
Aquarium Quotes

There are 898 quotes

"The green mushroom, it's already growing massively bigger than when we first got it."
"The reality is I would much rather cycle an aquarium with live plants."
"The Acropora dominated tank is a bright explosion of color where each nook and cranny is its own firework show."
"One of the most frustrating things to have happen in an SPS dominated tank is to have one colony get dislodged and fall into another colony below."
"Acropora are sometimes stricken with either rapid tissue necrosis (RTN) or slow tissue necrosis (STN)."
"Number 11: An underwater world - this world incorporates the world's largest indoor aquarium and an underwater zoo."
"Dubai aquarium and underwater zoo is more than an attraction; it's a captivating journey into the heart of the aquatic world."
"If you were only ever gonna buy one aquarium plant I would buy vallisneria."
"What Tetras, Danielle's Guppies, Bettas can I put together?"
"I find much more enjoyment in my smaller aquariums, they're easier to maintenance and I'm fascinated by almost all types of fish."
"This is sweet, like it's so weird seeing a fish that you caught just swimming in the fish tank."
"This is a half-grown frog... we have no choice but to introduce this to the new 300-gallon tank."
"Thanks for watching guys I hope you enjoyed this video even if you're already a pro at planted tanks."
"The mission of the Vancouver Aquarium is to conserve aquatic life."
"Using glass from picture frames is a super easy and cost-effective way of building small tanks."
"Essentially, it’s a 165 gallon aquarium that’s partitioned into three compartments."
"Thanks again to Bio Dude for coming out here and totally renovating our tank; it's beautiful and we love it."
"This video is going to help you go from a brand new tank that's shiny and it's plastic all the way to an established ecosystem."
"He's cute. Aquarium looks nice too much for someone like this."
"They're a little bit more wild and natural looking, so I thought it'd be a perfect thing to make a little Blackwater aquarium with him."
"We're in a freaking aquarium right now."
"I love how this tank turned out. The frogs, they're Pittsburgh Steelers colors. I just love the little minor Halloween theme with all the prehistoric dinosaur bones, with the land of the giant frogs."
"As if my introduction to salt water and being exposed to all of this wasn't enough, I also got to pick out various corals for my new tank."
"Right, guess what? It's time to start on the planting and make this tank come alive. And we have got a ton of plants to choose from because I've been stocking up."
"An aquarium this big, 177,000 gallons, a lot of fish obviously."
"We need some blue tangs in here big blue tangs in here I'm telling you whenever we go and buy fish we try to get as many fish as possible."
"All these flower horns are in individual tanks, and they're grooming them for their best potential."
"I swim in aquariums and I swear to the tank and I wave to the kids."
"Don't Panic after the two to 3 week phase when your aquarium stops looking pristine."
"You don't have to spend $500 on plants to get a cool looking fish tank."
"They're just a really spectacular fish and they love a planted tank."
"F*** all of you! This aquarium was a piece of sh** anyway! I will never come back here again!"
"Look at that aquarium with cacti in it, that was so cool."
"Once your tank is cycled, you should never see those again."
"If you like neon tetras but want super fancy ones, these are the long-finned neon tetras."
"If you used 100 of these in your aquarium at home, nothing else, no other types of plants, fresh soil, fresh Hardscape—absolutely no chance of snails."
"The ideal situation in a high tech plant aquarium is that all of the plants will be receiving some level of circulation."
"A planted 90-gallon with angelfish, a black devil catfish."
"I always tell people if you've given up on rummy nose tetras, cardinal tetras, celestial pearl danios, try one more time and try us."
"Live aquarium plants... consume those toxic nitrogen waste compounds... produce more oxygen for your fish to breathe."
"Chemical filtration... can pull out things like medications, tannins, and other impurities from the water."
"The sponge filter is a very reliable cost-effective method of filtration."
"A boy mermaid. He got a tail and swam in the giant tank with other mermaids at the aquarium."
"Dolphin point is an Open Water exhibit where visitors can come face to face with bottlenose dolphins."
"The shell dwellers have bred a few times."
"This tank does need a bit of a rescape at some point."
"So that's the aquarium, there's three main items that you're going to need to keep your betta happy: filters, heating, and lighting."
"That's a little orange African cichlid oh that's beautiful that is sick good eye Helen that's a little orange fish."
"...so now that we have this water in here, we need to go ahead and dechlorinate it."
"Anywhere between seven and 12.0 dKH is a good solution capable of a solid tank."
