
Inspirational Quote Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"Let this not be a good time, let it be a God time."
"Be the change in the world you want to see." - Estonia
"Let's go tell the truth to everybody." - Jank
"We're the greatest country in the world." - Jank
"We're all in this together." - Justice Ginsburg
"No one has it all figured out; we're all figuring it out." - Jay Shetty
"Get your brain right and your mind will follow." - Dr. Mark Hyman
"Truth never damages a cause that is just." - Mahatma Gandhi
"Our lives are what we make of them; that no barriers of race, gender, or physical infirmity can restrain the human spirit." - The President
"You gotta give 'em hope." - Harvey Bernard Milk
"Hope will never be silent." - Harvey Bernard Milk
"Remember, the Force will be with you always."
"My office is ready to hold offenders accountable. Together, in Dr. King's words, let's choose to live together as brothers and sisters and not perish together as fools."
"Challenges remind you that you're stronger and more capable than you give yourself credit for." - Bob Marley
"You'll have bad times but they will always wake you up to the stuff you weren't paying attention to." - Robin Williams
"Elon Musk has a great quote: 'You're paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems you solve.'"
"The only way to know the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible."
"Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, and today's a gift. That's why it's called the present." - Kung Fu Panda
"Made us all out of iron, then he turns up the heat to forge some of us into steel. That's a cool quote, pretty badass."
"Being a blessing I wish I would have found sooner." - Shanti
"Rauschenberg once said that the whole world was his canvas."
"Don't ever forget who you are." - Michelle Williams
"We will change a grain of sand and with it, the whole world." - Jonas
"There's no limit to what you can do when you don't care who gets the credit." - Ronald Reagan
"Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all."
"Give me a long enough lever and I can move the world."
"No road is impassable." - A powerful statement that carries a lot of historical significance.
"A good laugh overcomes more difficulties and dissipates more dark clouds than any other one thing." - Unknown
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw
"Honesty is a universal language." - Shaita White
"Open your mind to what is Yet to Come." - Alexstrasza
"Anything is truly possible if you set your mind to it." - You
"When we invest in ourselves, our glow, our vision of we all shine together. We are Black beyond measure." - Unspecified speaker
"Truth as Buddha has always said, the Sun, the moon, and the truth will always rise."
"When you know better, you do better." - Maya Angelou
"The goal isn't to be fearless, the goal is to learn to fear less." - Tim Ferriss
"Hope plus progress is when I feel the happiest." - Julie
"Why do you fight...sergeant? It's the right thing to do." - Gen. Baron
"The Patriots blood is the seed of freedoms tree." - Thomas Campbell
"It is foolish and wrong to mourn those who died rather we should thank God that such lived." - George S. Patton
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt said that.
"There are far, far better things ahead than the ones you leave behind."
"This turn the tide moment towards greater freedom." - Valerie Durham
"Great collaborations do not come about by accident, they happen for a purpose." - Britt Allcroft
"There is gold everywhere, you just need to train yourself to see it." - Robert Kiyosaki
"In the words of Celine Dion, 'Your Heart Will Go On.'"
"She embodies the spirit of excellence and achievement." - Elise Perry
"Follow your dreams; everybody else is already taken."
"I find that if I just sit down the solution presents itself." - Indiana Jones
"And never forget what you are the rest of the world will not wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you Tyrion Lannister."
"What started as a desperate dream has transformed into something far bigger." - Christopher Raj
"Life is worth living. Find your purpose and fight for it." - Ellie's mother
"You can overcome the darkness inside your heart." - Yugi
"No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create, or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit." - Sol Adams
"We need a leader who can call out the better angels of our country... It's about how generous and principled we can be." - Reed Howard
"Work to improve yourself, not prove yourself." - Joshua Becker
"Ask not what your country can give to you but what you can do to your country."
"Space exploration brings out the best in us. It's inherently optimistic." - Bill Nye
"The world doesn't revolve around you, you have to use your gifts and talents for the betterment of society." - Mia Love
"You have the power to manifest anything you want." - Chloe Taylor
"Together we can be the change we want to see in the world."
"Every single Darkness will be followed by a period of light, and as Dolly Parton said, you can't have a rainbow without a little rain."
