
Christian Living Quotes

There are 574 quotes

"A Christian does good works not to obtain salvation but as evidence of salvation."
"In a world that's so mixed up and fouled up as we are, and so much distrust and unrest, God's people need to just be living out who God intended for us to be."
"It's not just about getting to heaven, it's about bringing heaven to earth."
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."
"The majority of our decisions as Christians are not knowing what God wants you to do but often knowing how God wants you to live."
"The Christian life isn't praying a prayer to go to heaven, it's dying to your old life."
"But as the Bible says, 'I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.'"
"It's no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me."
"Our love for Jesus is manifested in how we live our lives, emulating his teachings and actions."
"Live so close to Jesus you're not even tempted for some of this stuff."
"Are you going to live your life today in a way that if someone looked at the life you live, there is enough evidence to convict you of being a Catholic and a Christian?"
"By this shall all men know that you're my disciples, not by the preaching, not by the singing, but by the loving."
"Are we really good theologians, or are we followers of Christ?"
"Our job is not to look for the signs of the signs. Your job is to stay faithful to Jesus in your personal life."
"Being a follower of Christ is a matter of how you live your life, and in particular, you are learning from Him."
"Being radical for Jesus is laying down your life for the brethren, loving and learning to love."
"Let us be Christian, that we not have an impact on the world because we are like the world, but because we are completely the opposite of the world."
"Female comedians worth millions and billions of dollars, therefore they must be funny."
"Jesus explained salvation as believing in the gospel, carrying your cross, and following him."
"The life of the disciple is the life of the cross. It is saying yes to God."
"We need to be excited about this day, unless you're intentionally living in Wicked Rebellion against the Lord there's no reason to fear that day."
"If our identity is secure, we'll represent Jesus well everywhere we go."
"If every Christian would know what it means to be a son and a daughter they would change every field every sphere of influence that they're in."
"God wants to transform you by the renewing of your mind."
"But if you're going to have the mind of Christ, you will stand out."
"This life as a follower of Jesus, it's not a cakewalk, it's a conflict, it's on a playground, it's actually a Battleground."
"If you cannot do anything apart from the life of Christ in you, then you can do anything according to the life of Christ in you."
"True Christians would be recognized by loving others as Jesus did."
"We need someone to help us out, to follow Christ, to follow God."
"Child of God, be about your Father's business."
"The enemy hates to see the Christian man or woman who's walking in their calling, operating in their gift, with power, with humility, and with integrity, all for the glory of God."
"The Spirit of God within you speaks to your spirit with strong inclinations, guiding and directing your path."
"If anyone should meditate with devotion and perspicacity on the sermon our lord gave on the mount as we read in the gospel of Saint Matthew, he will doubtless find there the perfect way of the Christian Life." - Saint Augustine
"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all of these things shall be added unto you."
"We want to live in Christ, that's our appeal for each of you."
"For me to live is Christ, amen, and to die is gain."
"When the Holy Spirit takes up residence in you, you have the privilege of having a relationship with Jesus Christ."
"We pray that we would be those who look to Jesus, who lived for that eternal glory, that we would then be light to the world."
"Live to love God and to love your neighbor, always seeking to grow in your walk with Him."
"If you're a Christian and nobody's mad at you, you're probably not doing something right."
"Live every day as if the return of Christ is during your lifetime he is coming back be prepared."
"Being an Israelite is not a ticket into the kingdom of heaven... being Christ-like is."
"The key to the power of the Holy Spirit is the presence of the Holy Spirit."
"Christ is life, so that no matter where I look, what I see is an opportunity to love Christ and make Him known."
"Concrete examples of holiness of life concrete witness for Christ."
"The single greatest source of stress in your life is trying to live your life apart from a daily connection to Christ."
"Christianity is not just something you say, it's something you live."
"What does it mean to be a child of God?... Therefore, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
"Forgive other people you oughta forgive you and again we're forgiven we're on our way to heaven it's not about that it's about walking in love and walking in grace."
"You need to know Jesus for yourself. You need to know, I know Him because He lives in me."
