
Paradigm Shift Quotes

There are 646 quotes

"I had to literally drop everything and have this glimpse of another reality, another state of being, another paradigm not based on scarcity but based on abundance."
"This is massive implications for Silicon Valley and a paradigm shift for technology startups."
"When you change the paradigm, the change in results is automatic."
"You have the spiritual strength, right, and power to collapse old paradigms. Never underestimate what you can accomplish."
"It's going to take each of us shifting and living differently until we hit that point of critical mass and enough people act as creators and make something new that replaces the old paradigm altogether."
"You are shifting an old paradigm, and it is going to be amazing. It is going to set you free."
"Time Genius is really giving people a paradigm shift around time so they can be joyfully productive."
"Never before so interesting a moment to step into this space and it's been a real exciting journey into realizing that the end is near of an old paradigm and the beginning is nigh for everything that we perhaps have not even yet imagined."
"Quantum mechanics is so radical, so different, it's such a big break from the previous way of doing physics."
"What if we actually understood trauma... It would change medical treatment completely."
"Medicine is going through a paradigm shift that is profound and it completely is forcing us to reimagine biology and disease."
"If anything can break the impasses in physics, it's conflicts of principle. When conflicts of principle arise, that's when major new paradigms emerge. That's the excitement."
"We're into a paradigm shift, a big one, the biggest one that may have been around since the Industrial Revolution."
"This is not a job, this is like a change, a paradigm shift that the world will not be the same after this."
"We need to have a paradigm shift in our consciousness. What will it take to achieve this?"
"Einstein had revolutionized our notions of space and time."
"I want to change the paradigm. We start to reward work, not just wealth."
"Space time has had a good run, it's been very useful, reductionism has been useful, but it's over, and it's time for us to go beyond."
"You've got to break through your own paradigm, your own family paradigms, you've got to break through societal programs."
"Changing the cycle, changing the system, changing the Paradigm and realizing who you are and what you are and walking in that power."
"Now is the time for us to have this deep existential reflection, even to have a deep existential breakdown. It is a part of this death and rebirth of the paradigm in which we are living."
"You have this paradigm shift. Speaking of the Henry Ford days and the horses, right, it's like back in those days if you ask people what do you want your transportation to improve, the answers would be something like, well, yeah, horse eats a lot, maybe needs to eat less, to be stronger, carry more weight."
"I think that's where we are today as well, we have this right, this chance to just have that complete paradigm shift."
"You know, sometimes we need that shift, that paradigm shift, to challenge us, to put us in a new environment."
"We are the pioneers, we are advocating the new human paradigm shift, the change that will embed in humanity and the world."
"People are controlled by paradigms there's a program in their subconscious mind and it controls what they do and if that paradigm doesn't shift their results don't change well that's that's what I was teaching them."
"Paradigm shifts don't come along too often in our industry."
"Advocates of the Electric Universe expect a 'shock to the system' with revolutionary implications."
"Concepts will change the way we think about it. It's not just a hope."
"The moment of disclosure will trigger an intellectual revolution worldwide relating to the true structure of power on planet Earth."
"The discovery challenges what many astronomers thought was settled science."
"I'm very grateful that I was able to kick myself out of that paradigm."
"A monumental paradigm shift in human consciousness."
"We need to shift from an industrial paradigm to an organic one."
"What we're asking people to do is have a paradigm shift." Lynette Zhang
"Honestly, it might sound crazy but this is hardcore in your face truth. You can decide in this moment literally to change everything. You can decide in this freaking moment to shatter your own paradigm."
"It's a paradigm shift once a Black Swan event occurs."
"If you can learn even just a tiny bit of a different Paradigm... it makes you a better programmer."
"There's basically never been a gigantic social, political or economic paradigm shift that was perfectly planned out prior to its implementation."
"It's a paradigm shift in the way you think about things."
"The tantalizing possibility that Mr Lazar has stumbled upon a revolutionary theory in physics that challenges our understanding of the universe."
"It is going to be I think paradigm shattering in so many ways."
"It's going to be the beginning of an amazing world but it is certainly marking the end of a world and a paradigm through 202."
"Functional medicine... it's a paradigm shift that's actually happening right now."
"You're gonna be really questioning the whole paradigm of life and really thinking like, 'Wow, we have to really change this somehow.'"
