
Industry Criticism Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"You would think over there they wouldn't treat this industry like an organized criminal cartel was running it."
"I guess the biggest comparison I could make here is, um, well after Cyberpunk, a lot of people, myself included, started looking with a much more critical eye at the industry at large."
"The end result is one of the most insane stories to ever exist in the games industry."
"I haven't seen a single fast fashion brand make actual steps to becoming more sustainable and more ethical."
"We're not anti-people, we're anti-predatory industries."
"The major advantage of esports is that they're global, but the OWL and COD League's insistence on being regional is just more evidence they don't really understand what they're trying to promote."
"Seeing Studios like Rocksteady or Naughty Dog forced to make live service games is just a travesty."
"I feel like, not going to lie, a lot of AAA games... they just don't know what gamers actually want these days."
"The countless failures and disappointments of the modern games industry have left most gamers tired and frustrated."
"Nearly every single industry that you absolutely despise...is an oligopoly."
"The predictable cynical business attitude from these studios that are more interested in creating products than art makes me not want to even bother to invest my time in them anymore."
"Let's end the stigma of failure in an industry that's systemically designed for you to fail."
"Live service isn't the problem, bad games are the problem."
"I'll look back on 2015 as the year where game developers tried to get away with stupid stuff, and people noticed."
"I don't want to live in a world where the next generation isn't able to play games like Earthbound, Metal Gear Solid 3, Metal Gear Solid 4, Bloodborne, the original GTA 4, the original Vice City with Billie Jean not this weird Definitive Edition clay model mix with all the soundtrack neutered."
"There is a more insidious threat, and that's the devaluation of cinema itself."
"Ubisoft is not fooling anyone, not players and consumers and customers and communities, and certainly not game developers who actually know what they're talking about."
"A lot of times, especially in hip-hop, the CEOs and cops are painted as the bad guys."
"The video game industry needs a course correction. It needs to stop attacking its audiences with stupid braindead articles and tone-deaf opinions."
"Let's say bye bye to beauty industry bullshit"
"Hate seeing people they perceive as being talentless getting paid to react to videos and adding no value to them."
"Honestly, it's kind of my biggest like gripe about the industry and the thing that I shall go with the most when I feel this way I have to remember that tech at the end of the day does sometimes just feel like websites and code and apps and stuff."
"I think that that's something that the mainstream adult industry has been kind of lacking severely."
"When you are remotely critical of industry practices nowadays, bad things happen."
"I have never in my life seen an industry that is so openly hostile to its own audience."
"All it takes is them to make good games for a change, yeah, that's all they need to do."
"I think it's clear that they don't care about artists, crew, cast, none of that, none of the people who are making the products that are making them money."
"There's never been a better time to quit the World of Warcraft."
"This should not be the cherry on top of the [ __ ] that has been coming out over the last few months about this game. That's the last thing this should be."
"Environmental concerns: Tyson Foods has faced criticism for its environmental impact, including pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Its closure could lead to changes in the environmental landscape of the meat and poultry industry."
"Motivated reasoning is the tendency to find arguments in favor of conclusions we want to believe."
"I don't think fun is talked enough about what in Web 3. I think there's so much money grab and power to be had that word doesn't come up very often."
"There is no reason for there to be cigarette manufacturers anywhere in the world."
"The industry treats artists too much like a commodity and not as a person. Artists are starting to understand what rights they want to retain."
"What people don't understand is just how low of a bar that was to hurdle and how much of a slap in the face the last decade of Madden titles have been to the hardcore crowd."
"Let's dive into the deep deep pockets of sin and look at 7 times the video game industry gave in to greed."
"It's just important to voice your concern about any of this monetization BS the industry is trying to throw at us."
"I think it's ridiculous that there is no cross-pollination... It would be better overall for every single consumer."
"Ultimately it comes down to this: oil and gas companies are flopping hard at every opportunity, and the answer is to kick them out so we can go back to trying to enjoy the game."
"Honestly, Hollywood, music, all these industries are disgusting because every time we scratch the surface it just gets G."
