
Production Quotes

There are 4132 quotes

"The economy is socially constructed. Yes, but ultimately you're going to have to think about how are things produced, how are they distributed."
"For me, as an old Lefty, the answer must always be the socialization of the means of production."
"The reason you have a right to own property is because in order to live, you need to produce."
"Nothing in plane design or plane production is done without several layers of redundancy."
"For Marx, eating a peach is production, as is the realization of sensuous human capacities."
"An economy is a collection of production and consumption processes that are all working towards solving the central economic problem."
"You want to make them as beautiful, aesthetic, and ergonomic as possible, but you also want to keep in mind the practical side of things and make sure that it's a product that can be mass-produced."
"It's worker run means of production so the people who are actually working there themselves are gonna decide how things are run."
"When you spend money, most of the time you are a consumer... When you invest your money, you become a producer."
"China today represents nearly one-third of global manufacturing production."
"Swedenborg and Life is a production of the Swedenborg Foundation."
"Despite making up only six percent of the world population, the U.S. accounted for one-third of the world's total production."
"This is Range Rover Velar number two, chassis number two. This is the second Range Rover off the production line."
"Remember again to make a rainbow, you have to have rain and you also have to have sun."
"The problem isn't food production in any way. It happens to be distribution."
"We shifted...from an empire of production to an empire of consumption."
"The aim here is to produce the S-Class, Maybach, and Co. in the most sustainable and eco-friendly way possible."
"The music itself, the production, and even kind of the vocal performance that goes into it, the sound of the vocals, is really kind of got this great musical journey happening."
"Socialism is a political philosophy that posits that the means of production, distribution, and exchange ought to be collectively owned by the community."
"In 2020 alone, Lego produced over 36 billion bricks and 98,000 tons of Legos."
"Capitalism is a system based on the private ownership of the means of production, wage labor, markets, and, innately, generalized commodity production."
"Thank you for your patience. I'm sure you understand that when you factor in music production, art, research, writing, and visualizations of things, everything that goes into making a documentary can take a while."
"What makes this song great videos are really not only teaching about this particular song but it's talking about music production, arrangement, parts, how songs are put together sonically."
"If there are people like shareholders who get a lot of goods and services they didn't help produce, then there must be elsewhere in that system people who produce what they do not get."
"Globalization of production means that the German automaker BMW is producing BMW X5 in Mexico to sell it for the American market."
"The Toyota way is a set of principles and behaviors that underlie the company's approach to management and production."
"If I could summarize my issues with contemporary pop in one sentence: Too much production, not enough talent."
"After sacrificing their brand new recruit, they were given the cocoa bean that they were promised and now they were able to start production of their team cookies."
"Germany's Ministry of Arms, Albert Speer, saw something in this tank. Many manufacturing facilities were dedicated to producing just parts for the Hetzer."
"The TIE Fighter is perhaps one of the most efficient and cheaply produced starfighters in galactic history."
"Those two dudes are the lead producer and the lead director of Street Fighter 6, and they are super cool."
"Henry Cavill is bringing his lore expertise to the mantle of executive producer."
"Production is limited to just 1,963 units for the entire world."
"Season two of Freaks and Geeks, I'm gonna make happen because I'm a billionaire."
"These films feel connected, handled by people who really care about keeping things consistent."
"Deploy to production on version tags associated with releases."
"I'm a firm believer in I would want to record the thing, I want to track the overdubs, I want to mix the thing."
"It is the Chinese, Indians, Russians, the Persian Gulf States, they are the people who produce and make things and who sell real goods and trade them with each other."
"The quality of our GDP is deteriorating and I think it will continue to deteriorate because we will continue to print more and more money and produce less and less stuff."
"There's a lot of demand for the product and we're growing the production rates as fast as we can."
"Russian defence industrial production is more than sufficient to keep this up basically forever."
"What we're seeing from Russian equipment utilization and loss patterns, is that they are taking military production seriously."
"I was totally the scope of production I never worked on before."
"If the film comes out and it is Regency, I might put it in Get the Job Done."
