
Dual-purpose Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"If you really do what you love, you'll figure out a way to make money and do well and do good in your career at the same time." - Charlie Javis
"I have finally built the creeper farm and it is also an XP farm."
"Castles represented the perfect fusion of form and function."
"We wanted something that was on one hand fun but also could be taken seriously."
"It is very possible that this structure could have been used as both a building and a quarry."
"His birthday is going to be in the first week of January, this is his birthday slash Christmas present which we all need to say a huge happy birthday to Joe."
"Cloud Blazer adds some life gain and card draw."
"The last thing that you get to hear is a trumpet, and that trumpet does two things: it calls you to worship and summons an army."
"He's coming here to win trophies and have a holiday."
"A bridge can become a museum, a museum can also serve as a bridge."
"What if we could kill two birds with one stone? Like using the waste heat generated by all those computers to heat our homes, office buildings, and water?"
"It's not just entertaining, but also informative."
"The 992 GT3 is a pure focus driver's car that blends motorsports prowess and daily drivability."
"Masks work in both ways, they protect you from incoming viral particles and also prevent potentially contagious individuals from spreading the virus."
"This bag is solid for your camera plus travel bag or your full-on camera bag."
"He's not just trying to strike fear in the hearts of the bad, he's also trying to provide comfort to the good."
"You can educate and entertain at the same time."
"This is a vitamin C serum that's actually an SPF as well, so it's kind of like that perfect pairing in one."
"...and it's amazing how many different uh principles can correlate to both of them not only help you be efficient on the golf course but efficient with your money at the same time is really what I'm finding cool."
"We mentioned previously that the Rhode Island Reds are very much so dual-purpose birds but what we didn't mention is the fact that they are quite proficient at laying eggs to the point where we would argue that they're better than most other breeds out there at it."
"I definitely have done that myself, where it's a long day but that way you get dual purpose."
"The cool thing about a 31-liter is that it doubles up; it's like the best of both worlds."
"I love it because they are dual purpose."
"It's a street car race car, the best of both worlds. I love it so much."
"It's pretty darn magical. This is like a unicorn monitor that can edit video and game, and I'm really excited about it."
"The 30 minutes of exercise in the morning can serve two functions."
"I named it the Mullet, and I think that's very appropriate: it's business in the front, party in the back."
"This demonstration is going to serve two main purposes."
"The beauty is that there's two purposes to this."
"It's because today I'm gonna be giving you guys the long-awaited room tour, and it's not just my room, it's also my studio, so you're getting a two for one package deal."
"On one side we'll have the pantry and then on the other side we'll create an office."
"What about an ornament that is also like a framed artwork?"
"It's a spaceship but it's also a gigantic sword."
"Breathing exercises intended to keep his hands steady worked as well during espionage as they did during surgery."
"What you'll find with these is that they're perfect dual purpose."
"A castle was a mix of it being a fighting machine and it being a posh house."
"Having the news on... actually serves a dual role of keeping you connected to what's on Earth."
"It rides really well and you can use it as a work vehicle and a play vehicle."
"We want to build a product that provides the best of both worlds."
"Just like an adventure motorcycle is designed to do two things at once, be an on and off-road machine, a touring machine, and off-road capable."
"The pancreas has a dual function; it has this digestive function, but it also has an endocrine function."
"...we educate and we entertain at the same time."
"Serve Allah and serve humanity at the same time."
"Remember, this isn't just a camera; it's an aircraft with a camera."
"Science blogs serve a dual purpose."
"The quick shape can be used for essentially two different kinds of images: abstract imagery and audience scanning or overhead beam effects."
"Get you a wall that can do both: manifestation and aesthetics."
"It's definitely a show car, but it's also a go-kart; we use it, and it does cruise beautifully."
"And then you've got yourself a commuter and a workout."
"It's just so convenient because you get both products in one."
"I've been loving this dual-ended pencil from Charlotte Tilbury."
"It's something I can commute on during the day, but on the weekend, it's an adventure bike."