
Financial Fraud Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"This is worse than Theranos, this is worse than Madoff."
"Tonight he's in jail in the Bahamas facing U.S. charges in what a federal prosecutor calls one of the biggest financial frauds in American history."
"He obliterated charities, retirement funds, investments, no one was safe, and yet he got away with this for years."
"He gets shut down completely, and he shifts to a Ponzi scheme."
"If it's proven that Evergrande has fabricated its accounts by $78 billion, it would make Evergrande the largest fraud in the history of all financial frauds."
"Ponzinomics...a made-up term combining the term Ponzi, which is a form of fraud robbing Peter to pay Paul, with economics."
"Team, we all nailed this one. You all did an incredible job making this happen."
"It's like the biggest Financial scam in human history one of if not the most the biggest."
"Nothing to do with collusion. This is financial fraud, garden variety financial fraud."
"Using a charity like saving the kids and then... running a standard pump and dump is not only disgusting but it actually makes me sick to my [expletive] stomach."
"Let’s remember that Bernie Madoff 'The King of the Ponzi Schemers' only promised 12% annual returns."
"Basically the reason that people who defraud investors tend to get more serious jail time and tend to go to jail for those crimes because the american system really relies on people investing in companies."
"Ponzi schemes are responsible for some of the biggest frauds in history and have duped those taken in by them out of literally hundreds of billions of dollars."
"So I'll provide a couple interesting stories first and then I'll give you my perspective on the psychological tricks and the strategies these scammers use to manipulate people to send them money."
"Once the victim has emotionally bought into the scam, then the scammers can begin what I call the compliance ladder of sending money."
"OneCoin was revealed to be one big con, with Ruja disappearing into thin air."
"That's why we need to learn what the bankers have learned: the recipe for the best way to rob a bank, so that we can stop that recipe."
"Melissa Caddick disappeared without a trace along with 20 million dollars of money belonging to her investors."
"This wasn't just... they got paid... these valuations were so extreme that they went from these subjective okay it's mushy to it's absolutely fraudulently criminal."
"The most common victim of financial fraud is not elderly people but regular people who don't have the time or resources to vet every offer."
"I just stole their credit card info, so not a total loss."
"Charles Ponzi was an Italian con artist and swindler who worked in the United States and Canada."
"Don Bennett, a financial counselor, has been accused of conducting a 20 million dollar Ponzi scam."
"So based on that kind of pattern as well as you know the accounting firm abandoning him and other statements by the attorney general my guess is there's financial fraud going on at the organization."
"Even pleading guilty to fraud and insider trading, Huang was still seen as somebody who could make them buckets of cash."
"This is all a game to them for money laundering."
"But who are these cruel scammers and just how much money do they make from these scams?"
"Just because you paid back the money doesn't mean there's not a fraud here."
"Cardone Grant Cardone has been caught on recordings collected by the FBI intentionally altering to mislead and just making up numbers in the prospectuses that he sends to his investors for these various investments."
"It's actually fraud right and the reason why people do that is because they want to get past that down payment portion."
"He was running a Ponzi scheme with client money. So, he wasn't doing the Ponzi scheme in the essence that he's having people invest with him, but what would happen is money would come in for his clients and he'd spend it."
"This summer an AP analysis found that fraudsters potentially stole more than $280 billion dollars in pandemic relief funding."
"By August Victor owed investors approximately 19 million dollars."
"SCBI exposes the co-location scam, shedding light on market manipulation."
"Betty hit national spotlight for her role in an insurance scam which robbed the town of $12 million in funds."
"Gregor MacGregor was a master of deception and an expert at conning people out of their money."
"You're destroying a you might prison for it you're admitting to scamming you know half a million dollars from your audience."
"Now, this is the Smoking Gun undeniable proof of fraudulent fake trading."
"The fraud is so immense and the damage is indescribable. It literally is a humanitarian catastrophe."
"Stephen Clenshaw was sentenced to five years in prison on the 19th of January 2009 after he callously duped almost half a million pounds from his prey."
"My plan is to go through every single transaction and just claim that it's fraud."
"Some people steal money with guns, some people steal money with lies."
"A charismatic lead person... seen as being a bit of a legend."
"His scam ruined many lives and dreams, showing how much damage financial fraud can cause, yet even in the mess he created, bla misa's story teaches an important lesson about being careful with our ambitions and not falling for easy promises of wealth."
"Financial fraud is only two things: lying about what you owe and lying about what you earn."
"You know it really doesn't make sense as a society to have it be possible to just steal the life savings of a load of people because they didn't really know any better and you were a really good salesman. Which is what happened a lot and and BC was founded to sort of stop that."
"Just because someone is making money within the scam does not mean it's not a scam. It means the scam is working."
"These defendants cooked the books, enriched themselves, preserved their jobs, and duped unsuspecting shareholders."
"Frauds like these have scammed tens of billions of dollars out of individual investors and institutional investors alike."