"This industry is obsessed with getting the after picture. I don't care about your after picture. I care about your after after photo."
"The videogame industry, folks. This is what it is. It’s a truly fucked up business, and it’s rotten to the fucking core."
"In this specific space, it's full of snake oil salesmen, scam artists, and plagiarizers."
"People are pushing back on the beauty and diet industries that put forward unrealistic and unattainable body images, and we are hopefully all learning to feel proud and beautiful in whatever body we are in."
"The success of Po World proves that the only thing customers actually care about is a good game. AI slavery, bestiality, copyright infringement – it's a video game. These are pretend problems that people don't actually care about."
"Embarrassing that a great industry has been brought to this."
"18% down 18% 18% negligible my butt could they rebound probably sure but with such a backlash that's going on right now it's going to hurt them for a while."
"On the one hand, industry consolidation and centralization sucks. On the other hand, Bobby Kotick sucks."
"I don't think it's a quality issue I think that it's an originality issue and also just people being more picky because they have more Choice."
"So the way I see it, Twitch streamers getting mad at this is like if I got mad that McDonald's popped up as a mineral ad on my video and I didn't have a sponsorship from them. It's just stupid."
"These companies don't see trainees as humans but more so products that have the potential to make you a lot of money if they're successful."
"Music is a means of expressing art rather than a business."
"Even if the nucleic acid testing industry is making money, it is intolerable that these nucleic acid testing companies are repeatedly falsifying."
"Let's be honest, nobody's [ __ ] that's why."
"Gaming isn't just games anymore, it's exploiting psychology for profit."
"It's just sad to me man... they're pushing away and consistently jading a player base."
"These statements were intended to discredit Myer and detract from his vocal calls for fundamental change within the comic book industry."
"The fans are the lifeblood of this thing, otherwise we're just a bunch of people in an office just circle jerk, you know?"
"We're eating our creators and that's the dumbest thing we can do."
"What a billion dollar franchise and you can't afford to motion capture one [ __ ] ref? Get out of here with your [ __ ]."
"We need some [__] to go so badly wrong that people go, 'Oh sorry, we were kind of asleep at the wheel there for a second. Let's actually create video games properly as management teams and production people as opposed to developers.'"
"This is one of the most self-inflicted L's that I have seen in a bloody long time in the games industry."
"Glock stopped innovating about 30 years ago 25 30 years ago and they're just riding on the coattails of their original success."
"You suck, your industry sucks, you're scummy people, it's a scummy business, it's a ripoff, people stay away from them."
"I don't get the outrage for the initiative and CD situation, do people expect a 70 person studio make a AAA game by themselves?"
"The whole Swiss made label is a scam. Many small companies source their parts from the Far East then buy and assemble capacity at multi-brand facilities in Switzerland, paying minimum wage."
"Logical and reasonable discussion about the criticisms of the MLM industry."
"Woke Hollywood is failing and that's a good thing."
"They're definitely not the victims, rather the greatest victims in cyberpunk's catastrophe are the developers."
"Fundamentally animal agriculture is an industry that has no place in our future."
"You're fake. You see this fake love? The industry is fake, bro. Tell me, how this, you [expletive], you blindsights up out of the pocket, man?"
"When art is told to follow only one set of ideologies otherwise it's considered problematic, that's how you end up with an industry where so many games all feel and play the exact same spewing the same BS."
"It’s about keeping fans hooked so they can keep making money."
"The industry and people in general are just getting more and more negative as the years go on, and I don't want to play that game."
"I just want the legacy Western entertainment industries to collapse completely."
"BTS were able to get to the top of the music industry without the music industry making a profit out of them."
"BTS are able to stay on the charts while actually making money from their music. That's what makes the industry mad."
"The charts are obviously corrupt, but why are they irrelevant only when BTS succeeds in them?"
"Video games were objectively Superior before the age of dynamic difficulty psychological manipulation and predatory monetization."
