
Unethical Behavior Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation."
"Bank of America decided to take people's money without their consent." - Participant in the video
"There's no excuse to be taking photos of someone's home without their permission. Why would you be taking photos? That's creepy, that's stalkerish."
"Your wife is missing, and you're flirting with the babysitter. It just shows that you're a real sick individual."
"The company falsified data, unblinded patients, and ignored safety concerns—nobody responded to this."
"He knows that by leaning into the joke and embracing the parody he's basically saying, 'Look kids, I'm self-aware about my scummy unethical business practices. Isn't that funny?'"
"If you're lying, cheating, stealing, or scamming, you just might be the next unwilling internet celebrity."
"What Kamashita has done is disgusting and unforgivable."
"My landlord shut off the electricity in the middle of a heat wave."
"She actually paid people to dig up dirt and run smear campaigns on ex-colleagues..."
"Some of the dirtiest, underhanded, sneaky stuff going on right now, man."
"Terrible speaking of profit ill-gotten gains and more."
"When you have someone who is politically connected, you can do some of the worst things imaginable and you will be protected."
"After they ruined an untold number of lives with their disgusting and completely indefensible actions."
"Whenever you have an opportunity to cheat, you can predict what's going to come out of it."
"Everybody who knew how to cheat in a certain way did it."
"I hate the idea that he secretly filmed actresses."
"But Jake the crypto King is legitimately one of the slimiest men the internet's ever had he bounces from Pokemon scams right into nft scams cryptozoo like the guy sucks but at least in this case he scammed scammers for the most part."
"He's not some Robin Hood who stole from the rich and gave to the poor he stole from the rich and the poor and kept it for himself."
"To acquire another person's funds you don't require great intellect merely an absence of morality."
"Trying to scam vulnerable people is not cool."
"I thought it was a gross abuse of power by somebody who should not be doing that."
"For someone to just come along and steal other people's work while doing no work themselves and for someone to make their living just stealing the fruits of the labor of other people is terrible."
"It's like a thief saying I will take your jewelry because it looks better on me."
"It's a disgusting trade right to just use your father's name to make money off of that."
"To prevent those he was conning from discovering that they were consuming an industrial bleach he didn't call it MMS instead he called it healing water."
"Exploiting religious privilege to get away with nefarious activities."
"The fact that you're using the same title and the same thumbnail is so parasitic, it's so shady."
"That quack doctor got what he deserved in the end."
"There is literally nothing that this man won't do in service of his own interests."
"Let's go and find out where his family lives. Let's go ruin their life. Let's go find out where his kid goes to school."
"And he began to steal from his job to feed this luxurious lifestyle."
"Imagine having the audacity to simply start emailing professional news outlets and taking credit for other people’s work."
"All you gotta do is give the right dude the right amount of money."
"Cheating, stealing, taking shortcuts... once you go down this road, you're going to want to do more of it."
"It's really not cool to like buy an entire store worth of PlayStation 5s so you can resell it on eBay."
"It is outrageous, it is wrong, it's despicable, and they should be ashamed of it."
"They have insider information and they use it brazenly."
"A lot of backstabbing that goes on, a lot of lying and not a lot of ethics, sad state of affair really."
"I'm basically robbing them, I'm straight up murdering them for money."
"Thanks a lot for your help and I gotta agree that is probably the most scummy thing to do to try and scam minimum wage workers like how the hell do you even get such an idea."
"We knew we were being unethical, we were taking people's money, we were making them just sign up for something that we know is garbage, and we were just happy to take their money."
"What's not normal is when you write sentences and a person literally copies and pastes those claiming that they're their own that's called plagiarism."
"If we are being honest, it is some shameful behavior."
"How are you supposed to get ahead if you don't do a little cheating?"
"Politicians go for the highest bidder, they're bootlicking and they sell out, all of them."
"He manipulated vulnerable people behind the scenes."
"The reason they didn't disclose this or tell anyone about this relationship is because they both knew it was unethical."
"These guys are actual scumbags and if taking down people's internet presence unfairly seems familiar to you guys then things may start to add up."
"There's no strings attached. I get the life that I want with my rich wife who is there to hold me down and I get to cheat on her with an heiress."
"Nah, bro, this is cheating, that's what I'm saying."
"When after all if you are involved in a murder trial, it doesn't look very good if during that you are collecting life insurance money over a rather suspicious death."
"Let's beat up this lady and get that double money!"
"I don't want to see him get rewarded for this type of shitty [] behavior for this like shady [] [__]."
"You are sick as [ __ ] to use someone's suicide for sympathy and YouTube drama."
"Sociopathic garbage, we see a lot of these guys having fake sales calls and they prey on the inexperienced."
"Bribery is offering financial or other advantages to someone to perform a relevant function improperly."
"He resorted to very dirty methods."
"Clearly, this dude is just trying to basically tank this deal to keep my lease option fee and move on, like get me to move on so we can do it again, which is a clear breach of contract."
"You're stealing money at this point."