
Music Integration Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Dark Forces was also imbued with LucasArts' proprietary iMUSE system, which allows for fully dynamic MIDI music playback that adjusts to your actions as you play."
"He also co-founded 'Video Games Live' which produced symphony performances of popular video game soundtracks."
"This fight shines in all levels: music, story, scale, mechanics."
"Synchronizing gameplay with the music is just brilliant."
"Incorporating music into the curriculum has known to enhance critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities."
"The music matches up nicely... it enhances the situation without distracting."
"Music is very important to everything I do," emphasizing the role of music in enhancing illusions.
"The framing device of these songs being in the movie is a mixtape made for Star-Lord."
"The music does come together with the action sometimes, and it’s very cathartic, but the game is such a noise hurricane I can only play it in bursts."
"Songs that start diegetic but then become the score."
"The teachers are so great in the music that they pair with it also amazing."
"Mario has saved Pauline, and that leads us into the final song."
"A lot of the songs are integrated so well into this movie... literal like they'll fire a machine gun to the beat."
"The editing on Big John's dancing to that awesome Halloween song... it's so great."
"The inclusion of this music into CS:GO feels like a very convenient endpoint to a music-making journey that has spanned more than 30 years."
"There's also, without spoiling too much, one of the greatest sequences I have experienced in a video game. It relates to music. It's unbelievable."
"Procedural replay director... cuts your race replays to the sound of whatever song is playing."
"The show manages to slam in a ton of songs and it never really feels awkward."
"Echoes doesn't feel that way... they fix so many problems I had with the original and differentiated itself through music."
"Most of the time when you work with music in video games, the game is already almost done and then they call in the musicians in order to add the music afterwards."
"There's a real opportunity to bring pop culture music entertainment into real time into competitions and celebrate that a bit more and tap into the roots of being a gamer."
"Follow the music... make your video flow well."
"We're halfway into the movie through a whole discography."
"It's the fact that this film managed to merge all these different Christmas sounds and styles together into a single enjoyable work all while Williams added his own flavor to the season that makes it so great."
"In terms of aesthetic feel, Sonic Heroes is the best of the best."
"Schoolhouse Rock used music and animation to teach kids and anyone else within listening distance."
"The music fits perfectly with the animation, a throwback to oldies with big band, jazz, and blues."
"Louis Prima's 'I Ain't Got Nobody' as Harley escapes from her torturers is not only a fun lyrical statement but also an upbeat compliment to Harley's flowery blood path."
"Oh, that music sync baby! Yeah, the song is just like a little bit slower so we're gonna get like an extra maybe 20 seconds of gameplay."
"The hunting horn is a buff machine, a weapon combined with an instrument, playing out different notes to various combinations for useful buffs."
"Arcane makes great use of music to build up its tension and to make its setting feel more vibrant."
"They are playing music throughout pretty much the entire thing."
"The music is consistently reflecting and enhancing what is visually shown to the player."
"So in a nutshell, that's how you would add in a music track below some of your speaking tracks."
"The PlayStation version finally offers players the chance to enjoy music while racing with a great blend of rock and electronic music."
"It's not the only fully produced old God song that directly interacts with the plot."
"The music tracks... turn it basically into a side scroller... it literally looks like a Mario level."
"I want to incorporate some of my own music into my videos by the end of the year."
"It was wonderful. I'd never been to a ritual where they had integrated the music and everybody participated as a whole."
"It's almost like they built the season for the song, but you could say the same for 'Running Up That Hill,' so it's just like, 'Yeah, this is just really good writing, really good incorporation.'"
"Another thing that I loved about these roller coasters is that each of them had their own custom soundtrack and you'll hear it while you're waiting."
"When you start using sound and music is a part of sound and you should be aware of that possibility too."
"I'm a filmmaker, and this is a channel based on filmmaking, but I also like to incorporate music into it."
"They're wonderful for working with music in Twine."
"You've learned how to add your custom music as a background music."
"It has speakers inside... you can actually play music from your phone right through this."