
Global Culture Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"From a dystopian theme park to an underground one, today we're going to explore the most bizarre theme parks around the world."
"You can't close your horizons to anything. You gotta listen to music from all over the world."
"Throughout history supernatural creatures were thought to have run rampant in almost every part of the world."
"The construction of pyramids in Peru, Egypt, and Iraq at around the same time in human history suggests that peoples throughout the world independently developed the concept of building massive architectural structures."
"Music is Global, everyone speaks that language."
"I hope that your eyes and ears have been opened to one of the most special and beautiful cultures on our planet."
"He is global gaming man, it is global game GG's."
"These games aren't just sensations; they're worldwide sensations."
"Dragon legends are found all over the world."
"It's a holiday for me and I feel like a lot of holidays around the world."
"The biggest thing what I love on sneakers is it's uniting people all around the globe."
"Drinking it is kind of like traveling around the world and being in a time machine at the same time."
"The tale of Noah's Ark is famous all over the world, but it's not the only story about a big flood."
"Kids around the world are eating healthy, cool, interesting food."
"El Chupacabre: one of the most famous legendary monsters globally."
"Pray the rosary daily. It's the gospel of Jesus Christ on beads."
"You heard it here first. We are looking at a worldwide pyramid building culture."
"Think of this as like a pavilion, the same way you would go to Mexico or France or Canada or any other pavilion, except for it's interplanetary."
"Pyramids have been built nearly everywhere in the world... those below ground are even more thought-provoking."
"You can actually find so many mythological references... around the world inside the entirety of this trilogy."
"The British Museum focuses on the art, history, and culture of the world. The collection spans over 8 million objects."
"If everybody would step up and wear a really interesting mask, the whole world would be like carnival."
"There's such a multitude of variety in the world today."
"Football is the most popular sport in the world with an estimated following of around 4 billion."
"I love the idea of a pasta night around the world."
"You can be vegan virtually anywhere in the world even in places where people don't know what the word vegan means."
"People around the globe will embrace vikingo."
"Black Americans in particular, they've obviously influenced the global culture in terms of Pop Culture, music, movies, like you name it."
"I think it's really nice in every town. Everybody loves little cars everywhere around the world."
"It's like an international thing."
"He became a rare antiquities dealer specializing in ancient masks from around the world."
"So, in conclusion, let me say that what I'm trying to do is alert you and make you aware of the fact that the entire world operates on symbols, words, terms, emblems, national coats of arms, holler three flags."
"From the familiar to the exotic, Jungle Gems brings the world to your shopping cart."
"India has the Taj Mahal, London has Buckingham Palace, and America has the White House; the car industry has the Hartley Estate."
"Books should be a unifier with the entire world."
"It was just fun discovering new stuff and writing to like-minded people all around the world."
"The global interconnectedness of everybody and really deeply reading from and going in between different traditions and synthesizing them, looking for synthesis, looking for points of reference."
"It's like connecting the whole world through music and moves."
"Let's be honest, we live in a global culture."
"One thing every third world country has in common is that they love Dragon Ball Z."
"From handmade paper and sacred metal mirrors in India to soy sauce fermented in 100-year-old barrels in Japan."
"Tamil is one of the great classical literatures and traditions of the world."
"Cryptids seemed to terrify everyone, no matter where you live in the world today."
"The art of repetitive geometric shapes can be seen in various parts of the world, from the Alhambra Palace in Spain to the Samarkand Mosque in Uzbekistan."
"Taft had created a global showcase to rival the best on offer in the world at Canada's Wonderland."
"The Global Baby series... we just love how they have images of babies from around the world to include some diversity."
"We're witnessing a slide into a global monoculture, a world in which the values, the laws, the treaties that are signed transcend any decisions made by national governments."
"Our influences are so much more diverse no matter where we're from because of the internet."
"You have this weird sort of international culture developing with people across the world."
"Orion's belt is recognized by people all over the planet Earth."
"It has a very Metropolitan feel, there's people from all over the world there on business, travel, or just living there."
"Harmonious celebrates how music from all around the world brings us together as one."
"The coolest things about Kpop since it's become so global is that in different parts of the world there are music videos that resonate better."
"We've traveled around the world, we've been to quite a few places, but I've never been to a country that has so many awesome coffee shops."
"It is a great world literature; it's not just a Jewish point of view, it stands on the stage comparably to Russian and French and English literature."
"We see flashes of things that you might call art or abstract displays of thought, but from about 40,000 years ago we see it continuously and we see it all over the world."
"Our world has become much closer together, and cultures the different ways of experiencing the world have become more readily known throughout the world."
"The ground and upper levels of the museum were beautiful, displaying many wonderful historical relics from all over the world."
"We need to develop a sense of shared world culture."
"Let's embrace our differences; it makes the world a much more interesting place."
"Epcot is a place for kids and adults alike to explore and discover the wonders of the world and beyond."
"Who hasn't dreamt of traveling the world, experiencing far-off lands, talking to the people, taking part in the traditions, tasting the food?"
"For close to 40 years, I've worked with musical instruments of the world."
"I want to bring you the best of what's going on here in Florida plus travel all around the world."