
Intercession Quotes

There are 699 quotes

"Jesus is able to save completely those who come to God through him since he always lives to intercede for them."
"Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided."
"Intercessory prayer makes a powerful difference."
"Jesus' prayers have not ceased. He's praying for you."
"When you pray for other people, you create miracles. You can move mountains."
"O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."
"If you fast for your son, if you fast for your husband, if you fast for your wife, if you fast for your neighbor, they will be protected from all the dangers because of the power of your fasting."
"Almighty God, who has manifested the power of Saint Sharbel's intercession through his countless miracles and favors."
"Our Lady basically is pleading with us to save, help her to intercede and to save the world from the terrible results of its own sins."
"Some prophets we have a responsibility for regions or for nations, and that first responsibility is intercession."
"There's no more powerful intercessor than Mary."
"You live to intercede for us at the right hand of the Father; Lord, have mercy."
"When you seek out Mother Mary, you're asking her to talk to her son. She takes our imperfect prayer and makes it beautiful."
"Pray for them, so when they get to heaven, they can pray for us. Build an army now."
"For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."
"Ask for Our Lady of Guadalupe's intercession for the church and the whole population of the Americas, especially for unity, neighborly love, and protection of life."
"Virgin of Guadalupe, patroness of unborn children, we implore your intercession for every child at risk of abortion."
"God has given you a grace for prayer, a grace for intercession, a compassion for others, a sensitivity to the struggles of others."
"If you will give up yourselves to intercession, God will bless."
"Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died and furthermore is risen, who is even at the right hand of God who also makes intercession for us."
"I value prayer warriors, intercessors, petitioners, the couriers. But there's something different about prophetic intercessors."
"One of the greatest expressions of love is intercession."
"Intercession is a form of worship, just like prayer is a form of worship."
"Intercessory prayer is the secret weapon of the church."
"Thank you for praying, suffering, and sacrificing for lost souls."
"I'm opening these broadcasts for a season where I'm taking this cause to pray for you to intercede for you to break a sore tie that is limiting you that is holding you."
"Our Lady promised whatever you asked by this prayer, she will grant."
"Intercession will handle a person, a thing's closeness to God."
"Through the intercession of Mother Mary, may Almighty God bless you."
"Father, we pray for the salvation of Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer."
"Persevere and supplicate for all the saints."
"The saints in heaven offered to God the prayers of the saints on earth."
"You and I get to be the answer to their prayer."
"Argument and debate, but you going before God saying, 'God, I really care for this neighbor and they are trapped, they don't see it.'"
"The remnant will be a people of prayer... They'll be committed to intercession and to birthing the will of God."
"The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. He prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words."
"The Holy Spirit prays for you with groanings, with deep yearning, desire that cannot be expressed in words."
"Thou didst receive from him the gift of tongues and the power of working the most extraordinary Miracles." - Prayer to Saint Anthony
"I saw the heavens open, I believe you were one who is opening heavens for sure through your intercessory gift."
"These Christians got together and began to pray and intercede for him."
"Some blessings you get don't have anything to do with you. They have something to do with somebody prayed before you, and God remembered what he promised."
"I believe that through the power of prayer God will move on people's behalf."
"Only the Holy Trinity, through the unified intercession of the Blessed Virgin, the angels, the saints, and the souls in purgatory, can help you."
"We worship and pray to Mary as an intercessor to pray for us."
"Trust in the emperor at the hour of battle. Trust him to intercede and protect his warriors true as they deal death on alien soil."
"God is raising up a prophetic generation of intercessors to usher in his purposes."
"Jesus lives now, he died and rose again, and he's alive at this very moment, interceding for you in the salvific sense."
"It's rosary and prayer, it's our Blessed Mother right here in Fatima and it's Saint Joan of Arc interceding for us."
"I pray that you'll touch them, that you'll bless them, Lord."
"The role of the Blessed Mother is not to save us, but she leads us to her son."
"Prayer is God's official tool for warfare and intercession."
"Jesus offers a better intercession than the Levitical priesthood. He saves us."
"God loves the people you're interceding for more than you do."
"It's uncountable how many nations have written. When you pray for others, God will take care of you."
"Intercession is when the Holy Spirit downloads and puts what's burning in the heart of the Lord into your heart."
