
Political Challenge Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"If the frustration and alienation in Alberta continue to mount, it will pose a very serious challenge to national unity."
"Good politicians should force us to confront our myopic views."
"Bottom line here: Republicans are gonna have to say that it's more important to protect the children in this country than to antagonize the NRA. Are they prepared to do that?"
"It is very hard for an unknown candidate in the middle of Montana to beat the Koch brothers."
"President Biden is facing an uphill battle to meet his July 4th vaccination target."
"It's an interesting thing...you are in the middle of the greatest constitutional crisis in 400 years."
"This is Boris Johnson's Battle of Britain moment."
"If you're an anti-gunner in the state of New Jersey you are in big trouble..."
"The fact that democracy is on trial right now or being tested unlike any other time in our lives and perhaps anytime in the life of this country."
"Joe Biden's mess now. How do we fix it? How do we get out of this?"
"The question is, radical left, will you listen? Who is on your list, Joe?"
"Why don't you do your job? If you're saying I'm not doing my job, how about you do your job like secure the southern border instead of shipping people with COVID into communities like McAllen, Texas? Why don't you get this border secure?"
"The general principle is to reduce the problem to a simpler problem because then you can hopefully solve- it is easier to solve, and then you can maybe keep on doing that until you get something that's trivial."
"I challenge anybody that don't like her to tell me she's terrible."
"The struggle is far from over. The question of whether our democracy will long endure is both ancient and urgent."
"Trump staged an insurgency that was hopeful because it did represent a challenge to the influence peddlers."
"We will primary you, we will nominate you, and then we will run real strong campaigns against Trump and the Republicans among them."
"Preventing election subversion... is maybe one of the most important challenges we face."
"None of these people have a natural answer as to what you're supposed to do with unaccompanied kids who show up at the border."
"We're not just taking on Republicans, we are taking on the greed and corruption of the corporate elite."
"Our democracy is so strong as long as the American people believe that when they cast a vote it's going to be counted and no one is going to mess with it and that is a huge challenge."
"It all speaks to this enormous challenge of how do you bring an orderly end to a 20-year civil war that has led to an entire state and its armed forces collapsing like the house of cards in a matter of days."
"Our democracy is under threat, but good people are rising to the challenge." - Ken Harbaugh
"The challenge is not just a technical one or a political one, it's a spiritual one."
"Being president is the Dark Souls of being a politician."
"The left are daring to challenge the supremacy of free speech."
"How does a country in such a state unite and move forward?"
"President Biden is facing a disaster with young voters, increasing fears among Democrats that they are in danger of losing a generation if he doesn't improve his standing with Generation Zed."
"This represents the most significant challenge to the Russian state in recent times."
"It's not easy to run for office these days and what those guys went through they really are true Testaments to patriotism."
"Politically, if driverless cars kill a few people but save tens of thousands of people, that's a problem for the politicians."
"He was willing to challenge some pre-existing orthodoxies within the Republican establishment."
"Support is an intolerable position for any prime minister to be put into."
"Donald Trump was the first politician willing to challenge the chimeric consensus."
"Any single part of Brexit is a mountainous task."
"Our campaign is an existential threat to the establishment." - Donald Trump
"Time for Trudeau to concede that the truckers have won."
"Surely now is the time for the Prime Minister to recognize that she has to stop banging her head against the brick wall of her defeated deal."
"Man, don't tempt me Trump, I'll beat you again."
"The politicians who are trying to do their jobs the right way are getting death threats."
"Mess around and find out. Not what y'all gonna do now, what y'all... I mean, if you wanted smoke, Merrick Garland brought the whole fire."
"I organized my community because the state of North Carolina had chosen Warren County to bury over 30,000 gallons of PCB-laced oil."
"It really was about individuals just not accepting what corporations were doing but also challenging politicians and saying you have to do better to protect us."
"It's really remarkable that you have a Democratic Socialist who's going up against the entire economic and political establishment as a front-runner right now."
"Prove you're a serious politician by doing this thing which might severely hamstring you."
"How long do you honestly believe that people in power like you will get away with it? How long do you think you can continue to ignore the climate crisis?"
"We're unafraid to take on any power, any interest, any status quo that prevents us from realizing our potential."
"To overcome these challenges to restore the soul and secure the future of America requires so much more than words. It requires the most elusive of all things in a democracy: unity."
"Quit the tough guy act in these Senate hearings. You know where to find me. Any place, anytime. Cowboy."
"The biggest problem that we face today is not opposition, it's apathy."
"It is no walk in the park to run against Donald Trump."
"I can't believe that we're in a situation where the Democrats have to negotiate to get back pay." - The Young Turks
"The proposed increase in the minimum wage looks like being the first casualty."
"President Donald Trump was dealt a very difficult hand this year. The Chinese Communist Party sent over the Chinese coronavirus, and because of that, our entire country went into bedlam."
"Radical in this context means what it almost always does, which is the bare minimum to meet the challenge and also impossible at the same time."
"I challenge my fellow Republicans to summon the nerve to speak out on the record against Trump. Defy the culture of fear he has created and go public with the concerns you readily express in private."
"Hold on to your seats and you really hope that Joe prevails in this one. He is up against more powerful interests than many people even realize."
"It's fantasy to believe you can win this race by not taking on Donald Trump."
"The president doesn't believe that he alone can pull the George Floyd Act policing act across the finish line."
"President Clinton will inherit a cocaine war in Bolivia that the United States cannot win."
"In nearly every state in our country, our freedom to vote is under attack."
"We have serious housing challenges in our country, and those opposite have done nothing about supporting what we're trying to do to address them."
"I think I can handle one politician."
"Trying to break these molds or challenging anything that we take for granted as biologically normal or just how things work is important politically."
"The job John Major has to do to win back the country is really quite dramatic."