"Are you prepared? Are you living your life every day like Jesus will come at any time soon?"
"We do this for the love of God, for the sanctification of our own soul, and for the love of our neighbor."
"I wanna live in love like Jesus lived in love."
"If you really believe that Jesus is coming back, you don't want to be ashamed at his coming."
"Father, give me the grace to be obedient to your word and to abide in you."
"Christians produce good works not to prove that they're Christians but because they are Christians."
"The only way is to take up the cross, put that self to death, and put Christ on the throne of your life."
"While everyone is subject to a fallen human nature, we also believe that by God's grace and through the encouragement of the community of faith, an individual may live in harmony with the principles of God's Word."
"If a believer's life isn't supernatural, it's irrelevant."
"Every man that hath this hope in Him purifieth himself."
"The manifestation of the wisdom of God in and through the Saints."
"Abstain from anything that leads you into temptation."
"You're not a Christian unless you obey God, Christian means to be Christ-like."
"A person who pleases God is a person who seeks the fruit of the Spirit in his life."
"These gifts are not for lazy Christians, they're for those serious about the things of God."
"There is no better time to be alive especially if you're a Christian because this is our opportunity to stand up for the truth."
"You are on the wrong path, and Jesus is calling you to leave that path."
"God has not given us the spirit of fear but a power and of love and a sound mind."
"The most valuable thing you can have in your Christian life is an intimate relationship with God."
"You cannot embrace the world and embrace Christ at the same time."
"If he did them as a man, I am responsible to pursue his lifestyle."
"It's time to take your rightful place as the body of Christ and to help people."
"I yield myself, I surrender myself to the headship of Christ."
"Submit to the authority of God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
"Whatever label you want to put on us...we love God."
"Be encouraged and be living boldly for Jesus, filled with His Holy Spirit, abiding permanently in the secret place. That's your inheritance."
"We continue to believe and decide to walk by faith and not by sight, amen."
"You can't call God and specifically speak to Christians, you can't call Jesus Lord and then ignore His commandments."
"Following Christ is costly, you have to deny yourself... Your love for Jesus Christ should supersede everything else."
"When the rubber meets the road, the testing of our faith will come to any true follower of Christ."
"Being a Christian is not just a matter of words but of actions."
"Live fully for Christ, seek first your kingdom, and have a huge impact in this world."
"There's a difference between struggling with sin and settling with it."
"If you and I have put on the Lord Jesus Christ for the right motive to escape from the wrath that's to come then when tribulation strikes when the flight gets bumpy we're not gonna lose."
"Preach the gospel at all times, but only use words when necessary. You are a living testimony."
"Abstinence is not moral legalism but Christian discipleship."
"What are we gonna do as followers of Christ? We're gonna do our best by the power of the Spirit of God in our hearts to live at peace with everyone."
"Work out your salvation with fear and trembling, and make a joyful noise to the Lord."
"Let's determine to live for Christ, and to serve Christ."
"Help me to die to self so that Jesus Christ may live in me."
"No more compartmentalizing. My Christianity is not on a Sunday morning. It's every single day."
"In Christ, we are dead to the desires of our flesh and made alive in the spirit."
"If you truly want to walk this walk as a Christian, it's not about you anymore."
"Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace."
"Loving Jesus goes beyond sentimentality, it's about obedience to His word."
"You put on the new nature, created to be like God-truly righteous and holy."
"The heart of Christianity is Jesus Christ and living like he did."
"Choosing to step into the will of God means living a godly life by His grace, goodness, love, and mercy."
"A Christian should be far more interested in remembering the fruit of the Spirit than identifying personality types."
"Revelations overarching message... living for God in a dangerous world."
"The more committed you live as a Christian on this Earth, the bigger Your Role will be."
"Beloved, you and I are to live our lives in this world with an expectation that Jesus will return in our lifetime."
"Fix your eyes on Jesus, focus on Jesus, and the thing is, if your eyes are focused anywhere else other than on Jesus Christ, then it's all negative."
"Jesus is worthy of us following him, no matter what happens in America."