"Society isn't gonna freak out, it's gonna be a very smooth continuity from old paradigm to new paradigm."
"We want to remove the ladder... and change the paradigm altogether."
"It's not merely a matter of government transparency, it's a paradigm shift that holds the power to reshape our world."
"In my opinion, AI and machine learning are becoming the new paradigm to build all technology."
"It is time to build a new foundation, break the old paradigm."
"There really is a political Paradigm Shift happening right before our very eyes."
"A wider paradigm shift for the medium as a whole."
"I'm beautiful because of it and I absolutely love it."
"We can't see past an old Paradigm, we just can't do it without the things that need to be invented or changed to create a new one."
"We call them paradigm shifts, they don't make those kinds of moves and let's wait for God people don't step off the boat with the disciples and step on the water unless there's something in front of them more important than what was behind them."
"We're about to hit a massive Paradigm Shift man the frequency on this realm is about to shift like you've never seen it before."
"If you're gonna change your results, you've got to change the paradigm, it's absolutely essential."
"It truly feels like we’re at the beginning of a massive paradigm shift for solar."
"This is what happens when you are ahead of your time in your thinking. This is what happens when you challenge paradigms."
"A testament to a time that changes everything we thought we knew."
"The shift of demographics in voters in the United States in Canada in Europe and everywhere else... it can be a very very big paradigm shift in politics."
"I researched myself right out of a paradigm."
"I believe we're infinite beings of immense power and our power has been hid from us it's been shut off because we've been kept in this Paradigm but now we're breaking free."
"People are moving into higher timelines physically; the paradigms will be shifting."
"We are entering a whole new world, a whole new paradigm and we know this is our time to shine."
"It shatters our religious systems literally in one second."
"It affects change, there's a paradigm shift here."
"Almost everything you've learned is wrong. I want to change the way you think about money."
"Turning right, like I don't even think people understand the unprecedented paradigm shift and change and where we're all being led. This is a dynamic upheaval of western civilization and sovereign governments, not just America."
"If this Theory turns out to be true, the Baghdad battery will change our understanding of our ancestors."
"Every previous theory has to be tossed out the window."
"My entire paradigm shifted, absolutely shifted."
"If this is real and if this happens a lot, this completely changes my view of the universe."
"Pluto in Aquarius is a collective paradigm shift."
"Everything from AI to aliens to UFOs to new technologies, it's a paradigm shift that shakes the foundations of humanity."
"Mercury coining with Pluto on February 5th is the bellmark pitch pipe of this event."
"What's needed is an entire new paradigm shift that's rooted in the protection of human rights and accountability."
"We're here, we're not late to the party no more, this is a new paradigm."
"Inter ledger changes the rules of the internet... it's like changing the laws of physics."
"I'm relieved that I'm not boxed in and handicapped myself trying to heal myself all these years in a vegan paradigm."
"It's gonna take years for you to fully grasp this new paradigm, this new reality that you're dealing with."
"The UAP phenomena will trigger the greatest paradigm shift in the history of our kind."
"The AI Revolution might be a new paradigm like the internet was."
"The ultimate paradigm shift in automotive content consumption."
"We are on the brink of really big Paradigm shifts."
"Lightworkers are creating a whole new paradigm."
"We are moving from the paradigm that we are alone in the universe to a new one in which we are not alone."
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents, but because its opponents eventually die."
"You need a paradigm shift, your paradigm is your way of looking at things, the lens through which you look at the world, your worldview."
"It's for us to create a paradigm shift in consciousness."
"It's so potentially Paradigm Shifting, the story is could restructure the way we see ourselves in our place in the universe if it's really true."
"Young ones play, young ones are curious, young ones are breaking paradigms."
"Young ones are breaking paradigms and doing new things."
"Witnessing the greatest financial paradigm shift." - Brad Kinds
"The emergence of Scrawny and Launders really shifts the paradigm."
"Human history is far more interesting than you've been led to believe but be warned Paradigm destruction can often be distressing."
"We have to flip completely flip the way we think about this disease because... it's an insufficiency."
"Break down old paradigms and stand strong in your beliefs."
"It's like trying to update the software but not updating the belief system to operate in a new paradigm shift."
"There's a paradigm shift happening right now."
"The discovery of this site has very radically shifted the way that we think."
"They don't even think the box can be broken but if you're able to break the box then you're able to open up a whole new world of understanding."
