
Cultural Insight Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"Bush Sr. was a legit country music fan, once saying 'Country music gives us a window on the real world and when I want to feel a certain surge of patriotism or turn nostalgic or even when I need a little free advice about Saddam Hussein, I turn to country music.'"
"A failure to reconcile with all of this history to understand what Britain's role in the world has been." - Akala
"I've always been fascinated with the overlap between eastern and western philosophy. When one of them finds something that works, it seems that the other within a few centuries sort of comes up with the same idea or a similar insight."
"This is an absolute golden peek into gaming in the 1990s."
"The Simpsons isn't great at predicting the future so much as it is great at understanding the culture."
"Being bilingual or multilingual is pretty interesting."
"I love the in-between parts of what it's like to live in the Star Wars galaxy."
"They were more close to the source than we were."
"It's going to get worse before it gets better."
"Gay people have a unique opportunity and insight into the fringes of culture that make stuff interesting."
"The discovery of heraclioni has been a major archaeological breakthrough helping to fill in the gaps in our knowledge of ancient Egypt and providing new insights into the culture and history of this fascinating civil."
"You can't win hearts and minds if you don't understand how the hearts and minds themselves work."
"The dating school that we saw in Gerudo Town in Breath of The Wild was a really cool insight to Gerudo culture and life in this day and age."
"The historical context of the tales is worthwhile; it's just interesting and it reveals how little has changed despite how much has changed since medieval England."
"Understanding economics is a very important way of understanding civilization and culture."
"Little things give us clues about our cultural and cinematic history."
"Everybody in the Muslim world has the same understanding because that's how language operates."
"I do believe that this film can give us a really unique insight for the challenges that we face in dealing with China."
"This is American history that we're talking about."
"A gilded brooch from around 600 AD: a glimpse into the past."
"Every experience that I've had is actually due to the languages that I speak."
"Persian food is fantastic, it's underrated around the world."
"Learning another language is another world, another mindset, different sentence structure, different cultures, two ideas—this is a big deal."
"The olympics is a window into in many ways who we really are as human beings."
"Life in Yemen represents life in its purest form."
"A tangible link to a bygone era, offering us a glimpse into the ancient beliefs and artistic expressions that shaped their world view."
"You just had Smoky Paprika and Almond Pringles. Paprika is commonly used in the cuisine of this country, and this country also happens to be the second largest almond producer in the world behind the USA, and that country is Spain."
"Using ancient technology as a window into the Indus culture."
"America's got it good now that I've been traveling."
"Comedians have a unique perspective on America."
"Higurashi boldly acknowledges the social issues that defined its era."
"The more you know my music taste, the more you know I'd love 'So American.'"
"The discovery of a ceremonial banquet hall offered a glimpse into the Moche culture."
"His books and writings are crisp and lucid, his seminal book 'Being Different' is a combination of brilliant intellect and pure wisdom."
"I appreciate all the background info, not just on Haikyuu but the Japanese culture and the anime industry."
"If nothing else, if you read through the agenda, you become very affiliated with how black men think in a way that we've not had an opportunity to do before."
"Kumbha Mela is a rare opportunity to glimpse into the soul of India, to comprehend Sanatana Dharma."
"Bamboo forests of Japan: bamboo has a vibe that nobody talks about."
"That's where I think insight work and having the ability to hack culture matter the most."
"What we were looking at was not the betrayal of evangelical values, we simply didn't fully understand what those values were."
"Shaler's investigation hadn't found Joan but he had busted one of France's most intriguing myths."
"You are educating white people on what it is to be adopted in this country."
"I just don't want to do it all the time but that's one reason I think because we don't hear that side of Toronto."
"It's like when Aang goes to that school where he gets to see exactly firsthand how the Fire Nation children are raised with this level of propaganda."
"Long story short, I hope so, man. I hope that more people get involved because, you know, billionaire sports owners, as much as smart as they are...sometimes they don't understand the culture."
"Polytheistic religions have this sort of built-in tolerance."
