
Legacy Creation Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The stories we write together will be told for thousands of years."
"To create something that, even after you're dead for decades, just has such a profound impact on basically half the human population. It's wild."
"Your legacy is about more than tradition; it's about creating your own reality."
"My overall goal in life is to create something... to leave behind like a legacy."
"Your whole life to get to yes, we let legends are born."
"If you could make a song that you want to tell your kids about and you produced it, you're going to be here for a long time."
"The goal isn't to live forever. It's to create something that does."
"Legacy is real power. It's not about what people say about you, but how you impact those around you."
"You get to decide what kind of legacy you want to leave."
"Build something bigger than yourself, leave a legacy. Don't settle, ask for exactly what you want."
"I want my legacy to be that I made people who look like me feel amazing."
"Many years of laughter, playing around, amazing sex, and creating legacy."
"Your legacy will not be the grave you left it will be the lives you saved."
"They want to wrestle. They want to create a legacy."
"Creating a new legacy is a deeply ingrained desire within generational cycle breakers."
"Live each day as if it may be your last on earth. It may be. Leave your legacy."
"They've created a potential legacy brand. Something that could be around for generations."
"Elden Ring takes the shards of what came before and forges them into something that will go down in history as one of the all-time greats."
"What's permanent is making a mark on the world that could never be removed."
"This somebody is going to create some legacy statement."
"Together we shall paint the streets with tire tracks of rebellion, leaving behind a legacy that will echo through the ages."
"No one should leave behind anything less than a legacy to be proud of."
"That's my hope: to give an easel and a canvas to other artists to do something with, then it can live on forever."
"I want to build something that's going to last a legacy."
"A golden opportunity to leave a permanent legacy."
"You gotta accept it in your heart, but for the time being, you gotta make sure you create and showcase your legacy."
"Now is the perfect time for you to create this legacy, to create this stability in your own career life."
"That Northwestern speech Aaron wrote will outlive both of us."
"I wanted [By The Culture] to live forever and create a legacy for it."
"Become someone, stand out, be remembered, have a legacy."
"I don't care who you are, you can create a legacy."
"If Carbon can win this, they will leave a legacy behind."
"Propel yourself into the future leave a legacy leave rippled effects."
"Your legacy is going to be different from those who have already come before you."
"It's changing lives, leaving something better than you found it."
"Nipsey Hussle didn't just know how to create a great song, he knew how to create a great community."
"Coming together means that now we've got a joint effort to build some sort of legacy."
"What a legacy y'all have built, what a legacy."
"Legacies are not built from hopes and dreams. They're built from unrelenting dominance in every bone of your body."
"Every single day I'm building something that's going to live on for much longer than this video."
"I am the master, I am the Maestro, I'm the artist. I made Carnage what it is, and Cletus Cassidy will be remembered again." - Cletus Cassidy
"Memories will be made, legacies will be left."
"This is the stuff legends are made on."
"The human spirit can create a lasting legacy from what should have initially become a pity party."
"What I'm building here is a legacy of wealth for you."
"These are my babies, you know, like this is my legacy."
"We've become immortalized, you know what I mean? Like, we've taken who we were as people and changed it into something else."
"It's a legacy that will only come to life in two years from now, which is when the cathedral is scheduled to reopen."
"I want to create something long-lasting, you know, for future generations."
"Build your businesses, build your empires, and make sure that you are living a positive legacy for the people that will be coming after you."
"Being a world title holder changes your life forever."