"For the first time it feels that we have a paradigm that gives us hope, the general intelligence can be achievable."
"You have to provide a new example to shift a paradigm."
"It will upend our idea of what the economy is."
"We are really witnessing the end of an age, the end of an old Paradigm, and the end of a state of being."
"It's a very cool paradigm shift that you absolutely need to be aware of."
"Maybe we will find out that the only way to resolve these lingering problems and puzzles is with a new paradigm, one that I can't even imagine what it looks like yet because it hasn't been written."
"Once we understand this is a simulation, the supernatural becomes natural."
"Science has more to gain than to lose from finding out that everything we've learned about is completely wrong."
"The implications for the recent history of the planets are paradigm-shattering."
"Recent research has moved past the psychoanalytic Paradigm."
"We're heading towards a post-human paradigm opposed to an apocalypse."
"You don't change the rules by changing the rules; you change the rules by leaving the realm where those rules apply."
"Realize that you have to release and let go of a lot of the old paradigm."
"Yeah, I agree there could be a paradigm shift in the future where these things move into the metaverse."
"This is going to be a real shift in perception, shift in paradigm."
"Disclosure is fundamentally the biggest paradigm shift in human history."
"When we shift into a new paradigm of connection, that is when the big shift happens."
"A new global paradigm for revolution has been established to be taken up by dedicated revolutionaries, autonomous territories, guerrillas, and armed struggle."
"A milestone point in my thinking about all this."
"This groundbreaking discovery challenges the traditional narratives we've come to know."
"Something has to be lost, something is shed, you shed one layer of skin to assume a new layer and then comes the new reality, the new paradigm that's born."
"Science is falsifiable, so sometimes we get it wrong and then somebody comes up with a great idea and the whole way of thinking of science just changes."
"It's essentially the most powerful paradigm of shifting yourself to really get to a point where you manifest that ideal reality you want to experience through a permanent shift."
"It suggests that the values are not due to human error. In another, it's a nightmare because it means that we may have to topple some long-cherished ideas about what exactly this thing we call a universe really is."
"This breaks the equation fully, this is a paradigm shift on what Transportation actually means."
"Paradigm shift: a fundamental way in a change of thinking or doing things."
"The only reason that you are negative about this is because you don't see the potential that you have in a radical paradigm you don't see well you know what you can build with all this new."
"Justin's survival is a paradigm shift in how we resuscitate."
"Our whole notion of what scientific explanation is might change. It might be all informational, virtual already."
"The UFO sighting was a wake-up call of sorts, a slap in the face that stretched the boundaries of our understanding of the cosmos."
"But to find it, we’ll need a major shift in our thinking to rival the jump from Newton’s gravity to Einstein’s space curvature."
"Is it possible that physicists were too quick to disregard Aether Theory and simply replaced it with terms like dark matter?"
"When Darwin came along, he proposed an inversion of the standard way of thinking."
"If you're not thriving, it's time to question your paradigm." - Speaker
"Think for yourself but understand this is a paradigm-shifting, curious notion."
"Except a man be born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. It's a new birth that gives a new way of thinking and a new paradigm."
"We're getting close to a huge paradigm shift in that technology."
"Once that shift happens... it's like a domino now, all the other hundred things Domino after it and are gone."
"We are at the edge of a complete change in how we see reality... and everything else."
"Synchronicities and intuition have no place in the old Paradigm of science."
"They were devalued everywhere except in the home, and this is the place where they turned the Paradigm on its head and devalued those in their thrall."
"That one experience blew the physics I had in my mind because what had just happened to me wasn't supposed to happen."
"We need a completely new paradigm to survive as a society."
"There will be new society, there will be new group, new paradigm how to live socially."
"It's time to let go of everything that we think we know that's true so that we can allow space for what actually is real."
"This alternative media movement is setting the foundation for an alternative paradigm in which Lee's cynical rhetorical question 'What is a fact?' has a very different answer than that which the ruling classes would want us to believe."
"Every time I get something new in the mail I'm just thinking to myself oh man the Paradigm shifted again."
"It's a sea change, almost called a paradigm shift."
"But in 1994, the new discovery of Gobekli Tepa pretty much destroyed that hypothesis."
"I believe our next paradigm is going to be where advanced consciousness is the accepted norm."
"We are at a moment in human history where we are about to undergo a major paradigm shift."