"This is an amazing Hollywood production. It's not over, it's been going on now for two years. There's more to come."
"Apple's next M series SOC has apparently entered mass production."
"We just wanted to say a big thank you to our amazing producer Andy Gardner birdstein."
"Interest rates coordinate production across time."
"They'll take you to an area where there's approaching 50 videos that we've made."
"By 2021 technem has delivered over 5,000 aircraft of various models worldwide."
"2020 was a defining year for us on many levels...reached an important milestone of producing and delivering half a million cars."
"We pretend we think about extras that are like part of the show."
"Overall, even though the 4680 lines are ramping rather slowly, it appears that's not affecting Tesla's ability to produce vehicles."
"You're going to have what you need, you're going to be responsible for what you produce, you're going to be happy with it."
"I moved to Los Angeles to pursue music... I got super super into production and I was making connections through doing studio work."
"We're not gonna make a doughnut hole. We're just going to create an alternative for that supply."
"It feels like everyone making this was just really passionate and had a lot of fun with it."
"Idra estimates that giga presses will reduce the total length of a vehicle production line by 20%."
"America is producing about 1.5 Javelin missiles for every Russian tank."
"Tesla really doesn't have an issue selling their cars right now. Their main issue is production and 2022 should finally be the year that they start catching up on current demand."
"Absolutely amazing looking casting, so happy to see this one be made."
"It's probably more ethical to democratically own the means of production. Does anyone else think that way? I mean, it's just weird. Like, we're fighting to defend autocracy."
"Everything we're seeing manufactured."
"Flexing his muscle in action films, comedies, and Disney fare, some of which are produced through his studio Seven Bucks Productions."
"Maintaining a stunningly high level of production value and above all, artistic integrity."
"Originally, Lucasfilm wanted Tartakovsky to create one-minute shorts."
"After a little bit of editing magic, the setup is basically complete."
"Being able to eliminate hundreds of individual parts, dozens of workstations, robots, workers, processes—this means improved speed, quality, and cost."
"We are now the king of ventilators all over the world... thousands being made a week and they're very high quality."
"Those who understand it can produce what the world calls Miracles."
"We adopt the most advanced production-ready solid-state battery technology."
"No in fact it's being said internally that the devs are being told to lock in their features get it fixed and ship it out."
"It's a miracle getting a show done is a miracle."
"Tesla's goal is to ramp their production from their current rate of around 2 million units annually up to 20 million units annually by 2030."
"With so many cooks in the kitchen, it's honestly shocking that anything ever gets made."
"Repair plants across Russia are now churning out oodles of Cold War antiques, most of these museums on tracks."
"The real story of how the world wars were fought and won lies in the competition in production."
"We can't even get them to parody with current Western industrial production." - Commentator
"Create thousands and thousands of high-quality tents which can be done in one day."
"A new day dawns, the outpost produces a shrine."
"Here's the machine that's going to be the core of everything we're making here."
"Rolex produces their own gold, their own cases, bracelets, dials, bezels, and of course, the movements."
"I want to improve the technical setup to produce the show."
"Tyler arranges, produces, and writes all his music, crafting each piece with precision."
"We are not reducing our production in a meaningful way, recession or not, so it's certainly recession resilient."
"We'll do whatever we have to, whatever the limiting factors. We'll do. We do not artificially constrain ourselves."
"The capital required to achieve that level of output will be much less than what people think."
"The production on the shit was just so different and Earl just matched it perfect."
"Socialism will produce what is demanded by the people in a way that the government deems optimal."
"They actually produced more than they needed."
"EV sales are growing exponentially, adoption is increasing, production can't keep up with demand."
"By war's end, Hugo Schmeiser claimed that 424,000 rifles had been produced."
"Movies and TV shows cost an incredible amount of money to produce."
"Mining, refining, and assembling, that's the key."
"They approach producing cars like most technology companies approach running software."
"Time is money, and in filmmaking, speed is key."
"The problem of advanced capitalism isn't production, it's overproduction."
