
TV Series Quotes

There are 716 quotes

"South Park: The Stick of Truth... really felt like I was marathoning through a season of South Park."
"The legendary comedy series Chappelle Show premiered 20 years ago."
"Blair is the best character in Gossip Girl, but that statement doesn't apply to every season."
"One of the most complex characters in the entire series."
"Marvel can still make incredible engaging TV that leaves you wanting more and the future looks bright."
"This is our first glimpse at the infamous purple lightning which will be a recurring theme throughout season three for you know who."
"Season 3 of stranger things is out if you remember season 1 we loved Stoke to be one of my favorite season ones like one of my favorite seasons of any television show ever."
"I think also just the storytelling is better and all the kids were together and if you know a lot more like the first season so I would recommend it."
"Season three just aired and ended right and it's as good as ever."
"The reveal of Kang the Conqueror is the ultimate big bad behind the TVA and of course Jonathan Majors in his debut as the character absolutely killing it."
"Season eight of Game of Thrones is fan fiction."
"Teen Wolf doesn't operate like that at all. I so appreciate Teen Wolf's sense of camaraderie."
"I like that Teen Wolf's leads are better people."
"The series strikes a very delicate balance between darkness and comedy."
"I personally don't know how I feel about that, 'cause I like the idea that pink diamond is shattered."
"So I definitely think you're onto something, Raven, and hopefully we get answers soon."
"Season 3 is considered by a number of fans to simply be the best season of The Walking Dead."
"The season 7 premiere was so good and got so many people talking about it."
"The writers have taken a character who'd become very stale very quickly and over the course of seasons 2, 3, and 4 they've given him a new lease on life with a lot of narrative complexity."
"I never get tired of hearing the line between Marta and Jonas where they say 'we're a perfect match, never believe anything else'."
"ET is obviously one of the biggest cultural influences on Stranger Things."
"The Observers manipulate history." - Fringe's alternate universe arc.
"I think viewing it as a whole at just the cultural impact it had, the way it changed our lives is there'll be nothing like this ever again."
"Johnny probably has the biggest single-season development he's had since the first season."
"If this ends up being that half-hour comedy show that introduces a new quality of the MCU every time, this could be one of the most expansive live-action series yet to come."
"The show focused a lot on the relationship between Bruce and Tony... I loved the way that unfolded."
"You'll see cosplayers recreating that for a decade. Why did Kriston kill Joffrey? Well, so here, Joffrey tells Kriston that he knows that he's fucking Renera, right?"
"Ah, that's funny. Oh man, oh man, he looks so shit. Oh dude, so I'm spoiler alert, Viserys isn't dead, he's just Emperor Palpatine. Can you persist forever?"
"I think the setup for Vecna is great, I think it is really cool to see this antagonist be so scary this season."
"This is the first time we've gotten an origin story about any of the monsters in Stranger Things."
"Let's point out the elephant in the room, that little gay boy survived in the Upside Down for a week."
"There's also going to be major deaths in volume two."
"The synthetic rewrite, remember that? Literally, in Babylon Berlin last night, do you remember the doctor, the mind control doctor in Babylon Berlin?"
"After three seasons of building up our investment in Emily's motivation, the show then revealed that rumors of her father's death had been greatly exaggerated."
"Stranger Things isn't a show, it's a phenomenon."
"Weekly releases prolong the discussion of the show."
"The Scoops Ahoy subplot was still the one I constantly found myself wanting the show to get back to whenever it went somewhere else."
"I still enjoy the characters and buy into what's happening, even if I feel like they're becoming lazy in a lot of other aspects."
"Watch the show 'Fatal Attraction' - you're not going to be able to stop watching."
"Georgia's character was also a highlight this season."
"The writers decided early on that Kim and Ron's relationship was there to stay."
"Game of Thrones is about intrigue, Game of Thrones is about tough choices, no-win scenarios."
"Echo's journey intertwines with familiar faces and events from Hawkeye."
"Farscape triumphantly succeeds in telling profoundly moving human stories."
"The end of season 2 is a jaw-dropping cliffhanger."
"Farscape is something special and unique, a mythos which flies in the face of genre conventions and TV traditions."
"There's simply nothing else quite like Farscape."
