
Financial Impact Quotes

There are 716 quotes

"The real losses came from those who didn't have millions to lose."
"Natural disaster could have major repercussions for our financial system."
"It cost Boeing six aircraft, which, being conservative with the pricing, cost roughly $90 million each. That's a minimum of $540 million paid back in insurance, all because of some basic failed maintenance."
"Texaco was ultimately ordered to pay some $4.8 million, about $150 million adjusted for inflation, for the damage they caused."
"Minimalism has a massive impact on how you use money."
"Magic: The Gathering made the board gaming hobby financially feasible."
"The difference in your life that twenty thousand dollars makes when you're making twenty thousand is much bigger than if you're making a hundred thousand and go to 120 thousand."
"The impact of this decision on our financial results will be negligible."
"The books that you don't read will cost you money."
"When you get through going through all of the emotional rigamarole... you discover that you are broken and you have been compromised emotionally, financially, spiritually."
"I proceeded to promptly blow up the truck - and I assumed I would get to just try again...but no: instead, the mission completed, and gave me my reward: Minus 1.4k for ammunition, minus 4.4k for repairs and minus 200 credits in compensation for that poor civilian's car I crushed in the heat of battle."
"He was an honest man, and well-off as things were reckoned in Bree; but thirty silver pennies was a sore blow to him."
"Civil asset forfeiture is also the government stealing more than criminals, hardened criminals, from anybody and everybody in the state of Georgia."
"We raised about 40 million dollars and helped countless businesses."
"If cyber War were to really kick off it'd be worse than you realize Cyber attack continues to plague Montana pharmacies hackers behind the change Healthcare ransomware received a $22 million payment."
"Americans paying more and more for everything with each passing month. No, this is more than transitory inflation."
"This incredible earnings report caused the stock to surge 18."
"Making over $500 from selling website templates—life-changing."
"Rising mortgage rates will mean higher payments in the short term."
"The ATI acquisition resulted in AMD experiencing a financial loss in 2007 equal to over half of their revenue."
"The National Association of Realtors made the decision to settle for $418 million."
"Kris' newfound fortune truly showcases the power of TikTok."
"The Rockefeller Foundation has given countless billions of dollars in total."
"It's not like a small incremental change; it's like that gap closes and when that day comes, it's an amazing thing for the gross margin."
"We boycotted Bud Light we took 27 billion dollars off the market cap of the world's biggest beer company."
"Is it possible that the loss of deposits by consumers at the Silicon Valley Bank could affect the entire sector?"
"Remember earlier when I mentioned that ftmo said that a Trader risking to use 140 Lots could serve them serious Financial damage?"
"Higher student loans means people have to put off saving and investing, which not only affects our lives, but the lives of future generations."
"This is a wealth transfer of 12% of the economy in just two months. Twelve percent of the annual GDP has been redistributed from the average person to the financial sector."
"A report shows the lack of financial literacy costs 15 percent of adults at least ten thousand dollars in 2022."
"There's a huge burden here. We're hemorrhaging money into our healthcare system to manage these diseases and that could bankrupt us."
"How would that change your life if you could make an extra $10,000 profit per month?"
"The only way I see change happening is by hitting them in the pocket."
"Money pulled into the sport in the UK over the last 20 years has completely revolutionized cycling."
"With the solar glass roof ramping towards 1,000 units per week that alone could make Tesla billions of dollars."
"It's enough to change the life of myself and my family."
"So even if I get a... A few percent cost savings on it. That's huge."
"Any income to the women's game right now is huge."
"The woke cult thought it'd make them money, then they got broke."
"Money spent does not in any way, shape or form factor into matchmaking."
"If you really believe six hundred dollars is gonna change your life you're an idiot."
"It costs me billions of dollars to be President and especially with all the money I could have made for the last three, four years and I didn't because I was being President."
"Hit him where it hurts, which is in the pocketbook."
"This is a 25 million dollar lawsuit to start."
"Like it or not, the accessibility of the content and the ubiquity of the platform has made mobile games a financial juggernaut."
"NFTs are literally saving artists financially."
"This means we've got a multi-layered problem: young people spending money to go and learn nonsense."
"What would a 3.5 trillion dollar anti-poverty plan mean to you?"
"I just think, 'if I didn't do this, this website would still be making a million dollars.'"