"They are sure and confident and their faith is strong that they will get what they want through the intercession of Mary Mother."
"Father, show me my older siblings, help me to make deep friendships with the saints and especially my guardian angel."
"Real intercessors walk with a burden, a signal that something is going to change."
"A good intercessor will spend time praying, many times up to one hour."
"Intercessors who really know how to pray always follow their prayer burden."
"The power of prayer... If someone comes to your mind, pray for them. You might be saving their life."
"The Holy Spirit prays for you with groanings, with deep desire."
"I urge you then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people."
"Such is the will of God who would have us obtain everything through her hands."
"For all who implore my protection, who call on me in their labors and afflictions."
"I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours."
"People who live an intercessory life... create an atmosphere for Angelic visitation."
"Moses's action reflected his heart for the people, and his intercession was powerful."
"The ultimate sacrifice was made on Mount Calvary, and Jesus was a sinless man, yet he interceded for sinners like us."
"God never gives us discernment in order that we may criticize but that we may intercede."
"Their intercession is their most exalted service to God's plan."
"The Holy Spirit maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God."
"The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us."
"The spirit intercedes for us with groanings that cannot be uttered."
"...asking the saints for intercession is a biblical thing and it's nothing different from me asking you to pray for me, right? So there's nothing wrong with that."
"Immaculate heart of Mary, pray for the conversion of sinners and the world."
"Praying for one another with prayers of Elijah."
"Recognizing Christ as the ultimate high priest in the order of melkisedek highlights his eternal intercession on behalf of Believers."
"The Spirit of God inside of you is making intercession for you according to the will of God for your life."
"You can always have your guardian angel ask the person's guardian angel to be interceding for the person to get off the drugs or the alcohol."
"We're all going to make it to Heaven through Mary's intercession."
"Through the intercession of the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, may our families be established in grace and peace."
"Prayer is offering worship of God and asking intercession for those who don't believe, hope, adore, and love Him."
"Let the priests weep between the porch and the altar, saying, 'Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach.'"
"Abraham knew the real heart of God and he said to the Lord, 'If there's 10 righteous, would you spare?'"
"To know that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God making intercession for us ought to bless your life."
"Is there anybody in this building this morning who's grateful that you have a God who prays for you?"
"Are you getting that? That's what we do in this second dimension of prayer. It's a place of intercession."
"Mary, Mother of the church, I come before you in the Spirit of St. Maximilian Kolbe."
"May the prayers of this woman clothed with a son bring Jesus to us and to the whole world."
"Just how much divine power does it take to get a believer from grace to glory? It involves the continual, unending, relentless intercession of the Son and the Spirit."
"True intercessors already love the Word of God. They love to make declarations and declare the words of God."
"People who are actually called into prophetic intercession have a passion for understanding the enemy's strategies."
"Jesus is our high priest... he ever lives to make intercession for us... Christ may appear to you in a dream he might speak to you through the Holy Spirit... he is our high priest... at the right hand of power the ruler of the universe."
"May they say yes to you, Jesus. May they cry out to you, God, and I thank you, Jesus, for hearing their prayers, for hearing everything that they've spoken to you, God."
"Intercession exhibits the supreme power of love."
"Intercession means remembering everybody and everything."
"Islam requires no intercessor between a man and his Lord. It requires no intercessor between you and Allah. Allah has ordered every human being to enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil."
"The realm of intercession is not just praying; it's about being sensitive to the burdens of God."
"We are predestined to reign with Christ. Our wordless intercession is heard."
"So, it's complete and that would be our intercession if you will, as it's the oneness intercession because you're being one with Him."
"History belongs to the intercessors who believe the future into being."
"I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me, for they are thine."
"The reason why you are an intercessor is not to pray your prayers but to pray God's prayers."
"We have a friend in Jesus right there at the throne of God, praying for us and interceding for us. He is our deliverer, the bright and Morning Star."
"One of the keys to intercession is when you just care."
"We pray the Rosary to ask Mary's intercession."
"You want to be the person who intercedes for your mum and dad, for your brothers and sisters, for your children, for your friends."
"I had one priest say to me, 'You know what? I have a feeling you're going to be the saint within the Catholic Church that you gave your desires to Jesus every day and you'll be able to intercede from heaven for those who struggle.'"
