
Relationship Commitment Quotes

There are 262 quotes

"There's no one more important to me than you. I want you by my side always."
"This person's gonna fight for this connection."
"We are pretty much married and divorce isn't an option. You just have to make the damn thing work." - John Huntsman Jr.
"If that's not a sign of forever love then I don't know what is."
"It's so important to make sure that both you and your partner are on the same page before you take this leap together."
"They want to basically commit to you, engagement, partnership, commitment, eternity, completion, and a union."
"You want me to be committed to you and you're not committed to me. How does that work?"
"Choosing each other every day, yeah, that practice, because it's easy to just be like, one day like I'm just going to choose me and do what I want to do."
"Most women do not want to walk away from that."
"If you do put your trust in me, I am gonna put you first."
"You have to make time for them if you want a future with this person."
"Love was meant for me to be exclusively yours and you exclusively mine."
"I want to be the best version of myself for you."
"They want to have you in their life for sure."
"I already planned to ask Cheryl to marry me, we're just waiting for the right time."
"I've decided to stay with us for Tisha. That's the only reason."
"Maybe I'm being called within the relationship to take it more seriously."
"Let's cut the nonsense, I want it all with you."
"2023, you will be married or in a long-term thing, a union."
"They want to commit to you and they feel this loyal love to you."
"Then why wouldn't I want to get married to that person?"
"This is someone very motivated to make things work with you."
"After hearing the judge said I still want to spend the rest of my life with them right now there are a lot of changes that definitely need to take place a lot of improvement but I know he's calm he's capable of it."
"Protected, covered, secure, knowing you can finally rest and find safety in our covenant is what this journey is all about."
"If you love them, you're gonna fight for them and do whatever it takes."
"Someone's gonna deactivate their Tinder for you."
"In the very first moment our eyes met, my heart has already decided that you will be the owner of this place for every single one of my breaths."
"You'll know that he wants to be in a relationship with you and that he's looking at those barriers and overcoming them."
"Will we celebrate the ninth anniversary together? My answer to that is yes."
"I've spent a lot of time thinking about this moment. Tonight's the night I'm gonna ask Karlie Redd if she would spend the rest of her life with me."
"You have to be committed... it's more about commitment and less about love." - Commitment is crucial for a lasting relationship.
"This person wants something solid and real with you."
"They want you to know they're working on their issues and seeking positive transformation."
"Dude, you're not just dating a chick when you slap a $50,000 ring on her."
"They're expressing that and they want a commitment with you, with the ring here."
"They're willing to work to keep you around, keep you happy."
"I want a long healthy relationship with this man that means I have to constantly show up and better myself."
"Your twin flame, if they're running, if they've separated, they can't imagine their future with anyone else either."
"You already know you don't have any options anymore, you already know who you want."
"They're facing their demons for you because they know you're worth it."
"I need something or someone to convince me somehow that it should be a permanent thing."
"You're going to be in a committed relationship based on trust."
"This person wants to heal any pain because they can't fathom losing you."
"They want to fight for you, they don't want to let you slip through their fingers."
"A relationship is a commitment, and he's broken the commitment."
"She's willing to take the tattoos off. She's totally in my frame. She's sweet."
"They just want to really come in quickly towards you and work things out with you and give all their love to you."
"I do think they actually want to commit and I do think it'll go in your favor."
"You've got the next 60 years where nobody will own you two."
"It just shows how much you love me and care about this relationship."
"Commitment and fidelity are here, so the problem is not their commitment, it's just that they didn't act to your standards when you were dating them."
"If you ain't doing stuff in the parking lot with other men and you ain't got AIDS Make Some Noise." - Jeff
"There's like something noble about staying in a relationship and making it work."
"They authentically want to make it work with you."
"To keep choosing each other over and over and working on it like that is what makes difference."
"Definitely commitment, perfect match in love."
"Love them and love them hard, don't look back."
"Love is an act of will; it's a choice. It's not merely an emotion. The fuel is the choice you both make to serve each other, sacrifice for each other, and remain loyal and faithful."
"If you love someone, I believe in fighting for them, but you have to do that in a way that attracts them, that respects yourself, that respects them, that shows maturity and that actually works."
"They want you to trust that they're going to show up for you."
"I did it for us, aldonzier claims, glancing at me with a twit uh twinge of regret. So we could be together."
"Get ready for a relationship that gets super serious."
"I love you, Maddy Patti. I want to be with you forever."
"I guess we'll just have to see. I'm hanging on to him."
"We're gonna tie the knot sooner than that. I don't care what Gabrielle says. I'm not waiting forever."
