
Secularism Quotes

There are 897 quotes

"There's a new religion in the United States, that religion is secular leftism, and that secular leftist religion demands that you not look at facts."
"Secular doctrines are about us, they are about what is in our well-being."
"We need to get away from all this religious stuff and go to enlightenment values."
"Secular moral systems...are about us. They are about what is in our well-being."
"Secular morality is fundamentally superior to religious morality because our modern morality demands that all Americans promote, with vigor, the freedom and fairness of our Constitution."
"Religion didn't rule; we had secular law, and that was hugely attractive."
"The entire story of Hanukkah is the most anti-secular holiday there is on the Jewish calendar."
"The secular system and liberalism is attacking all religions, trying to stamp out religion."
"Our government is supposed to be areligious."
"We morality should not be based on these old books like the Quran and the Bible; we have to use reason and science to maximize individual happiness."
"If God is in charge, and America is getting more secular, then God's got some good purpose for that."
"The secular world produces a lot of knowledge but produces no wisdom, and societies function on wisdom."
"Human rights are not only possible without religion, but in a broader sense, they may be made possible by the rejection of religion."
"The increase in secularism in the 21st century may have something to do with information being more readily available due to the internet."
"Clearly, there's a hunger for wisdom that the secular community has not been answering in any kind of reliable way."
"Maybe with the loss of God in the community, we've turned more and more to politics instead."
"The Constitution of the United States does not contain one word of reference to the Christian religion."
"What we have here is not actually a secular worldview contrasted with a religious worldview; you actually have two religious worldviews."
"Human beings are a religious animal and in the absence of actual religion, we will begin to seek others."
"Promoting positive atheist culture and the separation of religion and government."
"Humanism is a secular philosophy based on the placement of greater value on logic and human potential rather than faith and religion."
"Freedom of religion without also having freedom from religion is not possible."
"The current trend suggests that Iceland may stand as a case study in the near future for what a secular country will look like after Christianity loses its historical dominance."
"You can be good without God. And I mean that morally; you could be a good person."
"The modus operandi of people that see themselves as secular and science-following people, they're actually in a religious frame of mind. 'Trust the science' is a religious terminology. It's a statement of faith."
"Fostering a secular society based on reason and science is the cause of our time."
"According to the World Happiness Report, the happiest countries in the world tend to be secular liberal countries where women's freedom is legally allowed and culturally embraced."
"The superiority of secular morality is that it is entirely about getting better and understanding and building on that understanding."
"The separation of religion from state leaves religious people free to practice their religion, provided they don't infringe the freedoms of others and allows the non-religious to live without the imposition of religion through law, education, government, employment, or health."
"Secularism creates an environment of equality that benefits us all, which is why it's supported by theists and atheists, religious and non-religious people alike."
"Secular principles, supported by theists and atheists alike, encourage fairness and mutual consideration and help us all, within reasonable limits, to live together in the way we choose."
"Satan's best weapon is the 'real world' because if you talk to people who are secular, they'll always say that the spiritual world is unreal."
"Enough people like you stand up and join your voices together, you will easily reach the tipping point when America will suddenly realize gosh we're not a country that's entirely made up of religious people at all."
"This law came about because people wanted somewhere safe and somewhere clean. It has nothing to do with your religion. This is a human issue."
"For three and a half minutes, that song is going to yank you out of the misery of a personal hell. That is secular salvation."
"As the world becomes more and more secularized...there's a fundamental emptiness to all of it that may lead to a real revival in the future."
"The conflict between the inclusivist or the cosmopolitan tradition and what can be regarded as a fairly exclusivist one in a secular modern environment."
"Iran has had an aggressive and thriving feminist movement in addition to largely underground but otherwise active secularist movements."
"We live in a secular liberal democracy... it is the responsibility of a secular liberal democracy to ensure that all religions are permitted and accommodated, whilst none are given any more leniency than any other ideological proclivity."
"If you don't believe in a real heaven, you have to try to make a heaven on earth, and that's going to keep you very busy forever."
"India is a secular country which in theory means the government does not favor one religion over another."
"A secular society would defend all rights to religious belief more than any one religion does."
"The freest, most liberal societies are secular...on an exam with biology, physics, and chemistry, the answer isn't 'God did it'."
"The secular power is subject to the spiritual power."