"Tesla, which doesn't spend a penny, is selling more than it can make."
"Marginal cost means the next to make the next thing is very cheap."
"We're making more PS5s in this difficult environment than we made PS4s in that launch."
"Before we get all these different licenses to make explosives and guns and bullets and everything else, starting with combat backpacks and body armor and boots and gloves and stuff like that, all very necessary."
"Having it just happening inside this plug-in and automating all of that for you is really going to save you a lot of time in your production."
"Tesla's reported production and deliveries for the first nine months of the year were higher than their expectations."
"Can you see how these pieces are a little fuzzy around the edges, even in the holes? That is because of the bleed."
"Tesla just produced its 20 millionth battery cell."
"Tesla celebrates production of 20 million 4680 cells at Giga Texas."
"I'm very unprecious when it comes to creativity, just pluck something out of the air and make it."
"Encourages repeated playthroughs too because when you beat the game you get double experience in double AP for your materia."
"You always want to make sure that you are maxing out your production tree."
"Congratulations to particularly my production team. It was an amazing job every day on the show. I mean, they made the stuff at the March for Life happen. They're really amazing."
"The amount of hard work that's gone into producing this show was incredible. To think just eight months ago it was just a concept and idea, and to see it now is absolutely amazing."
"If you love the Bond movies, you know a lot of people worked together to make all that stuff happen."
"American factories were producing an airplane every five minutes and a ship every day."
"May I just say the intro music is bomb, well done guys."
"Sustainable consumption and production patterns."
"Make cool stuff, people want to buy cool stuff."
"Focused on your home environment... your legacy."
"Sony Santa Monica succeeded so comprehensively here that I am just in awe of the talent that it took to produce it."
"Hope your spring training's going well and stay tuned for more via 2 max productions."
"He's giving musical direction to get these artists on his beats that's completely different than just sending a beat pack out."
"You can't print purchasing power... you have to produce the stuff first."
"Kentucky produces 95 percent of bourbon, making it synonymous with the state."
"It's probably actually cheaper to get your crew to knock out spare parts."
"There's these background screens that go through months of revisions and notes and changes and conversations just for people to overlook it because they just think it's a background screen."
"I want to have the whole narrative, like I want to be able to produce our own [ __ ]."
"I'm an incredible producer and I know that I'm talented."
"Demand wasn't an issue but production was the limiting factor."
"Tesla's efficiency: spending slightly higher, massive increase in output."
"Tesla's financial report revealed that compared to the U.S. factory, the production cost of the Model 3 production line in Shanghai is 65 percent lower."
"There's some behind the scenes, there's some director commentaries on the shooting of Survivor Man Amazon jungle and I hope you enjoyed it."
"In order for you to be a producer, you have to understand how to use these Technologies to your advantage."
"Your job now on the financial side of things is not just to be a consumer, but to be a producer."
"Congrats to the Tesla team! That's a big improvement of production speed and great to see at that factory."
"Can you make good shit? That's what entertainment is, baby"
"The US will make as many ventilators in the next 100 days as it usually makes in a year."
"Loose leaf tea brewing is inconvenient" is simply not true.
"In some shape or form Star Trek Legacy is going to happen an outstanding showrunner Terry matalis is going to be a part of it."
"The plan is to get the price down so that the starting price is around $11,900 at scale production."
"They're executive producers of the new Schultz special."
"Telling a consistent story is basically the key to lowering production costs, increasing output, and keeping fans just as engaged as ever, perhaps even more so because I don't know if you've noticed this but people tend to love stories."
"We're the number one producer in the world right now."
"Sony is reportedly boosting PS5 production... Gamers are interested."
"Facebook is also ramping up production of Oculus VR headsets."
"We've upgraded to a new set here... all of our production quality is going up."
"Never again should our country and our economy be unable to make critical products we need because we don't have access to materials to make that product."
"The Model 3 production is on schedule yes 1500 for this quarter."
"Instead, if we invest some money in staff and equipment upgrades, the same create of weapons gets made in 7 to 14 minutes and can be sold for $7,000."
