
Diplomatic Strategy Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"The president has long felt...that the war in Afghanistan was not one that could be won militarily. That's why we have supported diplomatic negotiations and discussions, and we will continue to be engaged in those moving forward."
"I agree that with the embargo not working, I just think it's time to double down."
"It's a real possibility and I think it is is a tremendous warning to the CCP that the West, and if the United States does it, others will do it too."
"That was absolutely worth it because now we have a Spain on our side that owes us 90 favors."
"If Ukraine is ready to help facilitate the implementation of the Minsk agreements, we are ready to follow this path without any doubts."
"Don't respond in a way that is sort of irreversible or that is incontrovertibly taking things to the next level... Let them [the U.S.] be the aggressor."
"By raising these demands in the meeting, China may see an opportunity to position itself as an opposing voice to what many in Asia, particularly countries with anti-West sentiments, see as increasing American nuclear aggression."
"Sanctions are better used as a threat than as a weapon."
"For Wilson, this was America's moment to force the old imperial powers to make peace on American terms."
"I would rather take a political risk in pursuit of peace than to risk peace in pursuit of politics."
"If the United States was prepared to put this question of values to one side, many of the problems which we are seeing between China and the United States would in my opinion go away."
"The Chinese Communist Party is using vaccine diplomacy in very much the same way that it used say mask diplomacy and PPE diplomacy."
"They don't want a confrontation with North Korea as he reviews the policy."
"China hopes that the continued grey zone operations around Taiwan will allow it to get its will."
"It's very important in all that we do that we work with allies and coordinated action is vital to send a message to Russia and the rest of the world."
"He feels that America will be stronger by itself so that we can individually negotiate with Russia and China."
"Send a diplomat to cancel your tributary arrangement with Phrygia."
"It might be time to just give Putin what he wants."
"It worked: Trump's tough stance on North Korea stopped the threats."
"If that were to happen then Putin would have someone he could talk to in Berlin."
"They might back off the wolf Warrior stuff a little bit and if that happens uh are we gonna fall for it again yes yes."
"Mutual de-escalation is better for both China and the U.S."
"A strong America -- militarily, economically, and diplomatically -- is vitally important to this region and all who call it home."
"British intelligence is saying the UK needs to re-evaluate its relationships with China."
"That's what brings peace to the Middle East: a clear and consistent message from the team of the president to de-escalate."
"The United States would want to de-escalate tensions with Iran."
"The Biden administration needs to take a page from Moshe Dayan who said to the Egyptians decades ago that the road that leads from Cairo to Tel Aviv leads from Tel Aviv to Cairo."
"It will come to this in the very near future, but the longer-term war will be longer, but a diplomatic war, a political war, through the brakes and through economic measures as well."
"African countries should ensure that they use China's valuable insights instead of taking direct orders."
"Saudi Arabia is not a reliable ally...bring Iran and Saudi Arabia together in a room under American leadership."
"Pull back from the threat of the war...no one really is going to think less of them for doing that."
"The United States does not have to engage in a charm offensive with North Korea... There's legitimately no reason we have to engage in a charm offensive when we're telling a tin-pot dictatorship to give up their nukes."
"Canada's best recourse for a troubled future is to simply act as the best support available."
"China is telling the world we are the more attractive version of who you should be following because we are offering our services to the world."
"You can compliment or insult other lords via the diplomacy system to affect their influence."
"Biden's U.N. War speech paves the way for a direct clash with Russia."
"T'Challa was raised to be a diplomat, so his specific skill set would be advantageous in a warring universe."
"We urge you to pair the military and economic support the United States has provided to Ukraine with a proactive diplomatic push redoubling efforts to seek a realistic framework for a ceasefire." - Letter signed by Congressman Ro Khanna and others
"It's actually very difficult to generate grievances against someone who doesn't even own any land that you'd want to take."
"It is necessary to constitute a group of countries willing to find a way to make peace."
"Multilateralism implies concerted action by many states, negating the unipolar system where the US decided all the rules."
"President Biden said on day one of his administration that the United States would revitalize our alliances and re-engage with the world."
"It's not about money, it's about getting Arab countries to legitimize Israel."
"China's diplomacy is to be friendly with the rest of the world."
"Brazil is going to maintain good relations with the U.S but it's also going to have very good excellent relations with China and Russia and other countries around the world."
"When you come out at a meeting and you see China's got the biggest smile on their face, guess what that means? They got what they wanted."
"President Trump stays strong on China. That's the only way to deal with them is to get tough."
"Burkina Faso is challenging the West and conveying a clear message that it will select allies based on the benefits they offer rather than solely on their position towards the West."
"America is ready to embrace friendship with all who genuinely seek it."
"It's been a while since we've tried diplomacy. The gold mine will be done next turn, which is huge."
"All friendly trade relations with China should be put on hold until that investigation is done."
"Nobody should put a set precondition for the other side."
"Diplomacy is the only path forward to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon."
"The Russians are playing The Diplomatic game extremely well, and on a popular level, most people are outside of the United States and Europe are on the side of the Russians in this whole [ __ ] show."
"The first law of diplomacy is not to bluff Beijing because that bluff sooner or later is going to be called."
"President Biden has been very clear that while we compete with China and other countries, we do not seek conflict, we do not seek confrontation, and we seek to de-escalate the tension."
"For the two countries to get along in the new era, three principles must be followed: mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation."
"We believe from the beginning of this administration that there is no substitute for direct dialogue between leaders."
"Diplomacy has to come in the context of de-escalation rather than escalation."
"Set a good example, you know, and hopefully over time other countries will fall in line or get ostracized."
"President Biden has said the quiet part out loud, and China can expect to face US forces if it attempts to invade Taiwan."
"What we wrote is a book about the Vietnam War policy and strategy of Richard Nixon during his first year in office, 1969, and his use of Madman Diplomacy to try to end the war quickly on his terms."
"As Nixon and Kissinger hoped, the Soviets took note of the unusual U.S. activity and responded with low-level precautionary actions."
"We also provide additional documentation for and analysis of the Madman Theory and the decent interval strategy and how both were from the beginning integral parts of Nixon's and Kissinger's diplomacy towards the Soviet Union in relation to the Vietnam War."
"How do you fight a man who's determined to plunge our civilization into an apocalyptic war?"