"I think people are really responding to the characters and I think they're falling in love with them." - Eric Kripke
"Fans can't wait for the fifth season of the show."
"I think Season 12 did a much better job of at least starting its adventures in a down-to-earth place."
"Season two might have had more room for error, but it improved on its predecessor in practically every possible way and recognized how it can keep things interesting moving forward."
"Halloween props if you haven't been living under a rock since 2016 then you probably know all about the phenomenon that is stranger things."
"Started watching The Sopranos for the first time. It's so good."
"The Walking Dead Central premise is endlessly exciting and full of possibilities."
"The pervading atmosphere of the second season drew me into Elliot's world."
"It's a genuine shame that the finale of the series was the most recycled of its history."
"Devastated that I do not get to see more Swamp Thing."
"Oh, I think we found your Russians, and I think you found your subplot."
"This season is a major upgrade from last season."
"Serena blushes over ash a total of 46 times in the entirety of the X&Y series."
"It's a bad joke, it gives me nostalgia to season one."
"Anchored by the performance of Anson Mount as Captain Christopher Pike."
"Daredevil is still the strongest of all the Netflix Marvel shows."
"Series 5 is a stunning series, with some incredibly beautiful shots taking full advantage of the sharper visuals and color depth."
"Season 3 is coming, and it's not going to be with JC Staff, thank goodness."
"I want the same cast next season too. I think we have to see the aftermath play out of all of this."
"You know how it all ends? Yeah, Bran becomes king because who has a better story than Bran?"
"Game of Thrones, my hot take is that I actually didn't mind the eighth season."
"The Fallout TV show definitely has some interesting implications on Fallout lore."
"The cliffhanger of the command center explosion, a two-part series premiere."
"Season 10's gotta keep pushing the envelope."
"You're gonna have four after shows for six weeks straight in late August and September. She-Hulk, Lord of the Rings, Andor, and House of Dragon."
"That's the biggest question that I want the upcoming Armor Wars to answer."
"Season 2 is like younger and fresher and different."
"Mandalorian got tied for the most nominations."
"I'm sure as hell did not expect Gideon last year to pull out the Darksaber."
"The worst character assassination of all was that of Daenerys Targaryen."
"Can we see an older Ahsoka character storyline in a spin-off from The Mandalorian Season Two? Abso-freaking-lutely."
"She just won't give up on somebody for the longest time, whether it's Serena or Waterford. And namely in season three, it's Lawrence."
"I promise she'll always be the dot June, but I'm excited for people to see that."
"There's a lot there that they can work with... I think Ren Slayer is going to be a big deal in season two."
"I think season two is going to be Loki, our main Loki here from season one trying to convince Mobius again."
"We're gonna have this twisted Groundhog Day effect from season one into season two."
"Tariq is ghost on earth, learning and changing before our very eyes."
"I really think Mandalorian is the best implementation of new Star Wars, and it feels authentic."
"Gilmore Girls is long enough that when you're done watching it, you could just start right back up."
"Season 2 of The Mandalorian: extremely popular and highly recommended."
"Can you believe it guys? Season 17 is right around the corner!"
"I watched all four seasons in a week and a half... I'm not even ashamed to say it."
"I believe her journey on Better Call Saul is one of self-discovery and increasing boldness over time."
"Good afternoon crew, I am hooked on Yellowstone."
"I'm watching HBO's session... characters are just so well written."
"Clear those calendars, cancel that family dinner, and load up on snacks because season eight may be coming—or it is coming quickly and ready to drop us lots of great content."
"The characters are all so multifaceted and so well written and so interesting and it's an amazing series it's an amazing amazing series."
"Being out of the Fire Nation, you end up finding that Zuko is far more emotional and far more complex."
"Great news about a second season of Bridgerton."
"Loki season two: Chock full of Easter eggs, ready for a wild ride!"
"The Last of Us TV show is a phenomenal series that does justice to the game while making it very accessible to general audiences."
"Somewhere along the way they decided that Dany was going to lose it and burn King's Landing."
"We are bringing back three characters from our previous series... characters that all didn't really have a good ending to them."
"There's even some talk of Riva getting a spin-off series."
"I enjoyed this more than Battle of the Bastards."
"If you like the Marvel TV series, you're like, 'Gotham owns.'"
