
Pricing Quotes

There are 3481 quotes

"I think people want the chips, but the capacity for paying these higher prices is going to limit their ability to raise prices."
"Pricing will start around $105,000, and two engines will be available from launch: a 400 horsepower six-cylinder or a 525 horsepower twin-turbo V8."
"Fifty bucks for just one rose? That's really a rip-off."
"This is a conceptual view of how market pricing occurs from an original consolidation, re-accumulation, smart money reversal, low-risk sell, redistribution, clearing the original consolidation."
"With fast food, consumers have a lot of options, and if they truly feel like they're getting price gouged by Wendy's, they will go somewhere else."
"When you sign up for a web hosting company, you're only paying the first tier sales price, then your plan renews at a higher cost."
"We've earned the ability to charge what we do for their things because they know that the demand is there and their craftsmanship and work ethic are top-notch."
"Raising prices is a choice. There's no law saying if the cost of an input goes up or transportation costs increase, companies have to raise prices."
"The eyeliner retails for $45, so $45 toward our $600 total."
"Baldur's Gate 3 came out and it really isn't any of these things; it's a full $60 experience with a full game that runs fine."
"The easiest way to get people to buy more stuff is to make stuff cheaper."
"A great TAM is not top-down, it's not the size of the problem, and it's not the size of the market today. It's your TAM: the number of your target customers times your price."
"At the end of the day, look, the prices might be high, but this is how you make money, ladies and gentlemen. This is how you make that money."
"The only way that you can make the most money is to provide an exceptional valued service and charge a ton of money for it."
"Pricing is entirely subjective, there is no tangible way to judge what a product's price should be."
"If you don't charge them enough, they won't value your service or product adequately."
"We're seeing a decrease in the size of products but an increase in the pricing, and this is skimpflation, which then turns into greedflation."
"It's like half the price of what it used to be."
"What sets prices? It's demand and supply, mood and moment. What sets value? Cash flows, growth, and risk."
"Learning to charge for my designs up front changed everything."
"Maybe one day we'll get to a point where we can buy a game for $60, or god forbid maybe $80 one day, and just get the entire game with no upsell, and we just get to enjoy the game."
"People will pay a lot more than an extra five or ten dollars for what they're going to get at Brice's."
"If you are the cheapest, no one will believe you are the best."
"It's also the most colors we've put into a shirt. It's our most expensive print yet, but we didn't raise the price."
"So when we first received the Spirit 120 and started testing, it was actually 23 dollars, which is a phenomenal price."
"Optimizing pricing gives you the biggest bang for your buck in terms of impact on your business."
"You want to charge higher to attract a higher audience... like a luxury brand courses."
"I know he's going to be amazing, so 18 million straight up. Okay, let's negotiate."
"You want to charge more money? Drive up your demand and restrict the supply."
"Pixel Slate comes in several configurations starting at $599."
"Price is the only accurate measure of investor sentiment."
"A pair of jeans can cost $32 imagine paying a thousand over $1,000 for that."
"For the price point, this is I think this is what, $279 or $299 was the final price on this?"
"So, indeed here the matter of price, what's your opinion? Tell me in the comments which one would you actually go for..."
"The other way to create value is to offer people something that they really want and then charge them a fair price for it."
"Rotating into things that are winning but are much more reasonably priced."
"I'm willing to pay a premium price for a premium quality product."
"Can't really compare the price to anything else because it's like everything else is garbage."
"I think $70 for a full AAA game experience that you're going to get more than 100 hours out of, I don't really think it's that big of a deal."
"I would have happily paid sixty dollars for the amount of enjoyment I got out of this game."
"Nintendo is selling to literally everyone, regardless of age, gender, location, and income. Underpricing a little bit on the front end makes sure they're not alienating any of these groups."
"I still think 700 US is a great price for Samsung's offering."
"Entrepreneurs create products and services at lower prices, pushing prices back down."
"What are our thoughts on pricing and relative value of these mid-range cards when compared to the consoles?"
"Now for 4.99 to start or with this particular."
"The absolute slap-bang obvious positive, and that is the price."
"No hidden catch. You get what you pay for. No BS. Just honest gaming."
