
Self-protection Quotes

There are 1139 quotes

"In this life, he would not allow anyone to trample on him and his loved ones."
"You have to protect your own self-respect in whatever process you choose."
"By remaining inside your home and exercising your constitutional rights, you are forcing the officer to come up with a legal basis to do anything further."
"Do not invest more love into a relationship than you can emotionally afford to lose."
"Our minds are designed to stop you at all costs from doing anything that might hurt you."
"I've learned to protect myself by doing something that absolutely works. I ask myself, 'Would you let someone treat your child that way?'"
"There's certain boundaries and certain things that you can't cross around me because I have to guard my heart spiritually."
"Setting boundaries with the narcissist in your life is very, very important."
"Masks are our false identities... We adopt these masks as a form of a shield or an armor."
"Seeing the best in people sometimes hurts ourselves because we see the good in them, but they're not living at their best."
"By keeping a distance of two meters from someone else, you are protecting yourself and others."
"When we lie to ourselves, that too is about control because we're trying to protect ourselves or control a particular opinion that we have about ourselves."
"The walls that you built to keep the pain out also won't let the love in."
"You're protecting yourself against this person's harmful actions or rejection, or even worse, like a false promise."
"The best you can do to yourself in life is not to allow people to bring you down to their level."
"The world is an appearance; there's nothing to protect myself from."
"We need to have healthy distance. We need to find you need to have a home base where you can decide who comes in and who doesn't and where you can protect yourself."
"If they wanted to, they would, but to protect yourself from getting hurt so much, you gotta get a realistic view on this person."
"I don't need you to protect me; I just need you not to harm me. I can protect myself."
"Trust your gut; it recognizes danger even when your mind does not."
"Setting boundaries and validating oneself can make one impregnable to narcissistic attacks."
"You can't drive out darkness with more darkness; you can't expose someone who's going to hurt you by being someone who's closed off and holding back yourself."
"Your intuition is your guiding light. Say no to suspicious situations. Do not get bullied or coerced."
"To clothe yourself is to recognize your vulnerability and to use culture to hold it at bay."
"Many of his victims woke up; they realized the danger to themselves and their families."
"The less you say or do, the less it can be held against you."
"If you are someone who's stuck in that conditioning, it's not actually a sign of something being wrong with you; it's a sign that your subconscious is functioning as all of ours do, to keep you safe, to keep you in that familiar place."
"Don't try to understand why or how they could do something they did to you because the minute you do understand is the minute you turn like them."
"There's nothing more important to a woman than her peace. A woman has to value her peace, protect her peace by any means necessary."
"We're all just trying to protect ourselves and we're all just like adult versions of our childhood self."
"I believe in second chances, but if you mess with me again, you better watch out."
"The best way to stick it to a narcissist is to not take their bait."
"Your purpose is like a rare jewel... you have to protect it."
"We therefore need to protect ourselves. It's a realistic engagement."
"Set incredibly hard boundaries and under no circumstances let anyone violate them."
"This is about civil liberties and is about people's ability to protect themselves."
"I'm going to make sure that I have security because I know I had attempts on my life."
"I'm not saying you should put up with it. If you have someone in your life that is treating you badly, you have every right to protect yourself."
"Everybody should be prepared to assert their constitutional rights, regardless of whether they think they're doing anything illegal."
"The narcissist is going to remain a one-person wrecking crew. Please protect yourself, as their rage and their manipulation can literally make you sick, both mentally and physically."
"If you see another person that looks identical to you, run away and hide."
"You have to develop a mindset, a mindset that was indestructible. I had to armor plate my mind."
"We got to protect ourselves... I mean our families, our loved ones. This is the reality, man. It's like life or death out there."
"Guard your heart with your mind, not your mind with your heart."
"Your conscience is there to protect you from things that will destroy you or hinder you in some fashion."
"Anyone who comes into your life and wants to use your life to benefit themselves, you can't trust that person."
"Life is tough, but it's tougher if you don't focus on protecting yourself and your peace of mind."