"Marriage provides security that at least you're going to fight harder for the relationship."
"This person could be wanting more with you, very much like wanting commitment. They feel pretty committed to you."
"Once they're in and committed, they're in and committed. You both are very compatible and have a high potential for a strong relationship and connection."
"True commitment lies in the ability to overcome conflicts."
"This connection is worth fighting for, putting that effort into understanding each other."
"This person wants to make it right, they believe in the connection."
"They're invested in the connection and feeling guided to really take that leap of faith."
"Somebody's going to be offering you a full-on commitment."
"I feel like if I like you and you like me and we have the mindset that we're gonna make something serious happen, then that's what it should be."
"I love her, I want to be with her, it is what it is."
"We both felt like what we had was very real and it was very, very much worth fighting for."
"A lot of women rather sink with the damn ship than to leave that boat."
"If you believe this is the one for you, this is the one for you."
"Do what feels right. I'm giving you freedom, regardless. But I hope your happiness involves being in this connection with me."
"Continue to do what's necessary for the relationship to thrive and grow. Don't just start slacking off cause you feel comfortable or you feel like you've got somebody."
"You are the one. They really see you as the one."
"To hold is a pledge of physical affection and tenderness, a vow to be available to the other in body and soul." - Jerry Fisher
"It's a championship, bro. What do you mean it's the championship? You gotta get her a nice ring, Mr. Champion. This is the closest women will get to feeling like they're in the NBA Finals."
"They want to restore balance to the connection."
"This person wants a commitment with you, they want to have this, this is what they want."
"When you wanna be with someone you make it work."
"You better impress my family because I went out on a limb and convinced them that I should marry you."
"As long as you're willing to try, I'm willing to stay."
"If you really love somebody, you wouldn't want them to go through the pain of you constantly withdrawing from that bank account."
"Build your first version for customers who have their hair on fire."
"I want to be a regular presence in your life for as long as you want me."
"This person wants a high-level committed relationship."
"Marriage, love, and relationships refuse to take L's."
"I'm your man. I'm going to step up and do what I've got to do."
"Four of Wands: Marriage. Yes, no doubt about it."
"They're afraid to lose you as a result of these strong feelings."
"My hand has been naked, which you were very upset about, which I didn't like. But it didn't feel right to put a ring on it until we had a wedding."
"Your spouse does belong to you. My wife belongs to me and I belong to her. We belong together."
"I want to have kids with you because I don't ever want to let go of you."
"I totally accept it and I would absolutely stay with Oliver I would love to push myself to you know step even into the role of also taking care of it it's absolutely possible."
"I'm your boyfriend who loves you insanely. I'm serious all right."
"They're going to fight for you to know that they love you."
"You know, I love her though, of course I love her."
"You're worth the wait, they're willing to put the effort in."
"You're sure though? Absolutely positive? Then I promise to do whatever it takes to be a respectable man worthy of your partnership."
"Don't lose hope for us. We've been through tough times together. I will always fight for us."
"One of the first things that made me go 'ah he's serious serious.'"
"I'm willing to do anything. You can punish me in whatever way you want to. Just don't leave me."
"She's committed not just to having a future with him, she's committed to having a family with him."
"The ones I went on with Amia, as long as you're here by my side, I'll keep doing my best."
"Siri is the most important person to me, and I'll do whatever it takes to have a happy future with her."
"I'm sorry. I love you. And, um, it will never happen again."
"They're doing it, Aries. They want to commit to you. They're ready for you."
"I decided to save up my chin and buy a ring."
"It requires a commitment on both members that is of equal intensity."
"God knows I love you and I would do anything to make it work between us."
"I can commit to not hurting you in the present with my words."
"This person wants to offer you a solid union that goes the distance."
"They want to make you the center of their world; they treasure you."
"A real man is going to evaluate all that stuff we take into account everything before we get down on one knee."
"Make the effort... great love is worth taking the steps."
"Taking divorce completely off the table was such a huge turnaround."
"You want to do it, you want to make it work. You don't just give up."
"You definitely deserve love, and they want to give you that love now."
"This person is going to bring you out of the cold and commit."
"Trust me and believe, I am working toward union with you."
"I do things I'm going to be together with him forever."
"This person wants to marry you, sees a future with you, wants to leave a legacy with you."
"They regret their actions, want to heal things, and are dedicated to you."
"Marriage is a form of protection, it's almost like an insurance policy."
"Someone wants to know if this is serious or it's going to go the mile. It's going to go the distance."
"They want to have a long-term commitment with you Capricorn."