"I think Captain Carter in Season 2 of Loki is really likely."
"Favorite TV show right now? It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia."
"With acclaimed filmmaker Ava DuVernay serving as the co-creator, writer, and director of When They See Us, it's clear that the series is a must-watch."
"Daenerys will become the symbol of hope in season 8."
"Our goal is to shoot seasons two through seven in the next three and a half years."
"I honestly really like this series and their take on the Spider-Man mythos."
"Season two was surprisingly fun and entertaining."
"We get the amazing emotional connection between Picard and Roe."
"The Wire is better than anything on television. It's the greatest TV show ever being made."
"Breaking Bad gave audiences something they'd never seen."
"Breaking Bad was one of the greatest TV shows ever made."
"I loved it so much. Lorelei is one of my favorite characters of all time."
"This season is by far the best in the original series."
"That Clone Wars Season Seven finale, like that doesn't bring tears to your eyes, yeah I don't know what will."
"The reason why they brought Ahsoka Tano in here is because the fans wanted to see it."
"The way they shuffled out Thrawn in 'Rebels' so that the fall of the Empire doesn't include him."
"I want to see HBO take World War Z and make a mini series out of it."
"The connectivity of this show is evident, and fans will appreciate every detail."
"December 18th: the day you become addicted to Fish Tank season two."
"What a beautiful series it had no business making me feel this much."
"Robin and Steve's friendship is still going strong."
"Max on the other hand is really struggling in the aftermath of Billy's death."
"Season two is going to be very different. We're going to be telling a very different story. This is all Westeros history, so we've got a lot of different things to work with here. So I think it'll be fun to have some fresh blood in there."
"It's a different kind of Daredevil, but it still retains the core of who he is."
"Broadchurch is like very deeply emotional... It feels like a very immersive experience when you're watching this show."
"I pretty much love this whole season but I am a really easy to please guy when it comes to Star Wars."
"Howard has been the most consistent character in the entire universe of Better Call Saul."
"Heartland wouldn't be Heartland without the horses."
"Overall, I hope this look back at the initial season of Heroes has reminded those of you who watched it why it was so beloved in the first place."
"Clone Wars saved. One word I can say for this was electric."
"If you're not [watching Game of Thrones], what's wrong with you?"
"We saw that relationship between her and Daryl starting to form."
"Stranger Things renewed for a third season, minehunters for a second season - hit me right!"
"Season three has been confirmed and announced, which is really freaking cool."
"We got so much character development in specifically Tech... Tech got so much attention in season two."
"I am literally the biggest Gossip Girl fan. I started watching it when I was 12."
"I feel like I'm a lot more invested in the characters than when we started."
"The Doctor had always been an eccentric, but his fourth incarnation took this eccentricity to a whole other level."
"Hey, I'm gonna place my bets on Mephisto showing up in the finale. It's gonna be played by an actor so beloved no one's gonna care that he's been off-screen all season."
"Ralph's arc has been natural since he was introduced. He fits more than Julian."
"I want a chance to show Ralph's shine. He's integral to the team."
"Singh is one of those characters I can just fully trust to be honest all the time."
"The guy that plays the prosecutor, there's something about him that looks so familiar to me."
"Nicolas Cage playing Joe Exotic in the scripted series, gang gang buzz buzz."
"It's a series that gets a lot of unnecessary and excessive hate in my opinion."
"I love Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire. Nothing will take away from how perfect I find the first four seasons to be and there are very few stories that I have thrown myself into like I did with this one."
"There's so much flavor in what they're doing with The Mandalorian."
"I think anybody who enjoyed season 1 of Stranger Things is also gonna enjoy this."
"But there's still a lot of stuff I'm excited for, especially with Den and the darksaber. He's still got his journey, journey that he's going on and Grogu's along for the ride in that tiny little pod like."
"Killgrave is the one that just gets under your skin... you hate and wanted to see him destroy." - Jessica Jones Season 1
"If kingpin is the most captivating of the villains... killgrave is the one that just gets under your skin." - Jessica Jones Season 1
"I think Dolores will recognize the Man in Black as William, absolutely."
"The ending isn't great but Breaking Bad's ending is so much better."