"The Holy Spirit dwells in us, giving life to our mortal bodies."
"Yield to His Spirit and reject the works of the flesh."
"The gospel's application doesn't just prepare you for heaven but also transforms you."
"Walking With Jesus is wonderful but not without cross. I understood in my first walk with the Lord when I gave my heart to the Lord that I have to deny myself, take up the cross, and follow me."
"You have to be a new creation... There is no way you can be in this world, of this world, from this world and yet understand and preach and believe and be with Jesus."
"Stand Fast therefore in the Liberty by which Christ has made us free." - Stand Fast therefore in the Liberty by which Christ has made us free.
"Live in a way that's fitting for the calling with which you were called."
"Not returning evil for evil, but giving a blessing instead."
"Living as Christ has taught us, we begin to transform the world."
"Singleness is actually better for the sake of the kingdom of God."
"To be like Christ is not to be rich or poor. To be like Christ is to be sacrificially generous."
"God is in control, Jesus Christ is with you, and if He is with you, who can be against you?"
"Be sober minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist."
"Faith says you believe that day is taking you to Him, you're going to store Treasures in Heaven, you're going to lay up Treasures in Heaven."
"We don't just embrace the truth that he taught, but we also live and love the way that Jesus lived."
"Belief should lead to action, to living out the commands of Christ, not just knowing them."
"Reminding one another of our ultimate victory in Jesus and our power over darkness is what we ought to be upset obsessed with that's our obsession he's our obsession he's our salvation he's our victory."
"Live like Jesus, seek to grow in godliness, character, and righteousness."
"Demons should tremble when they see you coming, Christian."
"A faithful servant of Christ cannot love this present age."
"We want to be shaped into the image of Christ."
"The closer we draw to the second coming of Christ, the more urgent it is that we awake out of spiritual sleep."
"Sin cannot have its way in your life any longer as a Christian."
"You are living, breathing, and walking in the midst of spirits, and that should be something that you should always remember in your Christian walk."
"We as Christians want to avoid those things but we want to live in a way that's consistent with the preaching of our Lord Jesus Christ which helps us to grow in a relationship with him."
"We love through our actions. We are the hands and feet of Christ."
"We need to keep the main thing the main thing. The main thing is Jesus Christ and Him crucified."
"As Christians, we don't fight for victory, we fight from victory."
"Stop taking the beating from the devil. Stop being bullied by the enemy."
"You're going to operate from a Christian perspective and paint a picture that honors God."
"We need to find our identity in Christ and in Christ alone."
"Become a prayer warrior and experience God's true power and might in our lives."
"Finishing well is trusting in Jesus Christ and all that he's done for you."
"You have don't have because you don't ask, the things you're missing, you're missing because you're not seeking from God."
"The church ought to be helping to follow Jesus' standard."
"Being a Christian living a Godly holy life is hard work. You really have to deny your flesh, you have to say no to the world."
"Walking in the footsteps of Jesus means embracing difficulties."
"It is possible to live a holy life in an evil world."
"When you know that Jesus is coming and you look at the signs of the times that are happening around us, you know it's soon. It motivates you to live for Jesus."
"Don't get caught up in the world, don't get caught up in the sins of the world and the way that other people are living."
"All who desire to live Godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." - 2 Timothy 3:12
"Choosing Christ over all other things because following Christ means you're going to love people more."
"Father, I pray today we've heard your word. Now I thank you that we won't just be hearers, we will be partakers or doers of the word."
"The day that I'm willing to say, 'God, what you've given me in Christ, take it for your glory,' is the day I truly live."
"For those of you that are followers of Christ, if you're a Christian, I can almost promise you that this week, in the next few days, you will have multiple opportunities to share life and the love of God."
"Keep your eyes fixed on Christ. Just as Elisha had to stay close to Elijah, we need to stay close to Jesus to operate in Holy Spirit power."
"Ultimately, there is only one way to financial peace: to walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus."
"When I plug into Him, when I spend time with Jesus, when I'm truly connected, abide in the vine, you'll bear much fruit."