"Laziness and entitlement can cost you millions."
"Every month that goes by... there's somebody's home mortgage that is resetting to a higher level."
"What you decide to do with that type of money will literally change your life."
"This is not fake, this is real, it's painful by the way, watch the prices with food."
"She would also put her money where her mouth is. You costed us money. This is a business, this isn't oh haha petty drama, you actually are a free speech advocate."
"The root of the problem is telling kids who have no idea what they want to do with their lives to make the biggest financial decision of their future before they have any real world experience."
"Overnight, we 6x7 extra revenue... just think about that."
"This money is so much more than they were expecting and it will help the entire village."
"The wages are hindering United selling players."
"Inflation cooled last month, slowing its pace in more than two years, giving Americans relief from a painful period of rising prices."
"Wall Street bets want to destroy these hedge funds, figuratively and corporately."
"Enjoy the little things in life, and then there's the trading floor again, enjoy the little things in life, and there's the trading floor."
"It's crazy to see that's how much it costs to drive a $500,000 car for two years."
"The inflation in the United States is between 5 and 8%."
"How in the hell you didn't see this? And speaking of funding, we were able to deliver more than 5 billion last year to HBCUs and more to come this year."
"Pride was the stuff of dreams... tournaments create iconic moments."
"I mean, if I got life-changing money so that like my parents could retire early right because of a gambling sponsor or something, I'll be honest, I think I take it."
"Money definitely changes people in our sense that you're able to like do more it's made me more comfortable as a person."
"Reach received critical acclaim upon release and was an overnight success, generating 200 million dollars in total revenue within 24 hours."
"Destiny is just a massive financial and commercial success and that's not my opinion that is a fact that is unassailable."
"Never give up, you know what I mean? I get heated but I don't get defeated."
"I genuinely think I should have had a better year because of how the market was but I think that better year was taken away because of that time component and that hit I took in March."
"When your business partner gets financially body slammed, that's gonna change a lot of things."
"The only way you're gonna hit them is financially." - Kev
"The Glazers have been sitting back since 2005 when they bought us and they've kind of just, I don't know, how much they would have been affected by this." - Kev
"SEC regs will change cryptocurrency markets."
"Under Joe Biden's economic policies... sixty-five hundred dollars."
"The fall of Lehman Brothers brought the Global Financial system to its knees."
"These pulls represent millions of dollars of packs."
"Up to $30 billion of its unemployment claims could be fraudulent."
"I mean people remember Paul Walker raised interest rates to 20."
"When a bubble forms and eventually pops, you want to know who suffers the most? Workers, employees."
"Good news is we got a 3.5 trillion dollar stimulus package coming out."
"Every treasure is valuable, but what about a find of this magnitude and importance? You're definitely talking six or seven figures."
"It would actually hurt Microsoft's business financially to make Call of Duty exclusive."
"When a game is free-to-play, it's designed to hook you and grasp your wallet."
"If we do have this Global recession and if it is worse than we're expecting... then it could mean really bad news for corporates and households and countries."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but a little extra money gave me a pep in my step."
"Imagine just having another four and a half trillion dollars back in the economy going in directions that actually matter."
"Some clubs got 100 million; Newcastle's got hundreds of millions of pounds."
"Somewhere between 250,000 and half a million dollars is my rough guess."
"Sometimes hitting them in the pockets makes positive changes."
"This kind of harassment... isn't just designed to financially ruin somebody, it's designed to soul." - Jared Monroe
"The level of debt is so huge, small changes in interest rates destroy large amounts of value."
"800,000 traders with leverage got liquidated. Let that sink in for a second."
"Holy [__], you guys spent three thousand dollars on me."
"18% down 18% 18% negligible my butt could they rebound probably sure but with such a backlash that's going on right now it's going to hurt them for a while."
"The best money I've ever spent. It completely changed my life."
"2.4 billion to help resettle Ukrainian refugees into the US is staggering."
"Cars are not cheap... some are so pricey that they'll literally drain your bank account of all of its funds."
"It wound up at almost 19 million by the time all the taxes were paid."
"Memories are awesome, don't get me wrong, but so is two million dollars. It can change your life."
"Microsoft's attempts to purchase Activision Blizzard King for nearly 70 billion dollars... That was going to cause some big ripples indeed."
"The US government injected roughly $4 trillion of stimulus into the economy."