"The price of the all-new Oneplus 8T in Europe starts at 599 euros while in North America it starts at 749 dollars."
"Gaming prices in general have gone down because they are appealing now to a much larger market so they can afford to do that."
"The prices on this stuff can get astronomical very fast."
"If you add tax to the gas company taxes, can you make them set their price?"
"So I said six thousand dollars and he was like, 'Done.'"
"So how much is the new Razer Raptor? Well, you can pre-order right now at just $799."
"Five dollars for a loaf of bread. That seems like a reasonable amount, right?"
"Many guests think tickets are underpriced, and they volunteered this information. What fools!"
"I am seriously impressed by the price and on top of that on release Sony is offering this at 749 U.S. and they're also offering the Vlogging Kit, which is usually $210 at 149."
"Companies change pricing all the time, the difference is that when Tesla changes pricing it's extremely transparent."
"This is just launched today. It's 39.99 on all the platforms."
"Culver's prices might be slightly higher than the average fast-food restaurant, but that's because the quality of its ingredients is higher..."
"Ashes of Creation will be a subscription-based MMO costing $15 per month."
"There's really a lot to like here but the one thing that I think a lot of people are gonna have an issue with inevitably is the price."
"Brilliant but hey that's not quite as cheap as the RAI goal idea say eight one five."
"If you're gonna pay $60 for a game, it should include enough content for you to be honestly satisfied with that $60 price tag."
"Kylie's products are on the expensive side and the quality doesn't really match the price of the product."
"What is that worth to you? The folio that I just made for Jen is worth $2,300 to me."
"You not only have the advantage of being able to charge higher prices, it's actually less work for you... easier for you to market your business..."
"Direct-to-consumer brands are always gonna have a price advantage... you're always gonna get... a cheaper bike or a better value buy."
"They need to bring that price down to get it into more people's hands."
"Priced from $899, $799 around $1,410 Australian dollars."
"People constantly misconstrue these things, but what I can tell you is in the history of launches the prices do not drop to a loss."
"Market data comparison approach: that would be providing a price analysis of comparable properties in the neighborhood."
"At just under $3300, the 7000 is going Toe to Toe with stiff competition."
"The non-K chip for three hundred and fifteen dollars includes a cooler. The K chip for three hundred and eighty dollars sixty-five dollars more does not include a cooler."
"The Rogue starts at $25,650... really a great deal."
"No one would complain if the price was lower, and that's all that matters."
"Niche down and be able to... increase your prices... when you specialize."
"It's amazing what it will do when you actually price your product somewhat competitively."
"I would definitely pay like five to ten dollars for a game like this, 100 percent."
"We're looking at 20 to 28 dollars next year as a range with the average price probably being something over twenty three dollars but under twenty four dollars."
"Stocks can be irrationally underpriced... they can also be irrationally overpriced."
"So you can actually go anywhere you want in the greater solar system."
"I ordered one... it was going to be 400 500 no 250 maybe... no they introduced this thing at eighty dollars eighty bucks."
"Go to Microcenter, they have the best prices."
"When you're providing value, that's when you need to start charging."
"What if they lower the price while giving you much better specs? That's actually what's happened this time with this Pixel 6 and the Pixel 6 Pro."
"What's the number one thing you should do? Raise your price."
"It's like a fancy straw, it's like an accessory you know and you're willing to pay more for accessories than you are for ingredients."
"Then I think that you're get a lot of people almost everyone paying $100 for it."
"Aim to provide about 10x the value of what you're charging."
"America is really the last standing pillar of democracy."
"It's always supply and demand. If demand is higher than supply, the price goes up."
"Over a thousand dollars very easily... a combo for five hundred and fifty dollars."
"If nobody sells and people want to buy, the price goes to $1.1 million."
"Honestly, I feel like these are worth like 70 without them, for like 65, so with tax like 70."
"The price of anything is a function of the relationship between supply and demand."
"I think the price is amazing for what it offers."
"That's hot! $109.99 for a decent performing microSD card, that's pretty solid."
"These watches come in with a price between sixty and ninety dollars, case size of 37 millimeters, the carbine automatic Seiko 7s2 6 movement water resistant up to 30 meters and have a Horlicks crystal."