"Trust your gut. The grand irony here is that I once wrote a book on weight loss... But in all seriousness, when it comes to your thinking about people, especially in relationships, please do trust those hairs that stand up on the back of your neck."
"Being able to observe without absorbing is a crucial skill in protecting one's mental health against manipulative behaviors."
"We need to protect myself from that vicious rain."
"Many people are becoming like this today, and the more you understand that, the easier you can avoid them or recover from the damage that they've done to you."
"It's so essential to be aware of who you let into your life to prevent yourself from a lot of heartache and hurt feelings."
"Put money into their hands and it actually makes it so that people are better able to protect themselves."
"I had all this safety... It's our cloak of defense, our protection... But it's like, I had to change." - Ivan Orji
"You don't want to have that taken away from you by someone who's going to put you in a box that you don't want to be in."
"She knew she had murdered her children and had the clarity, focus, and mental acumen to focus on protecting her own rights and interests."
"They're protecting their own asses more than anything else."
"Self-protection is a primary function of any organism."
"The parameter prayer is to create a parameter around yourself to keep yourself protected..."
"Healthy anger is when boundaries are violated, signaling a need to protect ourselves."
"Guard your energy, be in harmonious relationships."
"Unconsciousness is the brain's self-defense mechanism, so if you get caught with a big punch and you get knocked out, it's the first time you've been knocked out, your brain's going, 'Oh my goodness, quick shutdown, sleep.'"
"Protecting yourself is protecting everybody else."
"You won't allow yourself to go through that again."
"You shine your light so brightly, protect your own energy."
"The right to remain silent is your absolute best option. Don't say anything."
"Carry a gun so you're hard to kill, know the law so you're hard to convict."
"I am protected. Everything I need is within me."
"You want to protect your children? Begin with yourself."
"I think it's just, it's just the one thing that you can always protect yourself with, that and this is something that I have learned from my, you know, Iranian family, is you know, when, when the revolution happened in Iran, we talk about legacy."
"Someone else should never outweigh your desire to protect yourself."
"You don't say anything, you just say 'lawyer, that's it.'"
"The cop doesn't care about you, they just want a confession."
"Don't feel like you have to come out and thereby put yourself in a position where you could be in danger."
"Sharing this part of yourself could make that a lot worse and could drive an even deeper wedge."
"How to think like a narcissist: why would I want to think like a narcissist you say? ... Because you presumably want to know what hit you, what is this force of nature that has essentially consumed your life for a limited period of time."
"Step away from anything that doesn't feel sound or just on an intuitive level."
"No is how you protect yourself from being abused, manipulated, and exploited."
"Always feel empowered to say, hold on a minute, that doesn't feel right."
"Privacy is essential, and having good digital hygiene helps you to protect yourself and your information."
"Stay out of infighting, protect yourself, and stick together."
"You are protected. Consider who you allow to take your energy and who you give it away to freely."
"You have a huge heart, but you're the one that's least likely to expose it."
"I'm not going to let the people who've hurt me continue to hurt me I am certain I will be facing these things this week but that's okay I'm like bring it."
"If you can learn to protect yourself even five percent, that's better than just protecting yourself at a rate of zero."
"There's a reason I hired 10 mercenaries to follow me around in Somalia, you know, otherwise you don't go alone by yourself without guys with AK-47s, it's just that's just the truth."
"Protect yourself and buffer yourself with some time and space."
"Taking a day off, not getting involved in unnecessary arguments, all of that jazz is going to help you on Thursday because you will be protected."
"Trust your instincts... it's okay to be prejudiced rather than dead."
"It's all about protecting yourself, covering yourself."
"Make yourself as unattractive a target as possible."
"Your first line of defense should be to make yourself as unattractive a target as possible."
"Beware of those who want to claim your success. Your power is extraordinary and beautiful."
"Your authenticity is your armor and your essence, rendering you incapable of donning the masks that many wear to navigate through life stages."
"I'm just making sure that I'm always protected at any point."
"How do we shield ourselves? Be selective with who we keep in our lives."