"Everyone should do the Danio tank, whether it's heated or not, at one point in their career."
"If you Google Peacock bass tank size you'll see this at the top of the page."
"Certain water conditioners like Fritz complete are better, they do more, they actually detoxify ammonia and nitrite in the aquarium."
"Rasboras include some of the tiniest and most well-liked species in the hobby."
"Swordtails are lively freshwater fish that bring color and motion to any aquarium."
"Tetras are shoaling fish and require other species members to swim boldly and display their finest colors."
"Freshwater Angelfish can co-exist with several smaller schooling fish like tetras and rainbow fish in community aquariums."
"Guppies offer color and movement to almost every level of a freshwater tank."
"Plecostomus catfish may help keep your tank's glass and other surfaces clean and are excellent algae eaters for large aquariums."
"I have a bunch of guppy fry from a previous spawn all from the same mom that we're going to put in one of these tanks."
"So, the tank has now been set up for two days, and it's looking so, so good, crystal clear."
"The schooling behavior of Cory catfish is fascinating because the fish move in perfect synchrony throughout the aquarium like a skilled dancing troop."
"Danios are excellent schooling fish for freshwater aquariums."
"Rainbow fish are great for planted aquariums where they will school in the top and mid-water levels of the fish tank."
"Choose any species in this list confidently and watch your aquarium burst with life."
"...they take up space inside of the aquarium unlike a hang on back filter or a canister filter or some other types of filters a Sponge Filter lives and resides entirely inside of your aquarium so it's going to take up some real estate..."
"I'm gonna be giving you guys the seven best neon tetra tank mates."
"...the customization...you've got sponge for the mechanical filtration then bio rings for the biological filtration and then activated carbon for chemical filtration..."
"If you're looking at your tank thinking, 'Oh, I could still see the back,' buy more plants."
"When you combine the water changes, the beneficial bacteria, and the amount of plants we've got in this tank together, you're left with a recipe for success."
"...you can definitely keep angels Rams tetras maybe even a pleco or Quarry and you'd have a great Community setup."
"That was so much fun! Oh, what a great night at the aquarium!"
"This amazing and beautiful aquarium is located inside of the Journey to Atlantis gift shop and is an absolute must-see."
"I mean look at this water, I feel like I've jumped into the best swimmable aquarium in Texas."
"Now we've all seen those really cool videos of the Penguins walking through the aquariums or dogs going through the aquariums and all that fun stuff."
"Welcome to my new 600-gallon saltwater aquarium."
"Most sponge filters will work great for shrimp, just make sure that whatever filter you use that the baby shrimp can't enter your filter."
"When it comes to keeping an aquarium, there's some very common mistakes that are super simple to avoid."
"Shrimp can be one of the most easy species to take care of in the entire aquarium hobby if done correctly."
"Usually I build tanks with lots of plants and a bit of hardscape, mainly plants though."
"Lots of rock work, really cool cyclic community tank."
"I would recommend the Aquarium Co-op heater. One hundred watts. I would probably rock two of these things."
"The pre-filter does a great job at trapping all waste, meaning the internals of the main canister don't need cleaning for many months."
"The CO2 is pumped in at around four bubbles per second and is attached to an inline diffuser that's fitted to the outlet hose of the Biomaster 850 filter."
"Rosa from Chicago killing it with the filtration game. Oh my goodness, I have an FX4 on my 75 and that thing kicks butt and FX6, you are set for life. That is literally an amazing filter."
"The most important thing about picking out a filter is you want one that's going to reduce the amount of time that you're going to be changing water in this tank"
"What is your favorite product in your fish room or for your fish tank?"
"this has a ton of awesome beautiful fish in it we have mostly haplochromines we also have some Dragon Bloods and OB peacocks"
"That is so cool. Bucket list item, yes. Pet a giant deep-sea isopod, check. That aquarium was awesome. Oh my gosh, that was really a cool aquarium."
"That was a really cool aquarium and they had so many different species of jellyfish, like hammerhead sharks. And hammerhead sharks, which are really fragile. So, I'm really impressed that we're able to keep those."
"You should put your tank in the room in which you spend most of your time."
"Their vision is to be able to supply the ornamental aquarium Market with fully aquacultured corals and to use the proceeds and technology developed for future Reef restoration efforts."
"These are the best thermometers you can get in my opinion. I don't do any suction cups in the aquarium because they always fail."
"The sponge filters are way quieter, they used to be so loud that when they were all running I could hear them from upstairs in my house."
"Starfish are some of the coolest things that you can put inside of your aquarium, they are freaking dope."