"If the price is anywhere near where it's supposed to be, it's going to just destroy Intel."
"Starbucks is lying to you. They are telling you that they're lifting prices because of the supply chain crisis and inflation in fact they have record-breaking profits so that doesn't really make sense."
"If the price is too good to be true, it's too good to be true."
"Watches that were already pretty cheap become even cheaper."
"Worth it for 18 and then hold on there's another GD Diva Masterpiece is over here they're dark chocolate hearts for 11."
"If you're going to charge on the lower side because you're new, that's fine, but do not undervalue yourself."
"Seven bucks for a cup of coffee, I mean are you for real?"
"My objective is to teach you the numbers you need to know and then how you should think when you're pricing design work."
"One of the biggest problems with the 3060 is that it's just too expensive."
"A $1200 Titan, we've seen that before and it's somewhat within the range of reason."
"Hit that Bell right now and then relax because on today's show we're gonna be talking about how to price base on production costs market value and the client budget."
"Prices start in the low 200s... you can go up to 300 400 depending on the different options."
"These loadable dumbbells... they're ridiculously expensive."
"The MSRP on this device is $379, however, there is an 8 terabyte hard drive option."
"The price point is actually pretty competitive at $549."
"The price of AAA games is absolutely absurd."
"It's worth whatever someone in the world is willing to pay for it."
"This comes out later on this month and you can get the device for 99 or you can upgrade an existing Retro Pocket 2 for 65."
"This retails from 400 dollars up to 650 dollars and this basically is just a handheld PC."
"Sonic Mania is well well worth the price of admission."
"If you gotta up the price 50 bucks and put a bomb ass trigger in this."
"Why isn't the processing fee the same for a 50 ticket as it is for a 500 ticket?"
"Not a flawed product, it's just poorly priced which I think we've made clear in our review."
"Price will be adjusted by country proportionate to purchasing power."
"XC60 Recharge: More range, more power, and only $500 more."
"Tesla significantly reduced prices in January, customers can enjoy discounts of up to $4,800."
"This still costs the same, it's still affordable."
"Price is probably the number one thing everyone wants to know."
"Your 2023 trip to Disney World is gonna be more expensive because as demand increases, prices increase too."
"Which is effectively the equivalent of paying about $6.66 a month, which is a fucking weird coincidence."
"The amazing stunning price of $349 has been kept unchanged."
"Intel actually... let me put some of this pricing into perspective for you guys."
"The a750 it's certainly a viable option at the current 200 to 220 asking price and that is a fair discount from the original 290 us MSRP."
"Ninety dollars for Fast and Furious Crossroads. That's what they asked for."
"Pricing for the new MDX starts at $47,925, just under $48,000."
"The RTX 3080 is starting at $700, the same price as the original RTX 2080 at launch."
"This computer is worth 500 bucks. Come on, bro."
"Only the Mustang Mach II really undercuts this at thirty-six thousand three ninety-five."
"Pricing it's really normalized now very near msrp."
"We're talking hyper car speed for this thing but priced at around 220,000 pounds starting price without option."
"I paid 20 bucks for it...good price for this."
"Tickets cost different prices on different days."
"At 1440p, the RX 6600 XT leads the pack, now under $500."
"I'm the dream everybody looking at me like I'm like I'm like I made it like I'm like nah bro I'm I'm the most I'm I'm [__] America bro I am working class America you dig."
"Toyota has priced the new Corolla from eighteen thousand three hundred dollars to just under $24,000, making the Corolla one of the least expensive vehicles in this class."
"Paying more for less is an inversion of every sane commercial reality."
"I'm just not seeing how this is worth nearly triple the price."
"It's aged pretty well, it's just really short for 60 bucks nowadays."
"Your days of $84.99 and $99 pay-per-views are done and dusted."
"Creates buying opportunities. 750 bucks, certainly cheaper than eight hundred dollars."
"If you charge $100 for an autograph, you're a jackass."
"The TLX is priced like a BMW 3 series but sized more like a BMW 5 series."
"MSRPs in the first place are so basically just admitted all of those extra cards that you're spending extra money on."
