
Resisting Her Quotes

Resisting Her by Kendall Ryan

"Neither of them moved away as the coffee began to drip into the waiting carafe."
"How are you doing this morning?" he asked, trying his best at playing a nurturing role, something new for him.
"No, I guess not. They were the only family you had."
"Listen. He’s not going to find you here. You’re safe. Okay?"
"Oh no, you get what you like. I don’t want to be a pest."
"Thank you." You would have thought he’d given her some elaborate gift.
"He only wants you for what’s between your legs."
"I’m just going to send Norm a text and tell him I’m staying home today."
"Savannah?" His voice was low, rougher than he intended.
"Go on inside. I got a surprise for you tonight."
"Thank you for the clothes," Savannah offered.
"I didn’t like it," he admitted, staring at her point blank.
"You look nice," he whispered, before dropping his hands and moving away.
"I listened to her sing about blue jeans, big dreams, and love that lasted a million years."
"Get whatever you want," Cole whispered, placing his hand on her knee.
"Did I do okay?" she asked, resisting the urge to nuzzle into his side.
"You're safe with me, Savannah. I won't hurt you."
"You still look at me like I'm the scared, crying girl you pulled out of that compound."
"He always felt dirty when he arrived here, but knew by the time he left, it would be with the relief he craved — however short-lived."
"Not everything was some damn love story like Marissa thought. Not everyone got their happy endings."
"If Savannah didn’t acknowledge what happened between them, he wouldn’t either."
"He knew it was slightly risky... but the risk had been worth it — especially seeing Savannah so happy."
"Cole’s feet had refused to budge as he watched her undress, but now that she was settled in the water, with her eyes closed and a look of bliss on her face, he felt like he was intruding."
"Cole made a decision then and there. If he was selfish enough to keep Savannah, he would help her live life, give her all the experiences she never had."
"He’d promised to pay their admission and skate rentals, and almost everyone had agreed to come. Watching their reunion made the cost well worth it."
"She still had occasional nightmares about living at the compound, about Dillon coming after her like he’d promised."
"Perhaps if she could break down his barrier, she could show Cole how good they could be together."
"The thought of taking their easy relationship somewhere new scared him, and he couldn’t say why."
"You can’t deny that you’re different with Savannah. You’re in tune with her emotions, her needs. I’ve never seen you like this."
"This isn’t all I want from you. I’ve been fighting myself constantly; I shouldn’t want this at all."
"What Jacob told you was bullshit. Some men are assholes, sure, but not all. And you have way more to offer than that bastard gave you credit for."
"I promise you I’m not. But we’re getting off topic."
"Of course that’s not true. You’re insanely strong."
"We’ll teach each other. We’ll take things one day at a time, be there, discover new passions and dreams together."
"You better not have gotten dressed under there."
"I’m helping her out, sure, but this is a temporary situation between us."
"I knew there was something between you two. Sure. Why not?"
"You can’t protect me from everything forever."
"I first met Abbie just after college. She was broken—a project for me—someone I could focus my energy on since I’d been so powerless to prevent my parents’ deaths."
"You mean when we first met? No, but only because I wouldn’t let myself picture it. I was trying my damnedest to resist you."