes it turns us into someone we don't even recognize."
"My heart fell into my ass, okay? Like, I got so nervous."
"I felt like I was just engulfed in this forest and energy that felt like the most intense love."
"I get totally out of control when I have a crush and I suppose if you were to phrase it so insensitively then I guess you could call me a stalker."
"You could definitely say they fell really hard for each other really fast."
"It feels like you're gonna die, it feels like you've been kicked out of the human race."
"The hood loves different and they hate different, both of them. They love you more and they hate you more."
"They can be intense love that happens to some of you, or they can be the birth of a new, but secret love because the eighth house is secret."
"The rivalry between Manchester United and Leeds, I have never seen a pure carnage, hatred. Pure hatred."
"Doom brings all these radical feelings and emotions out of the player."
"It was truly the most life-changing epic terrifying scary beautiful amazing time of my life."
"This is everything. Entire scene my god Levi oh hell yes I can't take it it hurts."
"There's such a luminous quality to her desires and an intensity to her desperation that she digs down deeper into Ariel than anyone before."
"I felt every hair in my body stand up like an electrifying feeling of contact with something else."
"This person still holds a lot of passion for you, regardless of the fact that it's a lot of rage and anger at the moment. Together we are more."
"My feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance."
"She has to become a vicious killer... consumed by rage and fear and a ferocious will to survive."
"The mainstream gaming media and progressive Twitter hate with a white hot burning passion."
"Chemistry between you and new love will be off the charts."
"Take the risk of getting hurt because being in love can be toxic but the high is amazing."
"Obsessions usually begin in a fiery cauldron of anger, jealousy, love, or revenge."
"I hate how much I like you, you piece of [ __ ]."
"On the other hand, she harbors an intense hatred in her heart for any and all humans."
"I've never felt fallen so deeply in love before, I want you so badly and I don't know what to do with this feeling."
"Get the hell out, get your stinking filthy degenerate disgusting asses the hell out that god damn door right now."
"Erica, today you deserve the same compassion that you gave none. You are a vicious, cold-hearted, cold-blooded killer."
"I'm in love. I'm in love. I am in love. This tastes like a bran muffin crossed with a molasses cake crossed with salted caramel divinity."
"We love real hard and passionate and intensely."
"It is not light that you need but fire, thunder, and storm."
"Return of the Living Dead: A genuinely grotesque emotional overload."
"That hatred he felt saved another child from being killed by that rabid dog, that's the point."
"Never in my life have I as a grown man been so terrified."
"I see black shadows everywhere, the blood, the messages, the screaming."
"My heart felt like a wet sponge being thumped with a baseball bat."
"There's a sexual sadistic parent feel... there's a sexual excitement and orgy."
"Hate is a strong word, Zatanna, and it's not even close to strong enough to describe what I think of you."
"What's going through your head... it's like a drug, it's a rush."
"Anger was coming in then, and so when I hit him, it was with the intent to disable him and eliminate his ability to fight."
"It felt visceral, intense, like a showcase for Blake Lively."
"I really enjoyed the mental health representation. It was really intense seeing Khalil deal with things that he's dealing with."
"Oh my God, so scary! I thought I didn't get it!"
"It's a love unlike either of you have ever experienced before."
"I think she's saying like I killed my mom and I feel really excited about that and it doesn't go across saying like abortion is just like that it seems to me that she's happy she had the option to kill her mom."
"Your hearts are going to be like boom boom boom boom."
"Pure unadulterated intense obsessive jealous hate."
"It's beautiful, heart's pounding, feeling good. Oh yeah."
"In 1999 he told a judge 'it's like I have a shotgun in my mouth and I've got my finger on the trigger and I liked the taste of the gun metal' whoa that's intense."
"The look of fear in his eyes in this man was just beyond anything I'd ever seen before."
"We're going to put a stop to this... burn that God forsaken place to the ground."
"The tension was off the charts and I loved it."
"Malfoy was screaming and holding Harry so tightly it hurt."
"This is the only movie where the villain wins, and the villain wins in such a way, it just rips your guts out and stamps on it, man, stomps."
"That had to be like oh my, oh [expletive] at the time."