"I want to open with a quote from Coretta Scott King, 'If the soul of the nation is to be saved you must become the soul.'"
"Courage is not the lack of fear, it is acting in spite of it." - Mark Twain
"You mustn't be afraid to wish a little bigger, darling."
"There is no king without a queen." - Forrest Whitaker
"You want your sons and daughters to be better than you." - Angela Bassett
"Be the light that you wish to see in the world."
"For all our sakes, do not let the light go out." - Unknown author
"I love that Asgard is not a place, it's a people."
"You become what you think about all day long." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"If you cannot find something to give, then a good word, a cheerful word, a word of encouragement." - Sheikh
"You have to take the first steps on faith. As Rumi said, 'As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears.'"
"A vow to live up to Ben's words: great power and great responsibility."
"Kindness is free, so sprinkle it everywhere." - Bambolino
"We must consider that we shall be as a city on a hill, the eyes of all peoples are upon us."
"Better keep yourself clean and bright, you are the window through which you must see the world." - George Bernard Shaw
"It's always just been what's going to inspire me to get up early and train hard and live life to the fullest." - Robbie Madison
"America is an idea, it's the most powerful idea in the history of the world."
"If you're genuinely grateful for them... gratitude is a grace you have to be open to it." - Alice McLaughlin
"Life is dear to us... we should be grateful for life." - Shabbir Ali
"Melisandre and Aria echo Syrio Forel: 'What do we say to the god of death?' 'Not today.'"
"Keep getting back up and keep moving forward like Rocky said, that's how we do it."
"Thank you for your service and everyone pay respects to this amazing man who looked his captors in the eye and told them, 'I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me.'"
"Our actions at any given point are either rooted in love or rooted in fear." - Marianne Williamson
"Two roads diverge now, wouldn't I? I took the One Less Traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
"Be the change they want to see in the world."
"The place to be to create a business and life you love." - Marie Forleo
"Make no little plans, they have no magic to stir man's blood, and probably will not themselves be realized. Make big plans, aim high in hope and in work." - Daniel Burnham
"One of our favorite quotes is this one by Daniel Burnham: 'Make no little plans, they have no magic to stir man's blood and probably will not themselves be realized. Make big plans, aim high in hope and in work.'" - David Butler
"God's got a plan your eyes have not seen nor has your ears heard or has it entered into your mind the things that God has prepared for you."
"There's always light at the end of the tunnel, and there's positive changes coming your way."
"Everything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso
"Challenges are just opportunities to prove how strong you are." - Aaron, debt-free hero
"You know what Walt Disney said? He said laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever."
"Tough is about courage. Roosevelt: 'Courage is not having the strength to go on. It is going on when you don't have the strength.'"
"Bravery is not in the absence of fear it's in doing what you have to do in the presence of immense fear."
"Nothing in the world is more powerful than a good story."
"Do not pray for easy lives my friends, pray to be stronger men." - John F Kennedy
"Imagination lays the tracks for the reality train to follow." - Caroline Casey
"Some guys just love the game." - Andre Iguodala
"If you will endeavor to live the life you have imagined... you will meet with success unexpected in common hours."
"A burden he don't carry is a quote that needs to be heard around the world."
"Everything you want is on the other side of fear." - Jack Canfield
"Earned dividends are outward manifestations of inward grace." - Doug Casey
"Confidence is essential. Confidence is not arrogance. Confidence is believing in yourself." - GZ
"Alfred's line about 'if you're gonna go grab the bull by the horns, don't wave the red cape' was great."
"Remember Theodore Roosevelt's words: 'It is not the critic who counts.'"
"Nothing is impossible if the word itself says 'I'm possible'."
"A song is not a song until you sing it. Love in your heart is not put there to stay. Love is not love until you give it away."
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed citizens can change the world." - Mary Richards, The Mary Tyler Moore Show
"Things are only impossible until they're not just like Captain Bard said."
"No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come."
"Some things are worth dying for." - Kristen French
"You can be your best self and find your people." - Vanessa Van Edwards
"I believe that aging is a privilege, not everybody gets to do it."
"Life is measured in Achievements, not in years alone." - Bruce McLaren
"Give people light and they will find a way. Give people light. Those are words of our time."