"Religion transformed into secular equivalents offers thick moral tastes."
"Every single public policy should have a secular rationale to support it."
"Perhaps the single most significant aspect of the modernisation process, though, was the separation of church and state in the new republic."
"You don't have to be religious. These are good people, thoughtful people, moral people, and they're just not religious."
"We have a God-shaped hole in the universe in modern secular society, we humans, who are actually deeply spiritual, wired creatures."
"The very idea of a theocracy, the very idea of God and country, the very idea of a Christian nation is, in fact, un-American."
"The fastest growing category in the world is no religion at all."
"Keep your creation mythology out of our science classes, kicker God out of our governments... and stop using religion as an excuse to prevent the progression of scientific advancements." - Unknown
"Now we're talking about whether or not someone's personal religious beliefs can be forced onto other people, that's the conversation we're having and the answer is a resounding no."
"Humanism is not there is no god. It is we are here and have to solve problems on our own."
"The inherent subjectivity of that experience is all the more reason why it should not ever be considered in lawmaking."
"Freedom From Religion is the same as freedom of religion."
"We had no God we had Noel as long as we remain in our adulterous way of life."
"Secularism is a much more preferable thing to a theocracy."
"Overwhelmingly it is secular and affluent, these people are looking for meaning."
"I think even secular liberals don't realize they were raised in a sort of a Judeo-Christian framework, whether it's good or bad is not the point. I'm just saying we shared a lot of these same values."
"You don't need God for Morality - we've been doing quite well in recent Generations without him."
"We on the non-religious side of the argument are going to win because we have history on our side."
"As religion declines, people find commonality in diversity."
"It annoys me that in a secular country the church decides for me what rights I have, what I can do and what I'm not allowed to do." - Protester in Poland
"But Franklin approached these subjects with one key difference: whereas Puritans thought of egalitarianism and freedom in the context of godly Christianity, Franklin rejected religion almost entirely."
"Jefferson believed in God but loathed organized religion and fiercely opposed its intrusion into secular government."
"Secularism is not the problem. The way secularism has been implemented in India, where it has become antipathy toward the majority religion, that is the problem."
"He has a very easy answer on all of this stuff by the way, and his very easy answer is yes I'm a religious person but I don't believe that religion ought to have any impact on public policy."
"I think we will have an almost totally secular world in only a few more generations."
"The rise of atheism and secularism and politics as a religion is one of the things that needs to be corrected."
"You could not get a more blatant endorsement of secularism from Jesus Christ."
"The freedom of religion entails the freedom from religion."
"Cut yourself some slack, Anthony. You are both a decent person, a fine secularist, and someone who doesn't want to offend or bother the people in your family who value you. And all of those are good things." - Matt
"Pride has been raised to the level of a secular virtue."
"It's us plus the 82nd airborne and the 101st who are the real fighters for secularism at the moment."
"Since the UDHR Article 18 defends the freedom to manifest religious observance, the US Supreme Court's stipulation of secular reasons for Sabbath protections violated the right of religion."
"Keep church and state separate to protect the religious and the non-religious."
"I would rather that all of these churches kind of set aside the supernatural stuff right if they could just do the community service stuff and put the supernatural things away that would be awesome."
"Wokeness is an attempt to recreate the dynamics of Christianity without Christ. It's an attempt to reconstruct a kind of Marxist form of Christianity."
"The secular models engage through discussion, debate, and data, not coercion and conversion."
"Everything is a virtue signal because they don't have god, they don't have religion, they don't have faith, so they need some other religious substitute."
"The collective loss of the Christian faith in the West contributes to the embrace of leftist ideals."
"Christianity has been on the decline for decades and now more people are saying there are no religion than Christian."
"Everything is spiritual, nothing is secular."
"We're a secular nation and now... We've sidestepped away from that and make it seem as though this is simply a conversation about murder."
"Secular articulation of everything necessary in religion is possible."
"We live in a mighty age of Science and faithlessness."
"The Society for Ethical Culture aims to promote ethics, social justice, and moral values without relying on religious beliefs."
"Allowing people to practice their religion does not mean that religion controls the government."
"Why are all these secular lost rock groups talking about September and talking about the leaving of the church and talking about how they can't wait to rule in their kingdom?"
"Secularism classically in a Western sense has meant the separation of religion and state."
