
Lions Quotes

There are 355 quotes

"The spectacle of a male lion hunting solo is particularly intriguing."
"The roar seemed to have had the effect of calming them down."
"Giraffes are a favorable prey for lions in the wild."
"Famous for their superior hunting skills and always outnumbering their prey, lions rarely allow their enemies to escape."
"A young elephant somehow managed to defend itself from a relentless assault against 14 fully grown lions."
"I love lions too, so I have two lions. I have Elvis and I have Rex, and I love both of them."
"Lions are the most social of the big cats and they can be in prides of as many as forty lions, although prides of that size are pretty rare."
"Lions are the most social of the big cats and there can be as many as 40 lions in a pride."
"Pliny then goes on to mention two different stories of lions reaching out to humans for help."
"One story used to highlight this is the story of the lion and the tiger."
"Lions and hyenas are sworn enemies, frequently fighting over food."
"Lions are kings of the jungle for a reason. They are resilient and can survive anything, even when others think they can't."
"Lions usually live in groups of 10 or 15 animals called prides."
"Number 7: Mother giraffe defends calf from lions."
"Lions are actually pretty intelligent animals."
"Lions, the world's most iconic cats, are heading for extinction."
"Lions are the least active of all cats and when it's hot, they can rest over 20 hours a day."
"Lions are the most extraordinary animals, beautiful creatures with an incredibly complex social structure."
"Lions don't compare themselves with humans."
"You can see the lions are beginning to wake up."
"Lions are majestic enough already, but a white lion? That's a whole different ball game."
"Lions have a unique appearance being the only cat to sport a mane."
"Do you want to be one of the sheep or do you want to be one of the lions?"
"Was it the spurned lions of Casterly Rock, finally come to pay their debts?"
"Imagine if there was a suit that couldn't be crushed, and you could just exist with lions. It would interest me, yeah."
"...male lions take on the biggest meanest toughest animals in the most competitive killing War."
"...when a male lion fights another male lion...it's a fight for your not just you but your your DNA."
"With her two pride mates by her side, Swahili has a promising future, and together the three females have all the skills they need to fend for themselves."
"Lions sleep for 20 hours, preserving energy for the 4 hours that matter."
"The Lions dominated in the first half."
"Two lions, similar yet different."
"The Cotswold lions were first brought to this country by the Romans."
"They got guys that fit. I don't know if anyone could catch a football on the Lions, but they got guys who fit what they're trying to do."
"Even though lions are called King of the Jungle, they actually live on the Savannah. Lions are sneaky Hunters, big jumpers, and have really loud Roars."
"Having spent an exhausting day catching game for the pride to hunt, this morning David Yulden's taking time out to relax with some of his other lions."
"Their passion for training Lions was much more than just a hobby for these two."
"Only lions with attitude can defeat him because the devil doesn't even know what you have in your account."
"Lions are majestic and powerful animals with a majestic mane and a mighty roar. They're the kings of the animal kingdom. Wow!"
"Lions aren't exactly the most skilled hunters out there."
"Fearlessness is one of the key traits of lions."
"There are two kinds of lions; we have the lion that is known as the king of the jungles."
"Most predators are territorial to some degree or another, but with lions, territory is everything."
"Lions are always brave creatures and rarely succumb to the big opponents in the savannah."
"The future of the lion conservation program rests with seven female lions."
"I need to show Argo and everyone that all lions aren't evil; we can be different than the ones before us."
"I know that us lions were not kind to you guys in the past, and what we did, it was horrible, but I want to prove to all of you guys that we can change."
"Lions might be known as the king of the jungle, but most lions actually live in the savannas or grasslands."
"A lion's mighty roar is used to communicate with one another, it's so powerful that it can be heard as far as 8 km away."
"Lions are one of the most charismatic species on Earth, idolized across the world as a symbol of courage and strength."
"There are about 22,000 to 24,000 Lions left in the wild."
"Lions are known for living in prides, for being known as kings of the jungle, and for being excellent hunters."
"The lions have wandered over, so I turned the camera back on; they're beautiful."
"All is now peaceful at the kill site, the lions have all stopped eating, they are all fat."
"It's lovely to see lions have a little cuddle."
"It's so nice to spend time with the lions."
"A whole tree full of lions, can you believe it? That is such a supreme scene."
"Lions are the largest cats in Africa and the only great cat that lives together in packs."
"Lions live in a matrilineal society; that means that the core of the pride is the female lineage."
"This is the way lions survive; this is what you do when you are a lion."
"Pride is the collective term for a group of lions."
"Seeing lions battling to hunt belly deep in water is nothing less than awe-inspiring."
"Lions are the only big cats that form prides and enjoy group life."
"In this incredible and unique display of behavior from Sardu's cubs, we're seeing for the first time just how comfortable these lions have become in the water."