"...season 1 of House of the Dragon definitely stole my heart..."
"The exceptional pacing and quality writing overall keeps the series from ever feeling stagnant or dull."
"Overall I think as a standalone series Frontier is a fun watch especially its first half."
"Tales from a parallel universe was a Sci-Fi TV series that ran for four seasons and 61 episodes."
"This episode signaled a return to form for the writing."
"This season has really addressed a couple of the big criticisms coming in from the previous seasons, most notably the lack of progression and lasting story consequences."
"Barring nuclear disaster, Brooklyn Nine-Nine premieres September 26, 9:30 p.m."
"It's always reassuring when they choose to adapt a book series into a tv-series rather than a movie, as it allows for more thorough storytelling."
"Sam and Cat has only 35 episodes, 35 too many if you ask me."
"It's such a shame that so few episodes of Sam and Cat were made."
"The final scene of the series finale of Gilmore Girls is so poetic. It's just Lorelei and Rory."
"It's the last three episodes of a crazy season."
"Super Force, the best superhero TV series of 1990"
"Lost wasn't always a perfectly formed Diamond."
"Twilight's Kingdom was the real conclusion to season four's story."
"This is probably the most epic story they've done in terms of scale."
"I thought the finale of season 2 was one of my favorite finales that we've seen in a long time...the Alfie situation, that was so good, yes, that was so...the way he just had someone standing out there being like 'Oh, by the way, he knows...'"
"Wow, dude, that was a wild start to this season...they're going to have a problem on their hands, is what it feels like."
"The Fallout TV series was produced by Jonathan Nolan, brother of Christopher Nolan, and if you know these guys, you know that they rarely miss."
"Avatar The Last Airbender had some of the biggest years we've ever seen."
"Aang became a fully realized Avatar in one year, the fastest Avatar to ever do that."
"Aang was able to strip Firelord Ozai of his fire bending which is insane when he considered the fact that Firelord Ozai was being super buffed by Sozin's Comet."
"In fact, Kyoshi's character Arc is that in the beginning of her life as an avatar she just kills everybody but by the end she only kills the really bad."
"This movie will definitely appeal to fans of the series Supernatural."
"Gravity Falls has a grip on the denizens of the internet unlike anything else."
"Gravity Falls is chock full of references to David Lynch's acclaimed series."
"The second half of season 2 covered the plot that was originally planned for season three."
"If you're able to watch them backwards, Better Call Saul first and then Breaking Bad, you'll be illuminated in a different way."
"It wasn't until I rewatched the whole series from start to finish over Christmas I know festive and also yes this is how long I take to make things it wasn't until then that I realized there was only one movie that I'd missed."
"I highly recommend a series called Horatio Hornblower, swashbuckling dude who's kind of like the whole pirate Imperial Navy thing, old series, really good stuff, highly recommend it."
"Rhaenyra's vengeance is one of the most expected things in the second season of The House of the Dragon."
"Adriana La Cerva: The death of Adriana was not only one of The Sopranos' most brutal moments, it was also the perfect example of just how cruel and clinical this world was."
"So, the Mandalorian Season 3. It's not great by any means. It was fine."
"Be Cool Scooby-Doo was still a good entry in the Scooby-Doo franchise."
"Be Cool Scooby-Doo is not only a fine show in and of itself, it's one of the best Scooby series, period."
"Steve and Roger: the best brothers in 'American Dad.'"
"The first season of HBO's Barry is a dark comedy about a Hitman who wants to quit his job and become an actor."
"Season 1 of The Wilds left us with so many questions, a lot of cliffhangers."
"Maybe it's just I I love the black fish's armor in season six yeah it does look pretty cool so cool very scaly very cool"
"'Yellowjackets' is half coming-of-age survival thriller, half mystery drama about a high school girls' soccer team whose plane crashes in Canadian wilderness."
"Easily one of my favorite series of the year!"
"'Severance' is the show for you. It’s smart, it’s well-written, it gets pretty dark, the cast is amazing."
"...Cliffhangers number 59: ABQ, the finale of season 2 is a whole bunch of Awesomeness and one big blemish which I think is pretty obvious what it is."
"Their relationship only gets better in the TV series, as we see how patient and supportive Eugene can be when it comes to postponing their engagement."