"It's a slippery slope when you start giving religion special place compared to secular reasons."
"If there is no creator, your rights come from the government."
"Cults aren't necessarily religious in nature. We actually need to separate this idea in our minds that cults are inherently religious or they are religious groups because cults can actually exist in multiple facets of unreligious groups."
"All Americans shall be guaranteed control over our own bodies without being thwarted by religious bias. It's our body."
"Offer a clear positive moral vision of what a secular America will be."
"Separate religious beliefs from the law, and making people have equality."
"I think it's a tiny fraction of people who actually said I'm a kind of atheist materialist now."
"Yeah, you can be like a happy nice person and not have religion or god and it's totally it's freeing it really is just freeing."
"The morality of Christians has time and time again had to catch up to something that looks like secular humanism."
"You cannot take a secular doctrine and combine it with scripture without distorting and perverting the gospel."
"Nobody needs an ark, and the real world story of humanism and humanity remains the one worth telling."
"An ethical life can be lived without reference to the supernatural."
"Non-religious children are more capable of distinguishing fact from fiction than religious children."
"People have been doing moral philosophy without appeal to God for thousands of years."
"There can be a secular non-theistic basis for morality."
"When a culture eliminates God, standards disappear, and society crumbles."
"You don't need a god to be able to be good without God."
"Objective morality can exist, it just doesn't require a prime mover a creator or a designer."
"A secular moral system is superior to everything every religion has ever proposed."
"Your reality-based secular moral foundation is not in any way solved by appealing to a God."
"The secular worldview is built on things like naturalism, that nature is all that there is. There's no supernatural."
"Religion as a source of those values can be one, but certainly, there's no shortage of secular means through which that can be achieved."
"Religion gets its morality from us not the other way around...the most successful societies are those that separate the church from the state...and enforce it by their constitutions."
"The fastest-growing minority...those who checked the box that say none of the above...as people open their daily paper...they see the nightmare of a theocracy going nuclear imminently."
"The four horsemen of the apocalypse: secularism, liberalism, communism, globalism."
"You can't solve problems by appealing to a God."
"Politics is a Christless, godless blank where mentioning Christ's name is not allowed."
"Everything secular and doesn't really have God's true power lets you down in the end."
"In the name of secularism, not in the name of religion, the past two centuries has there's been more blood in the name of non-religious ideology than any other religion."
"I think people out there feel like, 'Oh, in a world that is fast secularizing marriage,' which is really to say, diminishing it into a moral and theological corner that doesn't exist."
"Secularism was not promoted by a law or by a constitutional belief; it was promoted by the ethos of the society."
"At its core, it's about hate—hatred for a secular society that in their eyes almost destroyed them."
"A faithful servant of Christ cannot love this present age."
"The government cannot establish any one religion as the governing religion."
"Islam, as one of the Abrahamic faiths, has a greater right than the atheists lobby which has repudiated the whole of the Christian heritage."
"It's about defending science education from religion, highlighting the threat of the import of dogma into our society."
"I don't need religion or God or a belief in the existence of God in order to have the belief that life is valuable."
"I'm completely against this and I'm deeply for secularism."
"The more liberal secularism takes over society, the more marriage becomes a contract and not a covenant."
"Secularism is just the application of liberal principles to religion in the state."
"The secular state guarantees freedom of thought, conscience, and religion."
"We can create a secular community which upholds the values of accountability and honesty."
"When you detach your understanding of morality from a Biblical framework...you shouldn't be surprised when you end up Head Over Heels."
"The science has evolved into a secular pseudo-religion for millions of people in the West."
"I think it's really sad that in our fervent attempt to dismantle religion in the United States we didn't give us anything to replace it by."
"If you are a believer in secular democracy, there is a reason to root for this coup."
"If you don't have God in the public square, the true God, let's say, then you'll have other gods."
"I want to eliminate religious and superstitious thinking."
"Parenting beyond belief yes I said secular parenting I meant parenting gone beyond belief"
"The countries in which identity politics have taken hold with the most Vigor are those which are the most secular."
"Loving Thy Neighbor not being predicated on an unembodied mind's words."
"They want a secular society that doesn't believe in biblical principles."
"The secular community is still winning. The world is becoming more secular."
"Diminish it over time then long term yes it will diminish the power of religions over us."