"There is no way that you can't at least understand the emotion behind wanting to kill somebody like that."
"If you love your people, you gotta be crazy."
"It feels almost like a psychotic type of love."
"I'm 28 years old and this is the most afraid I've ever been in my entire life."
"Conversation was all great, wait, feel my heartbeat right now, holy [__] dude, it's racing, it's like racing, racing."
"Their feelings for you still burn bright... they have this torture that burns for you."
"A visceral emotion that refuses to be confined."
"It's beyond that you lying on me, it's like you spitting in my face. Real talk, you know what I'm saying?"
"He plays a man full of rage and my favorite part is when he gets so mad that he just breaks a chair with his bare hands."
"Love story may involve long distance or foreign connections, intense and passionate."
"Though we've already covered some strong lovers in this list, none come even close to the intense love fueling Hotshot's never-ending quest."
"As Adelaide kills Red, she lets out a primal animalistic scream."
"Words are like arrows. You cannot call them back."
"Horror movies because being absolutely [ __ ] terrified is a very good way of losing yourself in a story."
"The thought of you being with somebody else is infuriating. It's Scorpio Death Stare."
"You killed my husband. You were getting absolutely abused."
"It's like a burning hatred that a lot of people have for a lot of other people."
"It's a thin line between love and hate, someone's flipping."
"Fam, it's crazy. They were not happy blood, trust me."
"All my instincts wanted to run and pick her up and scream and run away."
"I've never felt true survival horror until now."
"Recognizing who you're not is the first step to understanding who you are."
"I can't stop thinking about you so they can be up late at night just thinking, thinking, thinking."
"People scramble around, they fall when gunshots go off, screaming in terror, they freak out when their friends near them are gunned down as they sprint away from fights."
"They're feeling incredibly passionate about you."
"That was quite the emotional roller coaster."
"Passion surpasses sex, it's person-specific and burns hot."
"The earth is shakin' and quakin', the Devil's back is breaking, my mind is aching, we're not faking, are you serious?"
"This person is desperate to tell you that they love you and they just have these deep serious feelings that they've never felt before."
"For those with BPD, it's common for them to feel an instant connection to someone else and for that connection to turn to a sense of intense emotional need. Right, that initial spark and they're like, 'Oh forest fire, forest fire, forest fire.'"
"Their thoughts are so intense and so they hide what they feel from you and they hide the gestures that they want to give to you or take with you."
"Is it possible to both hate and love something this much?"
"You came out of nowhere, making them feel intense emotions and desires."
"I just fell in love with him, like hardcore."
"She was a woman of intense emotional feeling, a possible Clytemnestra."
"It's very difficult to describe that experience because if we think of all the negative emotions a human being can have - fear, anger, stress, great heartbreak, sorrow - I had all of those things set at ten at the same time."
"They have all this intense emotion in their heart and even if it wasn't meant for that person they will pour it out into that person."
"I remember feeling everything so strongly when I was there, you know."
"I think my heart just about jumped out of my chest."
"Terrifying is not a strong enough word."
"It's deeply passionate but also hot and rough at the same time."
"Peggy's heart was still racing, her limbs still felt like they were on fire."
"This was hands down the most terrified I think I've ever been in my entire life."
"The affection they felt for you at first sight or on first encounter scared them. The affection they felt for you was so incredibly strong it freaked them out."
"Loving so much or hating so much that at last it breaks out in spite of yourself, like lightning, like a thunderbolt."
"It's a beautiful disaster when I crash into you."
"This is intense, this is amazing."
"I was completely terrified, the most scared I'd been in my life."
"They experience emotions to an extent and intensity impossible for a human to understand."
"Thank God I certainly not at love; that's when everything stops. You feel like an outer body experience, your heart is pumping so hard you think everybody can hear it."
"It's boiling hot, full of nerves and full of excitement."
"My heart was pounding against my rib cage faster than I had ever felt it before."
"You can fight and say horrible things sometimes to someone you love."
"You don't want somebody to love you mildly; you want crazy love."
"He has desperate passions as I had in my youth, tearing and painful ones."
"Passion can be passionate love or hate."
"The intense emotion you feel is going to be out of this world."
"Someone's got a lot of fire, a lot of passion for you."