"Brands are leaving huge piles of money on the table by not responding to questions."
"Six billion dollars... would save a whopping 42 million people on the brink of starvation."
"The big career win that you are scoring at the end of the month is having a regenerating effect upon your financial life."
"Women initiate 80% of divorces in the United States in the west in general and 90% alimony is paid from men to women."
"Long term, this is really, really bad for the financial growth and health of North America overall."
"We are experiencing the highest inflation in 40 years. The average American household is suffering under $5,000 reduced purchasing power."
"That's literally probably five figures if you do a two-hour video and get 100K."
"How about crushing a $70,000 truck? Does that make anybody else's stomach hurt?"
"None of this stuff's going away. They're just trying to get your pockets a little empty right now."
"This summer we're on track to experience the worst inflation in 40 years."
"Inflation is costing the average American $717 a month... that is insane, that is dystopian, that is unsustainable."
"Three thousand five hundred dollars is insane."
"Kanye added 1.3 billion dollars in value or more, minimum."
"You could free up over 600 million dollars worth of real estate and the only people negatively affected would be the small crowd of men at this hotel bar."
"He's leaving behind thousand crores on the table."
"It's not often that you see a movie that makes as much money as 'Avatar: The Way of Water' or loses as much money as 'Babylon' for their respective studios."
"One in three families of inmates reported going into debt to pay for phone calls or visitation, which is terrible."
"That's why because if that Ivermectin did treat covid they couldn't get their emergency use authorization and they would have lost that hundred billion dollars."
"That's wild how it's not only so much money up front and then a continued investment, but then also it's just like in such a short time they get you believing all of this stuff."
"Get into the Premier League is worth more than a hundred million pounds per season that's in terms of competition money TV money and with that opportunity there it's a great opportunity to just scale up our facilities."
"People let things slide up until it affects their pocketbook."
"I think at least in the short term this free-to-play model has definitely been a huge help for Bioware and EA."
"It has to get to the point where it's affecting them negatively enough to notice money wise for them to care."
"Kids experience a lot of pressure at a pretty young age."
"Deion Sanders wasn't just a coach, he's an internationally recognized brand that will bring hundreds of millions of dollars into the school."
"Each one of these major bear markets have wiped out a generation of investors."
"We are resetting the wealth stored in these hard-working families to zero."
"Billions of dollars can be lost over a single tweet."
"The more chance they have at emptying my own pockets, the pot at the end will always be put towards the creator's charity of choice, so even though I'll burn a bridge, we still end with wholesomeness."
"22 billion could literally eradicate all poverty in the United States."
"Pokemon alone had generated 140 million dollars in revenue for the company."
"If we stop being the world Reserve currency every single person in America gets significantly poor overnight."
"Notifications can seem a bit overwhelming unless they're signaling you're getting money in your pocket."
"When family members over 50 take on unpaid caregiving roles, they'll lose on average over $300,000 in Lost income and benefits."
"Jack Ma's reappearance has driven a sharp jump in Alibaba's shares."
"Once you affect them in the pockets, these are people that didn't have really tough lives. Now they're being affected by the cost of energy to the point where they have a problem with what's going on."
"This isn't about a bull market. This changes things forever."
"He has won billion dollar, billion with a B, billion dollar lawsuits."
"BEC's are the number one most costly form of cybercrime in the US."
"If you want to ignore your customer base or your fan base, you're gonna lose money."
"If something cost me 50 million dollars, I'd be pretty upset, I'd be pretty upset."
"Jonathan Vargas was age 19 when he won the Powerball jackpot in 2008 totaling a mass of 35.3 million dollars."
"It's messing with his money, lifestyle, his family. That's the ultimate motivator."
"Old Trafford has been destroyed by the Glazers, right?"
"He is going to whack Donald Trump and the organization for hundreds of millions of dollars and do major maybe existential damage to their businesses."
"Your body is expensive. If you don't take care of it, it's going to be expensive."
"If we do not mitigate climate change, it will be exceptionally challenging to provide financial returns."
"The XRP Community Fund aims to boost the adoption and development of the XRP ecosystem."
"Interest rates, which affect the cost of borrowing for credit cards and mortgages, are now set to hover between 2% and 2.25 percent."
"Real-time payments: moving money quicker could increase GDP, and that's obviously a good thing."
