
Artistic Motivation Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Everybody's making music for somebody, probably other than themselves, even if they say, 'I just make music for me.' Nah, somebody's hearing it."
"She's not in it for the money, she's in it to tell a story."
"I just loved the audience reaction and I was like I want to do more of whatever this is."
"Drake gives his best work in adversity... when he's mad at Kanye, he said 'that's when the [expletive] got into the beef with Pusha T...'"
"To feel a giddy excitement at the idea of doing the hardest possible thing you can when it comes to your art, like that is greatness right there."
"I love writing songs and I would do it if nobody listened... I just think that's really important, to write songs for you."
"True content creation is an artistic thing. You create because you want to see it in the world, regardless of the results."
"They do start with a genuine love of the work and the craft."
"The greatest artists were not coming from fear of not being the greatest artists."
"I think there is something to this idea of making art for the joy of making art without any preconceived idea on how it will later be able to be used to turn a profit."
"It will never cease to amaze me why people care enough to spend time drawing."
"James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron."
"Maybe what I can do, maybe the purpose here is to get you excited, get you to just go out there and just dance to the joy of photography and filmmaking."
"I'm just working trying to inspire people, you know, trying to make the best music possible."
"I was always driven by like how am I gonna survive in the world? I gotta figure out, I make a living through art."
"I'm blessed... it brings fuel and meaning and purpose to my craft."
"Even the artists who get large start out wanting to be spreading the word, but that money, that clout, that attention, it diverts it drastically."
"I didn't make it for other people, I made it for myself."
"Put some beauty back into the world like we always say."
"Creativity is a drug, you have one taste of it and you got to coming back for more."
"An artist's job, a creator's job, an entrepreneur's job is to just keep creating, keep doing the work."
"Sometimes that inspiration can be a little difficult to find, especially if you've been stuck in an art block for a little while."
"Your art needs to have that same impact on you. Remember that you're not just an artist because you want to create pretty pictures."
"You're an artist because what you love, what matters to you, is something that you have a desperate desire to express to your audience."
"Artists know why they do what they do, and that's why BTS are true artists."
"I just want to make music. It was never like I want to be famous."
"It mattered more to him to create something that would last with people."
"Create for yourself. Make creating fun again. Go back to the heart of it all."
"It wasn't just about making money or fame or recognition, although it was a real labor of love."
"Art, you need to keep in mind why you're doing this if you're creating art, if you want to create interesting art, for people to vibe with it."
"Think about all the joy that it's going to bring to people, our pain equals the audience's joy."
"I hope you're always plagued with dissatisfaction in your painting. Because if you are, you're lucky."
"This video was made out of love, not mockery. I made the video because I love writing and I love poetry and I love BTS."
"There's nothing an artist needs more, even more than excellent tools and stamina, than a deadline."
"It's so much more important that you complete the painting, that you get the skills, that you get the life and health and soul benefits from doing the artwork, than anything else about it."
"Having that bigger purpose that goes beyond ourself keeps us coming back to create."
"At the heart of it all is still a real person making music for fun."
"Money can never be the problem, I do the music because I love it."
"As an artist, our heart is wide open. We care what people think, but that ain't why you doing it. You doing it because this is your life purpose."
"Paint what you love... if you do what you love you're actually going to push yourself harder..."
"Manos, you know, go see it. It'll inspire you. That's the point. Go see Manos the Hands of Fate. It will infect you with the desire to make something better than that."
"It's not about the money you make, it's not about the followers you get, it's not about any of those things. You're getting into this craft because you're an artist."
"The best content comes out of an authentic desire to make something."
"Whatever noble creative project you have, just start it today."
"Keep making your videos, dude, and keep making your game. Keep making stuff, everybody, just keep creating things."
"I know why I'm making this and who I'm making this for."
"Draw what you're afraid to draw. I'm not afraid to draw anything, I just don't want to draw most things."
"I'm not doing it for money, I'm doing it for love."
"You can't stop until it looks good to you. It just needs to be something."
"I think the things they forget is, you know, the consequences, the logic, the motivation."
"If you're an artist and the moment you finish the drawing you hate it, that's actually a good thing because it means you're still hungry."
"We need more directors like you, right? We need more people who are passionate and they work."
"Creating better music to keep topping herself... tragedy inspires art."
"Artists don't get down to work until the pain of working is exceeded by the pain of not working."
"This is why we make art, Kanye. This is why we make music."
"Art is what keeps me going, to be honest with you. Because you're able to express yourself in so many different ways."
"Not every bit of entertainment made to distract you was made by people motivated entirely by the love of their art."
"As an artist, you want to keep proving it to yourself."
"What was it for you, whether it was a song, an album, even something you heard on the radio, and a concert that kicked open the door and made you want to pursue music?"
"Music is what I love the most. It's not the money, it's the music."
"What's driving you to produce this masterpiece quest for excellence?"
"Do what you want to and don't think about the sales you'll make with this title. Make yourself happy and design the game you envisioned."
"I'm gonna make you an art beast by the end of this."
"The reason I do music is because I want to chase those goosebump moments."
"All of the greatest art, all the greatest literature, Shakespeare, Mozart, the Empire State Building, all it is is just an elaborate mating ritual."
"Don't go into your studio unless you are planning to change the world, and always paint with passion."
"I'm trying to remember why I started doing this."
"I was in it for the music... my motivation for all this is really hearing new sounds and getting the excitement from the new sounds."
"If you are struggling with art block, or maybe you want some motivation, something to de-stress you, then I hope this video is it."
"Write the book you want to read, sing the song that you want to hear, create what you want in the world."
"I find that staying motivated is very important in activities such as art that take a while to improve."
"I try to remind myself of why I chose to be an artist in the first place and why I enjoy making art."
"Why does a painter paint? Because he cares. All he needed to do was remove the unneeded bits."
"I love doing these little at-home photo shoots because it just keeps you energized and excited about your photography on those days when you don't have the time to go out."
"This has inspired me to carry on painting or this has inspired me to try a different media."
"Really, honestly, if you're doing art, do it for the love of the doing of it."
"I prefer to be motivated by deep profound peace and ecstatic union with the things that I'm doing and with the world around me."
"An artist statement is for people to really understand what are some of the themes that you explore in your work, maybe something about your motivation, why you are making the work that you're making."
"For me, art is born of pain and, except for rare instances, my life is bound up with bitterness and disillusions."
"When you set out to draw or paint anything, the first thing to ask yourself is why. Why are you doing it? What is it about this that speaks to you?"
"Always remember don't go into your studio unless you're planning to change the world, and always paint with passion."
"I make music for myself and my own conscience and my own artistic impulses and instincts."
"I wanted to be an artist because I felt that there was a lack of color everywhere."
"I'm feeling very inspired to shoot in a minute."