
Scientific Observation Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"At equinox, the sun illuminates the rings from the side so that their shadows on the planet below converge into a single pencil-thin line dividing Saturn evenly in half."
"By taking a very large area of incoming light and concentrating it into a smaller area, assuming you can keep it even and undistorted, you can let the eye see things normally too dim to make out."
"Remarkably, the surface temperature of Celcius 9 is rather high at approximately 10,170 Kelvin or a staggering 9900 degrees Celsius."
"Observations will always be limited... there is a possibility that you can have another observation that contradicts previous observations."
"Much of what goes on within the Sun is a mystery to us. But its influence on Earth? That is much easier to see."
"Real quantum effects are going on in nature all the time."
"We're starting to see that... the answer to how much information content is there in nature has something to do with the resolution we need to achieve."
"This one particle... had 50 joules in it, which is a lot for a little particle. That's equivalent to like a baseball traveling at 60 miles per hour."
"We're seeing the light that is just now hitting us that got emitted 13.8 billion years ago, which is really, really cool."
"Putting people into hibernation really does lower their metabolism and thus slow their aging too."
"In principle, you can see the birth of the universe."
"The JWST can observe objects that are over 13.6 billion light years away."
"The moon's stabilizing effects on Earth mean a more stable and predictable climate."
"The more ultraviolet A radiation that you receive, the less you have COVID-19 deaths per million."
"You don’t need to see their homeworld, you don’t need to hear their radio, they’re just all over the place and there’s dozens of ways they’d be detectable, same as trying to detect intelligence in a major metropolis."
"The virus disappears when it's on surface after a certain number of days or in some cases hours."
"So if you want to watch if you know want to be a spectator in the sport and you want to watch what happens this is the thing to watch for next whether the Higgs decays are consistent with the standard model."
"It's a petri dish, and the rest of the world is watching it right now."
"If all observations show that it is in fact the case, it may seem absurd that a creator deity would resort to a mechanism like evolution."
"We're moving into a period of a new solar cycle, the Earth's magnetic asthmatosphere is weakening, and we're entering a Zone in the Galaxy where we're in direct line of fire with particles and waves that we normally don't get hit by."
"The less it makes sense when you magnify solid objects, you find way more empty space than solid material."
"What we have found is not stuff but form, shapes, structures."
"Can you see that the Earth is indeed round? It's amazing."
"With each observation through these telescopes, we've witnessed the birth and death of stars, marveled at the intricate dance of galaxies, and unraveled the mysteries of black holes."
"The universe we live in is literally an expanding ball in space."
"This was the first time that people had seen evolution working at a structural level at a molecular level."
"Its cellular composition is closer to that of a plant than an animal."
"Observing bee colonies can lead to a better understanding of our own minds."
"We observed an extended area of infrared emissions around this neutron star."
"The virus has mutated to become more transmissible."
"This is the area covered by that grain of sand as seen by the James Webb Space Telescope a million miles from Earth. Oh my gosh."
"We're seeing all sorts of starburst formation."
"Acknowledging regularity in nature isn't presupposing; it's an acknowledgment based on consistent observation."
"Step number one: much more vigorous observation program is one of the things it's called for."
"What's the takeaway? An object in motion tends to stay in motion."
"Of all the AB human strains, squats are perhaps the closest to normal humans in physiological terms."
"Obvious culprits for audio misidentification are known animals."
"Usually these eruptions are small reaching about one to two on the volcanic explosivity index."
"The vast majority of droplets had no virus in it at all." - Dr. Russell Blaylock
"Tumor cells lose every time when it comes to that experiment."
"The creature closely resembles a plesiosaur."
"The moon rang like a bell for about fourteen hours, indicating it is probably hollow."
"The scientists were now able to see huge amounts of winds coming from the supermassive black hole heating up a lot of gas surrounding the region around the black hole."
"Galaxies formed and assembled with different shapes and structures at different epochs in the history of the universe."
"This is likely a barely held together dust bunny from the very beginning of this solar system."
"This observation does kind of provide at least one explanation for the mystery of the so-called ultra massive black holes existing very early in the universe."
"Objects, no matter what their size, are always in danger of being pulled out of their orbits by orbital decay."