"That's the trifecta of Tesla: how we store energy, how we consume energy, how we produce energy."
"With more investment, these companies will be able to make more products."
"All of these materials are robust; they quite simply wouldn't make it into production otherwise."
"These taste maps help you talk to everyone involved with your production about the game you are making."
"During 1942, the war workers of the United States produced 48,000 military planes of all types, more than the total production of planes by Germany, Italy, and Japan combined for that year."
"We are basically learning to produce bodies and Minds. Minds bodies and minds are going to be the I think the two main products of the next wave of all these AI technology."
"What made the US's production capability as great as it was in World War II wasn't dropping down to a low common Tech denominator for industry as a whole."
"We cannot continue to go down this path, you know, we are now it take the U.S uh Refinery capacity it's not that we don't have the production capacity but during lockdowns during that period capacity was taken off the line."
"Production is still in the blank, hindered in part by challenges of navigating new Supply chains for the technology."
"A slow-burning piece of wondrous and somewhat sad art pop with AG Cooke production."
"We already know that volume eight is underway. We ready know that volume nine is greenlit for production eventually."
"I just want them to give me the same respect that they would give any other producer on the show."
"The template is the key element of the whole production system."
"He made consistent demands for increased aircraft production and began organizing the carriers into the now famous Kido Butai."
"Recently it was announced that not only would E3 return in 2023 but it would also be produced by ReedPOP."
"Sometimes the better way to do it is to make it and put it out there."
"Tesla is ramping up model y production across the globe."
"Magria's long-term goal is to become one of the largest producers of magnesium in the world."
"Main objectives: produce the right quality, in right quantity at the predetermined time and with the pre-established cost."
"How can these stories be worthy of being produced to the world?"
"Let's get a few billion of these tests, Roche, and let's make them dirt cheap."
"The Japanese had all these problems, but they had a lot of success early on, don't they?"
"I love the news that they're gonna start filming, I'm not sure it's a clear indication of when the movie's coming out though."
"The Prowler still represents one of the most unique and daring production vehicles of the last couple of decades."
"The last thing that Russia wants to do at the moment is to reduce its output."
"India produces over half the world's supply."
"Expect a speedy regulation production from Australia over the coming months."
"I think everybody involved in this production, they got it. They just got it."
"Keep making the world a better place crapping on things in the first week of production from your basement."
"A weaving factory... just opened up in Baltimore... wants wool, produces cloth."
"He is a popular figurehead which gives us extra stability in war support."
"Hope you like it because we're having as much fun making it."
"Fox and Bryan Singer are going to be able to produce a film that can give good credit to the Days of Future Past storyline."
"One of the producers said, 'Yeah, we're trying to make our version of Endgame, but one with Game's catering budgets.'"
"I've been a music producer for the last 17 years."
"The Nvidia DGX A100 is in full production and it's available today."
"We’re actively taking internal steps to better improve communication with our producers so they can be focused on putting out their great content."
"Tesla will be one of the
leading battery cell manufacturers."
"The concept that anything gets made ever is miraculous."
"The demand is growing... and it's just kind of timing out really well with how my production is now coming into play."
"What you can't immediately produce, you can import."
"What a riser does is it rises and rises makes that sound effective like until it sees its high point..."
"Production is what's that word again oh yeah hard."
"Elon said if we can send a Roadster to the asteroid belt, we can fix Model 3 production."
"The G7 is trying to force Russia to either take much less revenue for its oil or to switch off their production."
"Money is designed to dictate what is produced in society by letting people vote with their wallets."
"Industrial production is increasing at the fastest rate ever recorded."
"Once again producing the highest amount of oil and gas in the world..."
"For Travis to drop the new one bro, like albums like that, it's like it changed the whole sound of production with it for sure."
"Being a producer to me is just like seeing the whole Vision like from inception to the final product."
"I want us to produce something that reaches an audience that is not our general audience that everybody can connect with."
"But more than any war before or since, the Second World War was a war of production."
"It's raw, unfiltered, dynamically mixed music... not done through any kind of label."