
Economic Factors Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"I think people want the chips, but the capacity for paying these higher prices is going to limit their ability to raise prices."
"To understand housing affordability, you have to look at home prices and the mortgage rate."
"The core factor driving instability is expanding inequality."
"Energy production from renewables is cheaper than fossil fuels, but the regions of the world that are producing the most carbon emissions are developing economies that either don't have the money to make those investments or have other more pressing things to spend it on."
"An abundance of cheap labor is an offer many companies can't refuse."
"Investment demand for physical gold has always been the single most important determinant of longer-term gold prices."
"Now people move for many reasons, lower housing prices, lower costs of living."
"So there's a dollar, debt, demographics and deflation story. It's now the 4 Ds."
"Marriages motivated solely by economic considerations are as likely to unravel as any other joint venture in business."
"Job market might be more important, it's nice to have a high-paying job."
"I see everything eroding the middle class further until they're losing their jobs to technology, globalization, access to capital, excess leverage, aging populations."
"Stimulus checks... are all based upon three major factors: unemployment, lockdowns, and economic data."
"If men earn more than women overall, could it possibly be because men typically choose higher paying jobs?"
"We're not gonna get big big home price declines in a certain city or market without an element of forced selling."
"The real biggest Factor boils down to the economy... a majority disapprove of Joe Biden's performance."
"Inflation spiking Bitcoin was already factoring that in."
"The bay area has always been a hot market for real estate, but a reason for the greater jump in prices is due to the quarantine and lockdown last year."
"A lot of the small companies get in up there because they can't afford anything bigger."
"Opec's announcement is a factor behind the rising prices. So, the consequence of Opec not increasing production creates a psychology of scarcity, and that leads to gasoline price increases."
"The reality is most businesses are going to expand because of demand... not the tax rate."
"Blacks and whites and any other ethnic group in America have started to look at their personal life and their economy and their opportunity more than they're looking at parties."
"The inflation was largely driven by bank lending, combined with real-world shortages from geopolitical conflicts."
"It's a lot more when it comes to putting up numbers, about the momentum and sales. It's all about them."
"Even though the stock prices aren't going the direction that I'd want them to go and there's lots of macroeconomic factors affecting that, the truth is that my portfolio and the underlying value of it is increasing over time."
"Innovation requires two things: competition and money."
"Race is more important in terms of your access than the money you have."
"The surge in interest rates remains the immediate threat for the market."
"Death, divorce, diplomas, diapers, diamonds, and distressed assets—opportunities that will continue to move the market regardless of interest rates."
"Suddenly there's these comparable sales everywhere, and the market shoots up through the roof."
"Less demand for student housing in the UK as the cost of university education rises."
"Price is suppressed because the retail investor is nervous."
"Russia has more than three times Ukraine's population and intact economy."
"The real reason for its cancellation was, as it always is, economic."
"Market risk really comes about in two ways... Contracting earnings and multiple contraction."
"The number one justification for people getting abortions is financial need."
"I understand that, principally, this is a decision being driven by money."
"I think the affordable segment is more important than ever."
"Whenever there's civil unrest, whenever there's a larger conflict, whether internal or external, it usually is fostered because of economic instability and chaos."
"Cheap and plentiful energy has always been the key factor in pursuing the American dream."
"The real key here is gasoline prices; it backfeeds into everything and is the leading indicator of where inflation is going."
"Gas prices bringing down more than a dollar and 30 cents a gallon."
"Statistically speaking, men argue for higher wages than women do, and that is another reason why they get higher wages."
"Being a gamer is hard work. It doesn't matter if you're a modern or retro gamer, you just haven't got the money to play or buy them all."
"We needed more manganese coming out from magic."
"Consoles are getting more complicated now they're becoming more expensive."
"These factors combined to give us the mother of all bull runs."
"There are many contributing factors as we sit here in August: high demand for gaming GPUs, cryptocurrency mining, supply shortages, limited wafer allocations at fabs, logistics issues due to the global pandemic, tariffs, and several other reasons."
"There's a growing game of chicken between buyers and sellers."
"Without sanctions, Venezuela's oil production would have recovered with the recovery in global oil prices."
"Interest rates are a function of economic growth inflation and wages."
"Methane is definitely a little bit more expensive, just because it's a higher purity."
"it's not fair to say that they're just coming over because someone threw money at them but that does seem to be a big part of their calculus"
"Stocks are rich but justified by low interest rates."