"Or do we get some medium-sized bigger parrot fish and stuff like that?"
"That is one cool fish and he's gonna love it in here."
"People who monitor alkalinity daily are more in tune with the biology and chemistry of their tank."
"Now this one's a little bit more well-known but if you didn't know this you can definitely start using non aquarium substrate um and especially if you have a large aquarium this is going to save you a good bit of money"
"So the fish that we keep in our tanks and this is true for the corals too but I'm assuming you're talking about fish food when you're talking about pellets."
"This booth is cool, they got fish on both sides and then full coral in the middle, super sick."
"If you want a planted tank and don't want to do CO2 apparently you can get a million of these."
"I really think this is going to be a nice dwarf species that'll fit in a lot of people's tanks."
"Anyway, enough of that, today we're going to be adding plants to the goldfish tank. I'm not sure if they're going to eat the plants or not, I'm hoping not."
"...the largest aquarium in North America."
"If you want to get some, check out wetspot tropical fish.com. Use code STEAM1, you'll get 10% off your order."
"Feeding a lot of veggies, feeding boiled and de-shelled peas often, having an elevated temperature in your tank."
"Feeding a lot of boiled de-shelled peas, not overfeeding them, keeping the nitrate level nice and low."
"Keeping the temperature up a little bit and also maybe occasionally giving them an epsom salt bath are all good preventative measures."
"Creating an optimal environment for your glowfish begins by selecting the right sized aquarium and tank."
"Once they're rooted stick them in your aquarium."
"Stability is more important with pH than anything else."
"All these incredible glowfish types are worthy to put in your tank."
"...nature does it just because a tank is a certain size doesn't mean you have to just look for the maximum biggest fish you can put in there..."
"They're a great fish to add to your aquarium, plants safe which is nice."
"Sometimes it can happen not entirely sure why, but the Amano and bristlenose will sort of eat off any of the degrading matter there."
"The Siamese algae eaters are constant scavengers."
"The first thing that every fish keeper needs to learn is the nitrogen cycle."
"Learn the nitrogen cycle before you buy your first aquarium."
"Aquarium air pumps are not oxygen tanks."
"Keep a tight lid on climbing gobies, they'll climb up the glass, find a hole, and get out—they literally climb waterfalls."
"Your substrate can actually be the biggest part of your filtration."
"You can go without a filter and just use substrate."
"Most of us are used to putting in fish food into our aquarium."
"Active substrate versus inactive substrate."
"The aqua soil absorbs waste and becomes charged."
"if you guys want to build a 4 000 gallon saltwater aquarium here's what it costs"
"Oh, the otter is definitely a highlight of the Georgia Aquarium."
"You got your dick in the out in the aquarium [ __ ] you got your [ __ ] shorts at the MGM Grand you [ __ ] pay-per-view ass [ __ ]."
"We fixed the filter, and the fish looks so excited, as if they're not fish but monsters. Thank goodness they're behind glass bubbles."
"The sheer size of this aquarium is just unreal."
"So our experience continues then here at sea life in birmingham as we make our way through here to see all the rays."
"Consistency is key. In testing, dosing, lighting schedules - everything. The world is consistent, so should your aquarium."
"Your pH dictates everything that happens in your tank."
"It's the parameter nobody talks about, and it's actually, again, it's the most important parameter of your aquarium. I don't care what anybody says, it is the most important parameter."
"I highly recommend box fish; they're really cool and wonderful to see."
"Now another reason you might want to do water changes is because say you have a tank where you have some fish that you want to spawn."
"Ninety-five percent of the people that I sell fish to, they just want a really pretty all-male tank."
"This is why plants are so important in aquarium. If I had plants up front, he wouldn't notice the camera, wouldn't notice me, he would eat, he'd be more robust."
"This tank is absolutely stunning, this is what the perfect shrimp tank should look like."
"Life yeah oh they're going to look so beautiful in our tank."
"There are so many ways to keep an aquarium that I'm not going to say any of them are the right way, but there are many good ways to keep an aquarium that are different."
"There's no one right way to keep an aquarium, but there are a couple of wrong ways."
"My favorite style of keeping: randomly checking in on the tank, seeing the fish swimming, and doing their thing."
"I don't feed my tanks constantly; I feed most of my tanks three or four times a week."
"The nice thing about kalkwasser is that calcium hydroxide is essentially a balanced additive."
"The tanks I'm really pleased to say is doing really well is the Mauna CID tank here."