"It's important to also have a heart of intercession because, guys, this is one of the greatest times for us to be able to share the gospel."
"Offer your trials, suffering, struggles that you experienced here below for the Holy Souls."
"Depression is a signal for intercession. If you would pray more, you would realize that heaviness usually is the need and God drops in because He's looking for an intercessor."
"My grandmother had been praying for me my entire life. She'd tell me that when I was younger or just throughout my life."
"He’s able to save completely. He appears in the presence of God on behalf of his children."
"The Spirit helps our infirmities, He makes intercession for us, He rescues us."
"It's really important to intercede for other people, we're living in this time where the world needs us, he needs labors in the field."
"Our intercessions can release encounters to people who are called to bring Deliverance that don't even know it yet."
"Intercession brings about accelerations in the spirit."
"We want to be the end time armies, the intercessory army that the nation needs."
"People who pray much and intercede on behalf of others are like thermostats. They change the atmosphere."
"I trust in you wholeheartedly as my best intercessor with your son Jesus."
"I firmly believe that with your help and strengthened by your intercession, I can overcome the trials and challenges of life."
"Folks that's prayer not what we do intercessory prayer is when you catch the hand of the Lord in faith and you don't let go and you have only two options you die or you get an answer there is no third option."
"Jesus is our Eternal High Priest, forever interceding for us."
"You represent the church - your cry can move God faster than mine. You are created not only to be the picture of the church but the picture of intercession."
"A true intercessor is somebody who can feel the pain of others and be broken enough to cry to God about it."
"My goal is to continue the work of Mr. Rhys Howell, to teach intercession the way he taught intercession."
"We're praying for you, because we believe God's going to set you free."
"When you pray that born-again prayer, that prayer that brings the treasure of God into my heart, would you include me in that prayer?"
"Help me, Lord, to spread your word, help Muhammad spread your word."
"We're praying for each other by the power and authority of Jesus Christ."
"If I were to ask you who does interceding for the Saints, every basic Christian knows who that is. It is Jesus Christ, it is not given to any other."
"The Holy Spirit is our ever-present comforter, a mighty intercessor, and the one who makes Jesus real."
"There's a generation of Christians rising up that are really going to pray for the people they say they're going to pray for."
"So when I see someone say, 'Hey I really need prayer for this,' like I want to get into the habit of being an intercessory prayer."
"He intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words."
"Through the intercession of Our Lady and St. Joseph, may Almighty God bless you."
"Saint Margaret Mary, pray for us."
"Intercession is really a depiction of love because it shows the compassion that you have for another."
"If God answers every prayer of God the Son, isn't it wonderful to think that Jesus prays for you?"
"Christ mingles the merits of his perfect life with the prayers of his people."
"Pray for yourself, but don't forget to pray for the needs of others as well. There is power when you pray for others."
"Pray for me. Remember poor Pastor David in your prayers. Lord, he needs your help. He needs your strength."
"Without exception all true revivals of the past began after years of agonizing hell robbing earth-shaking heaven-sent intercession."
"The secret to true revival in our own day is still the same but where oh where are the intercessors?"
"We are a house of prayer, we are a house that carries your presence. So today, we've come and we've prayed and we've interceded for your freedom and your presence to fill the room."
"Our Heavenly Mother is the best intercessor we could have before Jesus. There's nothing like a Mother's love."
"Intercessors are the most powerful people on the planet."
"Intercession is necessary, but interceding without understanding weapons of warfare is a waste of time."
"The Holy Spirit raises up the Cross of Christ Before the Throne of God on our behalf."
"We pray for this person. Somebody needs help. Somebody needs help. Got to pray for this person for real."
"Your priesthood can secure God's hand and move it on behalf of his people."
"He is 'always living to intercede.'"
"At that moment Paul says the spirit is praying for us interceding to the father."
"Fasting will intercede for a person on the Day of Judgment."
"The whole reason of like praying to all these women Saints especially Mary is that you are asking for that kind of intercession from God right you know where they are performing that sort of intercessory role."
"Recite the Quran, for on the day of Resurrection, it will come as an intercessor for its reciters."
"Keep praying until you see it, that's what intercession is."
"But what you do find, if you look up prayer to the saints, if you do a quick search, what you find is a lot of these are the prayers of the saints being offered on the throne of God."
