
Customer Expectations Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"But if you ship a game that is missing a massive feature, people aren't going to play it."
"Abandoned promises, expensive additions, bizarre decisions — so Disney, what's up with these really bad choices?"
"Fanatec have done their best to raise my expectations and I've been talking to them quite a bit over the last few months about this product and you know they've been telling me how good it is and that's kind of, you know, pushed my expectations up."
"It creates curiosity like you know it's an update, oh they've screwed something up again haven't they?"
"No, you're not going to get anything extra at all."
"The gala collection...that was so fun...people expect me just to do like the most hollow and sparklies and rainbows."
"They under promise and over deliver. That's the Rockstar way."
"It's not ok to release a game this broken and unfinished and rely on the live service model to eventually make it good."
"I'm willing to give Bethesda a lot of grace on this front."
"If Bungie's answer to that is 'wait until the fall expansion,' then fine."
"I can't believe they didn't even confirm the specs anymore in this."
"For a hundred dollars, I kind of wish there was something a little bit more."
"It's really everything that I expect in a luxury sedan kind of wrapped in their own Genesis aura."
"Our customers are really demanding because they have a very high expectation level towards comfort and well-being."
"For a live service game, this is just unacceptable."
"I really hope Universal goes back to knowing hey we spend thousands of dollars to on vacation to your parks because we want to see things that we could never experience at home nothing even close to it."
"Under-promise and over-deliver. Set projections you're 80% confident in."
"The customer is always right. Do you call this fast food? I only have one order, just one!"
"You don't go to a good restaurant and ask the chef to change his menu." - DJ Jazzy Jeff
"Giving good service is not good enough; people expect personalized service."
"When you're buying full custom Loop water Hardline tubing and everything, the expectations not met."
"People on eBay want their items faster. It seems like people on Shopify are willing to wait, but that's not the same people coming to eBay. So it's not going to work for AliExpress."
"This kit lives up to the level of quality I have come to expect."
"Our priority is to deliver an experience that lives up to our own high standards and to the expectations of you, our fans."
"Customers should expect that they'll be in the right gear at the right time."
"What we ultimately need is the fixes to come for them to find ways to make it up to us after this disastrous launch."
"Use that energy to help, to lift, and to expand your ideas."
"all of this should have been available at launch i'll even be as bold as to say that whatever we get in the next major content update should have also been for free on launch"
"whatever we get in the next major content update should have also been for free on launch"
"Brand expectation is crucial; it's like expecting tacos at a taco joint, not McDonald's."
"Those really expensive products do deserve a better customer support."
"I didn't expect them to come here. We're very, very clean, the food's good, it's beautiful, and that's not what I saw in the show."
"Blizzard, you're the ones who set the expectations. You're the ones who made certain promises. You're the ones who set the tone for what people expect out of the game and you are the ones who didn't deliver."
"I just hope I really hope as a longtime fan of the sims since I was a little girl I really hope they're not giving up great gameplay features to sell to more people."
"Pizza should be hot 'til I at least am able to get it to my car."
"That's so crazy. You're a pizza place. I should be able to get a full pizza from you."
"And so I don't think you were ready to open because I should be able to, as an individual, as a group, be able to buy a full pizza."
"Developers who came from the Fallout 4 team thought that Fallout 76 would disappoint a sizeable chunk of their loyal audience."
"Nothing just seems to work. Everything seems to work very well. I don't think this comes up to the value that we expected of Singapore Airlines."
"The answer is it's just dramatically improved as you would hope and as you would expect."
"That is not what the patrons want to see, I'm gonna tell you that."
"If I did more work than you, you're not getting a tip. I do ask for tips, but obviously I don't expect any because I understand the nature of a self-serve restaurant."
"It's a crime that the media doesn't seem to care all these things that they purported to pretend to care about during the Trump years silence. I really don't get why this hasn't been picked up by any like New York Times or somebody."
"So Amazon is changing people's expectations and they're perpetually improving those expectations."
"The roof rattles a lot, in fact, in a £140,000 car, it's downright unforgivable."
"Folks be like, 'I want to support your business, but your stuff costs too much.' If you broke then just say that. Just say that. It's okay. Come back when you got it cause I ain't changing my price."
"Bad Disney World restaurant news doesn't always speak to the quality of the food or the experience."
"You would expect the bathroom to be clean when you come to stay in a hotel room."
"And so too is restoring Magic Mornings. No specific timetable has been given as of yet."
"I will blackmail you to within an inch of your life if I see anything less than five stars, or 30% tip."
"If you're so cheap that you will not pay Apple the extra hundred fifty bucks to get the phone that has more storage than guess what, you're too cheap to be my customer. I mean that's just what it is."
"Because the M&S brand is special to our customers, and they expect only the very best from us, love and care goes into every M&S product on our shelves."
"You need to make sure you become an expert... your customers are going to expect you to be a hundred percent knowledgeable about the products that you sell."
"What do we get for our extra half million dollars? It better be like damn good customer service, that's crazy."
"When you use that sort of language, you build in the customer's perception that it's going to be cheap. Easy means cheap, yeah."
"Customers have certain expectations of books within a niche."
"They were acting as if all restaurants have one person who sits in the back all day twiddling their thumbs or scrolling through TikTok waiting for a big party to come in."
"Non-functional testing is based on customer expectations and is difficult to define, focusing on how the product works."
"You'll want to make sure you mock this up properly when you are putting your photos in your listing so customers have the right expectations of what they'll receive."
"Your customers expect that data is always going to be available, zero downtime, zero data loss."
"If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have said faster horses."
"Customers will only tolerate excellence, even from a five-person startup."
"Your customer just wants to flip the switch and the lights come on; that's all they want."
"The carry-ons have established so much goodwill over the years that the customer knows what to expect when they go in, and they get it."
"People expect brands to be using the data they receive from them to create and deliver better experiences."
"The average customer really just wants it to be strong and lasts a long time and look pretty; they don't necessarily need it to be perfect."
"Retaining users is one of business's biggest challenges today because we have such high expectations."