"All progress depending on the unreasonable man." - George Bernard Shaw
"Greatness has to do what he or she who uses their success for something bigger than them. Service to others. Service to the least of these." - Cornel West
"Deliverance will come from some other place but you were born for such a time as this."
"I think if you give people the chance to rise up and show who they are what they can do they will do amazing things." - Charles Hoskinson
"Don't stop believin'—it's a prophetic message for three generations."
"A grateful heart is a beginning of greatness."
"If I be lifted up from the Earth, I will draw all men unto me."
"In transforming culture so that it supports life, women occupy a place in thought and action which is unique and decisive." - Pope Saint John Paul II
"Embrace your inner weird. What makes you weird makes you wonderful." - James Victoria
"Whenever you're creating beauty around you, you're restoring your own soul." - George Orwell
"Love conquers all, the truth of that statement cannot be understated."
"It's nice to shine a positive light sometimes." - Nick P
"You must fight others but through peace and through dialogue and through education." - Malala Yousafzai
"The Martin Luther King idea... is actually still a really important ideal."
"Nothing is impossible the word itself is I'm possible."
"Nothing's falling apart, everything's falling into place." - Jan Markell
"History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination on the soul."
"The key to success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." - Churchill
"The only thing between you and everything you've ever dreamed of is going out there and doing it." - Casey Neistat
"To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains but to live in such a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." - Nelson Mandela
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
"Talent is doing easily what others find difficult genius is doing easily what others find impossible"
"Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you know."
"There's that great quote that the only way to predict the future is to create it."
"If you truly love nature, you will find Beauty everywhere." - Vincent van Gogh
"We either all learn to live together as brothers and sisters and we all perish together as fools." - Mario Van Peebles
"You have to be the change that you wish to see in the world."
"Sometimes the greatest gifts are the most unexpected and something you never realize you wanted until it's given. Thank God." - Mark Hamill
"At the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: 'He must have faith.'"
"The impossible is possible. All you gotta do is make it so. Yeah, thanks, Kaito."
"There's only one race, it's the human race." - Jane Elliott
"Anything the mind can imagine, it can most assuredly be done."
"With the hammer of the one percent, let us emerge shining and strong as human beings." - Dr. Vandana Shiva
"You were born to shine bright like a diamond."
"Things are not falling apart, they're falling in place." - Jesse Duplantis
"Winston Churchill: 'When you're going through hell, just keep going.'"
"There's a guarantee connected to my word. There's some insurance connected to my word. There is no maybe, there is no probably, there is no 'it shall accomplish what I please' and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." - Isaiah 55:11
"Hope is the North Star. Let it guide you." - Kevin Eubanks
"Nigeria is a weapon fashioned against us, and I think there is a prayer, a kind of a counter that is, you know, counter statement that says no weapon fashioned against us shall prosper."
"We were the ones that everyone's been waiting for."
"One of my biggest sports heroes, Kobe Bryant, said, 'I just want to inspire people to be their greatest, whatever their greatest is'."
"Cresselia: light shines brightest in the dark."
"At the end, Steve says 'I can save today, you can save the world' and that was a great line."
"People will stare. Make it worth their while. - Tom Ford."
"Humility will win the day it will drive you to your knees as Lincoln once said for I have nowhere else to go."
"Be the change that you'd like to see in the world."
"Follow me," those words changed the course of history.
"Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine."
"Ask not what this country can do for you, what you can do for the country."
"I really love that quote and I think it applies to many phases of our lives."
"If he fails, at least fails while daring greatly."
"Discovering your purpose... these are the last words of David."
"The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die."
"It's time to think in a different way, like Einstein said."
"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, something you remember to turn out the light."
"The best drivers focus only on the present, never dwelling on the past, never committing to the future." - Garth Stein
"The greatest thing you will ever learn is to just love and be loved in return."
"The world is yet to see what God can do with a man who is fully consecrated to him."
"Love is all you need. Love is all around."
"...there were plenty of other ways to help people, just like All Might had said."
"When it rains, look for rainbows; and then inside it says where it's dark, look for stars."
"The art washes away the dust of everyday life."