"The current business model of releasing several books a year each with a tiny bit of usable content for players is stimulated more by greed than caring about balance."
"The diet and weight loss industry have hijacked our psychology and our finances for pretty much centuries at this point, but that doesn't mean in an era of widely available information that we have to keep letting them get away with it."
"According to Benedict, there's a wealth of East Asian talent around that needs to be tapped into."
"Money seems to be the only language that a lot of studios talk, but congratulations, that's all it's doing, a lot of talking."
"Honestly, I think Butch is like a really good example of why the creator being glorified over everyone else that works on the team is such a problematic thing."
"If you don't recognize this feeling of ambivalence is superimposed upon you and reclaim sovereignty of your own sense of right and wrong, then industry farms you as cynically as it does the pig, the cow, the sheep."
"This industry is just as sexist and racist as any of you, yeah."
"Loot boxes have fundamentally altered the way games are designed."
"They care more about record sales than they do about humanity."
"Credit your workers! Game companies. Fucking credit 'em."
"They do not care about the art; they do not care about the film's quality; they care about the money."
"The industry, man. It's not the same. Doesn't have to do with talent. It's about playing the game."
"I think games as a service has become sort of this poisonous well for developers and publishers."
"They need people like us because these labels have no vested care or love for these days."
"You're happy cause you're happy. It's lovely."
"Video games are a weird mix of art and business. I try to keep business out of it as much as possible because it really taints the experience."
"Talent is an asset, and if you can't bring your own special flavor, your own special look, your own special voice to a video game, then you're nothing but a useless, worthless, pointless asset flipper."
"I'll stop talking about loot boxes I'll stop talking about game industry bollocks when the game industry stops [ __ ] doing it all right."
"There is a cancer at the heart of the games industry right now."
"People actually love games, making decisions now; it's some Harvard MBA with charts, and they wonder why games suck now."
"The comic book industry has been turning for the worst ever since I'd say the early 2000s or the 20 teens, and it's only gotten progressively worse."
"When corporate needs to gain money overshadows artistic attempts to make something enjoyable, the product loses all heart and class and just becomes a zombie of what it once was."
"The comics industry at the moment is being run by degenerates, absolute degenerates. They have no interest whatsoever."
"The video game industry has often been accused of rehashing the same tired franchises rather than churning out fresh new ones."
"The blame for this mess is three-fold: young creative executives with no understanding of the business or what audiences want gained too much influence during the streaming wars."
"People calling this out aren't saying that the game and the company have changed for no reason."
"Gamers who see games journalists as out-of-touch millionaires ruining games while sipping champagne in their mansions are arguably, in microcosm anyway, carrying out a criticism of capitalism."
"Carvana is a used car originator disguised as a car dealer, masquerading as a tech company."
"The business of fighter jets is money laundering."
"Spirituality becoming an industry like never before."
"This update is bad, it will kill small games and small developers."
"I just wish that people could cut developers a little bit of slack on that. Not all the slack, but some of it because sure that's definitely a thing."
"I want us to move away as a field from a sort of move fast and break things attitude."
"Elon Musk... stated that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were 'Incredibly Dumb' and others like Toyota have eventually agreed."
"But let's be honest for a second. Does any serious person actually believe that hamburger and chicken patty manufacturers are holding back supplies of their products because they are greedy?"
"The industry being so Money Motivated now is exactly the thing that's absolutely killed the art."
"David cage should be kicked out of the industry."
"Tarak does represent a time in the industry and especially for first-person shooters where a lot of titles just really started to be kind of dumbed down."
"Trust and yes that is a problem but the fact is the corrupt greedy industry Moguls who've been pumping toxic and a moral sludge into our culture for the last 60 years aren't paying us enough to write the scripts."
"They're not healthy for the games industry, they're not healthy for the players."
"They've been very late to get to the EV game."
"I love Dairy Queen and I don't think that franchising a Dairy Queen or even working at a Dairy Queen has to be a soulless low status slog."