"Sometimes we need to take a closer look to get a better understanding of how our planet is working."
"I saw no sign of any ash within the soil, would you agree?"
"The fact that we get to be able to see back in time is this wonderful gift to astronomy."
"Epithelial tissues: Cells on a mission, always on the move."
"Both Koko and Michael showed the world that gorillas were capable of complex emotions like loss and grief."
"Birds are living dinosaurs... evidence of evolution in progress."
"All hands are currently on Deck as scientists and park officials watch with wrapped attention as the Earth rages beneath Yellowstone National Park."
"Volcanic eruptions are usually preceded by an increasing number of earthquakes."
"Different latitudes rotated at slightly different speeds, which meant the sun wasn't a solid body but a fluid one."
"It looked like some sort of high frequency electromagnetic wave moving through the cloud or something."
"Sheep remember the faces of 50 or more members of their original flock two years after they were taken out of their original flock."
"So you can always recognize a 1s. You have this symmetrical thing."
"Our current astronomical observation data do not allow us to determine the shape of the cosmos."
"The universe is expanding everywhere, and it's not just expanding uniformly."
"All the pieces are of a slightly concave nature indicating that this has either exploded or imploded at some time."
"What you're looking at here is a really really remarkable specimen of a fish."
"Nature itself, in certain circumstances, provides the most powerful telescope possible."
"Everything in the universe is geometric whether it's people trees cats planets solar systems stars you name it."
"We're talking about temperatures in the surface when that happens that exceeded 2000 degrees."
"Apophis is heading our way. It's no surprise to NASA or to prophecy watchers. As we get closer to that event, it's more important than ever that we warn the world of the things that are coming."
"It's very interesting to see how vaccination affects the severity of infections. For example, the rate of death in unvaccinated individuals is drastically higher compared to vaccinated individuals."
"The fact that you see nothing in the center is actually quite significant."
"Once you start getting temperatures of like four digits it probably doesn't matter if it's Fahrenheit, Kelvin or Celsius, it's all very hot."
"I realized that this is a black hole, I was transported to the event horizon or beyond of a black hole."
"During re-entry you may see what looks like flames or a red-orange glow around the booster."
"The universe isn't so finely tuned. Most regions aren't hospitable to life, and it's getting harder as time goes by."
"The most important feature of the fluid: arguably that it flows."
"It's the trend lines that are important, and trend lines are clearly showing we're heading into a cold."
"But those people have the same biological characteristics, right?"
"Phosphine is a rare and usually poisonous gas that on earth is basically always met with the presence of living organisms."
"I'm totally convinced that we're experiencing a non-human higher intelligence by the way there's non-human intelligence all around in the ocean especially when you look at marine mammals like whales and and all that."
"Endurance in terms of locomotion is not that different, but that doesn't mean that we're not different in other ways."
"Everything that's happened to the moon since it has formed since the surface has cooled has been preserved."
"Life on Earth arose very rapidly. One sort of glaring thing about life on Earth is that it seems to have arisen literally at the very first moment it could."
"The galaxy just screams massive even weight distribution can be a chore burs as the pixel."
"The eruption column grows to a staggering height of 30 kilometers."
"The more you seek, the more you find...The more space is not acting the way they think."
"Water acts literally as the perfect median for the formation of amino acids to create life."
"What would happen if the Sun died? Well, during the total solar eclipse last year, if you were standing in the path of totality, scientists recorded that the drop in temperature was a full 15 degrees Celsius."
"The physical world contains proximate fractals, things that go so many steps and then eventually they break down into atoms."
"We don't have to give in to fear when looking at articles with declining sea ice headlines; observational real-world data tells the story."
"The world we live in today is very different to the world that was inhabited during the Maunder Minimum."
"Have you ever watched a plant rotate to face the sun? It's quite fascinating..."
"When pandemics form, they... both happening during periods of extended lower extended periods of lower solar activity."
"There is no end in sight to the cooling trend of the last 30 years."
"Solar flares and activity on the sun can be quite unpredictable."
"You might expect that when you put these electrons through a measuring device... you will find that half of them will come out as up and half of them down."
"The aurora will set in the west so you'll be looking either northwest or southwest."
"Nature can be watched and tested, and no baseless theories can long survive attack."