"To see a lion swimming confidently and moving through the water with powerful strokes is an extraordinary sight."
"Lions seem invincible, but habitat loss, poaching, and trophy hunting have pushed them to the brink of extinction."
"The Lions don't need a moment, for they are an eternal moment."
"Lions have excellent night vision and can see up to 18 times better in the dark than humans."
"Lions and hyenas do not get along."
"Why are lions called the king of the jungle?"
"How fast can a lion run? 50 miles per hour."
"After seeing those black-maned Kalahari lions, which by the way are so freaking huge in real life, they're by far the biggest lions we've ever seen."
"My favorite Lions jerseys are the ones from the '90s."
"Two honey badgers were able to successfully fight off a pride of lions because even lions know you don't mess with crazy."
"This groundbreaking program has one mission: return Africa's lion population back to its former glory."
"It's a delicious bone-crunching experience for the Ls."
"To show nocturnal animals like lions in this way, I feel, is to show them in their true element when they are masters of their realm."
"Nighttime is the right time for lions."
"Fun fact: Lions aren't very good climbers, but they can jump 36 ft."
"Lion brothers grow up together, then they hunt together, and then they take care of a pride together."
"Who knows why we're itchy, but do you know why the lions have an itch to play? Because it's fun."
"When lions hear a noise, they turn their ears towards the sound."
"I think the Lions win the game by a touchdown."
"The Lions proved that they could come back."
"The Lions come from behind to win 24 to 20."
"With my outstretched hand and my fierce heart, I captured 15 strong lions from the mountains and forests."
"Here an incredible love story is unfolding between two very different lions."
"The Mapogo lion coalition: six lions that all the other lions were afraid of because they hunted other lions."
"If lions are the kings of the jungle, the Mapogos were the kings of kings."
"It's beautiful, so we're gonna keep going through here and hopefully we're gonna find these lions."
"Lions are the same, their tackling and jumping and pouncing, it's all very important for lion behavior."
"Lions walk a long way, they would even walk 20 kilometers in the night."
"And this is the standard issue pose for a lion as soon as the sun comes up — fast asleep."
"Lions are one of the very few creatures out here that can sleep as soundly as you and I sleep in our beds at night."
"The joy of being a lion, Angela, is that everything else is afraid of them."
"They see much better than us at night; they can see in the dark, and it's much easier for them to catch things to eat if they are around in the darkness rather than in the day."
"Aside from humans, lions are the only predators powerful enough to kill an elephant."
"Lions in their modern form would have been present on the scene in the Pleistocene when our ancestors were beginning to spread out into the grasslands of Africa."
"I think Lions make us realize that life is as simple as that."
"I've never seen lions this close, all the animals, it's so different here."
"Very special to see lions on foot, I'll be on a small high for the rest of the day."
"Lions have been known to be very strategic when they go hunting."
"It is a lion parade at the moment, they are parading as well as you could ever imagine."
"It's six o'clock in the morning, or five to six, and it is perfect time for lions to be active."
"I have no doubt that lions experience some form of kinship recognition like that."
"They're looking like very happy, healthy lions."
"Lions have a very healthy respect for human beings."
"At night, however, is a completely different story."
"Not everything we know about lions is in the books; there's so much we're learning about behaviors."
"There's so much about lions that still need to be told and studied."
"I love the way this McKenna Lions team is continuing the battle."
"When lions actually start to ello groom each other like this, it's great because they reach the spots that they can't reach."
"You can see very fresh lion tracks."
"Lions, boys and girls, will sleep for at least 20 hours every day."
"Wonderful to talk about different territories and home ranges with lions."
"Working in prides and groups allows them to feed on larger prey."
"When do you start stop referring to Lions as Cubs? It's once they start to hunt properly on their own."
"When lions breed cooperatively, they generally have more success than when they're on their own."
"It's very rare that lions would pass away from an illness. They are very, very tough."
"Normally lions in the wild, especially the females, if they're lucky, they get up to around about 14 years of age."
"It is very exciting to have new Cubs with the Salt big pride."
"Isn't a trip to the zoo, we got seen the Lions, and I was here, nomads wines are always sleeping, this guy he is just straight-up posing right there."
"Lucy the Lioness lounged on Lemon lined Lanes, lazily laughing at lemon lime libations."
"Lions are the laziest of the big cats, they spend around 16 to 20 hours of the day sleeping or resting."
"Lions enjoying the Rising Sun, look at that beautiful gold in the color on those lionesses."
"The storm is blowing in, and you can see the lions are a lot more awake than when we first got here."
"Who would win, an infinite number of lions or the sun?"
"It's really quite interesting to see male lions when they join one another; they'll kind of head bump and they'll rub up against each other."