"I gotta learn to love him, right? We're gonna be together here for a long time, might as well figure it out."
"They're coming in to make you their queen of pentacles."
"Your person has every intention of being in your life. So, it's up to you whether you want to move forward with them."
"You are worth committing to, and they notice that."
"Let's reconcile and commit to the situation, or there's something hopeful about a commitment, engagement, or marriage here."
"This is the bed me and Natasha will be sleeping together, okay? We will be very much a couple."
"If two people want it bad enough, they'll make it happen."
"He's not lied to you, he said I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"Please don't give your wife away, please hold on to her, you have no idea the blessings that are connected to us standing strong in our marriages."
"This person wants to work on the relationship, willing to fight and communicate."
"We will be together forever from now on." - Grandpa
"They're moving into this energy where they're at this kind of stage where they want to commit to you."
"Willing to go the distance... ready for this connection to be new."
"After I bought the ring, it was like, this is what we're doing."
"I've worked too hard with this relationship with this hot chick to just turn into worm food laying next to her."
"Someone's proving their love by making a big change in their life."
"When a guy opens up to you by sharing his hopes, his dreams, his fears, his insecurities, he is investing in you. By investing in you, he is committing himself to you."
"This is amazing, it's very clear that they want this with you, you guys."
"They feel this deep soul bond commitment with you."
"You must be willing to commit to one person."
"I knew that I wanted to do anything and everything to make it work for the rest of our lives together."
"When they find the right person, infps will be ultra-committed."
"You give a hundred percent of you, I give a hundred percent of me."
"If a person loves you enough, they're going to be willing to take the necessary steps to make that internal change."
"There is a commitment and a connection between you and this person."
"A wedding ring is really just a gilded form of guarding our mate."
"The importance of remaining faithful and working through your problems."
"But because I want my marriage to work I'm willing to do the work..."
"I don't need a ring on my finger to know that we're gonna be together forever."
"This sacred union is happening for you guys."
"Marriage should only be when I want it, when I am ready for it, and when I feel like it's someone that I want to lock down into a position."
"Being willing to fight for what you believe in, fight for what you desire, fight for this connection."
"Men will go out there and have the casual flings but they're not going to get involved long term."
"For me to be your husband and say, 'Oh, you have too big of a family, there's too many family politics, I don't want to be a part of this relationship anymore,' it doesn't make sense to me."
"Why are you here today? Oh, yeah, I'm here to prove my innocence and continue to build with someone who I truly love."
"You got to fight for the one you want to stay."
"You both just really want this to work out because you do see this as your one day happily ever after."
"Like, leaving is not an option, we're gonna ride this thing out."
"Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person."
"This connection is going to move forward in a profoundly committed way."
"You either want to be a part of the relationship or you don't, alright, that's your choice."
"Marriage ain't nothing but a piece of paper to people who have already been living the life as if they're married."
"This person is genuinely sorry and devoted to this connection with you."
"You guys give your all in relationships, you give absolutely everything."
"Somebody wants a commitment with you, Scorpio."
"Make sure you can't live without this person."
"New love or a recommitment to love is developing."
"Look what Jesus blessed me with he said I couldn't leave her cuz I'm supposed to be here with her."
"I can't let this end, I must face this situation head on."
"She will be with you always through thick and thin if she has chosen you."
"Choosing that person over and over again is what makes things work out. It's not always sunshine and rainbows, but choosing them continuously is key."
"Their intentions are to have something very serious with you."
"This person is deeply in love with you to the point where they would rather not lose you."
"Your hard work is paying off. Some of you guys are getting proposed to or your relationship taking a higher level of commitment."
"By December of this year, you will be in a high-level commitment relationship."
"I love you, and I love you way more than I've ever expressed to you."
"This person wants to take a leap of faith here with you."
"Someone wants you to take the lead, but you won't unless it's solidified. So why would I say I want to get married to someone who's acting like a player?"
"I got you this promise ring to remind you that no matter what life throws at us, we're gonna conquer obstacles together."
"Being in a relationship is essentially an intentional conscious choice every single day."
"It's like they withdrew their cup of love because they really wanted a higher level of commitment with you."
"This person loves to see you enjoying yourself and feeling amazing."
"Nice guys are proud to show us off; they're not afraid of commitment."
"Never stop loving you, and I'll be there for you no matter what happens."
"This person wants to take the Journey of life with you."
"If he really wants to be with you, he'll make time for you."
"I wouldn't move in with a boyfriend unless we're planning our wedding."
"I love my marriage and I love him. Yeah, and I don't feel like there's any [__] stopping us from living like this always forever."