"Reading diversely affords us insight into the dynamics of different groups of peoples and cultures whose experiences in life vary in ways small or large from our own."
"The Hebrews had multiple words for love... friendship, love of the will... rooted in commitment."
"This experience in South Africa... it makes me see the other side of life."
"Roller coasters appeal to the American character. The same spirit that settled the continent animates the search for an ever more thrilling ride."
"The Yakuza aren't this big angry, breach, mug-you, kill-you organization that a lot of us perceive it to be."
"Living outside the US for 20 years gave you an edge."
"Understanding China doesn't come from skimming headlines and watching some documentary and it doesn't come from sitting on piles of money it comes from actual research and thought."
"Elon Musk is like a rich person who understands memes."
"That's similar to what the Elder tribal system kind of still is. It's the elders that preside, but in many Native American tribes, maybe they have a better system of justice than we do in many contexts." - Robert Barnes
"The Boondocks: Gives you a look into a culture you may not be familiar with."
"Look to the cookie, Elaine, look to the cookie."
"I'm absolutely spanned, I think one thing I've learned more than anything from our first few days in Taipei is just how friendly and helpful the people have been."
"You've got to watch yourself in some of these places well in cities yes but often as soon as you're out in the countryside I mean it's it's just people generally are just very nice and don't have too many problems in that line."
"They celebrate all the time, even little things. Music, song, and dance are essential parts of daily life. They have an important purpose in life or several. They are relaxed and enjoy all that they do." - Unknown
"I think as Americans, we're not good at admitting when we're wrong. I think it's like an American thing."
"You know who always has this is not a natural thing this is like products and and who always has like the nicest smells to them black women yeah they do smell nice they always smell like they have like fresh something else products yeah lotions and always smell fresh"
"It's not to say not every Asian is like that. And it's true. But there's little things that a lot of Asians would do that they're not gonna do to other people."
"Well done, Finland, you really love your pizzas."
"Asian love is one of the strongest forms of love I've ever seen, but it's also some of the most hollow."
"These comedians who have applied that creative intelligence inward to Black communities where the jokes just go over the heads of so many who are outside of those communities again, that makes a Roy Wood and a Dave Chappelle that much more impressive, you know."
"The thing that I took away most strongly is the way that Afghans lived, the extraordinary dignity and confidence of people living in a village which could be ten days walk from the nearest road."
"The Russian character... capable of profound depths not seen in the west."
"Don't be shocked by Dutch directness. Dutch people are overall super friendly and kind."
"It only could be written by a Brit, I think it really just kind of shows how good Albarn was at those little character sketches."
"I'm actually quite interested in this little house tour because I've never seen the inside of a Norwegian home or a Norwegian apartment."
"Romanians know how to advertise put the thing you're going to eat it with on the label, right that's smart."
"If people couldn't already tell that was a tourist, then this is what a notice board in KU pedi looks like."
"In Soviet Union, if you tried to buckle up, you kind of hurt feelings of the driver because you sent him a message you're a bad driver."
"If your boomerang doesn't come back to you, that means it would rather die."
"The Portuguese have it figured out."
"Actually come to think of it that might be the most Bangkok story I've ever heard."
"And when 'Fighting' is used in Korean, it's used as a word of encouragement. To cheer up someone in a difficult situation."
"It's hard to get in Japan right I mean unless you're a [__] you know."
"I hope it ain't no time soon, but that's how they was down there."
"I realized just how Central solidarity is to the chilote's lives."
"Finland really is a winter wonderland with quiet people that transform into metal monsters after a pint of long drink."
"The beauty of this train trip isn't just the postcard-perfect scenery, it's an insight into real Canada."
"Uruguayans are more open to talking about things than people I've met anywhere else."
"These murals which are among the earliest known examples of narrative art depict detailed hunting scenes and vultures providing a window into the community's beliefs rituals and the environment around them."
"The biggest hater to a Mexican is another Mexican that is the same cuz I [ __ ] hate you not you he me."