"God's Justified me who can bring a charge? What, who can be against us? You can say it because Jesus is at the right hand of the father, interceding for you, providing for you. That work doesn't ever pass away. It's a perfect Redemption."
"But the spirit himself maketh intercession for us."
"No, very difficult place, mainland China, other places that need workers raised up. God says, 'Ask for them.'"
"She began to quietly sing in intercession for the first lady, for the family, for our nation."
"Mary, the aqueduct of all the graces of God to human hearts."
"The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is a powerful prayer for God's mercy upon us and the world."
"Jesus, you gave us a mother that we may have recourse to you."
"Immaculate mother Queen of Heaven hear the cries of your suffering children in purgatory and intercede for them at the Throne of the Almighty."
"Saint Joseph reigning in heaven with Jesus and Mary intercede for the souls in purgatory."
"O Lord Jesus Christ Eternal priest who during your Earthly life generously cared for every poor person who was afflicted and abandoned I beg you look with favor on The Souls of priests in purgatory."
"Asking for the intercession of the Saints isn't the same as magic."
"Keep praying for them because I was praying. Things were breaking in the spirit and I couldn't even see it."
"You've got to be the kind of person that, if you believe in prayer, when somebody needs prayer and sometimes a minute or two is okay, but you literally have the kind of relationship with God that you can say, 'God, David needs you right now.'"
"We're going to be a church that knows how to cry out to God, we're going to be a church that knows how to lift our voice, we're going to be a church that knows how to intercede."
"Through her intercession, we may be delivered from all our faults." - Prayer of the Faithful
"The Holy Spirit intercedes in prayer so that I can communicate with God better than I can in my own ability."
"We're going to God and we're looking at Mary, and we're not saying Mary can forgive us by her own merits, but rather saying, Lord look at Mary, one of our own, and be generous, be merciful, be forgiving."
"Can the intercession of the Saints help to make us right with God? The example from the Bible from start to finish overwhelmingly points in One Direction: yes, yes, yes."
"Here are three men who were not in good place with God, who'd been cut off from God, who were then restored not by their own actions, not by their own going directly to God, but remarkably Enough by job's intercessory prayer."
"If you see someone sinning small sin particularly you don't need to go and say you know you technically shouldn't have done that just make a prayer for their behalf and God will honor that prayer."
"The Quran will come on the day of judgment as an intercessor for those who were its companions."
"He ever-lives, making intercession for us, praying us into glory against all attacks, all assaults, all failures, all sin."
"A prophecy is an invitation to intercession."
"We need intercessors in this church for our families, our children, our grandchildren. Yes, He is interceding through you."
"God granted his request. One intercessor, I'm just one, but I'm one, and I'm going. Ain't gonna sit down until I get it done."
"But let me tell you if we could get more of you making intercession for these preachers you're going to hear better preaching you're going to see better demonstration of the power of God you're going to see greater Revival and greater Services"
"God's response was a person, God's love become human to become the righteous intercessor."
"Don't give up praying, don't give up interceding for your lost loved ones."
"We decree and declare that prayer warriors, intercessors, prophetic Watchmen are picking us up in the realm of the Spirit."
"We plead the blood over our city, our house, and our next generation. We pray for revival to hit the teenagers and those in their 20s."
"The mother of God has a central place in the miracles of our Savior and as an intercessor at his right hand."
"We ought always to pray to the mother of God, the queen of heaven, the mother of our Savior."
"Intercessors are birthed in crisis."
"The spirit himself will make intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered."
"Take the hand of the person next to you, begin to pray for them, that they'll be filled with the spirit afresh and anew, they'll be ready for what's coming."
"Intercession is hard, it's painful, it's bloody, it's trench work."
"Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I ask you through the intercession of Our Lady Queen of Peace to reign your peace upon the world."
"When a righteous believer intercedes for you on the Day of Judgment."
"Ask the Blessed Mother bind us and keep us together she will intercede and pray intercede and pray intercede and pray intercede and pray intercede and pray till the power of the Holy Spirit rests upon you and brings you together in agreement praise the Lord hallelujah."
"Intercession can save a person's life, healed by the prayers of a high school teacher."
"Devotional prayer says, 'Help me, O Lord,' but intercessory prayer says, 'Help them, Oh God.'"