"I'm a pretty open book but I'm also protective of myself now I'm learning to be that was a huge lesson I had to learn so I think this has to have good energy and you just gotta feel it you know."
"Critical thinking is the only thing that stands between you and being taken in."
"You're the boss. Don't let them push you, don't let them bully you, don't let them gaslight you."
"Learn to protect yourself in these situations and understand narcissism."
"The number one thing you need to think about with an electromagnetic pulse is what do I do to be able to insulate myself from that attack as much as possible."
"It is perhaps the most frightening thing in this world what humanity does to protect itself."
"Can't trust no one, see? You can't shake no hands when your fist be clinched."
"If you're ever arrested for a crime, call your lawyer and say nothing to the cops."
"King approaches monsters, and the monsters, out of sheer terror seeing the legendary hero King, they're so scared of him, he will stare them to submission. One of the biggest flexes of all time."
"Let losers be losers. Let them manifest failure in their own life. Don't respond to it. Don't feed into it. Okay?"
"You need to be selective of who you allow in your life because if you're not selected when you just letting anybody in your life that will fuck you up."
"Rejection is divine protection. You're not meant to be ground down into nothing by a job."
"Not letting other people's expectations penetrate my bubble."
"True divine love is toxic to a toxic person. They will leave."
"It's what we were meant to do. No gaslight and project. It's the only way I make it out of this thing without my neck being extended."
"It's a cold world, keep the heat under your seat."
"Not everyone deserves access to you, you know, so just listen to your gut."
"Sometimes your rejection is your protection."
"Your rejection is your protection, sometimes your rejection is your protection."
"You need to protect your energy in a way where you don't even feel the need to defend yourself. Literally use your sword of truth to block out anything that comes to shake you up."
"Avoiding toxic people is not weakness, it's wisdom... just following that inner voice is also so important."
"You have to protect yourself and your spirit always."
"Learn the setup of life to avoid getting hurt and to benefit."
"What David did was something that moved the culture to change."
"Protect yourself protect your energy in your space and just again like I said be smart."
"I don't have time for flaming, no energy enemies."
"Boundaries are always going to be about you and protecting that Jewel that's within you."
"Be nice until you can't, then you drop the hammer."
"We need to shield ourselves from allowing hateful, hurtful things that people say to us online. We need to claim our power and know, hey, don't get me wrong, I know how it feels to be upset by things people say to you."
"The church did that, the church that I believed in wasn't going out of its way to protect itself as an institution."
"It's the best place in town for people-watching and a great place to strike up a conversation."
"For some it could mean that they are selfish and for others it could mean that they're just very afraid of being their true self being open and vulnerable because they have experienced toxic connections or people trying to hurt them in the past."
"A bad relationship is a ticking time bomb. Leave before it destroys you."
"It's so much easier to be a pessimist. You can't be let down if you don't get your hopes up. You can't fail if you don't try."
"As soon as you can see that they are making it about them, run."
"I'm all in. I'm not kind of sort of. I'm not guarded. My only protection is when I get hurt, I always blame the persona not the person."
"Protect yourself at all times, anything can go wrong."
"I've had the same vision every night they will come for me they will defeat me I must find who they are before they can do that"
"You do not need to be vulnerable towards anybody until you feel as if you are ready to do that."
"These are not the good old days... Anybody's trying to rob you and take what you got."
"Any negative energy thrown at me, I send it right back to you with loving the light. It is not welcome here."
"Boundaries are your friend; don't let people over your boundaries."
"When things get hard, you'll get through it... You're powerful, you will heal and protect yourself from negativity."
"Life is short, so it's like ups and downs are gonna come, bad times are gonna come, but you can still be happy and have peace in the middle of it."
"Protect your mind, protect your peace. You can do anything that you put your mind to, it sounds cliche but it's true."
"Shift your mindset from rejection to protection."
"This is going to be a really essential season for you to work with your inner critic and guards that are trying to keep you safe and keep the status quo going."
"Eternal gatekeeper: acknowledge, assert, and protect what is right for you."
"Trust your inner knowing because it can save you from heartaches."
