
Hobbyist Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"This is by no means what you'd call a low-budget tank."
"If you're looking to do some DIY, this might be the keyboard for you."
"The free version of Eagle has more than enough for a lot of hobbyist-level projects."
"Unfortunately, there's more whitening on that corner so all right I don't know I guess what I was thinking um I just like Charizard a lot but corners definitely 8.5."
"So I want to thank you as always for watching, and please stay tuned because we have more models coming."
"...they go on better than any GW wash that I've used, I just prefer whatever they've done to these to make them act the way that they act."
"Fusion 360 would be free to use for hobbyists."
"...the vivarium is probably two or three months old now, things are growing, the frogs are super happy, and I'm absolutely loving it."
"I've had a lot of fun working on this car, and there are things that I'm going to improve on and make better, but that comes with time and enjoying it and driving it and having a lot of fun."
"You can't be a knife guy and not own a Paramilitary 2."
"For us in the hobbyist world and running our own little home labs and things like this, Caddy's perfect."
"I 100 think it's a great first embroidery machine especially if you're trying to find something on a lower price scale but also something that you can still use for all the fun projects you see us doing."
"I am literally just another hobbyist that's just trying to figure this out and just sharing my findings along the way."
"If you're somebody that likes to sew a lot, and you don't need a lot of complicated stitches, or that type of thing, if you just are a quilter, this is a quilter's dream."
"Ultimately my experience of the Great Wall f-14b only made me appreciate Tamiya's f14s even more."
"I am not an expert African violet grower and I do not grow African violets for show. I grow them for my own collection and my own pleasure."
"Have a good weekend so from Urban Fish Keeper, thanks a lot, have a good one, chat to you soon."
"I make these videos for fun – I’m not a professional, I don’t work in the rail industry."
"You're one of those guys that I can appreciate the hobby."
"So if you're new, I definitely hope you enjoyed taking a look at all the fish and all the fish tanks. If you're a grizzled fish tank barn veteran, I hope you found something new and interesting that inspired you to get a different fish."
"I'm the sky model geek and in this video, I build this awesome looking gunam Zog."
"We're doing these long format videos to try to help you guys get started in the hobby or maybe get back into the hobby."
"If you're interested in making a few bucks, maybe some trade-in with a local fish store, an assassin snail is definitely something you could breed and sell as well."
"The end-fed half-wave antenna is a cracking antenna."
"I am not a tech... I am a hobbyist."
"Good morning, Quadcopter 101 here with a review of a neat new drone."
"Model railway men have an elevated status... they can say, 'Yes, I am a model railway man and I partake in the fantastic, gorgeous hobby of model railways.'"
"Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel, That Model Railway Guy, for a really exciting video today."
"Hopefully, this helps somebody get into the hobby or build their first plane."
"I am a little bit of a nerd at heart; I love computers, I love tinkering."
"This is a really badass heli for anybody who already knows how to do full 3D."
"It looks good, it's got a nice bit of weight to it and yeah, from just looking at it, it looks fantastic."
"Hello there, welcome back to the closet historian and back to my sewing room once again."
"I'm not a professional in this, I just really like messing around and looking at things, trying to fix things."
"It's charm pack friendly, it's super easy, beginner friendly, and super cute."
"I hope you guys have a wonderful week and I hope to see you on the next coin video real soon."
"This plane turned out really, really good, and I've gone out and flown it already, and this plane flies really, really well."
"All in all, I think the HT118E is an excellent meter for the hobbyists given the price and its performance."
"It doesn't matter if you're a professional or just a hobbyist doing this on the side, if you're wanting to do this for extra money or turn it into a full-blown entrepreneurial business, there's something for everyone."
"They have been bred successfully in aquariums for quite some time and quite successfully by a lot of people."
"Okay, until next time, happy reefing."
"Welcome back to the channel and the snake room, of course."
"They are an electrically red fish with one of the most colorful and vivid reds that I've seen out there in our hobby."
"Microcontroller boards are great fun and really good for making projects and tinkering and learning."
"I'm more of an Arduino guy, so this one is also flashable with the Arduino IDE."
"If you're a fan of full armor, then you'll like this kit."
"It's going to have a lot of torque and it's pretty much going to be a great 10 scale basher motor."
"Getting started with 3D printing is easy, in fact, I am thoroughly convinced that you could go out tomorrow and buy a 3D printer and start creating basic models with some success within a matter of days."
"Welcome to my workshop, now in today's video we're going to finish the cylinder blocks off for my locomotive."
"For the small-scale beekeeper, the hobbyist who only has a few hives, this is really a wonderful option."
"For the average hobbyist who's just cutting and engraving once in a while, this thing will save you guys a lot of money."
"So make sure to check out using motors with Arduino because it is a lot of fun, and you can branch off fairly quickly to projects like this."
"Sometimes I just want to use a fun camera that produces solid results."
"They are resilient and going to be able to withstand just about anything that a new hobbyist could throw at them."
"It only cost a few dollars and is really, really interesting to use."
"For a hobbyist who is working at low voltage, this is a great choice, especially if you're on a budget."
"It just makes this instrument both credible to a serious acoustic player as well as a hobbyist who's just really interested in the digital features."
"I've been working on an RC car project, and I've done the version one."
"I shared in all of your excitement and the R was my choice as the best of the Tarmac Works Global 64."
"If you're a hobbyist and you're not making much money doing this, then buy these Music Nomad ones and you're not going to be disappointed."
"This is the one to get if you want to begin with helicopters and you want to have the ability to do tricks and make adjustments on your rates, throttle curves, everything."
"If you are a hobbyist or a graphic student and all you really care about is the visual side of things, then you can pretty much follow exactly what I'm doing in this video."
"He comes at the hobby in kind of the same way I do, always ready to experiment and find new techniques that work for him."
"It gives you quite a bit of credibility as a modeler."
"I am not a mechanic by trade; I actually work in an office all day, but I like to get into projects, learn new skills."
"Any electronics enthusiast should have a Readin RD 6018 or something similar."
"I caught the bug with the Superman, I fell in love with it."
"The decoration is definitely better than you'd expect from a Hornby railroad loco."
"This is definitely one of the cooler little budget knives that I've handled this year."
"I'm not a makeup artist by any means, just a regular beauty lover."
"I have over 70 gas masks now, plus duplicates and half-face masks."
"This hobby isn't just about gear or flashy coral, it's being able to learn something new on a daily basis."
"The high grade has fantastic articulation and this is basically everything like that."
"I'm not an expert; I'm just some guy that loves cars and for the last 20 years, I've tried to fix things wherever I could, just to save some money and learn a new skill."
"It's a great proximity flyer just because of its precision."
"I'm just a regular hobbyist, a guy who has a regular job, but at the end of the day, I come home and I film these videos for you."
"You know how that is when you do these old cars on a budget."
"Been a ham for 25 years, love the channel."