"My prices are literally the best, I'm not just saying that."
"How can you not match? Don't you have to match? $4.99 for the Series X."
"Every price is determined by supply and demand on real-time exchanges."
"You know how much this costs right? Too much."
"This is the Lundquist Kaiser Lundqvist Feist and you can get it for a hundred and thirty dollars on the website, guys. It's beautiful, it's amazing."
"Guys, I don't want to be bamboozled. How much is this? $56."
"For something that costs so much money for a 25-minute video, I was very underwhelmed."
"Skincare shouldn't be that expensive, but there's definitely a market for luxury."
"Consumer goods are just going to get much cheaper."
"This iPad is actually worth 450 dollars, kind of expensive."
"Pickle B is the more artisanal, higher-cost one."
"Prices do not include taxes...what you see is what you pay...very hard to calculate for any outsiders."
"You don't have to know what everything is worth you only have to know how to price check it."
"The price of your artwork shouldn't only reflect the time you spent learning your skills but it should also cover your expenses and all of the time you spend managing and scaling your business while also being able to turn a profit."
"Prices have nothing to do with the cost of anything anymore; everywhere we turn, prices are higher."
"Apple charges what they can charge to make money."
"Ceylon cinnamon is typically more expensive than cassia because it is sweeter and less pungent tasting."
"It costs $1800...with my affiliated coupon code it will only cost $1400."
"It's a stupid amount of money... Tesla's price this thing really impressively..."
"To get this thing off the ground was right away I set it at a lower price point."
"Someone inquired and I got the full asking price of $160."
"More interestingly than that, the two vehicles are actually very comparable priced, only about a thousand dollars separates the two models."
"Your branding has to match your prices, your service has to match your prices, your experience has to match your prices."
"Tesla will actually continue to cut prices on a regular basis."
"The 220 T is about $100 which puts it in direct competition with the highly received fans XP 400 a and with cases like the Kohler Master age 500 blanc mash."
"So if you can get this laptop for around 1700 that's reasonable I think ideally considering the looming 3000 series GPUs I would lean more towards fifteen hundred sixteen hundred dollars to make this an instant buy."
"Luckily for buyers, the MSRP doesn't appear to apply most of the time."
"This is the ultimate tourist trap, guys. This is the ultimate tourist trap."
"If something is on sale below the MSRP, you're not upset about that. But then when the market forces in play do the opposite of that, you get upset about that."
"Good ranchers price lock guarantee offers a sizzling solution."
"MSRP starting for any Palisade is going to be right around $34,900."
"If you're not making at least five dollars in profit per piece, reexamine your pricing model."
"I just want the same price at Amazon kids cuz I promise you this Amazon if it's selling it for 30 bucks isn't paying 30 bucks for it."
"What is the purpose of the asking price at that point when you're going so far over? It's an auction, but it's an auction in the yeah yeah."
"Hollow Knight's humble $14.99 price tag is a steal."
"At $53,000 to start, you're getting way more than the competitors are throwing at you."
"This beautiful set is valued at ninety dollars but it costs seventy-four."
"This one is actually from Soul Steals. The guy over there is dope. We basically caught this one from their membership website, a little bit more expensive obviously, $4,500."
"Never compete on price. Really. Are you listening? Yes, I am."
"Price is downstream of fundamentals. The fundamentals affect the price."
"Is it worth 150 bucks yes and no but I'll get into all the reasons just as to why."
"These improvements do come with a $100 price increase from last year. The iPhone 12 starts at $799, but do consider spending $50 more to get the 128-gigabyte model."
"Fit and finish obviously you get a difference if you're paying more money."
"Any MLM product can be found for at least thirty to fifty percent or more cheaper online on Amazon or somewhere else in a store than what that company sells it for."
"The biggest mistake you can make here is not raising your prices soon enough."
"The most disgustingly mispriced stock in the entire stock market by a mile."
"Maybe a year or so down the line when they patch it up and lower the price to about $30 or so, Watch Dogs might be worth the trip."
"81 grand is a lot of money; you could get a full electric SUV for that money."
"Producing only a few products in huge quantities and pricing them no higher than a nickel."