"When I set this tank up I was worried it was going to be one of those tanks that requires way too much attention but it's actually been the opposite."
"Welcome to tank talk folks, so excited to be here with you today to talk all about the aquarium Hobby and how it's affecting people's lives all over the world."
"We started this tank with, you know, just something to look at."
"Seeing this tank flourish and grow over the last 6 months has been an absolute joy."
"It pulls more skimmate, and I would assume that it's more appropriately sized for the aquarium."
"What's going to help me achieve my goal here, which is an awesome display tank in my house and is going to fit inside of my skill set?"
"So the part that I saw then and I absorbed afterward, it wasn't about a magic 20 times turnover of the powerheads on there. What you had done is actually place the powerheads where they needed to be."
"This tank has come a long way, by the way, but number one comment by far is the aquascape."
"Nothing good happens fast. Example: Coraline booster. If your tank is healthy, it will be there."
"Just color everywhere in this tank."
"That's a lovely piece of wood you've got in this tank."
"This is an exciting moment for me. I think I said it for the first time probably a year and a half ago that I wanted to do a blacked-out tank full of yellow labs. And today, that comes true and I'm so excited."
"Discus fish are stunning species from South America that have been bred to show a range of amazingly vibrant colors."
"Guppies are one of the most popular aquarium fish."
"The freshwater angel fish is one of the most elegant fish in the world."
"The Cardinal Tetra is a colorful schooling fish that looks amazing in aquarium community tanks."
"These tiny schooling fish are amazing to watch, especially in a heavily planted aquarium."
"The celestial Pearl Dano is another beautiful nano fish that has become incredibly popular."
"The golden Barb is a beautiful fish that has been bred to show amazing bright colors."
"Dwarf gorami make wonderful pets and will thrive in a planted tank of 10 gallons or larger."
"German blue Rams are dwarf cichlids with some of the most vibrant colors in the hobby."
"Killifish have spectacular colors and patterns."
"Flower horn cichlids are hybrid fish for the pet trade by crossing two or more Central American cichlid species."
"The silver arowana is an incredible tropical fish from South America."
"The zebra pleco is a fantastic small catfish with striking black and white stripes."
"Superfish doing really, really affordable packages, so this all comes as one kit."
"Now down below in this tank here, there's a couple different groups of fish. This tank is really for my l183s."
"The star of the show in this tank are the l183s. They're just not sexually mature yet, they've got a little bit of growing out to do."
"I think overall it looks pretty good. I don't think I really got an ugly phase which I'm really happy about. So, touch wood, so far so good."
"Absolutely stunning, that was beautiful tanks and beautiful fish in there."
"Fish are living things. Treat them as such as a tip. You'll be more successful caring for them if you did."
"The shrimp look happy and healthy."
"Don't worry about how many shrimp you should have per gallon because, in reality, the answer is probably in the thousands."
"We still plan to put on the new 1450-gallon tank for Murphy."
"African stickers can be some of the most exciting colorful fun fish in the hobby."
"...whether it's for fun just to see the circle of life happening in your aquarium and watching your fish create more fish which is always enjoyable..."
"I'm so happy with this tank because it's super simple but gives it that proper nature aquarium style."
"I just really want my tank to look like this. This is the end game. Pretty fish, pretty coral."
"Big water changes are the best and quickest way of removing those high levels of nitrates."
"But no, it's pretty slick, really, really cool that I can just kick off an actual auto water change from my phone."
"But these are really cool. I mean, there's so much personality in the African cichlids."
"Thank you so much guys, definitely a great touch to the fish room, it looks amazing."
"Can you believe we're finally here? The 4500-gallon, 33 ft long zingu Amazon River tributary aquarium is done for all intents and purposes."
"The tank is done... it was quite an undertaking building this room, building the biggest aquarium I've ever built."
"Love the live plants, love the driftwood reaching up into the basking area, that looks awesome."
"Love that you even have some fish in the tank."
"Stability means taking all the water parameters you're responsible for and keeping them in the appropriate range, fluctuation to better the chances of success within the hobby."
"Start slow with any changes to your tank, it's better to go slow and win the race than to go fast, fail, and never finish."
"The more water volume you have, the more stable and forgiving your system will be."
"These are actually now two of my absolute favorite tanks, sat right next to each other."
"The things I love most about this tank is, number one, the height."
"75 gallons, you're off to a pretty good start. She seems to be a pretty big turtle so glad that she has all that space to swim."
"Brackish water is basically the realm between freshwater tanks and saltwater tanks."