"If this were indeed an extraterrestrial encounter, it would certainly change our understanding of the universe and our place in it."
"The Abraham Accords were this monumental shift in how people thought about the Middle East."
"This is the fundamental frame shift in medicine from focusing on disease to focusing on health."
"Every few years, a company comes along which tries to change the way we do things."
"We're coming into a period where we as humanity are shifting our consciousness from 3D to 5D."
"Do those ideas allow us to make sense of things that previously seemed mysterious? Do the ideas allow us to see things which previously went unnoticed?"
"No matter what new innovations occur, no matter what new data arise, no matter how dramatic a paradigm shift, new science must always explain observable phenomena as well or better than existing science."
"Many of our core assumptions which have been regarded as foundational to modern science regarding the nature of life, consciousness, and physicality are in urgent need of very serious revision."
"The eighteenth century was the era of the Enlightenment, when men and women began to question a great many firmly held views about everything from religion and politics to sex and social interaction."
"There will be a point in history where people say there was before cryptographic truth and it was after, and before cryptographic truth, the world was a mess."
"The Gaia hypothesis introduces a groundbreaking perspective that reimagines Earth as a living entity."
"We're essentially changing the human story right at this very point."
"It's a paradigm shift rather than a simple technique."
"The profound impacts of meditation and coherence on personal and societal levels begin to challenge and break down old paradigms in medicine."
"Once they understood this concept, everything changed."
"The National Cancer Institute... represents the federal government's treatment and diagnosis and plans for managing cancer are all locked into this view that cancer is caused by somatic mutations. And that's clearly not the case."
"We need to change the paradigm from looking for silver bullets to one of comprehensive health."
"If we are to get out of this situation, we will not get this right unless we change the whole way we conceive what humanity is, what the world is, and how the two connect."
"And your work, I hope, will be seen as influential as Darwin's work in terms of giving us a new frame of reference to see ourselves."
"Major transitions setting us up for a very favorable paradigm shift in 2025."
"Out of nowhere, he produced four papers that changed the course of science and human events as well."
"A seismic shift in our understanding that threatened to shatter all previous notions of power."
"Radical rethinking is going to be required of deep assumptions."
"This is where we are in medicine today. If we are humble, if we are willing to look at the facts, if we're willing to change our paradigm, we're going to see an acceleration in medicine."
"Forget everything you thought you knew about car engines."
"Every now and then an idea takes form that changes everything."
"Do you feel like YouTube is undergoing a paradigm shift, where people are getting over that overproduced style and they want to go back to the more relaxed, just put yourself out there as you?"
"We declare we are no longer going to live the family's paradigm, perspective, subjectivity, awareness, way of looking at life."
"This changes everything about life, evolution, and our place in the Galaxy."
"The discovery of the Void has thrown conventional cosmological thinking out the window."
"We're moving from a politics of left versus right to open versus closed."
"The shift in thinking was seismic, and the way it came about had nothing in common with the textbook picture of progress in science."
"Change came not from finding new answers to old questions but from abandoning the old questions unanswered in favor of new, more fruitful ones."
"School gave us the information, but it never taught us how to alter the paradigms."
"It's not a gradual change where we still have cars and horses running around all the time, or we drive a car five days a week and then we go back to our horse for two days a week; it's just all cars now. So that's an example of Bitcoin being a step function change in money."
"The problems of the lower paradigm simply melt away or dissolve in the higher paradigm."
"This is going to change the way people see the world."
"When you change your mind, and your reality changes from that, that's called changing your Paradigm."
"What happened to my mind was a shift in consciousness that was very parallel to what Einstein did to Newtonian physics."
"This year's Zephyrus lineup marks a paradigm shift."
"I just remember feeling like... my entire worldview, my framework is just shattering all around me."
"When we start to see a world with zero waste, it completely rewrites our value system."
"This discovery is going to be huge. It's going to change the world. It's going to change everything."
"We are actually moving beyond the paradigm of separation, which is me first and give me what I want, to what do we require now, and what do we require as a whole."
"China's entered a new paradigm, and our mental map of China no longer describes the territory."
"And you, my friend, are creating a whole new paradigm and a whole new era of thinking about skeletal muscle."
"Part of the revolution in science would be a bit like the Gay Liberation movement people coming out of the closet because there's already plenty of holistically minded scientists."