"My dad's main complaint is their bias actually because like we were saying earlier um it the the pundits themselves are biased towards like the sort of five or six top clubs even though there are like 20 in the Premier League."
"We cannot let Activision Blizzard slide on this one."
"They're gonna bury the Wyatt family like they did with Strowman."
"The Game Awards is everything wrong with The Gaming industry today."
"The publishing industry still acts like it's 1955. You know, so by the time you look in the mirror, all you have left is just a bunch of nubs."
"A nearly 50-year-old woman in an industry that thinks women die when they turn 35."
"Your industry is uniquely predatory because it preys on people in desperate situations."
"I despise what you represent in this industry."
"The game industry has been... very anti consumer for a while."
"This is what makes money and they're barely even trying anymore, and it's yet another major release designed to absolutely waste your time and money and treat you like a cash cow instead of a human being."
"Be a role model to those disgusting corporate fat cats who only care about turning a product instead of the people like you who really give a shit about making incredible fucking video games."
"Truckers get picked on big time, and it irritates me so badly because they're all good dudes and women."
"The AAA market has taken the goose that lays the golden egg and mashed it into foie gras."
"I'm not in favor of the tube model. I think that... they made all of their money by not only pirating content stealing content... so just the way that they got started wasn't very honest or ethical."
"We need better games. For every single beat saber out there, there are at least 20 other terrible games that are just not worth your money."
"The industry you know exists to make money from artists, that's it."
"Perhaps the biggest was that publisher EA had been squandering the license for years with 2017's Battlefront 2 being an all-around train wreck."
"Everyone's looking at them like, 'Man, they're stupid, they're doing stupid stuff,' but if it all comes together in the way that I'm envisioning it, it could be something that is truly special."
"Stop saying it's about sales... it's a popularity contest."
"Honestly, it's not that I stopped wearing makeup...I don't want to be tied with the beauty Community anymore." - Bretman Rock
"I mean, really, the Channel Fireballs of the world wouldn't love that."
"The industry is messed up in a lot of ways but I try to focus on the individuals who have a passion."
"I root for AEW because I don't see any signs of WWE getting better under Vince."
"I can't fucking wait. And then they want to know why ratings are at an all-time low."
"Most people are only getting a chance because they knew or blew someone."
"This is a bit of a dirty industry and it's incredibly frustrating when you start spending you know 50 hundred several hundred dollars."
"Your streams are keeping me sane, here's some for the booze fund."
"Every game is just going to be incomplete but it seems like they're trying to form it into a complete game."
"That is the death of all of these weirdos, all of their social justice bullshit, all of the stuff that they're putting into comics that nobody wants."
"Andre Leon Talley called out Anna Wintour for her discriminatory culture at Vogue."
"How do we sell you because I don't think Bethesda's done a good job at it?"
"Crazy how many people still be supporting men in this industry that have been outed for their manipulation."
"Using British Africans to play American African leaders is part of a white power agenda."
"Why is it that video games are the only industry... where companies can literally go out of their way to invent shitty DRM?"
"Remember content doesn't remember content in Overwatch, dude."
"But there’s no reason studio executives should get rich off of their studios’ movies and TV while the writers and actors have to pick up 3 other jobs to get by."
"Crypto is an industry or just nobody looks particularly good... it's just a little bit silly on all counts."
"The microtransaction disease of prioritizing revenue over gameplay."
"The biggest icon in the industry is clearly someone that very obviously wants to just make movies instead of video games at this point."
"The fitness industry is becoming a popularity contest, a fashion contest. It is a lot."
"The practice is illegal in South Korea, but activists say weak regulations in the country's booming plastic surgery industry have allowed factory-like clinics where unqualified staff substitute for surgeons to thrive."
"Idols are nothing more than robots for companies to use to make money, a cog in the machine."
"Can the industry stop treating animation like trash for five minutes?"
"It's funny how people who cry about Big Pharma ignore the multi-billion dollar supplement industry."
"The industry can hate me, but I'm not apologizing."
"The anime industry in general is toxic and it needs to reform."