"It's Egypt! No idea, but it's worth the trip. In Egypt, everybody pampers cats. That's because my ancestor was a cat goddess. Pretty classy, huh?"
"Nobody in Thailand will accept or like to lose face."
"Bulgarians aren't kidding around. 'Give me your salary since you are so well-off.' 'I will break your teeth and wear them as a necklace.'"
"I learned a lot, and I thought it's so interesting to see how these guys work. They have such a crazy hard work day, but we learned a lot of interesting facts about Japan and Tokyo, and about how the day in the life of a manga creator actually is."
"Nobody make you feel better than a nice old black lady."
"The Boondocks confirmed what a lot of Black people had already believed: that we were anime's target audience."
"I cannot eat Mexican, so that's an interesting insight, no Chipotle. Uh, here in America, the walls are made out of drywall, and when you want to punch one, you just go ham."
"The secret for finding a bargain is to shop where Dominicans shop."
"So many times we're just given what the news tells us about foreign places, but when you're actually there with the people, you get such a different picture."
"...if you understand what the gun culture is about, you can make pretty good predictions about the future..."
"This isn't a book for anglophones to pick up and learn a little bit about Norwegian culture. This is a modern classic."
"It's interesting having a glimpse into rural Japan and everyday life in smaller towns."
"I cover a variety of hot topics specific to reality television but most importantly I hone in on the psychological and the behavioral traits of the black experience."
"It was actually also really cool for me to see into the students' life here in the Philippines."
"These artifacts provide a window into their values, beliefs, and everyday life."
"Sand Talk is looking at the world from an indigenous perspective."
"This gives insight into the Black Country culture and the way they speak."
"Out of the 150 crore population of India, 2,000 families who cultivate salt in Rann. Their life, their truth."
"Learning a new language is not only known to improve focus, cognition, and memory, but it can also provide an interesting and insightful broadening of your framework of the world."
"See through a native's eyes, when you see through native eyes, you see through the lies."
"It's interesting to consider what the locals enjoy as their snacking equivalent."
"Psycho touring, I feel, gives them a more genuine glimpse into a country."
"Okay, Japan ready. Ah, it's pretty clever, Japanese, they're always thinking."
"It was phenomenal and really opened my mind about America."
"It's important to understand China, to see China not just through Western eyes, but to the best degree possible, through Chinese eyes."
"Chinese people think that life is just like tea, the bitter always comes before the sweet."
"Italian is a lot deeper than you thought, isn't it?"
"I'm reminded of a kind of humanity and dignity that that little boy in a Turkish town far from anywhere was able to convey to that man."
"It's important to recognize the creator of the art that you're experiencing because that can often give you insight into the ways in which you should appreciate it."
"She wants to write her story about the black experience in Metropolis to tell the world what black people are really like and what are their day-to-day experiences."
"It's very awesome, gives you a beautiful glimpse into the culture as well."
"The Bonampak murals go beyond the purely artistic."
"Literature provides us with a window into different cultures, times, and perspectives."
"These are both stories that tell especially people from the West a lot about how Russian culture is a little bit different."
"The average Abdullahs in the world, I want to understand his struggle."
"The most reliable way to find out what kind of culture a gym has is to see their classes and get a feel for it."
"It's an intimate glimpse into a controlling and closed cultural world, and a universal tale about family and the way silence and shame can destroy those we have sworn to protect."
"You are very welcome to Thailand. This is The Life of Others!"
"Watching films could reduce stress, increase motivation, and inspire cultural reflection."
"It's indisputable that they have captured the imagination of my generation and seem, in their own strange way, to hold a key insight into cultural life in the early 21st century."
"After this trip, not only did I understand Eastern Europe in more unique and profound ways, but I also gained a much greater understanding and appreciation for my life here in Poland."
"It is a revelation for people who have not watched many Indian films."
"That's what I want to do, is let people get a glimpse of what we do here and how we are raised."
"It's another really good insight into how the traditional Mongolian nomads live."
"This booklet is super useful for people like me who don't know much about Japanese snacks as it contains information about all the snacks and some Japanese culture."