"Gas prices are down in most places, and that's because of increased competition."
"This one's very special, illustrating the extremity of cost and aesthetics."
"The primary reason that Bitcoin went up in the first place in the pre-halving year was not because there was an influx of new money into the space."
"The only limiting factor here is how much interested money exists."
"It's not gonna go down because ammo prices, when you factor in inflation, were actually fairly low."
"As interest rates are going up like we just talked about it gets more expensive to borrow to buy a car exactly so you have to keep the prices low in order for people to afford them."
"The Atlas starts at around thirty thousand dollars for the base version."
"It's the very second they're trying to replace you by younger and cheaper."
"Their violence is based on systematic white supremacy and economic deprivation. Anytime you put a group of people in a situation where there's economic deprivation, it's going to be violence. That has nothing to do with race, you understand?"
"High energy prices raise the cost of operating businesses."
"What we are seeing at the moment is the world is running down its inventory of oil because we've got a combination of increased demand and very high prices."
"Price points have a huge part to play in adoption for obvious reasons."
"Eat healthy is more expensive to eat junk, and that's not an accident."
"What's driving those asset prices is the demand and supply."
"Your price could drop and eventually it'll hit that spot and then for some reason more buyers come out of the woodwork and prices start going up again."
"I think what's driving migration is the economic and political destabilization that people are experiencing."
"Productivity growth is good but demography is around three times as important."
"The ability to comply with lockdowns depends on your social position, your income, your status, the kind of job you have."
"...demographically that's actually inflationary because you're going to have fewer workers... that's going to be inflationary..."
"There's nothing quite as core as the cost of food and energy to your day-to-day life."
"Real estate is dependent upon jobs, that's the most important thing."
"We need to consider that one reason many women may not want a pregnancy is because they're scared about how they will afford it."
"That is one of the factors of market manipulation that does exist."
"The end of the comic book industry effectively."
"Games have always been designed with money in mind."
"Depreciation is any loss in the value of a property over time from any cause."
"GPU prices dropping at least on certain models."
"People are really leaving in droves for other states where they have lower costs of living, lower taxes, and stronger wage growth."
"The only thing that you can really explain with any believability is driving the price action in today's markets is Central Reserve liquidity."
"The north won the Civil War because they were better capitalists."
"The price you see isn't the real price of silver, but it also means that something has changed in the silver market."
"Ethereum has first mover advantage and network effect, which keeps it leading despite high gas fees."
"If I had to borrow money, you even factor that in, and if it's net cashflow positive, that is a great investment, because inflation really pushes up, equity markets really pushes up real estate, always has, always will."
"Slavery wasn't just about the people not liking us just because we're black; it was really more like an economic issue."
"Titan was a convenient escape valve for economic reasons amongst many others."
"If a company's payout ratio is too high, then it might be the case that when there is an economic downturn and their net income takes a dip, more than likely the dividend is also going to get reduced or even canceled."
"I did not see gains in inflation are because of the Fed. If you look at what is driving inflation, a lot of it is supply-side factors."
"Illinois is losing people, I mean more than any other state. People are leaving this state, and they're going where it's warmer and cheaper."
"Why is it that there are some countries that have high standards of living on average and other countries that have very low standards of living?"
"No one can tell when or if the market tanks short-term because that is dependent upon the supply and demand factors."
"...while these 10 other factors reduce growth increase cost of production, technology pushes us in the other direction."
"An increase in the appraised value of property which considered an unearned increment would most probably result from increased population."
"The cost of living in America varies from a state to a state, from city to city, from neighborhood to another neighborhood."
"How does the interplay of economic, cultural, and political factors influence changes in a population?"
"For decades, people across Japan have migrated to its urban centers seeking job opportunities."
"Markets that are driven by inflation, interest rates, and fed policy tend to be volatile."
"You need to see how much income your assets can generate with respect to inflation and taxes over time."
"We're going to break down the big factors that drove the market this week."
"The current structure of the internet was driven by economics and national policies."
"It's changes in demand, interest rates, wages, unemployment that affect prices."
"Many couples in rich countries prioritize financial stability because of the rising expenses of raising children."
"The cost of labor, the availability of natural resources, and the level of know-how vary greatly around the world."
"If the price of substitute goods and complementary goods changes, that might then lead to an increase or decrease in demand."
"This year, the wellness score went down... likely due to a combination of factors including inflationary pressures, rising interest rates, and market volatility."
"Market determines whether you're gonna fail or succeed more than anything else."