"Christians should use the truth in the same way that a homeless person offers food to another homeless person."
"Everyone who wants to live a godly life will be persecuted."
"I believe in Jesus Christ I believe that God had a son that died for us I believe that living according to the laws of the Bible is the best you could possibly do and this is where my joy and energy and faith and hope and peace and love come from."
"May we ever embrace it and grow in it and rejoice in it. In Christ's name, you."
"Let's live our life in such a way where the Holy Spirit is ungrieved."
"Likewise in Christ I live anew I don't have the power on my own I can't do it but in Him I can do all things."
"I'd rather be a burning one than a lukewarm Christian."
"I'm just excited about really being all that God has called us to be. I think sometimes we kind of just cut it short and limit God, but we're all about preaching about the fullness of God and all that he has."
"If you want the presence of the Dove, you have to have the nature of the Lamb."
"It takes a conscious and deliberate effort on the part of believers to keep putting their bodies under control, otherwise, it would lead them astray."
"We only have right now to be like Christ... to live in the joy and the peace and the hospitality and the generosity that comes with being a Christian."
"You have freedom to walk in joy, a joy-filled life, to walk in peace, to walk by the Spirit. These things are normal for a believer. Anxiety is not normal, fear is not normal, the weight is not normal."
"One lives as an Orthodox Christian by doing as Christ instructed by denying themselves taking up their cross and following Christ."
"I want you to know that even though the Christian life is a work of sanctification, there is great hope."
"The smartest thing anybody can ever do is to follow Christ."
"If these dimensions are captured in your Christian experience, it is impossible for you to fail. You can fail if alone, but I said you and Jesus, you and the world cannot fail together."
"The cross of Christ is an offense because it sets forth an imperative ideal of life... Christ demands that when you come to the cross, you take up your own cross and follow Him."
"You cannot serve Christ apart from the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and there are thousands of songs that seek to move your heart to do the right thing. You will not and cannot do the right thing unless you be filled with the Holy Spirit."
"He lived the raw life of the gospels in the 20th century."
"May our priorities always be within the works of God."
"Make it your goal to give the world a daily glimpse of Jesus."
"It behooves Christians to keep close to the Word of God."
"We need to be on guard and putting on the full armor of God each and every day."
"If Christ could come back at any time, I want to have my hands on that which glorifies God."
"The night is far spent...let us cast off the works of darkness."
"When this is all you got, this is all you need: Jesus Christ is the way, he's the truth, and he's the life."
"How do we reflect Jesus' character towards our neighbor? That's the test of Christianity."
"This is the time to hold the standard high for the world to see Christ living in our lives."
"The key...is not me getting more power, it's me becoming more surrendered to that reality that already exists within my spirit."
"We need to be doing as Believers is looking at people as God looks at them."
"We'll continue to do our best to be as close as we can to Jesus Christ."
"Be an example to those around you, live love the way Christ, be an example."
"Reflect the image of Christ to those who are perishing."
"The more you are fixated on Christ's return... you're going to find yourself thoughts and habits of sin growing less and less powerful in your life."
"Let only be a hearer of the word but be a doer of the word."
"There is no life outside of the presence of the Holy Spirit."
"Establish a community of believers living in the fullness of Christ."
"Every Christian generation should live to be ready for the Lord's return."
"Scripture being the inspired word of God remains a fundamental guide in living as a Christian."
"The Bible does not contrast helping people with giving the gospel rather the Bible assumes that if you're a Christian you will gladly do both."
"Stay ready with the glistening purity of Jesus’ life as a model for your own."
"If you are walking with God, obeying his word, and living a holy life, you will stand out."
"Now our life after we're saved is about loving our neighbors and honoring God."
"May your Holy Spirit fill us guiding Us in Truth and Love and empowering us to live in a way that honors you."
"Our goal is to look like Him and to ultimately be ready when the bridegroom calls us into the chambers."
"Therefore, a Believer should constantly live in righteousness and godliness."
"Jesus is not trying to make you like someone else, he only wants to make you like himself."