
Religious Reference Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world."
"I'm a fruit inspector because the Bible says that you should know a tree by the fruit it bears."
"Jesus Christ authenticated it for us. He quotes from it, quotes from each of the books."
"There's a deep eucharization. He's talking about how Ukrainian Ukraine, I thought he talked about deuteronomization as well."
"We're high energy, we have conviction, we're geniuses, we're better looking, and we have Christ on our side."
"When Jesus was baptized, a voice from heaven said, 'This is my son whom I love. With him I am well pleased.' Copy that."
"You have to die to be reborn. Saint Paul said, 'I die daily.' It's all right there. Let go of yourself that is projecting yourself onto life."
"There's hope, but we're in trouble. That's why we need a return to the Ten Commandments."
"We'll see you guys in the next video insha'Allah, have an amazing day."
"Our Charter of Rights and Freedoms is supremacy of God and the rule of law."
"If Jesus ran for president of the United States, I'm gonna tell you boy something, I'd vote for him, you know what I'm saying? I already have."
"God Jesus God, I think the reconciler is God."
"This is Allah because this is the only god that's referred to in the Bible."
"Jesus Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, has prevailed."
"His skin was so soft, I have never touched silk as soft as the skin of the messenger of Allah."
"Even the most unique attributes of humans, like fingerprints, are mentioned in the Quran."
"I'm a firm believer in the idea that you will know them by their fruits."
"I don't think George Washington was out there worshiping Satan."
"Our voices are our power, our most powerful tools. God said let there be light and then there was light and it was good, so he spoke it into existence."
"Teach your child what they need to know and pray for them." - Proverbs 22:6
"He was also exalted to the right hand of God." - Acts 2
"Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are."
"There's one guy bigger than me and it's Jesus and I don't want to take any chances."
"God has gone up with the sound of the Trump."
"That's biblical, first Kings 18. I stand by the God of covenant who stands by his prophets."
"You do not make large social changes with moderation. Jesus was not a moderate, he was flipping over tables."
"Riches are called by the name of a devil, namely Mammon."
"Jesus Himself said as Jonah spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of fish so shall the son of man spend 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the earth."
"If I turn to a Judas and turn against God, you's a fool to follow me."
"Mark the perfect man and behold to upright... the perfect man is Jesus."
"You finna win so big that I'm talking about so big so big so big baby, right? Eye ready baby in the by the name of Jesus you finna win so big baby that it's gonna break records in your family that they don't never ever be broken baby."
"Some people have a mania for talking. The old black brother endured it for a long time. Finally, the fellow got up again, and the old man stuck his finger out and said, 'In the Name of Jesus Christ, sit down!'"
"Even the Bible talks about all life originated in Africa."
"The only reason I cite the Bible is because the Bible was enjoining actual child sacrifice this is actual child sacrifice."
"Jesus returns. Jesus reacts. Jesus returns dubstep remix."
"He met all three Temptations with scriptural truth from Deuteronomy."
"So, he does have something, he's really an heir of the Old Testament unlike the Gnostics who repudiated it."
"Musa arrives at the doorstep, Musa arrives at the home of Pharaoh."
"Whatever problem you have with someone can't be bigger than Yusuf (AS)'s problem with his brothers."
"I didn't bet, it was a joke. Thank you Jesus."
"Those who have faith like Peter will be blessed."
"Jesus died for my sins, I can't copy that cat."
"Let me bring this back so much Jesus tired of sitting quiet and helping my enemies even keep getting temperature checks."
"I forgive you, Chilled, but God doesn't. I thought that's the whole point of God."
"It takes a man of God to put the people or the wood in order."
"My man really said in the name of Jesus to repel her."
"It's not true what is it the most famous personal would say John 3:16"
"We're surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses."
"So the answer I guess is to love everyone I guess Jesus was right."
"Most of the population is not even awake yet... it's the Lord's Day, praise the Lord!"