"You gotta have assets to protect yourself. That's the only way you protect yourself."
"I don't think we're all going to be infected. Many Americans are, but there's a lot we can do to protect ourselves."
"If you look dangerous, people will be afraid to cross you."
"To me you're somebody so please protect yourself and don't lose your money."
"You have the right to remain silent when the police officer asks questions."
"I want you guys to protect yourselves... watch for that stuff."
"You never freaking know... I want you guys to protect yourselves."
"Assert your boundaries and protect your energy."
"We're giving away a piece of our soul when they start manipulating, and... this is the pinnacle."
"Everyone has something they can't show to other people."
"You're avoiding a disaster, okay, you already know that you're vulnerable to this person, you already know this person triggers you or makes you weak or makes you feel inferior or something of that nature, you already know it's a sensitive spot."
"I'd rather be rude and alive, rude and emotionally healthy, rude and protected than be seen as a pushover by toxic people."
"It really just makes you want to be even more aware of your surroundings."
"Protect your heart because nobody can ever take that away from you if you have a beautiful heart."
"Get those scary-looking demons on your side, because when you do, nobody can mess with you."
"I mean realistically man anything that has a semi-decent capacity that is going to put rounds into someone else that is entering your home is probably going to be pretty good for home defense."
"Save yourself from separating from what will defeat you or destroy you. We must learn the lessons to save ourselves from what the enemy will attempt to do."
"So, if any of these things try to creep back in, those things that you let go of that you truly did let go of, if they try to creep back in, don't buy into it."
"If I'm not growing myself or protecting myself I can't do nothing for no one else."
"You got to take care of that [ __ ] because if you don't, you got these vultures ready to prey."
"You got to take into account defending yourself."
"Sometimes you gotta play the fool for the fool who thinks they're fooling you."
"You don't always have to say anything; you just stay in your vibration and the wrong things drop off."
"Once you take that step to leave, let me tell you this: you will build a muscle in you that will prepare you to protect yourself even better the next time."
"She knew there had to be a way to protect herself."
"Guard your reputation fiercely; it's your most valuable asset."
"Nothing delights the mind so much as faithful and pleasant friendship."
"The community was able to push back, the community was able to protect themselves."
"You ain't hanging around waiting on nobody from the past."
"When you are protecting yourself, you're protecting others."
"You crumbled my walls, but now I'm building them back up again."
"Ain't nobody ever gonna catch me slipping again."
"We start to blame externals to protect our ego, protect this insecurity."
"I hope this video inspires some thought, makes you consider some of the things you need to do to protect yourself, others, and those you care about."
"Guard your vibration as your most prized possession."
"Protect yourself and be around people who are there for you."
"A woman who puts up a wall around herself won't get a man to chase her."
"Don't put yourself in a position to be taken advantage of."
"You're protected, your intuition protects you."
"Protect yourself, protect your energy, protect your mind."
"Don't give up, and don't let anybody take your experience away from you."
"The most important thing that you can do to protect yourself from the nonsense in the workplace is document, document, document."
"Document everything. Keep a little black notebook. Write down everything."
"The crab is here to remind you to set boundaries and protect yourself from negative energies."
"Don't allow anyone to get their hooks into you."
"Your passion is your power, your passion is your energy, your passion is your spiritual petrol, your passion is just like a protective cloak around you."
"Protect yourself, protect your loved ones, and protect yourself for the ones you love that don't love you back."
"If you feel like somebody is just really taking from you all the time, you need to reevaluate the situation."
"I was attacked. I was attacked. I did not attack. I was attacked."
"You might need to wear a mask for that. Not no physical mask, uh, the esoteric mask."
"I honor and protect my sensitivity in those relationships."
"Protect your foundation, protect your peace, protect your mind."
"Always be willing to walk away, because people are slippery. You don't know people's intent. You don't know if you're creating jealousy or not."
"Your nose should not be worrying what the narcissist is going to do once you leave him or once you leave her. No bueno."
"If you honestly feel you cannot open yourself up positively when this person reapproaches, then I don't want you to do it."