"I want to treat all beliefs with an equal amount of respect i don't want to afford religious beliefs any special privileges."
"It's either God's word or man's world. Where are you putting your ultimate authority into?"
"In the secular public schools of today, you're not allowed to teach religion."
"When we stop debating over gods and what they want us to do, we can begin to do a much better job of debating the real issues."
"Maybe we needed this time to realize the limits of our secularism."
"I just happen to think that those reasonable thinkers will not be religious..."
"It's a deception. What do you think in the schools now they're no longer talk about the scripture they no longer talk about the word you can't find the Ten Commandments in most schools they teach evolution and they teach it as fact."
"We want a separation between religion and government."
"Our nation was founded as a secular government where every religious belief or practice can be treated equally."
"It's degrading to imply we're not able to know right from wrong without supernatural guidance."
"I don't believe it's true that without religion we wouldn't know right from wrong."
"Living life not expecting a bonus afterlife makes every moment in this life more precious."
"We've removed God and replaced Him with government, abandoning faith for worldly solutions."
"Civilization begins where that evil nonsense leaves off."
"We have to advance the time when more and more people will be able to civilize themselves by outgrowing religion."
"The secularists are getting to the point where they've been poking the bear with a short stick."
"Homosexuality is a very difficult issue in most cultures but it gets easier the more secular that culture becomes."
"What people are being told in their secular institutions, they're being lied to."
"The chaos we're living in today is the direct result of secularism."
"Saying Christians shouldn't make theocratic laws is not the same as saying they shouldn't have a place in politics."
"You like to think that one day we will live in a society where religions won't be afforded this privilege."
"They want to try to delete God. They don't want God to exist. These people, not just all on the left, but a lot of people feel like that."
"We need to put God back in our government... when you took God out of our government, just look what happened."
"Should we expect more secularization of the church?"
"A record 60% of Americans say they would be fine voting for an atheist."
"Struggle is about how we contend with and for each other against oppression, in favor of bringing about the end of the world and the beginning of the new one."
"Secularism isn't just for America, secularism isn't just for the West, secularism is critical to everybody so that you don't have religious figures running your government and deciding what your rights and your laws are going to be."
"Religious privilege shouldn't be allowed, particularly when governments exempt churches and not other organizations."
"If we don't have out atheist, secularists actively running for and getting elected to major public offices, I will consider this to have stalled a bit."
"Ultimately we want the secular world to be represented in our society."
"Just because we stopped believing doesn't mean that we've stopped being interested."
"Politicians tend to ignore us, but when there are these many people, arguing for things that seem like common sense, like church-state separation, you know, just keeping religion out of government, it shouldn't be a controversial issue."
"But you can't tell me the depression the kids are experiencing, the pervasive depression isn't connected to the fact that our society becomes more and more secular."
"This country is not a Christian country; it's a secular democracy. One of the British values is freedom of religion."
"Atheists will be vindicated every day as religiosity declines."
"There's more freedom in a secular Iran than in a totalitarian Islamic theocracy."
"The superiority of secular morality is that it has the entirety of the goal is entirely about getting better at getting better and understanding and building on that understanding."
"The world is polarizing between the rational and the faithful, and it's time to break the spell of religion."
"I think politicians should not have any religion."
"A person in a position of power should not be in the business of pushing a religious belief on the people they're in power over."
"They want a world where nobody knows the name of Jesus."
"The incoming freshman class at Harvard has more atheists and agnostics than professed Christians and Jews."
"I submit that it really does and thus that one is morally healthier as well as much more likely to be studying science and reason objectively if one puts religion behind one."
"If your country's value system is based on a more secular ideal rather than the inherent value in every single individual life, then no one is safe."
"Everyone religious or not has faith in a certain worldview... it's just that some worldviews are called religions and some are secular."
"The most dangerous people in the last century were not religious."
"All of this would be better served using a secular search engine."
"The growing political discontent with secularized globalism."
"You don't need supernatural agencies or religions to explain the fact that human beings are capable of good."
"Hooray for secular authorities and secular efforts."
"As godless freethinkers we are an ever-growing opposition."
"There's nothing supernatural involved in this; we are left alone with our own responsibility to think." - Christopher Hitchens
"Freedom from religion is essential for freedom of religion."
"Even secular experts have been raised with Christian assumptions."
"America was in no way founded based on the Christian religion."