"Hopefully become as strong as Jesus because he was kind of like the ultimate healer."
"Jesus won't protect you anymore. You do custom [__], you're done. No, I'm not protecting your peers. Each man protect yourself. That's the first lesson. Self-preservation. Islam shout out Louis Farrakhan."
"Your job is not to judge. You don't have to approve of it, but I don't remember Jesus saying 'judge him or her, she's not good enough for you.'"
"Nobody will ever take it down. In God We Trust."
"He ultimately loved every single one of us John 3:16."
"Don't be one of those 'I don't want to give' - it is in the Bible."
"Trump is ultimately the theological anti-Christ of our political scene."
"John, the eagle... the almighty Son of God... let's soar together On Eagle's Wings."
"One and only son, all because of who God is, because of who you are."
"Jesus said, 'I thirst,' fulfilling Scripture."
"That's why Jesus is called in Matthew, He's called the Promised One."
"Jerusalem is the most mentioned place in the Bible."
"George Whitfield was called the trumpet of the Lord because God gave him this incredible set of pipes."
"If I be lifted up from the Earth, I will draw all men unto me."
"We are proud to be called the people of the book."
"We will restore patriotic education to our schools. In God we trust."
"The Ten Commandments are a permanent point of reference, a fixed and permanent word."
"If Israel knew, then a camel could also pass through the eye of a needle."
"Thank y'all for all the love, y'all got me to the 100K, um, God's great, for God do everything."
"Well, you know it does say in the book of Hebrews they have trampled underfoot the blood of the Son of God..."
"The heart has become so cold, exactly what Jesus said."
"The only one that fit the picture was Jesus."
"The phrase 'as a thief in the night' signifies the unexpectedness of Christ's return."
"It's in that book that the majority of the planet goes by for their spirituality."
"Put a new song in my mouth, just as you did for Abraham and Sarah."
"Calvary Cemetery: where Jesus Christ was crucified."
"The whole name, the government name, the name that makes demons tremble."
"Nigeria is a weapon fashioned against us, and I think there is a prayer, a kind of a counter that is, you know, counter statement that says no weapon fashioned against us shall prosper."
"There's only one drug Jesus touched and created in the Bible: Water to Wine."
"Jesus will never be on the ballot... until he does come back, you're supposed to do the right thing."
"Escaping Hellfire never got so easy. What on Earth am I talking about? There's a Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) which blows my mind to this day."
"Christian has convinced himself that he's up Jesus Muhammad."
"Mary and Joseph both gave their Fiat and look what happened, they brought the Savior to the world."
"I just tried to share my little part because I was like, 'Well, Jesus did this, and look at Paul the Apostle.'"
"The first thing he said to me when I arrived: 'Good job. If you continue like that, Jesus Christ is actually gonna appear.'"
"Isn't there like a really important person in Christianity who was whipped and then nailed to a cross? Wouldn't that guy have scars too?"
"If you don't accidentally flash someone a little bit of your ass during a new year's party, what did Jesus die for?"
"He was a hero, he was and is the embodiment of a walking Kiddush Hashem."
"I wonder how many people would be offended if I did a Hail Mary Mother of Grace, help me find some cargo space. No, no, too much, too soon."
"Unreal. So beautiful call on him on Bible."
"I will be like Nephi, I am told, and so will you."
"Are you worth your salt or are you not? Now, next time you look at a Last Supper painting..."
"Jesus, who wants to enter through the back door?"
"that's a nice whip you got Jesus brother"
"This car kicks some serious ass for the lord. It's 5 years old but it can charge this fast."
"God will provide the sheep for the burnt offering, my son."
"They saw them. They said the only person who can link these guys to is Christ. These are like Christ."
"I claim you to be the Lamb of God."
"He's doing the work of the Lord deceitfully."
"God killed him right in front of the church."