"It's amazing how accurate a male lion's sense of hearing is."
"Lions over a short distance can move at about 22 feet a second initially in the first little sort of run."
"We don't all wait for the sunrise; the lions sleep through every sunset."
"I am so happy to see lions today."
"What an incredible opportunity these wonderful lions are giving us this morning."
"I think one of the coolest things about lions, honestly... is the fact that the estrus cycles of the females in the same pride will synchronize."
"That's when the lions started to affect him emotionally."
"Lions host so many pests; it seems like they're constantly riddled with something or the other."
"It's amazing to watch this sort of beast kind of be doting on these females and behaving so innocently."
"The Lions never failed to entertain me."
"Lions do mostly what the one behind there is doing, they do absolutely nothing for most of the day."
"Hello boy, I am so happy to see lions today."
"Male lions do hang out together regularly; they form what's called a coalition."
"Some lions sleep for about 16 to 20 hours a day."
"It's all about body language in lions."
"There's nothing like lions feeding, nothing like the growls that they're making."
"Lions all hunt whenever they can, they're opportunistic."
"Heads together was something I have never seen from a male lion before, and it was absolutely adorable."
"We have indeed found a very comfortable looking pride of lions."
"Lions are social hunters, so they will hunt together in a pride."
"It's incredible always when you see lions after they've eaten just how big their stomachs can be."
"Nikki says she adores lions, and who not, lovely to see such a very good-looking male of a lion like this."
"The most unique behavior I think I'd have to say is how lions will raise cubs alone."
"Lions have evolved with man, and they're very very in tune with what we look like."
"Lion strength comes from their unity."
"That's what lions do, they're very loving and very social."
"It's vitally important for these lions to groom each other, it reaffirms social relationships."
"There's nothing lovelier than the sound of lions contact calling to each other."
"Lions are by far the easiest to track and to find."
"Lions can be such wonderful things to watch when they are in playful moods."
"The social dynamics of lions is phenomenally interesting to watch."
"It's the most epic way to end things, to have this many lions running around all around us."
"It's just lions walking down the road, it is a pleasant scene to see."
"We have indeed a prince from an Evoque a male to the Inca Huma pride, it has been well quite spectacular."
"Our lions are on the move, they definitely are in the mood for food."
"Lions are carnivores, so they have to eat meat in order to get the nutrition that they need."
"Lions lead relatively uncomplicated lives in a way; their priorities are relatively simple."
"The social bonding of lions is very important."
"Lions climb a lot better than what everybody thinks."
"All of those prides have cubs right now, which is very great to see."
"We're gonna figure out all these lion prides and I can't wait to do it all with you."
"In Lion Society, the bigger you are, the more dominant you generally are."
"You will find lions moving territories from time to time, and I suppose that's probably extremely beneficial for genetic flow."
"They very good mothers, and I've seen lioness attack a marauding male to try and defend her cubs against them."
"The female Cubs stay within the pride, and that just increases the size of the pride."
"Lions are nocturnal, which means they are active mainly during the nighttime."
"It's always nice to see lions first thing in the morning."
"It's always a kind of joyful thing when big male lions are tolerant of their offspring."
"The eternal enemies of the Lions are hyena."
"The call that can actually travel the furthest is lions."
"Their voice box is really specially adapted."
"The most awesome lion playing segments I've ever witnessed."
"We are literally surrounded by extremely fat lions."
"I'll never tire of looking at a lion's eyes."
"It's been quite a good day, started with the mating lions and we were lucky enough to stumble on the Duke of Juma, Tingana."
"It's always so special when the lion walks past the car, never gets old."
"Oh perfect, my favorite position to see lions in: the squatting line."
"Look at him, he's kind of the king of the throne when you look up at him like that."
"It's really interesting, the lions are just here and there, resting full belly, just the two adults and the one tiny little cub."
"I prefer to be on a sighting with the lions; looking at these huge cats is so amazing."
"How do lions keep their teeth clean? Well, they use a very special brand of toothpaste... Completely joking."
"I can actually see lions enjoying sushi."
"Stacey, this is... I thought lions only hunted at night. Well, Stacey, they do most of their hunting at night, but they are opportunists like all predators."
"Lions on the road is a very eerie feeling."
"We're trying to pick up on some lion tracks because the Lions were calling all through the night."
"For male lions, the most important thing apart from eating is spreading their genetic line."
"Lions drinking in infrared, how gorgeous is that?"
"You can see how useful a mane really is for a male lion."
"Grooming and social bonding for Lions is very important."
"It's really amazing how adaptable lions are."
"I always find it endearing just how gentle male lions are with their little ones."
"The affection between pride members is very apparent in moments like this."
"We're getting to the point now where we might break that whole stigma that is attached to lions."