"Marcus Aurelius being the man that he was funded ceremonial funerals across the board though this notably helped to wipe out the imperial treasury."
"The problem is the lag and I think they're beginning to see that right now but there'll still be a lot of pain ahead because the damage is already done from the hikes that they've done."
"A massive tsunami of debt has engulfed the planet."
"If the Glazers get the money from an American investment from undoes their friends we're screwed for the next 20 years."
"You get an enormous stimulus to the economy."
"Thank you to Alex Jones for making the Legacy Media afraid of losing money."
"Analysts are already predicting a billion dollars in the first week of sales."
"We launched it, and we made 3.3 million off Kickstarter, and it changed Kickstarter Games for a while."
"The sanctions against Russia can be grouped into three categories. The most notable is the financial sanctions which are considered to be at nuclear grade."
"A one to three percent allocation right now could push bitcoin's price up 700,000 from where we are today."
"We are in a moment where so much money has been printed in such a short period of time."
"Deadlines in law can be super important; you can actually have it so that on like Thursday you might have a case that is a virtual certainty to win and will bring your client millions of dollars and on Friday your client has no case."
"The nerd that Humongous Entertainment beat up all the jocks at EA. They went over to their lunch table and they flipped over their milk. Hell yeah!"
"They stopped this meant they lost the rental income."
"100 billion US dollar is the foreign inflow for us from remittances."
"We have seen countries become dependent on their creditors."
"Lots of money is at stake. In 2020, the total amount of ransom paid by the victims reached nearly 350 million dollars worth of cryptocurrency."
"Overall, I would have more fun because of the money than without the money."
"Ten million is f*ck all, it's not even a slap on the wrist."
"By 2010, the entire Terminator franchise, including the film spin-offs, shows, games, and merchandise, generated roughly 3 billion dollars in revenue."
"A rich man will change a broke woman's life, but a broke woman will never look the way of a poor man."
"Your kids will not grow up in the same environment that you grew up in. They won't face the same type of challenges and your financial situation will make their lives easier."
"Madoff had a direct impact on the quality of the players signed, which had a direct impact on the quality of the overall roster."
"Sickness should not be a cause of financial ruin."
"Well for a less than two billion dollar company that is backed holdings to partner with a 356 billion dollar company mastercard this is a really big deal."
"It turns out to be a pretty expensive kiss, doesn't it?" - David Ghantt
"Bitcoin will directly affect stable currencies and the banks."
"Wow, that is a staggering sum, I think if you had told people on December 31st, markets would lose 25 trillion dollars in the next five months, nobody, nobody would have believed that."
"Good on them for realizing this isn't the guy. He's not the one. We're losing money in stock, we're losing this."
"I think the way to hurt the Glazers is in the pocket."
"Even having a product, a simple product that you're selling, you're making $10,000 a month from that. That's pretty great for you to make a couple thousand passive income that can change a lot of people's lives."
"These sets are going to be a rough hit for your wallets, but they look pretty awesome."
"The rise in the stock market is making a difference."
"If you have bad credit, then that can actually affect your ability to work in some industries."
"Influencer marketing fraud will cause brands 1.3 billion in 2019."
"Federal law dubbed the No Surprises Act went into effect earlier this year providing consumer protections against that practice."
"The inability to make good decisions in relationships is a surefire pathway to be broke."
"Cryptocurrency is coming up up and up every single year, year over year. It is changing lives around the world."
"Up $1,000 a month in your hands would be a game-changer for millions of families right here in the state."
"If the Supreme Court says yes, it's huge because it affects all presidents going forward and it would almost certainly bankrupt Donald Trump."
"Placing a bad tenant is terrible and will cost you way more than keeping a place vacant for a month or two."
"Imagine that, all the Independent Grocers working with razor-thin margins already are probably just going to call it quits and file for a wave of bankruptcies."
"Stranded planes, bombed-out buildings and
unrecoverable debts - all brought about by
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could end up costing
investors billions of dollars."
"The global market for specialist insurance,
with Lloyd’s of London at its center, is already
pricing in a hit."
"We threw so much money at this system there's still lingering effects from that but it's going away so fast." - Mike McGloan
"Buying bitcoin is good for publicity. Buying bitcoin is also good for quarterly earnings."
"Just a reminder: these are college professors. It'll cost you potentially six figures to get your kid indoctrinated by these buffoons."