"Now is the time of Saint Joseph, on every level, and that's why I got bold. I got bold. I wrote the pope a letter in English asking him to do something."
"Be perfect, therefore, as your Father in heaven is perfect."
"May the power of Christ compel you. Be gone, Satan!"
"The principle of calling things that are not as though they were. You see Jesus do it in all of his ministry."
"Go forward, for you are the one who is guided and is our guide today. I'm gonna meet your grandfather, the Holy Prophet."
"Try Jesus, not me, 'cause I throw hands."
"Gold is mentioned in the Book of Genesis exactly eight times."
"Meanwhile, when God closes a weird sexless door, opens a neocon window."
"Let me tell you something, Jesus made Perrier, and then he made diet, then he turned right around and he made that doctor."
"Confession brings healing, Jay, because you know the Book of James, man."
"Jesus Christ didn't die to set you free from sin just so you could be at a Taylor Swift concert."
"...seven deadly sins, the lucky number seven, God created the world in seven days."
"Keep running and look to Jesus as your example."
"Jesus Christ, John, right, all right. Well, on that note, let's move it over to the couch, please."
"When I be lifted up, 'when you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He.'"
"Jesus is patient, Jesus is kind, Jesus doesn't get jealous, Jesus doesn't insist on his own way."
"Look to Jesus for the joy set before him endured the cross."
"He is the Lamb slain from before the foundation of the world."
"He had come to save His people from their sin."
"He had not come to be served but to serve and give His life a ransom for many."
"The way Tim has treated towards us reminds me of a bible verse Psalm 112:5."
"Do not follow the Jedi, follow the Jesus."
"Do you keep your keys in your pocket? No, God no, no, God no."
"Honey, the devil worked hard on this one, honey! I had to find Jesus, okay? Because he left the building."
"It's too late baby, I did it a long time ago in that Baptist Church."
"The Goldfinch refers to Christ's passion and sacrifice."
"Paul understands that he finds the culminating exemplar on this trajectory: 'Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us.'"
"That's like another seven out of 10, kind of wild. Seven out of 10? I mean, yeah, they were taking the Lord's wine. The blood of Christ was stolen."
"Start with the Ignatius for those reasons."
"It's the name that reverberates throughout this season."
"Christ was sent to heal us, nut jobs."
"In the same way that Jesus... Ichigo... has this responsibility given to him without his consent."
"Jibril is mentioned in the Quran."
"Every time Peter talks about the rock or the cornerstone, it's not referring to him, it's referring to the person of Christ."
"I'm not a religious person, but I'm having a guess that the man in the middle is the main man."
"The only Archangel that's referenced is Michael as an archangel."
"Judgment Day references the Christian belief that all mankind will be judged before the end of the world."
"I mean he's like Jesus, full of grace and truth."
"Get up and make a difference. Remember Captain Moroni... if we don't make use of the means that God has provided."
"Those who board the ship of the Ark of salvation that is Al Muhammad will be saved."
"I only wanted to help the poor like He did."
"Honey, you know Jesus had a Last Supper too, right?"
"We thank God that it could have been a lot worse."
"Because he was a carpenter, God gave him a name that's above every name."
"Scars mean nothing to the Lord of Light, lady."
"What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder."
"Holy Saint Francis, what a change is here!"
"What car would Jesus drive? A Chrysler."
"The king of kings and the lord of lords is on the throne."
"Jesus maybe, yeah, he was perfect, that was the only perfect person, right? Yeah, let's give it to Jesus."
"He's the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world."
"The only infallible person that ever walked the face of the earth was Jesus himself."
"Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we've done it, Citadella, a Biblical Champions League final."
"If you come for me, I'm sending Jesus after you."
"God with us... they are only saying Emmanuel."
"The Lord God Almighty is His name."
"The Lord gave thee to me, and the devil shall not take thee from me."
"I got a father in the heaven, that's an odd parent like Cosmo."
"The great atonement was the Supreme Act of forgiveness."