
Tactical Movement Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Always keeping your crosshair at head height... as you turn a corner and spot an enemy, you only have to make a very small adjustment."
"It's all about strategy, how you place yourself, how you move."
"It's all about just trying to flip these spawns or force these players to spawn all the way towards those back tanks by picking up a couple kills."
"Be fluid. Move. Get your point of traction, friction, and leverage. Get on top of that gun and get to work with no extra [__]. Do it from your knowledge base."
"Ukrainian forces instead moved up behind the Russians as they withdrew, occupying the capital once it had been vacated of organised Russian units."
"Just circle around them and keep them pinned into this one area."
"Let's try and move now. This is probably the best chance we got."
"We won the land battle, let's merge up and head down here."
"This is an example of good spinning again. He goes down for a block and then he spins around while maintaining his guard position."
"It may be one step it may be five steps but just depending on the rally that's how far you can move forward back."
"Charging your arrow, hopping around a corner to shoot, and then instantly lunging the other way with Hanzo, it lets you instantly shoot an arrow without the enemy having time to react."
"For resurrect it might seem like a mean but spinning while raising does actually help you stay alive."
"The king slides out of the way and you know why the king slides out of the way because the king knows that when this opens up the Rook is going to the G file."
"Learn how to jiggle peek and use it to your advantage."
"It's like after you clear mid here if you're strong enough to walk here that's a big deal to walk here instead of walking here right because this is camps that the opponent wants to farm while these are camps they're not going to farm at all."
"Hammond's movement allows for really long flanks, making him a nightmare for enemies."
"The tower is acting as cover for you to get away."
"Make sure that you always have your flight to get out of sticky situations and you're landing on high grounds to set up off angles to poke people from multiple sides of the map."
"This shot actually does create some effect, Nunes was trying to slip on the punch and counter."
"Jump away from him as soon as he swoops down, and that will cause him to arc upwards and go over you."
"Without Jaina unexpectedly being there to teleport them out of the trap, Sylvanas, the Warchief has achieved what no other horde war chief or alliance leader has ever managed."
"Ali resumed his classic footwork, peppering, circling, and jabbing to set up more powerful punches."
"Oh yeah the Pyke's are moving out only losing two orcs they're not a huge loss and I think the Pikes are actually gonna go for it oh that was a juicy one that was a juicy one."
"I'm terrible at aiming, but actually if you just run up to people, focus on tactical movement and flanking, and use shotguns to drive people out of their hidey-holes, you can work pretty well."
"Let's just storm the front building together, approach from different angles. Support characters can be very, very useful, especially as it's much easier than the base game."
"Push out mid first, pin someone down, then rotate off to get a number advantage fight with your team."
"Just like in mid lane examples, we push the wave to pin down the enemy and then pivot elsewhere."
"This is what you want to do in a battle like this, try to get some cavalry there or infantry and just roll the enemy up, attack them from the flank."
"Pushing really hard and try to get on the flank of the Prussians."
"I need to get this warrior over here because apparently there's an opening right here by Geneva."
"Slicing the pie boils down to a three-step process that is repeated as much as you need to in order to clear the locations you want."
"You know, we're gonna grab it, we're gonna advance move it up."
"That team will probably go deep over there to rest, because they can't rest here unless they're sneaky sneaky."
"Start hunting, you'll see them actually moving around the battlefield now because they're on Hunt firing away."
"He's gonna grab me, pull me out immediately turn to the right and run. That's how you get past all that without getting hit."
"Repositioning and movement is so important in this game, Mirage has none of that."
"Ukraine's Military Intelligence unit and Special Forces took off in armored vehicles known as hedgehogs in pursuit of the train."
"He also became a master of using sounds smoke and artillery fire to cover his movements when changing position."
"Boix has to keep better be off balance, disrupt his rhythm with movement, use his jab, and change his location."
"Both in boxing and actual combat, speed is key with your landing in an attack or evading one. You won't succeed if you can't move quickly."
"Titans can't jump, but they can dash. We want to be dashing when we go off a ledge or around the corner."
"He's going to teleport towards you, head to the top of the screen so that he'll follow you up there."
"Use your booster jet with purpose, like fly back to peel or fly to hold and deny High ground."
"Keep changing positions, it will confuse your enemy."
"Don't stand still, always keep moving, especially when someone is trying to snipe you."
"I really like how we have some Brits moving in a column While others are in single file... that was often the case."
"Since then, the Ukrainian units have pushed back Russia beyond the railway in the south flank of Bakhmut, effectively cutting the route connecting Horlivka and Bakhmut."
"If we keep flipping, they'll never touch us."
"Liverpool are breaking up the right big cross in is what."
"Strider is rather squishy but five dashes is something that allows this robot to get into the fight and get out of the fight."
"Let's push up, I'll take left, take right after that, just push up second pillar."
"It's better to try to engage without your boosters by walking the enemy down."
"Moving with a double hook forward or backward requires integrating footwork—know your ranges and transitions to keep your opponent off-guard."
"The hunts marshal moves back, there's a war wagon who will provide some support of fire."
"Opportunity attacks are only if it moves out of your range."
"If I have to wear 20 pounds of armor and go a long distance, I'm gonna try to use cover and concealment to move and I'm gonna go lightweight and just have an H harness with ammo, you know what I mean?"
"Yelling 'contact left' and rolling out that door is remarkably stupid; you don't go on contact left, you go out the other side."
"Seeing the Blood Angels Fleet inbound, Abaddon ordered his warships to disengage from the beleaguered Unforgiven. This was not a retreat but rather a tactical relocation to superior positions."
"That's a part of cutting off the ring, you can corral your opponent by stepping in front of him and put him against the ropes, or you could punch where he's going."
"She stood behind her jab and she did take that half step forward, closing the gap and literally taking the fight to an expert."
"He was quite nimble, employing deft footwork and dynamic lunges."