"Suddenly Galileo could observe what before had been impossible, the moons of Jupiter, mountains and valleys on the moon itself."
"Absolutely incredible check that out after six minutes and there's our initial drop we saw before."
"Marine biologists see a whole lot of stuff out there in the big underwater world."
"It's just flooded with light, it's just one consistent light. But it actually consists of a ton of light beams, individual light beams."
"Environment abundance of nutrients, you're gonna grow and divide."
"The regularity of nature's behavior is a given. We can predict what nature will do next."
"During the eclipse, you actually go through all phases of the moon."
"Its oxygen atoms lock into place just like they normally do when water freezes, but the hydrogen atoms give up their electrons and become ions, free flowing as if fluid."
"Confirming this object would be somewhat difficult."
"A single amino acid change in the polymerase reduces recombination frequency."
"Freud's interpretation of dreams elevated dreams into the realm of scientific observation and discovery."
"Given that there's 24 hours in a day, that comes out to exactly 48 minutes per person per day, which scientists say is enough to fall in love with someone."
"What we observe around the world today is the evidence from the flood."
"They were able to manipulate the social behaviors of the monkeys by simply changing the balance of serotonin."
"If instead of a muon we were to see an electron, then that would have to be an electron neutrino."
"We had massive amounts of thrust faulting, pluton injection, and overall a thickening of the crust."
"So, maybe we can see something a little under the microscope, that's gorgeous, man."
"I saw it breathing they have some sort of heartbeat I think so it is alive."
"We can graph and see the temperature of say, our freezer over time and see from day to day what that temperature fluctuation is."
"Every element has its own energy transitions and therefore emits its own characteristic x-rays."
"The distribution of stars and interstellar gas is totally dominated by the disc structure."
"It's pretty fascinating to see and to try to figure out what affects each one of the orbits."
"Life is not pink and rosy, kids; in fact, the only pink that you're gonna see is under the microscope."
"It's probably the best known example, although there's a very high chance that we've seen a lot of these in the past; we just had no idea what we're looking at."
"When you inspect it with your eyes, you can tell that those would be spaces where microbes and water and air can occupy in that little piece of rock."
"Evolution has not been observed in decades long multigenerational studies of bacteria and fruit flies."
"The luminance of an incandescent light bulb is about 130,000. The luminance of the sun at noon is about 1.6 BILLION."
"The rare earths have these very, very specific absorptions of light."
"This process is slow, normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward."
"No person just looking at water can tell that it contains hydrogen and oxygen, which each have properties that are totally different from water."
"There's actually science behind the fact that humans really are just drawn to circles."
"The sensitivity to change in CO2 that we saw, we would expect to see exactly what we're seeing."
"The radio waves were actually coming from these little tiny spots on the sun."
"This is the fun of the new capability that you can go look at something and go, 'Wow, I never knew it would look like that.'"
"The membrane that's left looks amazing; it's really, really stretchy and pretty tough looking."
"Brains are extremely unimpressive. They look like overcooked pasta, they really do."
"We need to look for the magnetic poles moving and the magnetic field weakening."
"It was reassuring that these points lay along a line close to and roughly paralleling the geomagnetic latitude lines where we expected to find them."
"We're starting to see a lot of corollaries in how this system works in the ocean."
"As is often the case in astronomy, a new observation... puts in question some theories, leading to new questions."
"Shotgun metagenomic sequencing and read recruitment helps us to observe such things at a very high resolution."
"The optical microscope fails you because all the details in which you're interested are below its resolution capabilities."
"If you observe a particular number of changes, you can sort of extrapolate as to how much time has elapsed."
"Well, it says organism incomplete. What a truly remarkable machine," said Ry. "It knows all that from just seeing a dismembered head. Absolutely incredible."
"Nature is always looking for the next easiest route."
"The early stages, however, have many butterfly-like characteristics."
"It's an ordinary rock to the untrained eye, but to the trained eye, if we can get some light on here, see these glistening black jet black flakes."
"We're introducing a pulse in vacuum and we're just watching it travel."
"Darwinism is the observation of what has happened."
"This was an example of a classical ballistic transport effect for which ballisticy of electrons is essential to observe these effects."